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Gorgeous Geek Chapter XXVII: Broken Friendship

Chapter XXVII: Broken Friendship

Jin... Jennifer and Eunice surrounded Tiffany who was lost in her own thoughts. Her lips was curled into a frown and her eyes was sad. The two didn't want to say anything because Tiffany didn't look like she wanted to talk to them right now. Carefully, the two girls escaped the gloomy atmosphere around Tiffany. Why... said Tiffany, frustrated. She curled her fists. I can trust you can I? You didn't join the Populars to become popular. You didn't change your way of dress to become popular either. You are still the genuine Jin I know, Tiffany held up her cell phone with the Winnie the Pooh charm dangling. Right? ********************************** What did you get on your SAT's? asked Rin suspiciously at Kristian, who was placing his music folder on the shelf in the storage. And did you take your SAT II's yet? Are you planning to take your ACT's? Slow down, Rin-chan, said Kristian, smirking at her. Why bring this up? You're my rival, said Rin in declaration. Kristian gave her 'not this again' face. I am planning to take my SAT in October so I need a score to tie or beat. Fine, let me remember, said Kristian, closing his eyes and licking his lips. Mr. Chavez said I got a 2380 on my SAT which I think is uncool because I was tired and sleepy that day and didn't try very hard. I hate you, said Rin, pouting. Did you already register? I did. Kristian beamed. I'll register to take it again with you. Which high school? You scored a 2380, said Rin in disbelief. Why would you take it again?

That's what Mr. Chavez said, said Kristian, frowning. I want to score a perfect. I want to tell those higher ups in the stupid collegeboard 'fuck you'. Look at what this C-student can do on a standardized test. Did I tell you that I hate those types of test? Nope, said Rin blankly. I do. The high school exit exam is a joke. I remember, said Rin, narrowing her eyes at Kristian. Weren't you the one who made up some intricate signal system to tell everyone in the room the answers to the high school exit exam? You knew about that? asked Kristian, standing up straight proudly. You told Tiffany who spread it to the rest of us, said Rin, rolling her eyes. I still remember how hard it was to ignore you and your obvious ways of giving away the answers. I guess it wasn't obvious enough for the teachers to notice though. That was fun, said Kristian, placing his hand on Rin's shoulder. You really want to beat my score on the SAT's? Good luck, Rin-chan! Should I purposely go to the test tired to give you an edge over me? Rin turned red out of anger. You better not! I want a fair match! Life's not fair, said Kristian instantly. Anyways, said Rin, checking her watch. We only have a few more minutes before the warning bell. How about we stop by my locker on the way to class? Sure, said Kristian, shrugging. Nothing else to do around here. After Kristian helped Rin place her stands and instrument in their respective places, he picked up her books and backpack and left the room ahead of her. She was the last one to leave so she ended up having to make sure the doors were locked. Outside, Rin was about to run up to Kristian and ask him how he thought of the SAT when she met the eyes of a blonde boy she didn't want to see this early in the morning. What's up Jordan? asked Kristian, exchanging a quick greeting with Jordan who seemed to be waiting outside the band room. You're so nice. This is the first time you ever waited for me like this. I love you. What is this? asked Rin, rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Love you too man, but, said Jordan, glancing at Rin. I'm here to see Nerd.

My name is not Nerd, said Rin bitterly, hardening her eyes. You're here to see her? asked Kristian in disbelief. With his tone of voice, Kristian made Rin sound like an unwanted object. Jordan, did you hit your head this morning? Wait a second. You're not usually here at school by this time. What the hell? The warning bell will ring soon, said Jordan, moving aside for Rin to squeeze in between him and Kristian. Let's walk and talk, okay Kristian? Nerd? Brainless, said Rin, not taking her nickname lightly. What do you want to talk to Rin-chan about? asked Kristian curiously, eying Jordan warily. To Kristian, he found Jordan almost threatening with his boyish good looks. In the back of Kristian's head, he told himself that Jordan couldn't possibly be interested in Rin. Then again, to everyone else, he, Kristian Shiratori, didn't seem like the type to like Rin either. Yet, here he was right now as Rin's boyfriend. Kristian didn't want to be the type of jealous boyfriend, but he didn't want to stand around and watch flirting in front of his eyes either. He had seen it done too many times for comfort. There's one thing that's been eating me up inside, said Jordan slowly, trying to choose his words carefully. I know I shouldn't tell you this at all, Nerd, but you have the right to know. Spit it out, said Rin bluntly. I can't stand the suspense. I am not Jin's new best friend, said Jordan in a calm, steady voice. Jordan lowered his eyes. I am not trying to take your position as Jin's best friend. I have no right to do so after the past two years. Rin and Kristian glanced at each other. To Jin, you will always be his most important friend, Nerd. No one can replace that. Even if Jin left your group, he still considers you his dearest friend. Nothing has changed except where he hangs out. Why are you telling me this? asked Rin under her breath. Because, said Jordan in a lower tone than before. He touched the necklace around his neck. Jin is not happy. At Jordan's words, Rin gaped at him. What do you mean? I saw him yesterday! He was perfectly fine! He was sitting there and playing his game like always! How can he possibly be happy without his best friend? asked Jordan, raising his voice now in amazement.

You are his best friend now, said Rin, angry. He has made his choice. How can you be so blind? asked Jordan, gripping Rin by the shoulders now. Kristian kept his eyes on Jordan to make sure the white boy didn't hurt Rin. You are his best friend. You know him better than anyone else. Do you think he can possibly leave you for popularity? Friendship means more to him than that. He's not like me. Let's say I believe you... said Rin, keeping her eyes to the ground. Jordan's last sentence got to her. What do you suppose I should do now? Jordan covered his eyes with his right hand. Be friends again. Friends... said Rin, thinking about it. At last, Kristian removed Jordan from Rin smoothly and smiled. Jordan, Rin-chan needs to think about this for a bit. Wait, said Rin, looking up at Jordan before he went on ahead to class. Why would you of all people try to help us? You're Jordan Greene, the most popular boy in school. We're the nerds and the geeks of the school. I don't understand. Smiling weakly, Jordan answered, Because I wasn't always popular. Accepting this, Rin went on with Kristian and Jordan on either of her side. People stared but she ignored them. The three of them entered the same classroom at the same time. Much to their surprise, everyone was busy in the back of the room. No one was in their seats. Rin checked the clock. They only had five minutes left before the bell rang. Pushing past the crowd, Rin noticed that everyone was chatting to Jin at once, who smiled sweetly and talked back to everyone merrily. You liar, said Rin, turning around and kicking Jordan right in the knee. Jordan stumbled and fell to the ground. Kristian tried to help the white boy up. This is the last time I'll ever believe what you say again, Mr. Brainless! What a kick, said Kristian in awe as Rin stomped back to her seat. Jordan, you okay? Stupid Nerd, said Jordan under his breath. Oxymoron? asked Kristian with a smirk. Intended, said Jordan, forcing himself to stand back up. You know what that means? asked Kristian suspiciously. Jordan flushed and shook his head. No, nothing. I'm sitting down.

Interesting... said Kristian, watching Jordan sit down and dodge a flying pen from Rin across the table. There's something about Jordan... Hey Jin! Kristian waved as people moved over for him to come over. Wow! Where did you get that outfit? I always had it, said Jin, blinking. He wasn't lying. Cool, said Kristian, amused. Very cool. Right after Kristian went away, the crowd dispersed from Jin. However, it wasn't because they had one minute left before the bell rang. It was because Vance just walked in and sat down next to Jin and no one wanted to be near Vance. The bell rang and Vance took out his books, eying Jin now. Who are you? asked Vance in a low voice. Shut up, said Jin, annoyed at Vance. Vance shrugged. No. Seriously. I want to change my look okay? asked Jin, also removing his binders and books from his backpack in preparation for class. Heh, said Vance, nearly smirking. How about you try to act less stupid? That is a lot more useful. Vance... said Jin through gritted teeth. The pale boy took out a ball-pointed pen. People are so amusing... The entire first period was a lecture which meant that Jordan was automatically asleep and Kristian was busy fumbling around with anything he could grab, including Rin's shirt. Every time Mr. Sanchez turned around, Kristian pretended to dislike Rin's presence next to him, in which the teacher gave Rin an approving look. Although Rin didn't want to lie to her teacher like this, she thought it was better kept this way. I am at the worst table ever, said Rin, drawing a sketch on the corner of her notebook paper. That's mean, said Kristian, laying his head down to copy Jordan who was fast asleep. You're probably hoping that Jin switch seats with Cash am I right? The boy Kristian was referring to was Cash Grahams, the blonde boy who sat next to Jordan and across from where Vance used to sit. For most of the year, Cash amused himself with either playing games with Jordan or someone behind him. He rarely spoke to Rin or Vance, who would rather talk to each

other anyways. Since Rin didn't have many classes with Cash, she didn't know exactly what his personality was like. All she knew about him was that he was Caucasian, on the varsity basketball team, was popular with white girls, was always throwing a party at his house every other week, and was an average student. Definitely not, said Rin in denial to Kristian's question. That's not Jin. He's sitting in Jin's seat. Rin glared at Kristian. That's not Jin! Okay, then, said Kristian, shrugging. He laid his head back. I'm not fighting with you in class. Kicking Jordan under the table, Rin watched as the boy across from her picked up his head up, groaning. Kristian nearly laughed out loud at the sight of Jordan's face. Cash seemed to notice what they were doing for once and watched. It's your fault isn't it? asked Rin angrily in a fierce whisper. Jordan lifted a brow. What now? You did that to Jin didn't you? Kristian leaned over to Rin. I thought you said that wasn't Jin. Shush you, said Rin, pushing him away. She continued to glare at Jordan, who glanced over in Jin's direction. Brainless, what did you do or say to Jin? Why is he dressed like that? Why is he not playing his video game in the class anymore? How should I know? asked Jordan, groaning and dropping his head back on the table. Let me sleep woman... Woman? You are his best friend are you not? asked Cash suddenly, gaining the other three's attention. Shouldn't you be happy that he looks better now? He is an attention grabber now. Not only is he very nice, he is now losing the geek aspect of him. That's discipline. That's self-improvement. No, said Rin, shaking. That's Jin trying to be someone he's not! Who are you to decide who he should or shouldn't be? asked Cash, smiling deviously. You should stick to your books. The real world is not for you,

Rin Hamada. Why you! Right on time, Kristian grabbed Rin's arm before she threw something at Cash. Sorry, Cash, she's on her period right now. Am not, said Rin, glaring at Kristian now. Cash shrugged and began chatting with the nearest person to him. Since Cash turned his attention elsewhere, Rin calmed down and dropped her eyes to her desk. Kristian didn't say anything except he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. While Kristian went back to messing around and Rin to writing notes, Jordan lifted an eye at them and frowned. Hey Jin, said Jordan, running back to Jin the minute the class ended. Hey Jordan, said Jin with a smile. At the sight, Rin fumed and left the room without saying anything. Kristian didn't bother to chase after her. Instead, he went up to Cory to talk about plans for nutrient. Vance ignored Jin and Jordan too and went the same direction as Rin. So, said Jordan awkwardly. What's up with the clothes? Monika has a point, said Jin, nodding. I need to look more like a Popular to join the group. Then, I will work on how I should act. You're doing this to join my group? Yeah, said Jin without a doubt. I'll keep trying until I join. The first day I asked you to join, said Jordan, trying hard to remember. You said you didn't want to lose yourself by joining my group... You won't let me lose myself right? asked Jin with a bright smile. Jordan glanced away, pocketing his hands in his jeans. I won't. By the way, Jordan turned his attention back to Jin. You look cool, Jin. Thanks. **************************************************** During nutrition, Eunice and Jennifer proceeded to follow Faith around like they did during lunch yesterday. This time, however, Faith noticed and kept glancing back at them, only to find them hiding behind the nearest wall. Still, Faith noticed the silver bag sticking out and shook his head, amused that he

was being stalked. E-Excuse me... Jumping up in unison, Eunice and Jennifer turned around with white faces. They half-expected Faith to catch them. Instead, they found a shy girl with light brown hair and a soft smile on her face. She was dressed in a elegant light blue dress today with nice heels to boot. Even though Eunice and Jennifer wanted to continue after Faith, only Jennifer went on ahead with Eunice to take care of Juliet Heart. Juliet Heart right? asked Eunice in a chirpy voice. Juliet blushed softly. Yes... What can I help you with? asked Eunice, trying hard to sound businesslike. I... Juliet stopped and pulled out a wallet from her purse. Eunice eyed jealously at the expensive leather wallet. I want to pay the membership fee for a year... Oh! cried Eunice, understanding now. Tiffy is not here but I'll be sure to give it to her. Is there any info you want in particular? Usually, whenever we receive the fee, there is someone that the customer wants to know about urgently. Juliet fidgeted with her wallet. Y-Yes... there is... I have photocopies of Tiffy's notebook, said Eunice proudly, jumping up and down. I should be able to help you immediately! Thank you very much... said Juliet, tilting her head to the side with a smile. Who is it? asked Eunice, fumbling with her backpack to take out her photocopies. Caught you. At the sing-sang voice, Eunice nearly fell into Juliet at the touch on her shoulder. This time, it indeed was Faith who managed to walk around the building to get behind Eunice. Eunice blushed uncontrollably at the sight of the cool-looking male but she tried to recover her posture. H-Hello F-Faith! Faith chuckled. How long have you been following me?

What are you talking about, Faith? asked Eunice, hugging her photocopies innocently. I'm here to help- At the mention of the girl next to her, Faith shifted his attention to the shy girl, who couldn't decide whether she should pay Eunice first or accept the photocopies first. Eunice continued on with her excuses but Faith continued to gaze at Juliet without blinking. Feeling his intense gaze, Juliet lowered her eyes on the ground and flushed bright red. Hello? asked Eunice, peering at Juliet. Who is it again? Sorry. Juliet played with her hair nervously. Frida Fernandez... You're in luck! We have tons of info on the Populars, said Eunice happily, pulling out a handful of pages. She then showed it to Juliet. The fee please? H-Here... said Juliet, handing Eunice the money. You may borrow this until the end of today, said Eunice, trading off the pages for the money. Juliet hugged the pages close to her chest. I'm at the stairs here if you're wondering where you can find me. Thanks for your membership! Yes... said Juliet, glancing at Faith, who was still looking at her. I must go now... Faith realized what just happened. W-Wait a second! Hurriedly, Juliet dashed off from the area without looking back. She either didn't hear Faith or she chose not to. As for Eunice, she was counting the money while Faith was gaping after the scared girl. Sighing, Faith turned his attention to Eunice who was quite happy that Juliet paid more than the usual fee. Where is Jenny? asked Eunice under her breath. She is missing such a great opportunity right here! Faith combed through his hair. So pretty... *********************************************** Leaving her second period classroom, Victoria took out a mirror to check her hair and makeup when she noticed someone at the end of the hallway. It was none other than Wendy in her basketball clothes. The last time Victoria got a good look at Wendy, she was dressed in punk clothes with spiky bracelets and necklaces. Today, she looked like any ordinary female basketball player. This relieved Victoria somewhat and made Wendy easier to talk to.

Wendy? Wendy lifted her eyes up at Victoria. It's you. I am like so sorry and I like want to make up to you in like any way possible- You got him back your way, said Wendy, shrugging. Why do you bother with someone as insignificant as me? Oh gosh, said Victoria, clasping Wendy's hands despite the stairs. Like you have to listen to like what I have to say. Please? It'll like only take like a moment. Whatever, said Wendy. Nevertheless, Wendy left the building with Victoria. Ashoo! ***************************************************

The tall, black girl stopped in her tracks when she noticed a short, Vietnamese girl hugging a stuffed plushie next to her. Monika tried to ignore the younger girl but Xuan Lan stayed persistent. At last, Monika stopped in her tracks, placed a hand on her hip, and glared at Xuan Lan. Like what the fuck is your problem? Xuan Lan beamed. My name is Xuan Lan Nguyen! I want to cheer for the football team! I hear you're the Captain! Gaping, Monika flung her hair back. You have like no chance, girl. Go away. But I want to support the football team, said Xuan Lan with wide, watery eyes. Monika rolled her own eyes. I know I'm a bit short but I swear I'll work hard for the team! I won't be in the way! I might be useful for that pyramid routine on top! Do you want to be a cheerleader that badly? asked Monika suspiciously. Hai! cried Xuan Lan, pumped up. I'll do anything! Sighing, Monika said, You have like no chance of making the team now but... I might be able to next year? asked Xuan Lan hopefully.

Like yeah... said Monika, thinking. You have like no height or no potential to like be a cheerleader you know? But, Monika held up a finger. You are like so young so you might have some chance, you hear? Maybe you can give me some pointers? asked Xuan Lan enthusiastically. Monika sighed again. What the shit. I'll help you out babe. What you need girl? At the question, Xuan Lan curled her lips into a bright smile. Well... *********************************************** Chatting merrily with Roselle, Jordan helped her down the stairs. However, whenever someone they know was nearby, Jordan and Roselle pretended they didn't know each other. The minute that person was gone, Jordan and Roselle would resume in their intimate conversation. Yeah, I like that phrase a lot, said Jordan, smiling. Roselle patted her chest proudly. It took me a long time to think of it! It turned out nicely though. I know right? Suddenly, Jordan and Roselle stopped talking when they noticed Jezebelle at the bottom of the stairs. Roselle slowed down to allow some room between her and Jordan. Since Jordan was already used to this routine, he went on ahead, down the stairs. Besides, he wanted to talk to Jezebelle for a long time. He needed to ask for her help to get Jin and Rin back together as friends after all. Hey Jezebelle, said Jordan, coming up to her from behind. Jezebelle turned around to face him. I want to ask you something. Can you- Out of nowhere, Jezebelle held her head and fell over. Quickly, Jordan ran up to her without thinking and caught her against him. Roselle caught up to them and asked if Jezebelle was okay. The rest of the crowd around the area also made their way over to check up on her. Usually, they wouldn't care but Jezebelle was too pretty. When Jordan walked Jezebelle to the nurse, Jezebelle smirked to herself at how well it went. Her plan was set in motion and nothing seemed to be able to mess it up now. ********************************************** Oddly enough, Jin used the majority of the beginning of nutrition to

think of a speech to the Populars to convince them to let him join officially, only to find only one member left sitting by herself. Frida Fernandez was busy reading a script while listening to music. Her legs were crossed underneath her skirt. Even though Jin was surprised to see her, Frida was even more shocked to see him. "Hey Frida." "Oh hi Jin Song." "Where is everyone?" Frida shrugged and glanced around nervously. "I like have no clue. They're not like leaving me out of a group meeting are they?" "I don't think so," said Jin honestly, sitting down next to her. "I am like so sorry Jin Song," said Frida, moving her backpack away from Jin to give him leg space. "I really like you and everything but like Monika is like so strict." Jin nodded in understanding. "Oh and you're like uber cute. I like the jacket look." "Thanks," said Jin with a soft smile. "Like I'll love you in the group like with us but oh my God, Monika can be such a," Frida paused and made a face. "You know how that goes and I have no right to like go against her." "I thought Jordan is the leader," said Jin discreetly. Frida lost some color in her cheeks. "Not... really..." Confirming this, Jin knew that Bailey was telling him the truth after all. He thought about how Bailey mentioned that she was best friend with Frida back in the old days. Curiously, Jin noticed that Frida looked uncomfortably sitting by herself with the others. Jin wanted to help her feel better. "I talked to Bailey Bambridge yesterday..." "Oh my God," cried Frida with wide eyes. "Like how is she?" "She's friendly like always." The Latino girl released a sigh of relief. "I am like so thankful to hear that." "You and her were best friends right?" asked Jin, wanting to confirm this too.

Nodding sadly, Frida added quickly, "She and I get along like so well. I haven't talk to her in like ages though and I miss her like so much but I can't really talk to her now can I? It's just so not cool." "How is it not cool?" "Isn't she like an outcast now?" asked Frida to Jin directly. Jin had no clue so he shook his head, not knowing what to say. "Okay. Whatever. It's totally Joseph Cruz's fault in the first place for like stealing her away." "But Bailey and Joseph Cruz like each other..." "I know but," said Frida, frustrated. "But it's still so wrong." Jin frowned. "They like each other. Isn't that what matters the most in a relationship?" At Jin's question, Frida turned her eyes down to the ground. Shaking slightly, Frida held her hands together. Jin noticed that she had a friendship bracelet around her right wrist. Suddenly, Jin thought of something. "Did you approve of them Frida?" "It's like ages ago," said Frida, glancing away. "I don't even want to remember." The two remained silent for a few minutes before Frida gave in. "Okay, like don't tell anyone this, Jin Song or it's like so over for me. Promise?" "Promise," said Jin with a sweet smile. "I sort of like them together because Bailey is like really happy with him right? I am sort of jealous of her cause she's like so lucky." "I see." "But," said Frida, shaking her head. "It's still not right though. I mean like he's Mexican and he's really poor and like younger and shorter than her and yeah." "But Frida," said Jin, thinking about what she said. "Is it worth it?" "Say what?" "I mean to say that is it worth losing your best friend because of who she wants to be with?" asked Jin in clarification. Frida didn't say anything. "Let's say you like someone and you start going out with him. If it's Bailey, do you think she would have approved of your choice? Would she be against it like you are right now?" Rubbing her eyes, Frida said in a low tone, "I'm like so confused right

now." "Maybe I shouldn't have brought the subject up." "It's like totally fine, Jin Song," said Frida, opening her eyes and shaking her hands at him. "I really want to accept them but like I told you before, I can't. I mean I can't go against the group. You have to place like the group ahead of yourself right? Like what do my feelings matter when it comes to what the group wants?" "Frida..." said Jin slowly, regretting the question already. "Have you ever thought of the possibility of leaving the group for Bailey's sake? Or is the group more important than your friendship with Bailey?" Stunned at the question, Frida started to play with her long brown hair nervously. She bit her lip, frustrated. Jin was about to leave, thinking that he said too much when Frida forced him back down with one hand. At last, she looked at him miserably. "It's not that I don't want to be with her really," said Frida carefully. "But like without the group, I'm like a nobody. Without popularity, I'm just another girl with boobs." "That's not true," said Jin sternly, outraged at her last words. "You have no idea Jin Song," said Frida, almost tearful now. "To boys, I'm nothing but a set of boobs. That's how it's been and that's how it's always been. There's like nothing you can do about it. It's like fact now." "I'm not going to accept that," said Jin, standing up now. "Frida, you should have more confidence in who you are." "That's only easy for you to say Jin Song," said Frida, wrapping her arms in front of her chest. "You like know who you are and shit. People don't like look at you and go 'that's the boy with the pretty face' or crap like that but like I hear comments like that my whole life. I am like the Latino chick with the boobs and the ass and that is all I ever hear from people. That is like all I'm known for." "That's not right," said Jin, narrowing his eyes. "I don't think you are Frida." "It's like no use Jin Song," said Frida, standing up and turning away from him. "It doesn't matter what you think of me, no offense and all, but like only what the public thinks really count you know? Oh my God, why am I rambling like crazy?" "How about the people closest to you?" asked Jin hopefully, gazing at her

intently. "Do they think the same way too?" Frida thought about it. "I like don't know. Like even the girls closest to me say shit behind my back so what can I do? I have like no idea what they say about me now. It's just bull shit most of the time but other people listen to them and yeah, that's how it is." Frida noticed Jin's frown. "Oh my God, I didn't mean to make you sad, Jin Song. I'm like so used to it by now so yeah, it's nothing to me now." "If I join the Populars," said Jin slowly, curling his right hand into a fist. "I'll do anything to learn more about you Frida. I want us all to be friends." Blinking, Frida smiled weakly at Jin, "I'd like that..." Frida dropped her eyes to the ground. "Since I have like no choice. I can't really leave this group... not after the mistakes I've done before... like all the crap that has happened... I can't like afford to not be popular..." "What happened before?" asked Jin with wide eyes. "Oh my God," said Frida, panicking. "I talk like too much to you Jin Song. I need to like go somewhere now so see you later?" Jin was not quick enough to stop the Latino girl from running off with her backpack pressed against her chest. Sitting there, Jin looked at his own hands. He was sad about what he heard from Frida. He was sad that high school students were like this. But what he was sad the most about was that he didn't help Jordan and the others sooner. ***************************************** While Jezebelle was looking through the paperwork Juliet got her from Eunice, Wendy and the twins came up to Jezebelle at once. Wendy stepped aside and let them go first. Robbie and Jojo sat down on either side of Jezebelle who was busy memorizing the notes on the photocopies. Hey Jez! Hey Belle! The twins turned to Wendy next. Hey Wen! Hey Dee! Narrowing her eyes, Wendy said, Can you not split my name up? Not allowed, said Robbie, grinning. Nope! said Jojo, sticking out his tongue.

How did it go? asked Jezebelle, giving them a beautiful smile. The two boys seemed infatuated. What happen? Tell me everything you heard. Jin is good, said Robbie, nodding his head. Song is a smooth talker, said Jojo, lifting his brow. Can it be he's doing it on purpose? Song is too nice. He's not like Belle! Jezebelle coughed to remind them she was here. What did my fruit cake say to the Fernandez girl? What did she cough up? I see what's going on now, said Wendy, frowning at the three. Jezebelle smirked and pulled the two away from Wendy. I see how it is! Leave me out of the picture! Hi Willis, said Xuan Lan, skipping over and humming Jingle Bells. Where have you been? asked Wendy suspiciously at the cheerful girl. Jesse told me to distract Monika so I did, said Xuan Lan proudly. She told me to distract Victoria Hopkins too... said Wendy, watching Jezebelle and the twins talk it over among themselves. Something is going on and I'm not in on it. Where did you go Jules? Juliet nearly jumped at being addressed to. I... well... Juliet blushed. Leader... told me to... get information on Frida Fernandez... That girl, said Wendy, huffing. She's fucking planning something! Maybe they're throwing a surprise party? asked Xuan Lan, excited. I wish, said Wendy, growling. But this is our Leader we're talking about. She's always up to something and with the twins involved, Wendy indicated at the two who were chatting non-stop to Jezebelle. This must be something big. Willis... said Juliet shyly, approaching the blonde girl with clasped hands. I don't understand... why are people separated into groups... Oh man, said Wendy, gaping. You don't even know that? I don't know either, said Xuan Lan, tilting her head to the side. Oy... That's easy, said Jezebelle, returning to the three girls. The twins gave each other high-fives and left immediately. In high school, people join groups to have a sense of belonging and to form a sense of identity for themselves.

Belonging? asked Juliet, clueless. Identity? asked Xuan Lan slowly as if trying to pronounce the word. The people you are associated with in your group automatically allow others to form an opinion of you, said Jezebelle confidently, flinging her hair behind her shoulder. In other words, you are judged based on what your group is and what your group does. There are group alliances too that also forms people's opinions of you, said Wendy. Jezebelle glanced at Wendy. You know the social groups better than I do. Give them a good example of group alliances. Teacher Willis! cried Xuan Lan, giggling. Sighing, Wendy said in a grumpy voice, The football team and the cheerleaders for example always hang out together so they're aligned. People associate cheerleaders with the football players now. The jocks with the legs. Are we aligned with the football players too then? asked Xuan Lan, blinking. Wendy gawked at her but Jezebelle didn't show any sign of surprise on her face. I am working for the football team. Not exactly, little one, said Jezebelle, rubbing Xuan Lan on the head. Just because you are part of the football team doesn't mean you're in the group. Giant isn't for example and he's on the team. I see... said Juliet, tugging her curly strands of brown hair. Groups are people you hang out with... so whatever the group does... you are also related... Jules is catching on real fast, said Wendy proudly, placing her hands on her hips. Since Onii-chan is in the Populars, said Xuan Lan, thinking now. Wendy was again surprised that Xuan Lan knew this. And Onii-chan is with Jesse... does that mean we're friends with the Populars too? Hold on there! cried Wendy, dropping her jaw. Oh hell no! No, Spring, said Juliet softly, tilting her head to the side. Friends is not the right word to describe it... Juliet is right again, said Jezebelle, amused. Even if we're in alliance, it doesn't mean we're friends. Hell, most people in the same group aren't even friends! What are the chances of people from two different groups in the same side being friends?

Oy, said Xuan Lan, holding onto her head. I don't get it! Basically, Spring, said Wendy in a steady voice. Groups are a symbol of power. You don't necessary join a group because you're friends with the other members though that is the case most of the time. You join a group because you belong in that group. You fit in that group. Sometimes, it has to do with you wanting to be higher on the social ladder. What social ladder? asked Xuan Lan, more confused than before. You are fresh mean, said Jezebelle, laughing wickedly. You don't have to care about these things much. Just do your little freshman thing until things get messed up. But, said Xuan Lan, looking at her friends. Then why did Onii-chan join that Popular group? Why did he leave his group with his former friends? I don't think Onii-chan wants to climb higher on the social ladder... Well... said Juliet, fidgeting with her hands. He does look like he belongs in this new group better... Let's just say this little one, said Jezebelle, placing a hand on Xuan Lan's head. High school is just one big game. Before, your wimpy Onii-chan didn't want to play the game but now that he's in, he's in it to win. You get it now? Wow, said Wendy in awe. Leader using a game metaphor? Jin Song has infected your brain real bad! Shut up, bitch, said Jezebelle, glaring. You first, bitch, said Wendy, glaring back. Now, now, said Juliet, holding up her hands and frowning at the two. I see, said Xuan Lan, nodding. She held her plushie up at her face. Are you in the game too, Jesse? I am, said Jezebelle, smirking. We all are. Then, are you helping him win the game? asked Xuan Lan curiously. Wendy slammed her right fist to the palm of her left hand. I get it now! That's what you're doing! Wrong, said Jezebelle, shaking her head at the two girls. Juliet looked as confused as the other two. I'm in the game because I want to win, not because I want my servant of a boyfriend to win. Let's just say, Jezebelle

smirked. Behind every good woman, there's a very useful man behind her. Jezebelle, said Wendy in a humorless tone. What happen to getting to the top using your own abilities? I am, said Jezebelle, pouting. You're just using Jin Song in the process? Yes. That's the plan. And why do you think I'll go along with this? Because, said Jezebelle, pushing her face up to Wendy. You want Jordan Greene to fall don't you? Isn't that we promised on, my beloved Wendy? Smirking now, Wendy said, One more question. Yes my love? Looking over at the tree where Jin was surrounded by random people now, Wendy asked, Does Jin Song know he's involved in your plans for Wilson High domination? It would be a lot easier if we worked together like I had originally wanted, said Jezebelle, annoyed. But after I told him the simplified summary of my plan, he was completely against it and wimped out like a fucking loser. Now, I'm just helping him without him knowing so I can use this to my own benefits. He probably doesn't want to hurt anyone, said Wendy reasonably. Which is so like him to not go along with whatever you're cooking. What's wrong with hurting a couple of people? asked Jezebelle, shrugging. You're so fucking evil, said Wendy, laughing loudly now. Juliet and Xuan Lan stood there with dazed looks on their faces. I like it. What did you help him with then? His clothes and his attitude, said Jezebelle carelessly. The others nodded in awe. Of course, Jezebelle dressed him. Jin could never dress himself that well. But like that is going to help him reach the top. Why is he so fucking clueless? Does he really think he can become popular with that alone? He's seriously lacking brain cells. Leader, said Wendy in a low tone. Jezebelle glanced at Wendy warily. If it's Jin Song, he won't become a second Jordan will he? He'll still be himself right?

Who knows and who cares, said Jezebelle, walking away. Right when she left the group, the bell rang. Under her breath and to herself, Jezebelle added, Let's see long it will take before Jordan Green falls to you or, Jezebelle elevated her eyes to the sky. How far you will go for your absurd goals... ************************************************* At the end of lunch after two boring periods without his game system, Jin was glad to find the hour ticking ever closer to the end of school and after school practice. In Jin's head, the minute he came home he would rush to his Playstation 3 and played to his hearts' content until it was time to make Shuijin and Jezebelle dinner. Thanks to Jezebelle's diet, Jin started putting together different types of salad for her meal. She rarely ate anyways. Thanks to his new image, he didn't touch any video game for over four periods now. Jin really believed he was going through a withdrawal. Is your girlfriend the only one besides Bailey and I who knows about your intentions? asked Joseph Cruz, walking along Jin's side to his fifth period. Yeah, said Jin with a nod. She's the only one who knows. You must really trust her then. More like she got it out of me through her own means but I suppose you can say that, said Jin, remembering too well Jezebelle's antics to get him to tell her the whole story behind his lust for popularity. I completely trust her though. You need trust in a relationship, said Joseph Cruz brightly, gleaming with his radiant, boyish smile. You and Bailey really need to give me some pointers, said Jin, amused. There are lots of couples in school, Jin, said Joseph Cruz, flustered at the idea. You should ask them instead. Why us though? Perhaps, it's because you and Bailey have lasted the longest? Joseph Cruz thought about it for one whole minute. That's true! I wonder why high school couples break up so easily, said Jin innocently. I don't know either! cried Joseph Cruz, astonished. You should see Kristian when he goes through his girlfriends! Now, you're just worrying me, said Jin, dropping his head and groaning loudly. He's currently dating my best friend Rin-chan...

Oh yeah, said Joseph Cruz, bowing slightly while walking in apology. My bad! Joseph Cruz laughed, tiptoed, and patted Jin on the back. My hero Kristian is a reasonable guy! He will won't crush Rin Hamada's heart like he did everyone before her. That's reassuring, Joseph Cruz. I said something wrong again didn't I? Jin laughed at the frown on Joseph Cruz's face. Why is Kristian your hero anyway? He's funny and cool, said Joseph Cruz, shrugging. And he befriended me when no one else did. That's enough reason right? I suppose so, said Jin, understanding. I better get to class now, said Joseph Cruz, waving after Jin. Bye now! Right after Jin waved after Joseph Cruz, Jin noticed that a lot of eyes were on him. Immediately, Jin understood that him talking to Joseph Cruz was like Jordan talking to the old him. It wasn't done. However, unlike Jordan, Jin didn't care. Joseph Cruz helped him a lot along with Bailey. There was no way he could ignore them. Actually, on the other hand, he was extremely grateful to them both. Entering his English class, Jin was surprised to find girls screaming and running around the room. He helped a couple of them calm down before he noticed the culprit of all the fear- a giant bee flying about the classroom. Jin had no idea how a bee got into their English class in this time of the year and apparently, his teacher didn't either. Jordan and his group of Caucasian friends came in at the same time as Roselle, Kristian, and Rin. This is so stupid, said Rin fiercely, pulling the driving manual of her backpack. I'll take care of it. Good luck Nerd, said Jordan amused. Rin glared at him. Shut up Brainless! Sighing, Kristian shook his head. I'll take care of the bee. it. No, said Rin, chasing the bee around the room now. I'll take care of That's Rin-chan for you, said Jin, glancing at Kristian.

No Rin Hamada, cried Sherry, frowning. She was also chasing down the bee. You mustn't kill it! It hasn't done anything to you! I know you love insects and bugs and all that Sherry, said Rin grumpily. But this bee is disrupting the class! The bee buzzed all around the room. Wherever it went, the girls of the class shrieked and ran the opposite direction. Both Rin and Sherry went after it. Jin and Kristian watched the two girls awkwardly. They did not imagine something like a bee to take up five minutes of class time, but they applauded the creature for doing so. None of them except for Rin wanted to be here anyways. Shit, cried Jordan, noticing the bee coming over to Roselle. Without thinking, Jordan pushed Roselle over and onto the ground. Roselle landed on the ground with her elbow hitting the ground first. Jordan was on top of her, huffing. The bee buzzed away from the two of them to the other side of the classroom. Jordan? asked Roselle, paling slightly at the sight of him on top of her. You're allergic to bees, said Jordan worriedly under his breath. Are you okay? I'm okay, said Roselle, blinking. Then, she furrowed her brows. But Jordan, you shouldn't have done that... When Roselle said that, Jordan noticed his group of males staring at them. Roselle reddened dramatically. Jordan quickly got up and went away from her. Staring at the ceiling, Roselle decided against getting up until the bee was out of the classroom. However, Kristian went over to Roselle and offered his hand to her, in which she stuck her out. Almost, said Rin, standing on top of a desk now. The bee was right in front of her, staying in one place. Almost! Watch on Rin-chan, said Kristian, amused. He just helped Roselle up. The bee might multiply if you hit it! Not only did Kristian's words catch her off guard, the laughter around him made her hesitate in killing the creature. Thanks to this moment of hesitation, she lost her footing and fell off the table. Sherry opened the window just in time for the bee to escape. Happily, Sherry turned around to check on Rin, only to see Rin safely on top of Jin. Are you okay Rin-chan? asked Jin, trying hard to smile despite her weight.

Rin's eyes widened to find her savior. Jin... Enough, said Mrs. Meyerson, recovering from the disappearance of the bee. She didn't want to get near it either. Everyone back to your seats! Throughout the lecture, Jin noticed that Rin and Kristian were bickering every other second in front of him. Jin wondered what happened to them but he tried to not get involved. There was something else that he observed that bothered him. All of Jordan's friends were keeping their eyes on Roselle even though Jordan was asleep as usual. The other girls in the classroom were chatting among themselves about Jordan and Roselle, many of which Jin bet Roselle heard but didn't say anything. For once, Mrs. Meyerson actually finished her lecture five minutes early, allowing the students to chat for the duration of the class. Even though Jin wanted to talk to Jordan about what he saw, the other boys surrounded Jordan already, talking to him at once. Jordan didn't say anything. He simply laughed and tried to change the subject. However, Roselle wasn't so easygoing about this. Stop it! cried Roselle, gaining the attention of all the other students in the room. Jin noticed that Kristian smacked his forehead with his hand. You people should shut up! Jordan paled. Roselle... He tripped okay? said Roselle fiercely, glaring. Even Mrs. Meyerson didn't want to interrupt her. Jordan Greene is not Mister Perfect! He can trip too! He just trip into me! That's all! Why do you people make such a big deal out of it? down. It's okay Roselle, said Kristian, walking over and trying to calm her

Jordan and I are not friends, said Roselle, wrapping her arms in front of her chest. I'll never be friends with him anyways! Right then, the bell rang. Roselle stomped out of the classroom with a dark aura surrounding her. Instinctively, Jin rushed out the door since he never unpacked in the first place after her. In the classroom, the boys were happy to hear the last line from Roselle and stopped asking Jordan about his relationship with Roselle. Making up a lie about having a headache, Jordan excused himself from the rest of the boys and went on ahead. I should check up on Roselle too, said Kristian to Rin. Rin gave him the cold shoulder. Do whatever.

Why are you mad? asked Kristian in disbelief. I am definitely not mad at you, said Rin, scowling and dumping her binder in her backpack quickly. I am definitely not talking to you either. What did I do? At least tell me what I did. I refuse. Staring at Rin's back, Kristian made his decision. Okay. Be that way, Rinchan. When Rin heard the door slam shut behind Kristian, she shifted her attention after him with a frown. She didn't even know why she was so mad. They had been arguing for the majority of the class about how she wouldn't have fallen if he didn't say such reckless things in the first place. Sadly, Rin went up to the door by herself and her eyes on the ground. He gave up too easily again... ************************************ Hurrying to the other side of the school, the half-Native American girl kept her eyes on the ground even though she knew Jin was by her side. Roselle stopped in front of the girls' locker room and turned on Jin with watery eyes. Jin was a bit taken aback by the sight of her red eyes. You can't go in the girls' locker room, said Roselle, sniffing back tears. Roselle, are you really okay? asked Jin, worried. Do I look okay to you? asked Roselle, closing her eyes and wiping her wet cheeks. Jin frowned. How long have you and Jordan been friends? Who told you that? asked Roselle, outraged. Lowering his own eyes to the ground, Jin continued, I can tell. I can't believe I lied Jin Song, said Roselle in a shaky voice. She hid her eyes against her right arm. I rarely lie in my life. I hate lying. I think it's better to tell the truth, but today, I lied. I lied in front of a lot of people too! I knew it, said Jin under his breath. I don't even know why I did it, said Roselle, crying against her arm now. I don't even know why I said so many lies in a row.

Roselle... I know why, said Roselle, stomping her right foot now. She still hid her eyes though. I did it to save Jordan. Why did I do that? Why did I save Jordan for? He doesn't even consider me a friend in the first place. I hate myself so much! Before Jin could say anything, Roselle ran inside the girls' locker room. Jin gaped after her, amazed at what she said. Knowing Roselle, she wouldn't lie about that. Roselle really thought that way about Jordan. Sighing, Jin only came to his senses when he felt a strange sensation on his back. It turned out to be Jezebelle, who smacked her backpack against his back to wake him up. Grateful, Jin left the area immediately. Jezebelle lifted a brow after him. Did salad dressing made someone cry? asked Jezebelle, narrowing her eyes. Running to the boys' locker room, Jin went through the entrance Grim taught him from yesterday. Jin shouted to Jordan to leave the locker open for him from the gym. Holding the locker open, Jordan watched as Jin stopped in front of him and panted. Hey, said Jordan, trying to smile. Jordan, said Jin fiercely, leaning toward him. You are friends with Roselle aren't you? You are right? As usual, Jordan glanced around the area. David was struggling to get his locker open but besides him, all of the other boys had already left. Jordan waited until David punched the locker and left to ask for his locker combination. Why do you ask? asked Jordan, choosing his words carefully. I thought we're friends now, said Jin, upset. You will tell me won't you? At last, Jordan released a heavy sigh. I just lost a friend today. I don't want to talk about it right now, Jin. Then she is your friend? Since tenth grade, said Jordan, glancing away. The two stopped talking and watched David open his locker. David blushed when he caught them staring at him. He quickly changed and left the area, muttering about how Jin and Jordan were acting weird. In unison, Jin and Jordan sighed. They knew that if they were still here while David was out,

Coach was going to make them both run laps. While Jin changed and Jordan watched, Jin thought about what he got from talking to both Roselle and Jordan. He knew that if he wanted to know more, he couldn't talk about it in front of other people since Jordan was watching his reputation closely. This made it harder on Jin but he was determined. So Jordan, said Jin, walking alongside Jordan to the tennis courts. You really didn't just trip into Roselle in class today did you? I protected her out of instinct, said Jordan softly. Why? asked Jin curiously. She's allergic to bees, said Jordan in a low voice. I'm not. I didn't think you and Roselle were friends... Jordan shrugged. We don't talk much but whenever she's turning in a short story to a magazine or contest, she asks me for criticism. You criticize her work? asked Jin in disbelief. I try, said Jordan nervously. She's really good though so she doesn't need much criticism from anybody to be frank. Do you write Jordan? The white boy remained silent for a moment. Not really. Jordan looked a bit uncomfortable at the question. I like to read more than write. I'm not a book nerd though. Jordan looked frustrated now. Jin laughed at him. Today, I saw a different side of Roselle though. I knew she wasn't so sedate but I didn't think she would be so acrimonious either. Who knew? Er... yeah... Seeing Jin's confused face, Jordan quickly added, I mean she's feisty. She is. I- Usually, I read her works at home, said Jordan slowly. Only today did Greene and Song! Ten laps now! At their Coach's harsh tone, the two boy automatically headed for the field and ran with the track team. Coach nodded at them for understanding his intentions. Jordan and Jin ran alongside one another and continued, even if

Vance passed by them three times in a row. Vance looked a bit smug to see Jin on the field, running. Jin merely glared at him. You would have no problems being friends with Roselle if you weren't popular right? asked Jin suddenly after their third lap. Unfortunately, yes. You should still try anyways, said Jin encouragingly. Suddenly, Jordan laughed at Jin's words. Jin, I'm not like you. You have a tolerance for other people's opinions of you. You are open and understanding. Most of all, you are willing to endure hardship and remain strong. It's all thanks to Rin-chan. It is? Jin nodded slowly. My parents used to be against me being friends with Rin-chan. I am Korean. She is Japanese. We're not supposed to be friends but I stay friends with her anyways. Now, my parents have stopped bothering me about it. You're amazing, Jin, said Jordan in awe. No, I'm not, said Jin, shaking his head. I just find it stupid to listen to other people's opinions without forming one for yourself. I know people have good advice at times but it is meaningless when you follow them with a blind eye. Jordan didn't say anything. Even now, I keep thinking to myself. What if I had listen to my parents? What if I stopped being friends with Rin-chan? Will I be the same person I am today? Probably not, said Jordan weakly. The worst part of my experience back then was, said Jin, scratching the back of his head. For a minute, even for a minute, I contemplate listening to my parents and not ever being friends with Rin-chan again. And I'll never forgive myself for that. Jordan stayed silent. Even though it was only for a moment, I still regret it to this day. I can't even begin to imagine how it would be if I went through with it. Shaking his head, Jordan said quickly, Enough of this rapport talk. I want to to get back at those track kids for making fun of me. Jordan! shouted Jin after Jordan after he took off with a faster speed. Jin frowned. He should listen to me. Jordan! Wait! Jordan gave up in trying to catch up with the track team and slowed down for Jin. Jordan, at least answer me this. Do you like being the most popular person in school?

Depending on Jordan's answer, Jin was ready to be resolved in his mission. If Jordan liked losing his individuality thanks to popularity, Jin didn't want to go against his choice. If Jordan didn't like losing it, then Jin was going to give him best to help him. Bailey picked him to save Jordan. Roselle indirectly asked Jin as well. He must know how Jordan felt about it though. Someone has to be right? asked Jordan in a teasing voice. Jin noticed Jordan's sad smile and smiled brightly himself. You're absolutely right. Rin Hamada! ***************************************

Blinking awake, Rin noticed that she stopped playing her saxophone for a full minute now. The other members of her band stared at her with wide eyes. Rin blushed bright red and asked the girl next to her to find her place. She didn't get to though when her section leader Adrian Tsai motioned for her to come up to him. He was also the one who called out her name earlier. Yes Adrian? asked Rin, shyly glancing away. That is 'Section Leader' to you, Rin Hamada. What is it, Section Leader? asked Rin through gritted teeth. In Rin's eyes, Adrian Tsai was the band equivalent of Edwin, except Adrian didn't bully her like Edwin does. To Rin, she hadn't met someone as serious-looking as Adrian before. He wore dark glasses and had straight Asian hair. He was a perfectionist to an extreme so he had no tolerance for mistakes. Rin had never seen him happy before. He always looked grumpy. Sadly, he acted older than his age even though he was a junior like her. Thankfully, Rin only shared Calculus and this class with him. Rin Hamada, said Adrian, holding his hands behind his back. What are you doing? I don't know, said Rin lamely. Adrian lifted a fine brow at her. You've been daydreaming. That's what you've been doing. I haven't seen such recklessness on your part before. I am very disappointed. I won't do it again, said Rin, sighing. Here, said Adrian, taking his wallet out of his pocket. He gave her a dollar, in which Rin just stared at. Go get some water and come back here with a better attitude.

I have money, said Rin, shaking her hands at him. I can get water on my own. Adrian's serious eyes narrowed dangerously. Rin laughed and accepted the money. Thanks Section Leader. I'll be right back then. A warning, said Adrian before Rin was out of earshot. You may take as much time as you want but you better be ready when you come back or else I'll report it to Mr. Chan. Got it, said Rin, smiling weakly. Off you go then. Grumbling under her breath about Adrian, Rin headed off to the nearest vending machine. She was distracted with thoughts of Kristian and Jin earlier. Of course, she could never admit that to Adrian. He would scold her to death. Adrian was always like that. In front of the vending machine, Rin tried all the buttons, only to see the 'Sold Out' letters written out clearly for her. Frustrated, Rin kicked the vending machine. She regretted the decision though because now her toe hurt. Cursing under her breath, Rin hopped around, trying to recover when she bumped right into someone. Vance, said Rin, blushing at the sight of the pale boy. Water? asked Vance, holding up his recently filled water bottle. I'm not really thirsty, said Rin quickly. Vance glanced once at the vending machine. I see. I mean, said Rin, realizing that he had been watching her with the vending machine this entire time. I'm only getting a water bottle because Adrian wants me to, not because I'm thirsty. Strange, said Vance, retreating his water bottle to himself. You listen to this Adrian. I usually don't, said Rin, sighing. But today, I messed up during practice so I didn't want to disobey Adrian and make myself look bad in front of the others. Strange again, said Vance slowly. You don't usually 'mess up'. It's because Kristian is being cold to me again, said Rin grumpily, feeling angry at the thought. And because Jin is still Jin. Rin frowned. I thought he changed... I thought Jin was so consumed with popularity that he changed within two days... I shouldn't have doubted him like that...

I see. Rin flushed red. I shouldn't be ranting to you Vance! Sorry! Whatever, said Vance, shrugging. You really need to stop caring so much. That's easy for you to say, said Rin, pouting. You're apathetic most of the time. All the time, said Vance in correction. Rin laughed. Forget me. How about you Vance? Have you found a new group yet? Not really, said Vance in his usual tone. I did find someone though. Oh? asked Rin, excited. Who is it? Someone very annoying, said Vance, shuddering. Very very annoying. Who? Vance! Vance! Vance! Hearing a chirpy female voice, Vance shoved the water bottle into Rin's hands. Without another word, Vance sped off and out of sight. From the other side of the vending machine, Rin noticed a girl with short red hair running around and looking for Vance. She was wearing the same track clothes as him. Smiling to herself, Rin watched as the girl passed her and went on, calling out Vance's name. Poor Vance, said Rin, shaking her head. The girl disappeared around a corner now. He has his own problems to worry about. Rin frowned and noticed the football field where Bo was doing sit-ups with his teammates. Is Kristian really that mad at me? Why do I always have to act so mean to him like I do to Bo? I hate falling in love... Rin gasped at her own words and shook her head fiercely. No Rin! You must keep your head on straight! Despite Rin's words, she had a hard time concentrating for the rest of practice. Sometimes, she was distracted with Vance's running. The redhead was definitely on his team. There was no doubt about it. Other times, she was distracted with the wind. She must admit that she glanced over at the football players a couple of times. Adrian lost his patience with her one more time but he didn't tell Mr. Chan. Rin was grateful to him for that at least. Soon enough, practice ended and Rin collapsed in the band room where she picked up her backpack. Adrian gave her one hard look and told her to get some rest before he went on his way. Feeling guilty for her poor performance,

Rin left the room after him to promise him that she would try harder next time. book. Prove it next time then, said Adrian mercilessly, digging his nose into a I will, said Rin determined. You are going through a tough time right now, said Adrian, keeping his eyes on the pages. He seemed to be reading for AP English. But all of us are. You need to try harder to overcome these feelings. I definitely will. Let's study together for Calculus sometime, said Adrian with a nod. Okay, said Rin with a smile. Good bye then. Waving after Adrian, Rin was relieved to be walking on her own to the front gates. Even though Rin was valedictorian and in math club, Adrian was better than her in math. If she didn't know the answer to a problem, she could ask him for help. Rin was gleeful for being much better at him at subjects like English though. Relieved at first, Rin felt lonely walking by herself to the front gate. She thought of the walk back home and frowned. Before, she would either walk with Bo or Kristian. Now, Bo and her were no longer close friends. Vance walked her home once but he seemed to be trying his hardest to escape a certain someone to be with her today. Besides, he didn't know that she fought with Kristian during fifth period over a bee. He wouldn't want to be with them together. The sun had already set. The sky was of a purple color. Rin thought about how ungrateful she had been for her friends. All those times she screamed at Bo and told him to leave her alone seemed to bite her in the butt now. On the outside, she might act strong and wanted to be by herself but she realized now that she always liked having someone with her. Stopping in her tracks and staring at the empty school around her, Rin felt tears in her eyes. She thought of Jin again. Jordan was right after all. How could she doubt Jin like that? Jin left her group for a reason. He must have. When she looked into Jin's eyes when he caught her, she knew that the Jin she knew was still there. Why did he leave then? She wanted to go up to him and ask him directly. Surely, Jin would tell her why. Maybe, said Rin, running now. Maybe Jin is on his way to the subway

right now! Rin ran even faster despite her saxophone case and backpack bouncing against her. Fi-Fi's practice should end the same time as mine! They are going to walk down together down this road in front of the school to the subway! If only I can make it in time- Rin reached the gates now and checked the street. Like she expected, Jin was on his way to the subway, but he wasn't with Jezebelle like Rin expected. Instead, Jin was walking alongside Frida. The two seemed to be in deep conversation with one another. Jezebelle was nowhere in sight. At this sight, Rin felt her hands curled into fists. Jin was smiling while talking to Frida. He was smiling! What took you so long? Rin jumped. K-Kristian? The one and only, said Kristian, looking up at her. He was sitting beside the gate with his backpack in front of him. I've been here for fifteen minutes already. Checking on Jin, Rin noticed that he and Frida crossed the street now and continued on their way to the subway. Rin felt her body shook slightly but she held back her anger and sat down next to Kristian, releasing a deep sigh. I didn't think you'll wait for me. Why? asked Kristian, acting lost. Because we fought, said Rin plainly, clasping his left hand with her right hand. If I recall correctly, said Kristian with a serious tone. You fought with me. I never once fought back with you. You acted cold to me first. I just returned the favor. Rin released his hand and turned away. But I put that aside for now. I can't possibly let you walk home by yourself at this hour, Rinchan. What if something happens to you? I'll regret it for the rest of my life. I can take care of myself, said Rin stubbornly, showing her back to him. I can take care of you better, said Kristian in defense. Rin reddened. No you can't. You're always like this, said Kristian, licking his lips. He stood up and held his hand out to her. Let's go home. I don't want to worry your mother. I want to get on her good side after all.

Rin grabbed his hand. That's not very hard. Even so, said Kristian, tugging her up to her feet. I want to be my best in front of people who matter, like your mother. You and your words, Kristian, said Rin, amused. The two of them walked down the street together with him carrying her saxophone case. You really do act cold sometimes, Kristian. It's really scary since you never show that side of yours the previous years. I warned you didn't I? asked Kristian, smirking. It's still overwhelming, said Rin, pouting. I'm showing you what happens when you clash ice with ice, said Kristian innocently, clapping his hands together. You get nothing. Kristian stopped in front of Rin's house and thought about it. But when fire meets ice, ice melts and eventually, all the bad feelings evaporate into thin air. So, said Rin, standing on her tiptoes at Kristian. Who is fire and who is ice? Of course I'm fire, said Kristian, smirking. I'm that hot. I saw that one coming. Of course you did. Grabbing her case from him, Rin ran up the steps. Thanks for taking me home. May I... Yes? Kristian beamed at her. May I call you? At the question, Rin blushed. I... I need to study and eat and... I'll call you at ten then, said Kristian, turning around toward his car that was still parked in front of her house. And, Kristian faced her one last time. You better pick up or else I'll call your home phone. You better not, said Rin, glaring. Which? Call your home phone or call at all? Putting her hand on the doorknob, Rin said slowly, Well...

Please do call, said Ms. Hamada, banging the door open and nearly knocking Rin over. You should stay over and keep Rin-chan company all night, Kristian. Mother! shrieked Rin, pushing her mother inside. Did you know she actually wears a skirt at home now? You are such a good influence on her. Mother! Have you seen Rin-chan's new nightgown? asked Ms. Hamada, refusing to let Rin push her any further inside. Rin struggled though. She has really pretty lingerie too. I always make sure to buy finest ones possible. There's this really cute, small pink one- That's enough Mother! Soon enough, Kristian found himself staring at a closed door. It took him a moment to realize what he just heard. Groaning, Kristian staggered back to his car and muttered something about how he should have said an earlier time to call her. It was then that he noticed someone on the other side of his car. Tilly, said Kristian, opening the passenger door for Jezebelle. In exchange for this, you better let me know what's up with Jin's new makeover and why he's going on a subway with Frida Fernandez instead of you. Sure, sweetie, said Jezebelle, waving him off. Kristian gave her a suspicious look. I'll tell you on the way since, Jezebelle smirked. We're allies after all.

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