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From The New York Times Health Guide Directions: Read the following article and make 4 annotations.
Origin/Causes AIDS is the sixth leading cause of death among people ages 25-44 in the United States, down from number one in 1995. Around 37 million adults and 2.5 million children around the world are living with HIV/AIDS. In 1981, the first cases of AIDS were identified in the United States, although scientists have since found evidence that the disease existed in the world as early as 1959. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes AIDS. The virus attacks fighter cells also known as T cells in the blood that help the body fight off germs and diseases. This leaves the body open to life-threatening infections and cancers. The virus can be spread (transmitted): Through sexual contact Through bloodsharing needles or syringes From mother to childa pregnant woman can transmit the virus to her fetus through their shared blood circulation

People at the highest risk for getting HIV are injection drug users, infants born to mothers with HIV who didnt receive treatment, and people engaging in unprotected sex. Symptoms AIDS begins with HIV infection. People who are infected with HIV may have no symptoms for 10 years or longer, but they can still spread the infection to others during this period. Almost all people infected with HIV, if they are not treated, will develop AIDS. Common symptoms of AIDS include weight loss, fevers that come and go, infections in the mouth, diarrhea, and a strange sense of tiredness. Eventually, the virus can affect all of the bodys organs, including the brain, making it hard for the person to think and remember things.

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