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Introduction: 1. Major questions a. What makes newly arrived immigrant adolescents succeed or not? b. How does writing develop?

How long does it take? Can non-native English speaking adolescents learn to write like native English speakers? 2. Terms a. Not-learningless oppositional than failthis is not about personal failure. Not-learning can be a deliberate choice students make in order to maintain social networks, reject society, and create safe spaces. b. Collective wisdomsocial and family networks, sources of support and social knowledge. c. Interpersonal communicative languagespeak and understand English is face-to-face interactions. 3. Key themes a. School reproduce society b. Teachers in this book were doing the best they knew how to do, under really terrible circumstances. Students and schools face enormous problems, and it is important to understand them, in order to move forward. c. College prep classes are only open to students that have completed ELL education d. Over the course of the two year study, observed students in academic and social contexts. Chapter 1: Immigrant Children and Teaching of English 1. Policymakers a. English is a way to define us vs. them. Historically, and currently, a lot of negative sentiments towards immigrants as alien and differentunwelcome in, and not part of America. b. Do not understand that ELLs do not have access to English in schoolsall the English they hear, even in English only classrooms, is focused on drills and memorization, rather than contextual. c. Schools are federally required to teach ELL students English, while also keeping them caught up with topical instructionthis is not succeeding. d. Prop 227eliminated bilingual education programs in California schools 2. Challenges a. High correlation between Spanish speaking ELL students and poverty, and repeated grades. b. Classes are overcrowded because there are not enough classrooms, with too many new arriving immigrant students. Many teachers are unwilling to work with ELLs. c. 2/3s of LEP students are not receiving appropriate language support. d.

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