Website Grading Policy

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PURPOSE Grades are based on student achievement on assessments and assignments related to the various units of study that we cover. I intend my grades to reflect a combination of the effort that students have made and their level of understanding. ORGANIZATION My grades will be organized by unit. Assessments and class work/homework will be included in the grades. GRADING PRACTICES All late work will be accepted through the end of the grading period. Twice during the quarter we will have Make-up Day where students will be given a grade report and have the opportunity to complete missing assignments. Students who have completed all assignments will have a free day. However, students may make up missing work at any time. The sooner the better since this work will improve their understanding and thus their performance on assessments. Test Re-dos will be available. Students wishing another opportunity to demonstrate their learning will be given an alternate version of the test. Assignment Re-dos are also available. Students may redo an assignment for a better score. This is one reason that extra credit is rare. There will be an occasional Bonus Question on a test. FINAL GRADES The grading scale will be 89% and above = A 79% - 88.9% = B 69% - 78.9% = C 55% - 68.9% = D Below 55% = F

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