Chemical Bonds and Molecules

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Chemical Bonds

A chemical bond is an electrostatic force of attraction between positively and negatively charged species. Two types of bonds in compounds: covalent bonds e- shared by two +ve nuclei ionic bonds +ve and ve ions attracted to each other

Why do they form?

To be more stable with a full outer shell
NOTE Only valence e- are involved in bonding

Usually that means an outer shell with eight electrons. This is known as the octet rule. Exceptions?
H, Be and B

Covalent Bonding
Usually formed between atoms of non-metals (groups 13 17), e.g. Cl2, NH3, CF4 electrons shared are called bonding electrons bonding e- belong to both atoms simultaneously. bonding e- come from the valence shells and are found between the nuclei
shared electrons


When groups of atoms bond covalently, molecules are formed.
E.g. hydrogen gas, H2; methane, CH4; chlorine gas, Cl2; and carbon dioxide, CO2

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