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Reading other peoples research. Assumption is that: - Knowledge accumulates. - We learn from and build on what others have done

To demonstrate familiarity with a body of knowledge and establish credibility. Increase in researchers professional competence, ability and background. Identification of variables. None is left out.


To show the path of prior research and how the current research is linked with it. Making a linkage with the body of knowledge. Continue the line of thought. Helps in developing theoretical framework.

Cont. To integrate and summarize what is known in an area. Pull together and synthesize different results. Collect what is known to a point. Historical review of a topic. Not reinventing the wheel. No wastage of effort.


To learn from others and stimulate ideas. Helps in problem statement, research design. Can do methodological review

Where to find research literature

Computer: on line systems. Scholarly journals. Books containing reports of original research, or collection of research articles. READERS or Book of Readings. Dissertations. Government documents. Policy reports and presented papers. Bibliograhic indexes.


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