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Disclaimer: Nope dont own Naruto, and I never will. Im only saying this because Im at gunpoint.

I do own NarutoI mean I dont! Story: Fem!Naru. She was asked, as a favor to Gaara, to pretend to be his teacher and meet with his father. But when Gaaras dad shows an interest in her, she isnt sure why she agrees to Gaaras request to date his dad. She was already his sempai, Temaris pretend girlfriend, and Kankuros crush. Saa, what the heck! Set as an AU, modern day. Spoilers: Nope. Warnings: The usual stuff? I mean, most people who read my stuff are repeated readers, so they should knowotherwiseeh Pairings: Crack!Pairing Yondaime Kazekage/Naruko (Because I live on crack, dudes kolkolkolkol~)

Chapter One: Anou sa?!

Yourekidding, right?

Her cute little kohai was completely serious. Well, he usually always looked serious, but she just knew that this time, he was really asking her something important.

Uzumaki Naruko was not sure she could handle this.

Let me get this straight. You want me, Naruko pointed at herself. To pretend to be your Homeroom teacherand actually have a meeting with your dad, to get you out of trouble with him about the call the school sent two days ago, about you skipping English class all last week.

Gaara nodded, infuriatingly still straight-faced. Naruko sighed.

Fine. But I dont approve of you skipping class, she frowned at him.

Gaara flinched and looked down, before becoming angry (though she knew it wasnt at her).

I hate that class. Yakushi-sensei is always picking on me, Gaara said resentfully, though his face only slightly betrayed his anger.

Narukos disappointment lightened and her face softened as she reached over and pulled him into a hug, where he allowed himself to accept her comfort. She was the only one he let himself be like this in front of, and the only one to see this side of him. Not even his family could.

Baka, dont rise to his baiting. I still dont like you skipping, but I know Yakushi-sensei is mean to you for some reason. But please go to class for sempai, ne? Naruko smiled brightly.

Hai, hai

Naruko brought them back to his request. Anou, I really dont think your otou-san is going to buy it. We probably wont get away with it, Gaara-kun.

Please, sempai, he slightly pouted.

Naruko faltered, and inwardly pouted herself. Gaara knew she would fall to that, dammit. He never did it and it was unlike him; thats why he brought out his pout, it was an easy sell to anyone who would see it.

Which was usually and only Naruko.


Okay! Yes, I will, for sure, do this for you. But go back to class and be a good student! I know you are, so dont let Kabuto-baka ruin that for you, Naruko huffed.

Gaara hid his smile and nodded.

And that was how Naruko found herself waiting in the Hidden Leaf Caf, and wondering how it hadnt brought any suspicions to Gaaras father about meeting outside of school and so casually, though it seemed that he took the invitation without further questions.

She was nervous and wondering if she could really pull it off. She had taken great pains to look the part, but that only went so far (and honestly, she wasnt too sure about how the hell she did with looking the part she didnt ask for a second opinion).

And then she heard the caf doors bell jingle and she looked up, seeing a serious-looking red head enter through the door. She sucked in a huge breath, staring with wide eyes.

Oh, she knew he was going to be trouble.

And she knew, without a doubt, that this man was Gaaras dad. He was a dead ringer for Gaara, just older. The same red hair, slightly darker, and the same pale skin.

But he was really handsome. Gaara was too, but his dadShe could see where Gaara and his brother Kankuro had gotten their looks from, but their father was just really good-looking and fit for his age. What was his age anyway? Why didnt she ask Gaara all the background she needed to know? She was so unprepared, dammit.

As a side note, she could just tell that Gaaras dad was a total heartbreaker. With those looks, how could he not be?

Swallowing down her nervousness and the urge to run away and call it quits, she slightly held up a hand and called out to him.


He turned towards her quickly, his perusal of the caf interrupted as his eyes found hers. He seemed to have paused a moment, looking surprised, before settling back to his serious look from before, with a polite smile this time.

Though it was only a polite smile, it made him look even more handsome. She mentally nodded. She was so right a total heartbreaker, the kind that didnt even have to do anything and probably didnt even know in the first place.

Gaaras Homeroom sensei? he asked, his voice quiet.

She smiled and nodded, trying to not break character as she stood up and bowed politely. Hai. Im Uzumaki Naruko. Pleased to meet you, Sabaku-san.

He bowed in return. Sabaku no Nagi, Uzumaki-sensei. Thank you for meeting me today.

They sat at the table and Naruko took a deep breath, deciding not to stall and just bite the bullet.

Sabaku-san, I asked you to meet me here today, so that I could discuss Gaara-kun with you, that should sound teacher-ly enough.

He frowned. I see. You mentioned that on the phone. Does it have anything to do with the phone call I receive from the school, about Gaara skipping his English class?

Dont falter, dont falter Yes, a bit, Naruko decided just how she was going to do this. Gaara didnt say specifically how hed wanted her to get him off the hook, and had basically given her free reign. Well, she was going to take advantage of that. Sabaku-san, Im a newer and young teacher. For what Im going to tell you next, is a very serious accusation. Because of my status, I would not be taken seriously, and would probably be reprimanded.

Nagi stiffened up, but leaned forward earnestly to hear her out.

Gaara-kuns English teacher, Yakushi Kabuto-sensei, seems to single out and even bully him, Naruko told him, hoping that that particular situation would finally get fixed now. I dont know why, and he hasnt told me. Even just that, Gaara-kun told me in confidence and I didnt want to betray it, but if I must to help Gaara-kun then I will.

The red head scowled severely and a flash of something went through his eyes before disappearing, and Naruko wasnt able to identify it in the end.

Arigato gozaimasu, Uzumaki-sensei. I hadnt known this, though Gaara doesnt particularly communicate with the rest of the family. He likes to keep to himself. I try to reach out to him, but Icompletely fail with all of them, he winced. I just dont know how.

She couldnt help just reaching out and touching his hand reassuringly, seemingly an unconscious move on her part.

I think you should keep trying. Dont try too hard or too fast and definitely dont invade in on his space, especially so suddenly. But Im pretty sure Gaara-kun wants to talk to you toohe just doesnt know how either.

Then Naruko realized what she said and where her hand is, and she turned bright red as she snatched her hand back. He was staring at her and she wondered if she had overstepped her boundaries or if hed caught on to the ruse finally.

Thank you, he said in his usual quiet tone, a small smile actually on his lips.

Naruko coughed and gave an embarrassed grin. Aa. Anyways, that was basically all Id wanted to inform you about Gaara-kuns situation. He really is a good kid, and he does well in school overall. I believe he just needs some support. So, ja ne!

She was going to try for a strategic retreat then, only for his hand to shoot out and grab hers before she could leave. His hand retracted back and he actually had a slight tint of red on his cheeks.

You dont have to leave so fast, Uzumaki-sensei. Please. Stay awhile. Lets have lunch together, especially since were already here, he requested, his small smile still on his lips.

She hesitated a bit, aware that she could end up ruining the charade the longer she stayed, but if she stayed she could continue to help bridge the gap between father and sonand the other two while she was at it.

Wellalright, she finally agreed, sitting back down.

A pleased look was on his face, and he hailed down a waiter. Both of them had been there before, so they already knew the menu and what they wanted and ended up ordering quickly.

So, where do you work? Naruko asked, starting the conversation. It would be good to, that way she could control the way it went and avoid anything that could get her into trouble or reveal too much about herself.

Plus, she would be doing the research about him she should have done by asking Gaara.

Ah, I am a company employee at Uchiha Corporate, he replied, his smile turning into a wry grin. Just a typical Japanese salaryman.

She barely refrained from choking on her drink, and inwardly winced. Saa, she was going to have to not visit Fugaku-jisan at work, or at least be discreet or have a disguise.

Trying to ignore the fact that the man in front of her worked for one of her godfathers, she kept to the conversation that shed started.

Anou, do salarymen really drink a lot? And then she heard what shed asked and mentally face palmed. Really? Her and her big mouth. Whyd she have to blurt that question out? Ah, I mean, you dont have to answer that question !

Thankfully, he chuckled and shook his head. Iie, its fine. That stereotype of a salaryman is pretty much true, at least where I work. We do a lot of social drinking, though I dont attend them too much nowadays, now that I have kids. More often, Ill go home late and have a quiet drink to myself, while my children are asleep. I probably actually drink a little too much. Ah, please dont tell my children that though. I wouldnt want them to know or worry.

Of course, she nodded but frowned. Do you work overtime a lot then?

Hai. I pretty much have to, since my salary is just enough to take care of things at home, he answered truthfully. My life and lifestyle is basically revolving around work.

They chatted a bit more, even as the food came, and when they were done theyd gotten up and had headed to the door.

Thank you for paying. Its really sweet of you, she said sincerely, keeping in the surprise that she actually enjoyed the time with him.

He gave her one of his usual small smiles. Its no problem. I really enjoy the time with you. Umthis may be sudden and forward, but may I have your number?

She scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion, though she was still smiling. Mynumber?

He strangely blushed, but nodded at her. Yes, please. If its alright with you?

Oh, well, sure. Of course, and itll be easier for you to talk and ask me about Gaara-kun and others, she said brightly, taking out her phone.

She missed his brief look of dismay, which was gone the moment she held up her phone. He fumbled into his pocket and grabbed his and held it up to hers, and she transferred her contact information to him quickly.

It was nice meeting you, Sabaku-san! Until next time!

She whirled around and started to walk away, sighing in relief that it was over and she hadnt messed up. She started heading over to where she stayed during some weekends, her usual semigentile and soft manner becoming completely encompassing. One in the estate, she smiled gently at a servant, giving her coat and shoes over. Then she was led over to her second uncles study, where the man was quietly poring over documents at his desk.

Konnichiwa, Hiashi-jisama, she greeted, bringing his attention to her finally.

He echoed her soft smile, sitting up and slightly holding up his arms. She came over and hugged him briefly, knowing it was a rare thing from and appreciating the gesture.

Naruko, Im glad to see you here. You will be staying the weekend?

Hai, Hiashi-jisama. I hope that is okay? You expressed that I stay over more often, but I hadnt given prior notice, she spoke, sounding much more formal than she usually was.

He gave her a rare warm smile. Its fine. Drop in any time. You are family.

And Naruko leaned over and gave him another hug.

Hyuuga Hiashi was her godfather, along with Uchiha Fugaku. She didnt technically have any godmother, aside from Uchiha Mikoto through being married to Fugaku (and Hyuuga Sahiko, when she was still alive). Her father, long time friends and practically best of friends with

Fugaku, had chosen him as godfather. Her mother, friends with Hiashi, had elected to choose him as another godparent, instead of any of her female friends, as she was much closer to him than they. Namikaze Minato, her late father, thought it brilliant; and since he was also good friends with Hiashi, agreed full-heartedly on the decision, despite that Fugaku and Hiashi being highly competitive rivals in the business world (and before the little Namikaze family, the two had been very bitter and hostile rivals). Her family had managed to cool down the infamous Uchiha/Hyuuga feud and rivalry, and Narukos birth and presence had only managed to make them calmer and borne a reluctant (but stable!) truce.

When her parents had died, custody had been given to Hiashi. Though there was no apparent advantage one had over the other, the court decided that Hiashi would be best to handle her, as he and his wife had no children and could focus on her, as opposed to Fugaku who had his hands full with a 7 year old and a newborn. Fugaku had vehemently disagreed with the decision and disliked it so much hed been willing to fight it; however, she had heard the two had had a meeting and came out with some kind of agreement, and Fugaku had reluctantly conceded.

She had grown up in the Hyuuga household, learning to act noble and aristocratic. Shed avoided becoming arrogant as quite a bit of them were, but a tinge of being proud had been ingrained into her somewhat. She admitted she had learned their etiquette and manners, but their traditional ways and upbringing was offset by the more modern mindset of the Uchiha family (whose shed also grown up with) who were also proud and aristocratic, but at least less old-fashioned.

Though shed lived with the Hyuuga for the longest time, much more recently shed expressed her wish to live on her own and be independent. Hiashi hadnt liked that and shed had her first fight with him over it. Fugaku hadnt liked the entire idea either, protesting much more passionately, but hed been easier and quicker to relent on the issue. In the end, they got her a simple apartment (simple at her request) and shed been living in it for her entire time as a high school student. As a third year, it was also be her third year in it.

To all else, she was just a simple, but very well-liked and popular, orphaned high school girl.

With absolutely no connections to Uchiha Corporate or Hyuuga Industries at all.

+ + + + + +

It was actually a little early, for his dad at least, for his dad to be home already. Although Kankuro and Temari were already asleep, Gaara had always had trouble sleeping and would usually stay awake for a long time for most nights.

Oyasumi, otou-san, Gaara greeted him quietly from his spot near the living room window.

Startled, the tired form of his father whirled around to face him, blinking in surprise.

Gaara, what are you doing still up? I know its Friday, but I set curfew at 10, remember? Nagi frowned.

I have trouble sleeping, remember? Gaara reminded him stoically.

Aa, I remember now. Sorry, his father said a bit awkwardly.

Nagi cleared his throat and bit his lip, before placing his briefcase by the door and tossing his jacket over it as he went over to his youngest son. He gingerly sat next to Gaara and stayed quiet for a bit, showing just where Gaara got his quiet nature from. The two of them were alike as they were opposite the two other members of the family, who were much more boisterous and louder.

So II talked to your teacher today, Nagi started out. Uzumaki-sensei told me a lot of things. You can talk to me, you know. But Im very glad that you at least can talk to her, and not keep it all in. I know Im not the best father, and that Im not always herebut I try. I work hard so you

and your siblings can have a better life and have the things you guys want and need. I work hard so the three can have a better turn out than the screw up Id made of my life. Im sorry none of you know this, but I understand that Im not very open and prone to talking myself. Like you, I suppose.

Gaara stared at him dumbfounded, his expression off guard for once and especially since this was all coming as a shock (what his dad was saying and that he was even saying it all!). What in the hell did Naruko say to his father that got him to be like this? He should have gotten her to talk to him sooner!

Ah, yes. Thank you for everything, otou-san. I understand now. And I promise to talk to you more. Promise, Gaara reiterated, though he was quickly rearranging his face back to its normal impassive look.

Good, Nagi said, taking a deep breath. Then he was hesitating, making Gaara curious. His father wasnt usually a hesitate man. Um, Gaarawhat iswhat is Uzumaki-sensei like?

And unable to help himself, he just started talking about his favorite person. It was like a reflex. Naruko was just the person he was unerringly warmed up to and practically had a complex for.

She is very kind, Gaara said matter of factly. Shes usually very gentile and sweet to everyone, and she carries herself like a noble. She is very open to everyone and doesnt hesitate to bring them comfort, and likewise people feel comfortable coming to her for anything. People usually are in awe of her and try to be around her.

On the other hand, she has her quirks too. She can instinctively be impulsive, has strange word vomits and cases of either insensitivity or tactlessness, can be clueless to many things especially reading the atmosphere has a strange obsession with the color orange, and has her brash moments, the younger red head ended fondly.

Really? She soundsvery nice, his father murmured, and Gaara noted the small smile playing on his father lips.

His breath hitched. It couldnt really becould it? Was hewas he imagining things? Or did his father really?

Kami-sama, his father was interested in Naruko.

Later that night, when his father finally went to bed as well, Gaara snatched his phone up and called up the blonde in subject. A groggy voice answered him, but he didnt pay too much to the sleepy annoyance directed at him.

Gaara-kun? Why are you calling me at this time at night?

Sempai, I have a favor to ask, he said urgently.

Baka, I already did a favor for you. A huge one, Naruko grumbled.

Please date my father.

There was quiet over the phone.


Chapter Two: The Awkward Affair

She wasnt quite sure whybut shed agreed to Gaaras outrageous request. Shed been shocked out of her mind when he had asked her to do such a thing, and hadnt even realized that Nagi had had any interest in her in that way. It was a little weird, considering he was Gaaras (and Temari and Kankuros) father, but

He was nice and good looking and just seemed so lonely, damn it all.

Naruko knew Sabaku Nagi was totally trouble the moment he walked in through those caf doors.

And so, she found herself waiting for his call (per Gaaras instructions, though she herself seemed to be anticipating it anxiously for some reason), wondering why he hadnt called her yet. Gaara had made it out as if he was really interested about her, so she took a guess and thought that Nagi would have called her immediately, as soon as an appropriate time came up.

She shrugged. Maybe he was trying to play it cool or something.

But the truth was, it was anything but that. In fact, even Gaara would have thought his father would have called already. No, he would have to pass by his father sitting in the living room, cell phone in hand and staring at it blankly, to realize that his father wasnt calling and seemed to be frozen in place. Hed told Naruko to wait for his fathers call, thinking it wouldnt be too long until his father would call her, but it seemed he needed to do an intervention first.

See, the problem for Nagi washe was actually rather terrified and nervous. It had been years since hed dated, and it was a long time since Karura. His late wife and he had ended up falling out of love sometime after Temaris birth, but decided it was too much of a hassle to split apart, as well as that they had a kid together and they didnt want to make things hard on her. They became more like friends, almost sibling-like in that time, though with the casual benefits of being able to sleep together, which resulted in Kankuros and then Gaaras birth. But then Karura

had gotten sick and then died a little after Gaara had been born, and then Nagi had no time to date or find someone else while juggling working and raising three kids.

And now hed found and met someone he really liked and wanted to see more of, and he couldnt be any more unsure than hed ever been in his life.

Plus, Naruko seemed young and like she was in her 20s, early at least, while he was already in his 30s. He knew it was probably a rather large gap, and might raise some eyebrows.

Besides that, hed been a screw up his entire life, which ended up in him marrying and having kids in his late teenage years, and just plain being young, brash, and foolish with Karura. In retrospect, it really wasnt too much of a surprise that they fell out of love after theyd married.

He was much older and mature than he had been then, so hed had time to be more assured of himself and confident about what he wanted, as well as having been forced to grow up and make a real life for himself and his family. Hed lived life a little more, as opposed to Naruko, who was a young, spirited teacher who still had more to experience and live in life, compared to a 34 year old jaded salaryman like him.

What the hell was he offering her?

He was plenty sure she probably had a lot of men her age lining up and wanting to be with her, what with her looks and personality. There was no way he stood a chance. He probably had never even entered her mind as possible dating material.

Just call her already.

Nagi blinked and turned to the source of the order, seeing his youngest child standing there and watching him with a raised eyebrow.

If you like her, Gaara started, his usual stoic face and tone not revealing what he really felt, then just hurry up and call.

Nagi hesitated, but his son kept staring at him so he turned back to his phone and the number that he had been staring at for the better part of the hour. He swallowed nervously and pressed it, putting the phone to his ear and hearing the dial tone.


His eyes darted over to his son, who stood there and stared. He didnt know if it was for support or intimidation. He went for support, because he refused to let himself be intimidated by his own son.

Uzumaki-sensei? Nagi tentatively greeted.

Ah, Sabaku-san! Is that you? How are you then? Is there something I can help you with?

Nagi glanced back at Gaara, because it really was kind of supporting to him, and took a deep breath before asking her out.

Uzumaki-sensei, I was wondering if you were free tonight? I was hoping it would be alright if I took you out for dinner. As a date, he added to make sure it was clear what he was asking for.

There was silence on the other end and he waited anxiously for her reply.

Id like that, she finally said, making him inwardly and outwardly relax in relief. What were you thinking of?

Theres a nice restaurant I was thinking of, on Nishi-azabu, he immediately thought of, though he winced on second thought. However, he didnt take it back. I could pick you up at your place and then head over there together? How about 8?

That sounds good. Ill just message you my address then and see you then?

Alright. I look forward to it, he said happily.

So Nagis got a date? he heard as soon hed hung up.

He stared blandly at his best friend. Kimura Baki merely grinned back.

Hey, freeloader, Gaara greeted Baki in his usual manner.

His greeting didnt match his usual manner, so Nagi inwardly snickered and applauded his son.

Baki frowned huffed. Dont call me that, gaki.

Just then Temari and Kankuro entered the room, probably looking for lunch.

Hi, freeloader, Wassup, freeloader, both Temari and Kankuro greeted Baki respectively.

Baki scowled and glared at Nagi. You! You taught them that, didnt you? he accused.

Nagi lifted an eyebrow. I dont know what youre talking aboutfreeloader.

Baki huffed in agitation. Whatever. So whats for lunch? he asked, causing the others to roll their eyes.

Dunno. Takeout again, probably, Kankuro said, and the kids avoided looking at their dad.

Nagi hung his head, and they could all just picture a storm cloud brewing over it as their father moped.

Well, we dont want to burn the house down, Temari muttered under her breath.

Nagi heard anyway. His head hung even lower.

Damn kids, Nagi glowered at them, when he looked up.

You cant cook, Baki said bluntly. Its a disaster whenever you try. Stop trying to kill us.

Nagi grumbled as he searched out his wallet, and took a small wad of banknotes and handed it over to Gaara, who was closest.

Go with your siblings to the store and buy several donburi. And ramen. Get two packs of ramen, he added as an afterthought. It was a quick and easy thing to prepare. They wouldnt have to starve or buy takeout all the time. And dont waste the yen.

Hai, otou-san, the three said in unified exasperation.

After they finished eating, Nagi decided to take a shower and got out after an hour of brooding and preparing himself in the shower for the date. His kids and Baki were crowded in his room, mindless of his half-nakedness as they talked.

Dad, you got a date? Temari asked, turning towards him with an interrogating air.

He hitched up the towel around his waist uncomfortably.

Yes, he said irritably, glaring at them.

Try not to say insensitive things, Kankuro said, ignoring Temari snorting and saying Youre the one who does that.

Dont talk too much about yourself. Make sure to ask about her, Temari added.

Baki interrupted, sniggering at his friend. Kids, kids your dad knows what hes doing. He can handle himself. He was a real smooth player back in the day; trust me, he can handle women.

Nagi growled. Yes, talk about me like Im not here. Im going to get dressed, brats. That included you too, Baki.

Baki pouted as his kids laughed under their breaths, and he snatched the clothes hed gathered up from the top of his dresser and went back into his bathroom, slamming the door.

Id always thought Dad was oblivious to the interest of other women, Temari shrugged.

Their pseudo-uncle coughed and twitched. He is. Never knew he was so well-liked with them, but he really was always rather popular with women. He never had to do much, but when he did it was an easy sell. Hes a natural. Nagi can charm women easily, but for some reason he just cant catch when a womans interested in him.

Just then, their father came out wearing a nice pair of black slacks and a navy dress shirt that had the first two top buttons left undone, and with his hair still wet and dangling around his head. Temari clapped her hands eagerly.

I concede, freeloader, she said dramatically. You were right. Dad can clean up pretty well.

Baki growled at the name, while Nagi rolled his eyes.

Im cutting it kind of close, so I have to leave quickly right now. Curfews usually 10, but its a Saturday and Im on a date, so Nagi trailed out hesitantly. Be at bed by 11, and you can stretch it to 11:30 if Im not here yet and rush to bed and fake sleep if you hear me coming home around then. Yes, Im letting you cheat curfew, so long as you dont let me catch you.

His kids cheered, even Baki, and he had to refrain from rolling his eyes again.

I have to go, he started to panic, rushing slightly to get out.

Dont look tired or exhausted, or act it, like you usually are! Temari yelled out.

And dont fall asleep on her or pass out! Either or! Kankuro followed her example.

Its not his fault, you know, Gaara suddenly said, surprising the other three. He works all the time, but it cant be helped.

Temari and Kankuro traded glances, while Baki watched in interest.

We know that, Gaara, Kankuro said lightly. Were just teasing.

It is slightly sucky that we dont really see much of Dad, except on weekends, Temari shrugged. And sometimes, even then, it can get awkward around him, or were usually gone and he stays at home. We still love him though, you know.

Gaara shifted uncomfortably, but nodded sharply. Their home life was kind of strained, but it wasnt bad. They wished their dad didnt have to work so much, and they could see him more. But theyd all took a peek at bills, his paycheck, and whatnot every once in awhile when curiosity had them beat.

She must be something special though. I havent seen Dad this fired up in a long time, Kankuro whistled.

Wonder who she is? Temari questioned aloud.

Gaara paled slightly. Who knows? he said indifferently. None of us have met yet, right? Its not like any of us would know who she is.

He walked out of their fathers room, idly wondering why they had still be in there and hanging out, when their dad was long gone well. Oh well. It wasnt like their father was going to know theyre used his bedroom to gossip in.

+ + + + + +

Nagi quickly found the apartment building she lived in and parked in an available spot in the garage lot. Then he was jogging through it and to the elevators, texting a message to her that he was on his way as he jogged.

He remembered their first meeting, reminiscing as he waited in the elevator. He had been looking around the caf, and had caught sight of her while hed done so. He recalled thinking he wished he had time to maybe hesitantly talk with her before or after his meeting with Gaaras teacher, when he was surprised that moments after hed gone back to looking around the room, shed called out and turned out to be the person he was supposed to be meeting with.

Hed paused, thinking how young (and pretty) she looked, and had been surprised she was a teacher at all, much less Gaaras and the one he was supposed to meet. The more time he spent in her presence, the more hed become relaxed and started to like her and become interested in her personally, until he was hesitantly hoping for more time with her. Hed nearly panicked when she was leaving after having talked to him about Gaara and had reflexively reached out to stop her from leaving.

And then they were talking and he was actually saying a lot more about himself than he usually did, or that he was talking so much in the first place. He was surprised with himself that he had actually went and asked for her phone number, though he was a little disappointed that it had come across as his wanting to keep in touch as Gaaras parent and not that hed hoped to become a little more than friendly with her. Although, hopefully, tonight would clear that up and hed be a little unmistakable and transparent in his intentions.

The elevator finally reached her floor, and he tentatively walked through the hallway. The place was really nice and he tried not to think Oh God, Im a poor person and my familys poor and what the hell am I doing in a place like this? I dont belong or wonder about how a teacher, a young one at that, was able to afford a place like this.

He found her door and knocked, and the glimpse hed caught of the inside practically confirmed his suspicions that he would never be able to afford a place here with his salary and that it was one of those pricey places.

Im ready! she said brightly, bringing his attention to her.

He gave a small smile, though inwardly the mental him had his jaw slightly agape. She was beautiful in a sky blue fluttery dress with silvery gray kitten heels, wearing a wide smile and her bright blue eyes practically twinkling at him.

H-hello, was all he managed, before he just jerkily offered his arm to her to compensate for his inability to currently talk.

She took it and he escorted her out of there, still wondering about the rich feel of the place and that the person on his arm was actually living in that place.

Oh, youre taking me to Gonpachi? she asked in surprise.

His face colored. Um, not exactly

She looked at him in puzzlement.

Ten minutes later, he was rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment at they stood in the sushi room on the third level of the restaurant, which was actually a separate place from the rest of restaurant in the first place.

Er, Im sorry, he looked away, the red on his face darkening and heightened by the color of his hair. I cant really afford the actual restaurant, and my coworkers and I come here all the time. The foods good! he wanted to assure her.

She just smiled and tugged at his hand. I bet it is! Lets go grab a seat?

He relaxed a little and held her hand more securely as he led her to his usual booth, then decided to take the booth behind it instead. It would be nice to have a booth for just him and her, instead of making her share one that was shared with coworkers.

It wasnt long until theyd ordered and were just waiting for food, when he asked her about her job.

M-my job? Naruko smiled oddly. Ahits a bit hard. Theres a lot of schoolwork to go through and some teachers are a bit insufferable. I love the students though, though even some of them can be a bit insufferable as well. What about your job? How is working in Uchiha Corporate and as a salaryman?

Nagi half chuckled and half grimaced.

A lot of work. I spend whole days working, and usually do overtime. I work five days out of seven, and there are times I come in during weekends as well. I barely see my kids and I get paid average. And Im pretty sure my boss is a hardass and an arrogant jerk.

Narukos lips twitched. I bet he isAnyways, enough about work. What about friends? Id like to hear about your friends, if its alright? Nagi was surprised, but thought it was a good question and nothing to be bothered by.

Its fine. Lets seeI have a freeloader at home, named Himura Baki. I call him that and I get my kids to call him that, but hes really my best friend and Ive known him since we were kids. He just sleeps on my couch and mooches over the food we have at home.

Naruko giggled and he cracked a grin at that.

AndIm also good friends with Hatake Kakashi, whos an open pervert and a lazy bastard. I also am friends with Akasuna Sasori, an artist and currently working as an art teacher over in Tokyo University. Theres Sarutobi Asuma, who I became friends with at work. Kakashi is also a coworker of mine. And theres

On and on he went, describing his friends and then turning it around on her, who looked rather tense for some reason.

My friends Naruko started, twitching inwardly. Other than she couldnt say her friends from school, knowing most of them had parents working in the same company as Nagi, she went for the Hyuuga side of the family. She avoided the Uchiha, considering that hed practically listed all of the older adults in the company that she knew and were friends with.

What freakin luck did she have to be going out with a guy who was friends with almost all of her older friends?

Damn it all, if they cross paths or something was mentioned

So she talked about Anko, Kurenai, Hana, Yuugao, and even Meizu and Gozu who were sweet but slightly silly (and usually exasperated Hiashi).

Yes, it was rather awkward, this whole thing, this date, going out with an older man and who happened to be her cute, little kohai Gaaras father

But it wasnt actually too bad in hindsight.

Chapter Three: Aint No Mountain High Enough

The date went well, in his opinion. They talked a bit more about themselves, standard date stuff, and then their food came. When the food came, they ate a bit first before resuming any talk, in which they started to go in on things they liked to do in life, though Nagi was embarrassed about his rather short list of things he did outside of workespecially as a lot of it revolved around work.

How many things did he do with his coworkers anyway?!

All but two of his friends were from work, and Sasori had been a family friend (as well as someone hed first babysat and then tutored in school, as seven years his senior). Baki was his childhood friend. If anything, Naruko had been the first person outside of his work that hed tentatively started some kind of relationship with.

He was really hoping he didnt screw things up with her, but thankfully things seemed to be smooth so far.

Theyd been having such a good time together that they hadnt realized how late it had gotten, until Nagi managed to catch a glimpse of the restaurants clock and it showed that it was nearing midnight. He blinked in surprise, and idly wondered whether his kids had decided to throw a party and knew that Baki would definitely not do his task of being responsible caretaker in Nagis absence, and was most assuredly encouraging them to be destructive.

He looked at Naruko, and inwardly shrugged. Ah well. This was worth it.

Its late, Naruko slightly gaped at the clock as well. I hadnt realized

Neither did I, though he was inwardly pleased that she had been having such a good time, that shed forgotten the time as well. I suppose Ill have to take you back home then?

She smirked. I dont think youre allowed to kidnap me, Sabaku-san.

He smirked back. I dont think Id accept any kind of ransom in exchange for you.

She lightly blushed. Satisfied with her response, he stood up and offered his arm, and then was escorting her out of the restaurant and back to his car. There, he held her door opened and closed it behind her before he went over to his side. Not really wanting to take her home just yet, he drove slowly and took the long way back. However, soon enough, they were still making headway to her home and were there in no time. He insisted on taking her back up at least.

At her door, they faced each other and became a little awkward. Both noticing it, they locked eyes and started to laugh in embarrassment together.

So I guess this is goodbye for tonight, he said reluctantly, smile dying down a little.

YeahI had a good time tonight, she said shyly, grinning a little.

Happy, he echoed her sentiments. Me too.

Unsure, he leaned down and she looked up at him wide-eyed. He hovered a little, before making a split-second decision and kissed her cheek. He lingered a bit before moving back and taking a step away, smiling at her.


Flushed red, she nodded and gave a polite bow.

Goodnight, she said back, before opening her door and slipping into her apartment hurriedly.

When she was gone, his smile fell and he sighed. He wanted to see her again already. He wished she couldve stayed around just a little longer, but at least he got a cute reaction out of her. Still, he worried a little that hed moved a little too fast.

Knowing he couldnt just stay in the hallway, he trudged down the hallway and to the elevator, musing back to the entirety of the date and feeling very happy with how it went and confident in how hed handled himself and the date. He hoped there could be more in their future.

Though he felt tired, his mind was racing and he felt utterly alive. He drove back home, unable to keep his mind focused on a single thing, and too busy feeling so many things at once. Inside his house, he was surprised to see all the lights off and that his kids actually had gone to sleep. But then he passed by Gaaras room and rolled his eyes at the mutterings. Never mind. He took that back.

I think hes home now!

Hey, hey watch it! Hell hear us!

Shh! Youre too loud.

Damn it, kids. None of you have any sense of stealth. Shush!

He really cant believe Baki sometimes.

Nagi collapsed onto his bed as soon as he closed the door behind him. Lying on his front, he kicked off his shoes lazily, letting them drop to the floor with a thud. Forcing himself to roll onto his back, he unbuttoned his slacks and pushed them down, kicking them off and letting them join

his shoes on the floor, and leaving him in his boxers. He unbuttoned his shirt next and shoved it off, throwing it carelessly to land somewhere on his floor also. Then he crawled up on his bed and slid under his covers, flopping back again.

And yet his mind refused to shut down, even though his body already had. He mentally pouted about that.

I want to sleep, he muttered under his breath.

But his mind replayed the date again, and he saw him kissing her cheek and her blushing for the fifteenth time in his head. He smiled goofily and began to slowly drift off to sleep finally.

In the meantime, the other half of his date was currently rushing in her bedroom to slip into pajamas. And then she was making her way through the late public transit back to the Hyuuga estate, ignoring the many stares towards her attire as she did so. Trying to be stealthy, she snuck through the grounds, knowing that many of the guards had probably seen her and were turning a blind eye. At the window nearest her room there, she jumped up and grabbed the windowsill, pulling herself up and balancing herself on it. Then she practically tossed herself over it, trying to land silently.

She warily looked around, chanting in her head to Be stealthy like a ninja, be stealthy like a ninja, be stealthy like a ninja

Naruko, what are you doing? Actually, where have you been? Hyuuga Hizashis voice sounded from behind her, sounding amused and yet also worried.

She inwardly groaned and turned to face her uncles twin.

Hi, Hizashi-jisan, she sighed. Please dont tell Hiashi-jisan I was gone.

Hizashi frowned. That depends. Where did you go?

I was on a date, she reluctantly admitted to.

They both winced, knowing Hiashis reaction to that, especially given how overprotective that man could be.

Well, tell me next time. Someone here should at least know something, before you decide to just disappear from the estate. And I can cover for you better if I knew, he gave her a look, and she smiled sheepishly at him.

Thanks, Hizashi-jisan. Ill remember next time. Night, she moved to her tip toes and kissed his cheek, before hurrying off to her room there.

She had an easier time falling asleep than Nagi had.

The next day passed by pretty quickly, with Naruko spending time with the Hyuuga side of her family and Nagi dodging questions about his date. In fact, he had to from the moment he woke up and stepped out of his room.

Hey, Nagi, whacha doin? was the first thing he heard, in which Baki greeted him and proceeded to steer him into the kitchen, where his kids were sitting at the table and looking like they were ready to interrogate him.

Did you wake her? Gaara directed towards Baki with a glare.

Baki held up his hands. No, no. Your dad stepped out and I just commandeered him here.

Did you see her? Kankuro asked eagerly.

What did she look like? Temari followed.

Hey, Im right here, Nagi deadmanned.

But you wont tell us, so well interrogate you after we get those answered, Temari told her dad matter of fact.

No, I missed her

Nagi interrupted Baki, now very sure of what they were on about.

She is not here! Nagi hissed at them in irritation. I didnt go and bring her home, and shes not in my bed. Damn, what has you all convince I went and slept with her already?

All three of his kids looked at Baki pointedly. Nagi twitched and turned and glared at his friend, who laughed nervously.

He said youd probably easily charm her into your bed by the end of the date, Kankuro declared loudly.

And that you were coming home with her, so we waited in Gaaras room and were listening for the both of you, and when we didnt catch you we were all pretty sure you were in your room with her, Temari said in a rush.

And that you were doing it with her, Kankuro blurted out.

Gaara only blinked at Nagi.

I just met her! Nagi massaged his head. Didnt Gaara tell you? I went on a date with his teacher, who I met Friday. I asked her out yesterday, which was just the first date.

His kids nodded, with Gaara understandingly looking relieved (though only Nagi noticed and would have understood why). However, Temari had kept in mind that her father had mentioned that it was Gaaras teacher and began to mentally think through who Gaaras teachers were.

Just because its your first date with her and you just met her, doesnt mean you wouldnt have hit the sack with her already, Baki grinned, and gave him a look.

Nagi looked at him blandly. Honestly, Baki? Really now. Besides, I dont want to be like that with her, and its been years since I was like that or had a relationship like that. And Im not discussing this in front of my kids, baka!

Baki snickered and his kids ignored that, continuing to bombard him with questions. Nagi just evaded them and darted back into his room, deciding to take a shower. A long shower. A long, long shower that would hopefully discourage them and make them impatient and give up.

The rest of the day was spent with his family and Baki, with them for once able to have a nice day together.

The next day, however, was back to work as usual.

Nagi woke up at four am, like he always did. He tiredly took a shower, brushed his teeth, and dressed before eating a quick breakfast. Knowing his kids was still sleeping, he left without a goodbye like always, this time having to fight the urge to prematurely wake Baki up in retaliation for the weekend taunting. However, he would be late if he didnt leave right then.

Making it with minutes to spare, he clocked in and headed over to his cubicle. He sighed and turned on his computer, getting ready to start his work.

Mornin, Sunshine, Momochi Zabuza crooned, chugging coffee down like it was alcohol or something.

Nagi grunted, clicking a few keys to log in.

Talkative as usual, in the morning, Zabuza snickered.

Not all of us can be morning people like you, a familiar voice cut in, and Nagi raised his head enough to blink a greeting to his long time friend Hatake Kakashi.

Kakashi gave a lazy wave back.

Tch, lazy asses, Zabuza huffed.

Hows your boyfriend? Kakashi asked, and Nagi tuned them out to work on automatic, too tired to really pay attention to much right then.

Hey, Nagi, youre not usually this out of it in the morning, Kakashi mentioned in concern, turning away from Zabuzas talk about his boyfriend Yuki Haku. Youre not usually so tired so early in the workday?

Nagi grimaced, not looking back at the twos inquisitive looks.

My kids kept drilling me all night about the date I had Saturday, and I lost track of time, Nagi grumbled. I ended up sleeping late, and I didnt get to have a cup of coffee as a pick-me-up this morning, to compensate like usual.

Date? Zabuza grinned widely, steadfastly zeroing on that part. Do tell.

Please do, Sarutobi Asuma came in, dropping a cup of coffee onto Nagis desk and taking a sip of his own. In return for the coffee.

Nagi grudgingly debated the offer, but needed the coffee so conceded to say something about it. He grabbed the coffee and took a sip before saying anything.

Shes my youngest kids teacher. Shes pretty, sweet, kindreally cares about my kid and I get along great with her, a fond smile unconsciously made its way to his lips, noticed by the other three (though they said nothing, just to make sure Nagi wouldnt stop talking). It was rare and uncharacteristic of the man though.

We have tons of things in common, one of them being we love flying. I told her about wanting to own and fly my private plane one of these days, and she took me seriously. I know Ill probably never have the money, but she didnt laugh or scoff at me, Nagi was full out grinning by then.

Howd you meet her? Kakashi asked curiously.

Well, I had a meeting with her on Friday, Nagi winced. My kid had trouble at school, but she told me the class he was having trouble with was because the teacher was picking on him. We had lunch together and talked a bit more after the meeting about Gaara, and then I asked her for her number. I just ended asking her out the next day, for dinner. That went well I took her to the sushi room in Gonpachi, the one we always go to.

Wasnt disappointed that you werent taking her to the restaurant? Zabuza chortled.

Nagi turned pink, but glared back. No, actually. She wasnt.

Ah, sounds like a good girl. How old is she? Id like to try forming a picture of Nagis mysterious lady in my head, Kakashi stroke his chin in thought.

I think shes in her 20s, Nagi muttered.

Wow, nice catch, Nagi, Asuma whistled. Pretty young for you?

We click, Nagi insisted. Yes, shes probably at least a decade younger than me, but shes legal and I really like her. And I think she likes me too.

Where in her 20s do you think she is? Zabuzas grin turned lascivious.

Early 20s, Nagi sighed, taking comfort in his coffee.

What she look like? Asuma prodded, trying to take his mind off of that.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, Nagis eyes glazed over. Slim, lean, fair-skinned, and just the right curves everywhere.

All three guys chuckled and clapped Nagi on the back on a good job, and he snapped out of it and went to glaring at them.

And shes just a little shorter than me, with whisker-like marks on her cheeks, Nagi finished off.

The guys had been nodding along, but froze at that last part. Kakashis one eye stared wide at the red-head, who hadnt noticed their reactions as he went to focus on his computer for a bit.

Whisker marks, you say Asuma said weakly.

Nagi nodded, clicking something on his browser. Yeah. I didnt ask about them, just in case it was a sensitive topic or something. I thought something like that could wait until we got to know each other better.

Zabuza twitched.

Whats her name? Kakashi asked, trying to act normal.

Uzumaki Naruko, Nagis lips twitched up, thinking about her. I was thinking of calling Uzumaki-sensei on my break, and having a quick lunch with her.

Yeah, yeah you go do that, Zabuza hurried said, then dragged the other two away, confusing Nagi. Call her, he hissed at Kakashi.

The silver-haired man hurried did so and Naruko answered quickly, though they could hear her fumbling about, trying to get ready for school.

Naruko, you have some explaining to do, Asuma stole the phone from Kakashi.

Asuma? Wait, what? What are you talking about? she asked in confusion, voice breathless as she continued to run around her room in the estate.

Like how youre dating our coworker, who thinks youre a teacher? Kakashi stole back the phone, angrily interrogating her.

She cursed at her end. Look short story: Gaara-kun asked me to pose as a teacher and meet his father. Apparently, Sabaku-san liked me, Gaara-kun noticed, and then for some reason asked me to date his father. And I dont know why I agreed, okay?! He just seems so nice and sweet. And lonely. I dont know, I couldnt help it!

Kami-sama, Naruko, Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose, as Zabuza cursed up a storm under his breath right next to them. Asuma was forcing himself to breathe in and out slowly. Look, please tell me youll set things right soon.

She was quiet, and that made Kakashi started cursing in his head as well.

I dont know, she finally said. Come on, guys. Justplay along for now. Please? For me? The three guys looked at each other, before simultaneously sighing.

Alright, Kakashi reluctantly agreed. We will. Just try to not let this go on for long, okay? Nagishes a good guy and hes genuinely interested in you. Whatever reason you and his kid have for cooking up this insane plan, try to wrap it up quickly.

I know, guys. Talk to you later; Im about to be late to school, if I dont start rushing now.

Kakashi hung up and the three gave each other looks.

This is going to be so weird, Zabuza muttered.

Yeah, but Nagi looks like he can do anything right now. Poor guy looks like he can even climb Mt. Fuji at this point, Asuma twitched.

Just dont mention anything, but mentally Kakashi was hitting his head against his mental wall.

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