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Resize LVM lvextend lvresize -L 100MB /dev/volg01/lv01 lvdisplay /dev/volg01/lv01 df -h mount -a df -h resize2fs /dev/volg01/lv01 100MB lvreduce lvresize -L 50MB

/dev/volg01/lv01 umount /lv1 init 6 resize2fs /dev/volg01/lv01 50MB Features: Volume Sets - Aggregate Storage from Disparate Sources Resize Storage on the Fly Provision Storage as Necesary LVM Storage Hierarchy Logical Volume - Configure File System Volume Group - Represents one or more Physical Volumes Physical Volumes - Partitions created using fdisk or par ted of LVM type 8e(/dev/sdb4, /dev/sdc2) Create LVM Storage Hierarchy Create LVM Partitions of LVM Type 8e using fdisk or parted. parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary start end set partition_number lvm on Create Physical Volumes from LVM Labelled Disks pvcreate /dev/<83 disk> pvdispaly - to display the PV's Create Volume Group vgcreate LVM Security lvcreate -n lv_lockbox -L 100M vol0 lvs mkfs.ext4 /dev/vol0/lv_lockbox mkdir /mnt/lockbox mount /dev/vol0/lv_lockbox /mnt/lockbox ls mnt/lockbox df

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