Nigel Pearson East Riding

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Transforming Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Fire Safety and Licensing Services


Event Invitation Participants

Assistant Directors, Chief Officers, Heads of Service,
17 April, 2009 Principal Officers, Business and Transformation
Managers and others involved in leading and
Royal York Hotel Event Centre developing Regulatory Services in Yorkshire and
Station Parade, Limited places available - first come first served.
York YO24 1AA Don’t miss this unique opportunity to participate in
discussion, share ideas and help shape this exciting
programme. Together we can put Regulatory Services
FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE on the map!

Image created from programme documentation using

YoHr Regs is a regional transformation programme funded through Local

Government Yorkshire & Humber’s Regional Improvement and Efficiency
Partnership (RIEP). The RIEP in Yorkshire & Humber has been called YoHr
Space, to reflect the view that it is about providing an open space where
local authorities can innovate and improve.

YoHR Regs presents an opportunity for all Yorkshire & Humber local
authority Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing and related
regulatory services, including the region’s fire and rescue services, to
strengthen collaboration, seek to develop a new partnership identity and
further drive modernisation and delivery of improved outcomes.


10:00 Welcome and opening remarks by Chair

Ken Eastwood, Assistant Director, Barnsley MBC

10:05 Keynote Address - Changing Shape of Regulatory Services

Graham Russell, Chief Executive, Local Better Regulation Office

10:35 Questions

10:40 Shaping the Future - The Greater Manchester Public Protection Partnership

Russ James, Area Commander Fire Safety, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service

11:10 Questions


11:45 Introduction to Future Basing and Event Workshops

Ken Eastwood, Assistant Director, Barnsley MBC

12:00 2020 - Looking Forward - Future Visioning Workshop, Part One


13:30 YoHr Space - Business Transformation - YoHr Regs

Nigel Pearson, Chief Executive, East Riding of Yorkshire Council

13:50 2020 - Looking Back - Future Visioning Workshop, Part Two

14:30 Thematic Workshops - Refining the Programme (Refreshments available during workshops)
1. Business Advice and Support
2. Business Compliance (New Approaches to Achieving Regulatory Outcomes)
3. New Ways of Working and Data Sharing (Mobile and Flexible Working, Technology)
4. Development and Awareness (Members, Citizens, Workforce, Professional Competencies)
5. Partnership, Collaboration and Regional Coordination
6. Programme Governance and Development (Existing and Future Working and Officer Groups)

15:45 Feedback from Theme Groups and Discussion

16:15 Closing Discussion and What Next?


About the event
The aims of the event and workshops are to;

· Launch YoHr Regs and raise awareness of the programme

· Develop a shared vision for Regulatory Services in Yorkshire and Humber
· Explore the challenges of promoting Regulatory Services as a regional partnership
· Develop strategies, knowledge and networks to develop the programme across the region

Key themes to be considered include;

· Effectiveness of existing arrangements for joint working, collaboration and data sharing
· The profile and brand identity of Regulatory Services with elected members, citizens and
· The role of Regulatory Services in providing business advice and support
· New approaches to business compliance and regulatory intervention
· Peer support to Regulatory Services implementing mobile and flexible working solutions and
potential for shared services
· Future direction and workforce development

About the agenda, speakers and workshops

The event will be chaired by Ken Eastwood, Assistant Director of Regulatory Services at Barnsley MBC.
Ken has led the ReGS mobile and flexible working project, Chairs the Nomad North mobile working Forum
and is leading a Retail Enforcement Pilot in Barnsley and South Yorkshire. Ken is YoHr Regs Senior
Responsible Owner and current Chair of the Steering Group.

The event begins by considering the national dimension and the changing shape of Regulatory Services,
through a presentation by Graham Russell, Chief Executive of the Local Better Regulation Office (LBRO).
The LBRO is working with local authorities, central government and a range of professional and
representative bodies to support improvement in individual services as well as improving the underlying
system of local regulation. It has also established and will manage the primary authority scheme.

Russ James, Area Fire Safety Commander, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service will describe the
establishment of the Greater Manchester Public Protection Partnership, the development of radically
different models for service delivery and an innovative business compliance project.

After refreshments, Ken Eastwood will take a light hearted look at predicting the future and the rate of
change in society before introducing the future basing workshops.

The aim of the first workshop is to promote big thinking and to capture an unconstrained vision for
Regulatory Services in 2020. Delegates will work in groups at their tables (the venue will be set out
cabaret style) and flip chart their vision. The charts will be displayed around the venue and delegates
encouraged to review and consider further over the lunch and networking break.

After lunch Nigel Pearson, Chief Executive at East Riding Council, will provide an update on YoHr Space,
Yorkshire and Humber's Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership (RIEP). Nigel is the Chief
Executive lead for Efficiency and Procurement on the RIEP's Partnership Delivery Group.

Part two of the Future Visioning workshop will involve a look back from the future and consideration of
what needs to happen to enable the vision to be achieved. This session will begin to distil thinking and
identify and inform possible work programmes.
About the event
Delegates will be asked to choose one of six key themes for the final workshop session and, with the
benefit of the earlier visioning work, consider how YoHr Regs should develop its future work programme,
contributing ideas and views on priorities and hurdles to be overcome.

Delegates will be asked to consider the development of Programme Delivery Groups (PDG’s) from the
workshop theme groups and to identify PDG Leads and volunteers to participate in YoHr Regs activity
going forward.

Each theme group will be asked to feedback on their workshop and there will be opportunity for group

The event will close with an open “what next” discussion.

The venue
The Royal York Hotel elegantly combines the historic and the modern. With its glorious Victorian
architecture carefully preserved, alongside great bedrooms and elegant wedding and special event
rooms, it also features a purpose-built Events Centre, with breakout areas and capacity for up to 150
delegates cabaret style. The hotel is immediately adjacent to the train station and is in the heart of York,
overlooking York Minster.

Please note the venue does not guarantee parking spaces for delegates and car park places are taken on
a first come first served basis, charged at £10 per day.

The 2020 Vision Workshop is being hosted in the Events Centre. Refreshments will be available from
09:30. Please arrive in good time for a prompt start at 10:00.

Rooms are available in the Royal York - please contact the venue directly to arrange if required.

More information and to reserve places

For more information about YoHr Regs, the event or the venue or to reserve places please contact;

Ken Eastwood 01226 772506

or (typing YoHr Regs in the subject line)

Visit the YoHr Regs Programme blog at

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