Ly Sokneang: Humanitarian Organization in Cambodia by Expats Humanitarian Organization in Cambodia by Expats

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H Hu um ma an n ii t ta ar r ii a an n o or rg ga an n ii z za at t ii o on n ii n n C a m b o d i a b y E x p a t s C e r t i f i c a t e o f A p p r e c i a t i o n Cambodia by Expats

Certificate of Appreciation Certificate of Appreciation

This certificate is awarded to T Th hi is s c ce er rt ti if fi ic ca at te e i is s a aw wa ar rd de ed d t to o
Name of Recipient

Ly Sokneang
Khom Chenda
in recognition of valuable contributions to

in recognition of valuable contributions to


in recognition of valuable contributions to


Seen and checked by Manager Ly Ratanak


Taught by CHY SOKNA December,2012


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