What If The Storm Ends

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Disclaimer: I love Skip Beat!, but that doesnt mean I own it. Pure fan love here.

Story: He came late in the game, but that doesnt mean he was waving the white flag just yet. Kijima wasnt going to give up on Kyoko, damned the likes of Tsuruga Ren, Fuwa Sho, and whoever else. Even as Kyokos absentee mother shows up out of nowhere and drops a baby on her and she deals with all the other chaos in her life, Kijima is prepared to dive headfirst into the drama. Set sometime after chapter 193, and going off on a limb Spoilers: Yeeeessss. Yes, yes, yes. Beware? Warnings: Hm, I need to think about this time. Pairings: Kijima/Kyoko, side-Kyoren, side-(very downplayed XD) Kyosho, one-sided Hikaru/Kyoko.and we cant ignore one-sidedness from strange Reino, eh? What If the Storm Ends? Chapter One: They Trade in Weakness I always stay faithful to my desires. That hadnt changed a bit. And he wasnt going to give up this time either. Just because he had competition this time, it didnt mean Kijima was ready to roll over and let sleeping dogs lie. He wasnt going to let Kyoko go, just because he had to deal with another guy in the picture. Even if, unlike himself, he was going to actually have to put up a fight, then he would. He didnt like fighting with others, but there had been this insistent feeling in him that was screaming that this time, this girl, was worth it. And he listened to his instincts frequently, and was rarely wrong. Of course, now that Dark Moon was over, it was a lot harder done than said trying to get together with Kyoko. However, hed made fantastic use of emailing with her and had even gone so far as to become regular contacts with her. They sent each other at least three messages a day (morning greetings, check ups in the afternoon, and good nights), if not more. And, as Tsuruga painstakingly had to point out about, he made it his mission to at least find time to give her a call (even if it had to be quick). Shed been surprised the first time and a little hesitant, but hed managed to quickly make her comfortable and happy to talk to him. And soon enough, hed made that a regular thing, until it wasnt so surprising to her and she was even okay enough to hesitantly call him first sometimes. He had even managed to use it to invite Kyoko out to dinner that night, hoping to get her out and spend time with her. They hadnt hung out before, exempting the time theyd spent together at the Dark Moon wrap up party. And that had been ruined by Tsuruga sweeping in and taking her away, and then afterwards it had been hard to stick around, though he had also known that he should back off for a bit, seeing Kyokos cautiousness. Hed been lucky to spend a little extra time with her, even while Itsumi and Oohara were there too, and was extremely lucky to have gotten her number.

But its been awhile since then and hed wanted to spend time with her again, though this time hopefully something outside of work and with something they could just relax and have fun with get to know each other some more and personally be in each others presence and talk, not just through their phones. He was relieved she actually accepted in the first place. Now he just had to figure out where to take her. She didnt seem the type to choose a high-end restaurant, though she would probably like it. But starting out, it wasnt a good idea for him to take her to one so soon. She might become wary or bothered, and he had to get her used to it first. Going out together and then going out to those types of places. So where Some good movies were out right then. He could take Kyoko out to a drive-in, and bring along some good food to snack on as they watched. It was at once both a dateable place and also a place to just hang out. So it was a good either/or direction to test out and get things going with Kyoko, and see where he stood and how best to proceed with her. Lord knows hed need a miracle if he was competing with the likes of Tsuruga Ren. Checking himself in the mirror, Kijima flatten down his front and ran a hand through his hair. He was as good to go as he could present himself. He slid into his car and started the engine. It was time to pick up his Cinderella. Without any preamble, he went straight to her current work (whatever it was she was doing at station). He knew he still had 15 minutes to go, so he parked and decided hed come up and wait for her in her dressing room. But when he was directed to where Kyokos room would be, he had to stop and stare at the name, slightly gaping. And amazed (or was he in shock?) as he was, he was pretty sure there was no mistake. Somehow. He thought so. Maybe? But it was Kyoko and he knew weirder things have happened to her. But Bo? Bo-kun of Bridge Rock? That was at once both cute and unexpected. The thought of her being the Bridge Rock mascot was utterly adorable and also great teasing material. He slipped inside, waiting for the program to end so that shed come into her room already, and hopefully remember she was supposed to meet with him after this job. Hell probably catch her off guard, but he could make the most of it and have fun with her. Finding some boxes, he hid behind it and waited. It wasnt too long when he saw the chicken costume of Bo come in and waddle inside. Jumping up, he greeted her loudly. Hey, Kyoko-chan! Surprise! Kyoko in the costume actually made a believable squawk, flailing around as she tried to keep balance on the one foot she was still on after being startled and frightened by his abrupt entry.

She lost as she finally fell back and landed with a thump on the ground, her bottom probably sore. Eh! Im sorry, Kyoko-chan, he wasnt really her reaction was just too cute, let me help you up. He reached her side quickly and helped grasped onto her tightly, relishing the touch as he pulled her up and settled her upright. So, um, I hope you remembered we were supposed to go out right now, Kijima hesitantly reminded her, trying to keep his tone light and teasing, and not worried. Oh yes! I remembered! I brought a nice change of clothes, though Im sorry if they arent nice enough to go to wherever you want to go. I dont have a lot of nice clothing, she said sheepishly and he just shook his head, keeping a calming smile on his face. Itll be fine. Do you need help with getting the costume off? he asked with a straight face. That would be nice, Kijima-san. Thank you, her voice was muffled from under the costumes head. She took it off and tried to reach behind her for the back zipper, but the costumes arms made it hard. So he calmly, inwardly not so calm, turned her around and bent her slightly over her head dresser. He was very aware that his face was too close to her back and that his breath was breathing on her skin as he slowly zipped it down, glad that his hands were steady and that she couldnt see his face. He couldnt see it either, but he was worried it would give him away and make him look either crazed or be filled with lust. He respected her greatly, but he was still very much a man and couldnt help feeling even just the slightest amount of desire for her, for even just this little thing of helping her basically undress chicken costume or not, especially since it was a girl he liked. The zipper stopped to her lower back, but he kept his eyes from drifting and locked it firmly on her neck and occasionally to the middle of her shoulders. T-thank you, her voice was unsteady and he strove to calm himself and try not to freak her out any more than he seemed to have. Youre welcome, Kyoko-chan, he kept himself sounding teasing. Ill wait over here and turn around, so you can change. She quickly changed and he took the time to appreciate her simple look. Hed once thought she wouldnt be as charming as Itsumi or Oohara (well technically, hed been referring to their characters Mio was scary as hell and being their characters are the way they were, he obviously thought the fans wouldnt be as enamored with Mio/Kyoko due to the intimidating character). But truth is, even from the beginning hed enjoyed and had a lot more fun and amusement just watching Kyoko than hed had with the other two women. So personally, and of

the actresses, hed always had a soft spot and preference for Kyoko since the beginning it seemed. And though Kyoko may not be as pretty as the others like the others in the celebrity world (though when she transformed, she was just amazing), she was still very pretty and her personality was way more dynamic and interesting than anyone elses. And her talent as an actress was unbelievably brilliant and just monstrous at times, especially as a newcomer. She was certainly entertaining at least, both in real life and as an actress. Ready to go, Kyoko-chan? She beamed at him and he felt his lips twitch upwards automatically. This girl Is it a surprise? she asked him as she cheerfully walked arm in arm with him out of her room and through the hallway. Yes, I hope youll enjoy it, he winked at her. Shed just stopped her giggling when they were approached by someone. Judging by the look on Kyoko and the new guys face, they knew each other. And by the blush and shy look on the guys face, Kijima narrowed his eyes, they knew each other well enough for this guy to come to like Kyoko. Like that. Like the way Kijima liked Kyoko. Like how Tsuruga liked Kyoko. Damn it, how many admirers did this girl have, and that hed have to get through to finally get the girl? Oh, Kyoko-chan, you look pretty. Are you going out somewhere? Kijima now recognized the guy as a member of Bridge Rock, the leader Ishibashi Hikaru. Sempai! Thank you. Um, Im just going out with Kijima-san tonight, Kyoko looked over to Kijima, showing who she was talking about. Hikarus smile faltered, just as Kijima plastered a polite one on his face. I see. Um, like a date? Kijima could already see Kyoko replying no, so he took the initiative and cut in. A friend date, he smoothly replied, not arousing any problems with Kyoko but also making Hikaru flinch. It was, as it stated literally, a date between friends. But sometimes it meant that it was a precursor to something more, and just through Kijima (from one man to another who liked the same person and could tell because of that), it was obvious which one this friend date was meant to be. At least on Kijimas end, he had made it quite obvious.

We should get going or well be late, Kijimas smile turned just the slightest chilly before it went back to normal and he started to lead Kyoko to the exit again, after she hastily said goodbye to the other male. Sorry, Kyoko-chan. Was I rude? he hadnt meant to come off stand-offish or possessive (especially since he had no right to be), but he couldnt help it and his attitude came out that way. Truthfully, hed been jealous before, but not like that and he hadnt acted so extreme or unable to restrain himself like that. Im sorry, he apologized again. Kyoko frowned, unsure what he was meaning. You seemed okay to me. I thought you were really polite. He gave her a strained smile. Hey, Kyoko-chan, justif I ever step over the line or something, dont be afraid to tell me, okay? I wont get mad at you. Call me out on it if I go overboard or do or say something you dont like or feel comfortable with. She looked even more confused. O-okay. But why? Besides, youre my sempai. You would know better than me on some things, wouldnt you? And Well Kijima frowned, thinking of how he could try to get across his point. Because you are your own person, with your own wants, desires, and needs. So some things are just your choices to make, and no one should tell you what to do or how to think. Kyoko was staring at him in awe, so he coughed in embarrassment and made his smile more natural. They continued on to his car and then he was driving them off to the movies. Oh, oh! A drive-in! Ive always wanted to go to one of these. Ive never gone to one before, Kyoko stated in awe. He patted himself on the back in his head, at the same time as he sighed in relief. Somovie time? Yes! she enthusiastically replied. Looks like he was doing pretty well so far. That, more than anything right then, made him feel very secure in how he was doing so far with Kyoko. He just had to keep it up, and hopefully she would be able to see him in a much more closer and intimate light. + + +

+ + + Hello, Mogami-san. Heres the information you requested. Thank you, she murmured. The gentleman quietly observed her, seeing her flip through the contents of the folder diligently. Hed helped her search for this information, and had even been able to keep all of the questions he had to himself. However, hed been tempted several times to ask and had also been extremely bothered by the things hed been asked to search for. Regardless, he did it anyways. There was no going back now. Mogami-san That would be all, Nakamura-san. Thank you again for your help. Nakamura Hiro frowned, but nodded his reluctant assent. With one last look, he left behind Mogami Saena to contemplatively gaze on the picture of her only child. Well, formerly only child. Her hand grazed her stomach lightly, and she looked onto the picture of Kyoko for a little while longer before closing the folder and picking up the phone to call for a ticket to Tokyo, her bags already packed beside her. The Darumaya restaurant in Tokyo, huh. A fallout with Fuwa-kun, for some reason now an employee at L.M.E., and even better a fast climbing talented actress. Her daughter surely had become much more than Saena had thought she would amount to, and much different from what shed pictured. She set everything up quickly, and it wasnt long before she was on her way to Tokyo and the daughter shed left behind long ago. Started 10/20/12 Completed 11/14/12

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