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Evadeaza (ghid haios) Teresa Rodriguez Williamson (sau ce poate face o tipa sing ura atunci cnd calatoreste)

:)) Trenul de Trieste Domnica Radulescu Ernesto Che Guervara

Jurnal pe motocicleta America Pe drum

Jean Baudrillard Jack Kerouac

Maritata cu un beduin Marguerite van Geldermalsen Jurnal de vacan?a Mircea Eliade Ramona Venturini

Pelerini la Santiago de Compostela John Steinbeck

Calatorii cu Charlie,

On the Road ( Pe drum ) de Jack Kerouac - As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning ( Pe cand ieseam din casa intr-o diminea ta de vara) de Laurie Lee - Naples 44 ( Napoli 44) de Norman Lewis - Coasting ( De-a lungul coastei )de Jonathan Raban - Travels with Charley: In Search of America ( Calatorii cu Charley: descoperind America) de John Steinbeck - Notes From a Small Island ( Note de pe o insula mica) de Bill Bryson - Homage to Catalonia ( Omagiu Cataloniei) de George Orwell - The Beach ( Plaja ) de Alex Garland The Great Railway Bazaar ( Marele bazar de cai ferate) de Paul Theroux The Road to Oxiana ( Drumul spre Oxiana) de Robert Byron Venice ( Venetia ) de Jan Morris In Patagonia ( In Patagonia) de Bruce Chatwin Fiesta ) de Ernest Hemingway

- The Sun Also Rises ( Si totusi Soarele rasare

- The God of Small Things ( Zeul lucrurilor marunte ) de Arundhati Roy . - A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush ( Scurta plimbare in Hindu Kush ) de Eric Ne wby - Arabian Sands ( Nisipurile arabe ) de Wilfred Thesiger - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas ( Spaime si scarbe in Las Vegas) de Hunter S. Thompson - Our Man in Havana ( Omul nostru din Havana) de Graham Greene - The Journals of Captain Cook (Jurnalele Capitanului Cook) - Among the Russians ( Printre rusi ) de Colin Thubron

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