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Computer Science and Engineering CS 9225 WEB TECHNOLOGY

(Common to M.E. Network Engineering) (Regulation 2009) Time : Three hours Answer ALL questions PART A (10 2 = 20 Marks) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Differentiate HTML from XHTML. What do you mean by host objects?

How does one access cookie in a JavaScript? List down the ASP/JSP objects. Compare Servlet and JSP. Define XML namespace.

State the purpose of SAX.

What are the components required to build web applications? Write down the important features of My SQL. PART B (5 16 = 80 Marks)



3 30
(b) (i) (ii)

Write a CSS rule for a XHTML document that (i) places a background image halfway down the page, tiling it horizontally. The image should remain in place when the user scrolls up or down (ii) displays all links in blue without underlining them, when the mouse hovers the link, change the links background color to yellow. (iii)Validate the style sheet using CSS validator? (6 + 6 + 4) Or

Design a XHTML document to collect feedback from participants after attending a Technical workshop. (8)

With an example program illustrate the use of XHTNIL meta elements. (8)



How does one link external style sheet in a XHTML document?

30 3
Maximum : 100 Marks



Or (b)

Write a JavaScript function calculate Grade ( ) that calculates student grade based on their average of 5 Marks Incorporate the function into a script that reads a value from the user. Display the result of the function in the browsers status bar. (16) Create an ASP/JSP application that allows the user to customize a Web page. Store the users name and preferences in a text file. The application should consist of three ASP/JSP files: one that asks the user to login and reads from the text file to determine if the user is known. If the user is not known, a second ASP/JSP file is loaded asking the user to choose their preference for foreground color, background color and image. Write the new users name and preferences to the text file. Next, display the page customized to this user using the users preferences that are stored in the text file. If the user is known at login, the normal page should be displayed? (16) Or




With suitable coding explain how a Servlet is used for server side programming. (16)



(b) 15. (a)

Write notes on (i) DOM methods (ii) XML vocabularies.

Or Or 2

Create a XML document for students mark list preparation. Write DTD for validating the XML file. (16)

Design an online shopping cart application using JSP or ASP. Consider a login validation page and one billing page for bill processing. (16)


Design an online book selling application using JSP or ASP. Consider a login validation page and also a search page for searching a book. (16)


30 3

Write a JavaScript that receives three integers from the user and find the largest and smallest from them and display the output in XHTML document message box? (16)


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