Grammar Test

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Grammar test.

A. Complete the sentence with am, is, are. 1. He student 2. I teacher. 3. They my friends 4. My sister. Headmaster. 5. He. My boyfriend. 6. You beautiful. 7. She. Not ugly. 8. He handsome. 9. Tara smart. 10. Bobi. Good friend. B. Complete the sentence with go, goes. 1. I. to school by foot. 2. She. To Bandung by plane. 3. They.. to their village by bus. 4. He to Kalimantan by ferry. 5. Aditya.. to market by motorcycle. 6. Salsa. To office by bicycle. 7. Joni. To Padang by bus. 8. My father . To by car. 9. You. To Singapore by yacht. 10. We. To Jakarta by plane. C. Arrange the words to good sentences. 1. She-buy-empek empek-will. 2. Will-you-to-school-go. 3. My- will-take-sister-mango. 4. You-swim-will. 5. Will-I-to-Bandung-go. D. Write the questions. 1. She can sing. 2. She can play guitar. 3. They can play badminton. 4. You cant swim. 5. Doni can climb. 6. I can dance. 7. We cant write. 8. They cant jump. 9. He can run. 10. It can fly. E. Complete the sentence with a, an, some. 1. I buy.. apple. 2. She writes.. song. 3. They eat.. tofus. 4. You take. Orange. 5. He put. Pizzas. F. Write your own sentence by using like, and likes. G. Write your own sentences by using dont like and doesnt like.

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