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7th Grade Girls Campaign

(Reduce, reuse and recycle) 7th grade girls (Regina Leal, Natalia Cantu, Barbara Carrillo and Maria Resendez) are starting a very fun reduce, reuse and recycling campaign to promote ideas to keep our environment clean. You can use the techniques the girls are promoting in your daily life and it will help the environment. Everybody can help them by using these ideas and its easy. Their goal is to have a cleaner environment; we can all make a change. The girls made statements in which they mention that the environment that we all live in now is in danger. There is too much trash and pollution, and this is damaging the Earth we live on. The trash that is thrown out is affecting the habitats were animals live and this is killing them. The water that is wasted is affecting many people by decreasing their opportunities of drinking water; this is killing over 5,000 people per day. Approximately 46% of the water is polluted and it affects us all. In 1992 Mexico was considered the most air-polluted country in the planet. There were over 3.5 million vehicles on the streets. There are many ideas for this problem that is now affecting many other countries. One of these ideas that the girls had is using bicycles instead of cars or having car pools so this problem decreases. As they mentioned everyone could help them by using their ideas have: reusing water bottles. You just need to wash them and use them again. You can reuse plastic bags too when they give you one in the supermarket you can use them again as trash bags. You can reuse paper using both sides of it. You can reuse things and change them into something fun for example a light bulb. You can make it a flower base. You can all make something creative and fun to help the environment and the planet we all live in before its too late.

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