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Life Skills Sequencing Guide Current

September (4 weeks)
Expectations x3 Who am I? Classroom Community Respect/Bullying 2 Life Skills

October (5 Weeks)
Problem Solving Empathy x5 Friendship Likes (IP) Learning Styles 2 Life Skills

November (3.5 Weeks)

Problem Solving x3 Bullying Empathy x2 Career/Job/ $/school comparison 2 Life Skills

December (2 Weeks)
Problem Solving x2 Life Skills Definitions x2 Generosity/ Caring Empathy 2 Life Skills

January (5 Weeks)
Bully Prevention x3 Problem Solving Prejudice and Racism Likes (IP) Jobs/Career x2 Interest Inventory x2 2 Life Skills Bully Prevention

February (4 Weeks)
Cyber Bullying/ Technology Safety Self Care Test Strategies Anger Management Problem Solving 2 Life Skills

March (3 Weeks)
What I like/am good at (IP) Jobs I know/Where do I fit Cyber Safety Career Workbooks Bully/Suicide Prevention x2 2 Life Skills

April (4 Weeks)
Careers (IP) x4 Problem Solving Personal Safety x2 Anger Management 2 Life Skills

May (4 Weeks)
Anger Management CMS Orientation for 6th Life Skills Projects x2 Survey x7 Celebrations/ & rewards

Similar/In Common (Options)

Expectations and Community Building

Empathy & Individual Plan Introduction

Problem Solving

Life Skills

Jobs Career Interests

Suicide Prevention

Careers (IP)

Student Survey

Individual Plan Elements

Other Standards

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