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New organizational

management as a
capitals :
1. Traditional capitals
2. Human capitals
3. Social capitals
4. Positive psychological capitals
The elements of traditional
capitals :
1. Technological
2. Structural / physical
3. finiancial
: Human capitals
Definition : human capitals are
usually equated with
knowledge, skills and
competencies derived from
education, experience &
identifiable skills.

The elements of human

capitals :

Explicit Tacit
knowledge knowledge
Easily imitable unique

Shortterm Longterm
oriented oriented
Not always Renewable
Not always cumulative
: Social capitals
Definition : social capitals are
recognized to include
interpersonal-intergroup &
interorganizational relationships
as well as underlying group &
community resources.
The elements of social
capitals :
3. Networks
4. Norms & values
Positive psychological
: capitals
Definition : positive psychological is
the part of psychology science that
is used for healthy people not only
for ill persons.
 The elements of pos-
psychological :
3. Confidence
4. Hope
5. Optimism
6. resiliency
Luthans has this idea
: that
Correct managing in human,
social & psychological
capitals, can help to every
organization for using them as
.a competative advantage
: So
How should we manage each of
these capitals in a correct way
? And
Human capitals management :
)) HCM
 Representative techniques :
2. Selection & selectivity

4. Training & development

6. Building tacit knowledge

Social capitals management : )
 Representative techniques :
2. Open communication chanels
3. Cross-functional work teams
4. Work life balance programs
Positive psychological capital
:) management ) pcm
 Developing confidence through :

1. positive feedback
2. social persuasion
3. physical & psychological

 Developing hope through :

1. goal setting
2. stepping
3. contingency planning
4. mental rehearsals
5. “ re-goaling “
 Developing  Developing
optimism through resiliency through
: :
2. Leniency for the  Asset - focused
past strategies

4. Appreciation for  Risk-focused

the present strategies

6. Opportunity-  Process - focused

seeking for the strategies

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