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STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Lecture 31 Lineation & Foliation


Foliation - any mesoscopically penetrative parallel alignment of planar fabric elements in rock. Primary foliations: flow banding in rhyolite and axial planar cleavage in slump folds Secondary foliations: cleavages and mylonitic foliation Metamorphic foliations: slaty cleavage, schistosity, gneissic structure Mylonite foliations: Protomylonite < 50% matrix Mylonite - 50% to 90% matrix Ultramylonite - > 90% matrix Lineation - parallel alignment of elongate linear fabric elements in a rock body. Mineral lineation Stretched-Pebble conglomerate Rodding Mullion Pencil Structure Boudin

Tectonites: S-tectonite L- tectonite

LS - tectonite

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