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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

AutoCAD 2007 has introduced many new commands and changed just as many. This pamphlet is designed to offer a reference for the important commands altered or added in this release.


Overview New Commands Changed Commands 1 2 7

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

New Commands:
INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072

Description Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D. Provides a command line interface to the 3D graphics system's configuration settings. Displays the Export 3D DWF dialog box. Activates fly-through mode and enables you to navigate in any direction, including off the XY plane. Controls the interactive viewing of objects in 3D, using an unconstrained orbit. Displays the move grip tool in a 3D view and moves objects a specified distance in a specified direction. Displays the rotate grip tool in a 3D view and revolves objects around a base point. Interactively changes the view of a 3D drawing so that you appear to be walking through the model. Creates a new DWG file with all AEC objects exploded. Saves an animation along a path in a 3D model. Removes the history from 3D solid primitives and composite solids. Moves objects from model space to paper space, or vice versa. (integrated Express Tool) Displays the Image Manager. (old GUI) Displays the Xref Manager. (old GUI) Converts lights created in previous releases to lights in AutoCAD 2007 format. Converts materials created in previous releases to materials in AutoCAD 2007 format. Converts polylines and circles with thickness to 3D solids.


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

New Commands Cont:

Command CONVTOSURFACE COPYTOLAYER -COPYTOLAYER DASHBOARD DASHBOARDCLOSE DISTANTLIGHT DWFADJUST DWFATTACH -DWFATTACH DWFCLIP EXTERNALREFERENCES EXTERNALREFERENCESCLOSE FLATSHOT GEOGRAPHICLOCATION HELIX IMPRINT -INTERFERE Description Converts objects to surfaces. Copies one or more objects to another layer. (integrated Express Tool) Copies one or more objects to another layer. (command line version) Opens the Dashboard window. Closes the Dashboard window. Creates a distant light. Allows adjustment of a DWF underlay from the command line. Attaches a DWF underlay to the current drawing. Attaches a DWF underlay to the current drawing. (command line version) Uses clipping boundaries to define a subregion of a DWF underlay. Displays the External References palette. Closes the External References palette. Creates a 2D representation of all 3D objects in the current view. Specifies the latitude and longitude of a location. Creates a 2D or 3D spiral. Imprints an edge on a 3D solid. Highlights 3D solids that overlap. (command line version)

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

New Commands Cont:

Command JOGSECTION LAYCUR LAYDEL -LAYDEL LAYFRZ LAYISO LAYLCK LAYMCH -LAYMCH LAYMCUR LAYMRG -LAYMRG LAYOFF LAYON LAYTHW LAYULK LAYUNISO Description Adds a jogged segment to a section object. Changes the layer of selected objects to the current layer. (integrated Express Tool) Deletes the layer of the selected and all objects on the layer, and purges the layer from the drawing. (integrated Express Tool) Deletes the layer of the selected and all objects on the layer, and purges the layer from the drawing. (command line version) Freezes the layer of selected objects. (integrated Express Tool) Isolates the layers of selected objects so that all other layers are turned off. (integrated Express Tool) Locks the layer of selected objects. (integrated Express Tool) Changes the layer of a selected object to match the destination layer. (integrated Express Tool) Change the layer of a selected object to match the destination layer. (command line version) Makes the layer of a selected object current. (renamed AI_MOLC) Merges selected layers onto a destination layer. (integrated Express Tool) Merges selected layers onto a destination layer. (command line version) Turns off the layer of the selected object. (integrated Express Tool) Turns on all layers. (integrated Express Tool) Thaws all layers. (integrated Express Tool) Unlocks the layer of a selected object. (integrated Express Tool) Turn on the layers that were turned off with the last LAYISO command. (integrated Express Tool)

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

New Commands Cont:

Command LAYVPI LAYWALK LIGHTLIST LIGHTLISTCLOSE LIVESECTION LOFT MATERIALATTACH MATERIALMAP MATERIALS MATERIALSCLOSE PLANESURF POINTLIGHT POLYSOLID PRESSPULL PYRAMID RENDERCROP Description Isolates an object's layer to the current viewport. (integrated Express Tool) Dynamically displays layers in a drawing. (integrated Express Tool) Opens the Lights in Model window to add and modify lights. Closes the Lights in Model window. Turns on live sectioning for a selected section object. Creates a 3D solid or surface by lofting through a set of two or more curves. Attaches materials to objects by layer. Displays a material mapper grip tool to adjust the mapping on a face or an object. Manages, applies, and modifies materials. Closes the Materials window. Creates a planar surface. Creates a point light. Creates a 3D polysolid. Presses or pulls bounded areas. Creates a 3D solid pyramid. Selects a specific region (crop window) in an image for rendering.

RENDERENVIRONMENT Provides visual cues for the apparent distance of objects.

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

New Commands Cont:

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072

Description Specifies render presets, reusable rendering parameters, for rendering an image. Displays the Render Window without invoking a render task. Closes the Advanced Render Settings palette, if it is displayed. Creates a section object that acts as a cutting plane through a 3D object. (command line version) Creates a spotlight. Opens the Sun palette and sets the properties of the sun. Closes the Sun Properties window. Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping a 2D curve along a path. Creates a 3D solid by thickening a surface. Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a visual style to a viewport. Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a visual style to a viewport. (command line version) Closes the Visual Styles Manager. Sets the visual style in the current viewport. Saves a visual style. Specifies walk and fly settings. Creates wireframe geometry by extracting edges from a 3D solid or surface.


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

Changed Commands:
Command 3DCONFIG 3DORBIT 3DPAN 3DSWIVEL 3DZOOM ALIGN BOX CAMERA CHANGE CHPROP CONE CUI CYLINDER DIST DSETTINGS DVIEW ETRANSMIT Description Provides 3D graphics system configuration settings. Controls the interactive viewing of objects in 3D. Starts the interactive 3D view and enables you to drag the view horizontally and vertically in a perspective view. Changes the target of the view in the direction that you drag. Zooms in and out in a perspective view. Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D. Creates a 3D solid box. Sets a camera and target location to create and save a 3D perspective view of objects. Changes the properties of existing objects. Changes the properties of an object. Creates a 3D solid with a circular or elliptical base tapering symmetrically to a point or a circular or elliptical planar face. Manages customized user interface elements such as workspaces, toolbars, menus, shortcut menus and keyboard shortcuts. Creates a three-sided 3D solid with a circular or elliptical base and top. Distance between two points. Sets grid and snap, polar and object snap tracking, object snap modes, and Dynamic Input. Defines parallel projection or perspective views by using a camera and target. Packages a set of files for Internet transmission.

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

Changed Commands Cont:

Command -ETRANSMIT EXPLODE EXTRUDE FIELD GRID HIDE HLSETTINGS IMAGE -IMAGE IMAGEADJUST -IMAGEADJUST IMAGEATTACH IMAGECLIP IMAGEQUALITY INTERFERE JOIN LIGHT Description Packages a set of files for Internet transmission. (command line version) Breaks a compound object into its component objects. Creates a 3D solid or surface by extruding an object or planar face a specified distance and direction. Creates a multiline text object with a field that can be updated automatically as the field value changes. Displays a grid in the current viewport that is not plotted. Regenerates a three-dimensional wireframe model with hidden lines suppressed. Changes the display properties of lines in 2D wireframes. Starts the EXTERNALREFERENCES command allowing for image management. Allows access to image options from the command line. Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images. Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images. (command line version) Attaches a new image to the current drawing. Uses clipping boundaries to define a subregion of an image object. Controls the display quality of images. Highlights 3D solids that overlap. Joins objects to form a single, unbroken object. Creates a light.

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

Changed Commands Cont:

Command LIST MATCHPROP MVIEW OPTIONS PAGESETUP PLOT PUBLISH PURGE -PURGE QSELECT RECTANG REFCLOSE REFEDIT RENDER REVOLVE RPREF Description Displays database information for selected objects. Applies the properties of a selected object to other objects. (added Special Properties for Material and Shadow display) Creates and controls layout viewports. Customizes the program settings. Controls the page layout, plotting device, paper size, and other settings for each new layout. Plots a drawing to a plotter, printer, or file. Publishes drawings to DWF files or plotters. Removes unused named items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing. Removes unused named items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing. (command line version) Creates a selection set based on filtering criteria. Draws a rectangular polyline. Saves back or discards changes made during in-place editing of a reference (an xref or a block). Selects an external reference or block reference for editing. Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a three-dimensional wireframe or solid model. Creates a 3D solid or surface by revolving 2D objects about an axis. Displays the Advanced Render Settings palette for access to advanced rendering settings.

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

Changed Commands Cont:

Command SAVEIMG SELECT SHADEMODE SHEETSET SLICE SNAP SOLIDEDIT SPHERE TORUS UCS VIEW -VPORTS WBLOCK -WBLOCK WEDGE XREF Description Saves a rendered image to a file. Places selected objects in the Previous selection set. Starts the VSCURRENT command. Opens the Sheet Set Manager. Slices a solid with a plane or surface. Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals. Edits faces and edges of 3D solid objects. Creates a 3D solid sphere. Creates a 3D donut-shaped solid. Manages user coordinate systems. Saves and restores named views, camera views, layout views, and preset views. Creates multiple viewports in model space or paper space. (command line version) Writes objects or a block to a new drawing file. Writes objects or a block to a new drawing file. (command line version) Creates a five-sided 3D solid with a sloped face tapering along the X axis. Starts the EXTERNALREFERENCES command.

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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AutoCAD 2007 Commands

Changed Commands Cont:

System Variable AUTOSNAP BACKZ DBLCLKEDIT DELOBJ DISPSILH FRONTZ LENSLENGTH PICKADD POLARMODE PROJECTNAME SURFU SURFV TRACKPATH Description Controls the display of the AutoSnap marker, tooltip, and magnet. Stores the back clipping plane offset from the target plane for the current viewport, in drawing units. Controls double-click behavior. Controls whether objects used to create other objects are retained or deleted from the drawing database. Controls display of silhouette curves of solid objects in Wireframe mode. Stores the front clipping plane offset from the target plane for the current viewport. Stores the length of the lens. (read-only) Controls whether subsequent selections replace the current selection set or add to it. Controls settings for polar and object snap tracking. Assigns a project name to the current drawing. Sets the surface density for PEDIT Smooth in the M direction. Sets the surface density for PEDIT Smooth in the N direction. Controls the display of polar and object snap tracking alignment paths.

INNOVATIVE POWER AND DESIGN, LLC www.power-LLC.com info@power-LLC.com Phone: 303-359-2072


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