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Unit1: Research Do a research = conduct a research = undertake a research

I. A way of thinking

-Truly speaking, people have different ideas so when they speak out also different with many supports because they do a research.
II. Applications of research -Narrow down from the broad topic to the small topic. III. Definitions of research -Finding the answers to a doubtful question with many of reasonable, acceptable, and clear supports by hypothesis. IV. Characteristics of research -To undertake the research we need to know some points: + Controlled: make sure your research can reach your ability to do as to do a controllable research. EX: you study English, so you cant research about the medicine because beyond your ability to conduct research. + Rigorous: you have to explain clearly and provide enough supports base on science. + Systematic: make sure your idea in order. + Valid and verifiable: set your supports which everybody can accept. + Empirical: use the real evident to support your topic. + Critical: Use your thinking and conclusion that your topic corrected.

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