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Lesson Topic: Mapping your Community Date: 16/10/12

VELS Domain(s): Humanities VEL Dimension(s) or Religious Education Guideline: Humanities Skills

Grade(s)/ Year Level(s):


Duration of Lesson:

40 minutes

Learning Outcome(s)/Standard(s): Students will draw simple maps of their surrounding community, and identify human and physical characteristics in their local area, including key organisations.

Indicators (2 or 3) - When prompted students can identify specific locations on a simple map. - When asked, students can draw a map using basic mapping conventions. - Students can list and identify key organisations in their community. Assessment: - Ability to follow teacher prompts to complete each aspect of task. - Ability to work cooperatively with other students - Ability to map local community and key organisations within it using basic mapping conventions. Teaching Focus: A. Progressive Assessment of students while they are working. B. Time management, setting appropriate and timely tasks, not setting too much work for students to do in a given time frame.

Background to the learning: A. Teacher B. Pupil As this is the introduction to the unit of work, there is not a lot of background knowledge at this stage. However students enter the classroom have a general idea of their surrounding community. Students will also bring to unit of work, prior knowledge of mapping and the ability to create maps observing mapping conventions.

Lesson Resources: 1

A3 paper Textas, pencils, pens. Ruler.

Content of Lesson: A. Introduction Watch YouTube clip of Pay it Forward __5__ mins

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


__10__ mins

What organisations/businesses/shops do you visit around the community? Are there some places in the community that are near to each other? Why do you think these organisations/businesses/shops are near to each other or not? Who are some different people who work in the community? If we didnt have these people in the community, what would happen? I am putting some A3 paper on the tables; in pairs everyone will draw a map of our community showing different organisations including the school. Does everyone understand?

While children are answering focus questions teacher can write answers that children come up with on the whiteboard in a mind map lay out. C. Consolidation and Practice __20__ mins

Children break into pairs and brainstorm ideas of which organisations/businesses/shops they would like to include in their map. Starting with the school children begin to sketch their community map. Using basic mapping conventions such as alphanumeric grids and cardinal compass points, children draw their map. Children colour in their map.

EARLY FINISHER EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: - Children can use the class iPads, to explore community organisation apps such as: o 2BME fire fighter o The junior fire fighter challenge o Police scanner o Ambulance Victoria application. D. Closure __5__ mins - Teacher to choose 2 pairs that were working well together on their map. Ask them to show their maps to the class and explain its features. - Conclude by asking the students: - What did they learn? - What do they want to learn more about? - Ask your parents about organisations they use within the local community.

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