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254 - Assignment 2b
Semester 1, 2013
You may work individually or in pairs for this assignment. If you work in pairs, you must use the same pairing as for assignment 2a. The assignment is worth 15% and due by Sunday, June 2nd .

Carpark System - Eort Estimation

Your task for this assignment is to make an eort estimate for the carpark system you designed in assignment 2a. If working in pairs, each student should take responsibility for one subsystem for the tasks below. Work independently at rst, then review each others work and x any issues that you nd. For Questions Q1-Q3 provide an answer for each subsystem individually. Q1. Create a list of function points for the carpark system you designed in assignment 2a. (5 marks) Q2. For each function point determine its component type and rate its complexity (simple, average, complex). (3 marks) Q3. Using the table below, calculate the (unadjusted) FP count for each component type and for the subsystem in total. (3 marks) Weighting Factor Simple Average Complex 3 4 6 4 5 7 3 4 6 7 10 15 5 7 10

Component Type Inputs Outputs Inquiries Files Interfaces

Q4. The table below lists the average relationship between FP and LOC for Java and Python. Language Java Python average LOC per FP 60 35

You have two development teams at hand, each of which will develop one subsystem. Team A is more experienced with Java, and produces 800 LOC per person-month with Java, but only 400 LOC per person-month with Python. Team B is more experienced with Python, and produces only 700 LOC per person-month with Java, but 500 LOC per person-month with Python. For each team and subsystem, compare the estimated eort (in person-months) when implementing the subsystem in Java or Python. (2 marks) Q5. Based on your calculations in Q4, for the purpose of minimizing development eort, it would be best if Team A implemented their subsystem in Java, while Team B implements theirs in Python. This is regardless of which subsystem is assigned to which team. What does this say about our eort estimate? (2 marks)

Submission Instructions
1. Submit your assignment via Stream. If working in pairs, you only need to submit your assignment once. On the front page state the name and student ID of all students submitting the assignment, and who took responsibility for which subsystem. 2. The assignment must be in PDF format.

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