Rpiereson Inquiryunitoutline

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Four Seasons Inquiry Unit

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.10 With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.

Day 1: Picture walk Introduce four seasons Introduce what a researcher is Fill out class KWL chart

Day 2 (Reading Lesson): Introduce the POWER+P poster Group students into 4 groups (color coded) o Looks like (pink), feels like (orange), sounds like (purple), and clothing/activities (yellow) Each student gets a colored magnifying glass Introduce mark- it strategy/anchor chart Brainstorm ideas to be looking for in spring book o Think aloud when reading spring book to teach students how to research/ use strategy (I do). Students will gradually take over.

Magnifying glasses (Sounds like, clothing/activities, feels like, looks like)

Students looking at the tabbed pages they marked during research

Day 3: Review mark- it strategy Introduce/Review purpose for class graphic organizer Take tabs from spring book and add to graphic organizer o Groups will share information from tabbed pages, I will write on graphic organizer

Day 4: Research summer using mark-it strategy o Research groups will switch colors o Start out book with a think aloud to review, let students take over researching (We do) Transfer information to graphic organizer

Day 5:

Finish transfer of summer information to graphic organizer Research winter using mark-it strategy o Research groups will switch colors o Students will do most of research together (They Do)

Day 6: Transfer information from winter book to graphic organizer Discuss meteorologist visit Develop questions for meteorologist on poster board

Day 7: Meteorologist from WILX Add new information to graphic organizer (think aloud)

WILX Meteorologist presenting to the class Day 8: Day 9: Add information from fall book to graphic organizer Watch Four Seasons of the Year video on YouTube o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTXtSGf1VdY Research fall using mark-it strategy Research groups will switch colors

Day 10 (Writing Lesson): Review the four seasons and our research Finish KWL chart Students will pick favorite season to write their book about o Share around the carpet Show students All About book, hand out folders Hamburger Organizer (Feels Like) Adding information from Hamburger to ____Feels Like page. Students will begin writing

Students using the graphic organizer to inform their writing

A student completing her hamburger chart

Day 11: Day 12: Review writing strategy Think aloud when writing _____sounds like page. Students can use hamburger chart if they choose. Students will continue writing Review writing strategy Students will continue working on Hamburger organizer or ____feels Like page.

Day 13: Day 14: Day 15: Demonstrate writing My favorite part about this season is______ Students will continue writing Conference with students on their progress Demonstrate writing Things to do in the ______ page Continue conferencing with students on their progress A student writing a page for his book Demonstrate writing Things to wear in the ______ page Conference with students on their progress Students will continue writing

Day 16: Day 17: Day 18: Continue editing and revising papers Hand out Looks Like and Cover page o Students will color these pages when they have free time or if they are finished writing Review editing strategies Conference with students on their papers, work on editing Students will edit and revise their papers Demonstrate writing About the Author and Dedication page Students will continue writing Conference with students on their progress

Day 19: Students will put book together Each student will share their favorite page from their book Complete art-work

Family Science Night (April 24th) Students will share books and artwork with their families

Students final product

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