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Disclaimer: Nope dont own Naruto, and I never will. Im only saying this because Im at gunpoint.

I do own NarutoI mean I dont! Story: Naruto is outgoing, outspoken, and oblivious. His female counterpart is the same, only shes engaged, in love with a jounin, and the Hokage loves to dress her up. Naruko's in love with Genma who seems distant now, engaged to the new Tsuchikage which is awkward at best, and is now the sole student of Hatake Kakashi. What else could go weird? Alive Yondaime and fanclubs and Mokuton? Set as an AU. Spoilers: Through Part I and maybe Part II of the series. Warnings: (genderbender) FemNaru/AU/OlderMenReverse!Harem, pervertedness, future sexual situations, language, etc... Pairings: Fem!Naru/Reverse!Harem

Chapter One: Bird Cage Princess Uzumaki Naruko was one of a kind. She was spunky, pretty, and energetic. But she had secrets. The one that was most sacred to her was the one approaching her. Ah, Genma-san! Do you need help? Naruko grinned at the senbon chewing man. No thanks, Naruko. Ill see you around, he replied as he continued walking past without another glance. Naruko kept grinning until he went out of sight, the grin dropping dejectedly. Her mood worsened as she watched Uchiha Sasuke being stalked by his fanclub. She almost sneered, but shook herself mentally. She had to meet the old man. Um, Narukohow are you? Kotetsu, a long-time friend of hers, asked. Ara! You snuck up on me. Dont do that! He chuckled before nervously rubbing the back of his head. Um, well, can I walk you to the Hokages? Sure, she shrugged. The two of them leisurely took their time in walking to the Hokage Tower, Naruko musing over her latest failure with Genma. You look really pretty today in that kimono, Naruko, Kotetsu said quietly. Ohthis? Hokage-jiji made me wear it. He said Im meeting someone special so I have to wear something nice. Do I really look nice? The black yamabushi kimono she wore was topped with geta and a dark emerald haori. Shed much prefer orange, but it was nice and the Sandaime was the one whod given the getup to her, so she could deal. Really beautiful, Naruko. Whore you meeting? I dont know, the blonde frowned, realizing she had no idea why she was meeting anyone. Guess youre about to find out, Kotetsu mentioned as they stood in front of their destination. Well, Ive got to go deliver my report. Youll be okay going up? Hai, hai. Ill see you later, Tetsu-chan. He grinned and planted a kiss on her cheek, disappearing into the building first. She sighed before following after him.

Ah, Naruko. Youre here, the Sandaime Hokage smiled at her. A younger man stood next to him, wearing similar clothing as the Hokage, only with brown instead of red. Hello, Hokage-jiji. Whosthis? Naruko started out warily. This is who I want you to meet. This is the Yondaime Tsuchikage Minamoto Nakago. Naruko hesitantly held out her hand and was surprised when the Tsuchikage grabbed it and bent to kiss it. Her face heated up. Anou sawhy am I here? Naruko questioned. Youre here to meet Tsuchikage-dono. Hes to be your fianc, the Sandaime abruptly revealed, waiting for the inevitable outburst. WHAT?! Later, when the Tsuchikage left, Naruko rounded on Sarutobi Hiruzen, looking more like an angry cat. Hiruzen chuckled nervously. Hiru-jiji, youre not serious, are you? she asked incredulously. Naruko, it wont be that bad. Besidesyouve met him before, dont you remember? You liked him before. She let out an outraged scream, turning and stomping away, not bothering to stay and hear out his reasons. The old man sighed and put his head in his hands. He wondered if the events would ruin Narukos chance at passing the Genin Exam. Meanwhile, as Naruko stormed away, she couldnt shake off the feeling that she was missing something. But then a newly familiar voice interrupted her thoughts and she stopped and turned, seeing the Tsuchikage calmly walking towards her. May we get together and talk? he quietly requested. She fidgeted, but shyly nodded, even more shyly accepting his offered arm. He led her, to her happy surprise, to Ichirakus where he ordered two miso ramen to go. Strange, how hed ordered her favorite If you dont mind us taking our meal to your place for a more private discussion? he looked calmly at her and she tried not to turn too obviously a red. She nodded and after the silent wait, the food was ready and this time she led him to where she lived. She was certain he knew where it was already though.

In embarrassment, she led him up the precarious staircase and then to her apartment, fumbling with the keys before finally getting it right. S-sorry about the place. I havent had time to fix it up or make repairs, she said as she closed the door behind him. He nodded, not letting her see his unhappiness at her place. It wasnt her fault, he knew, but the state of the place could do with some renovating. If he could, he would already be bringing her with him to Iwagakure. Let me cut to the chase, Uzumaki-san. I have been Tsuchikage for only a couple years. My predecessor, Onoki-dono, is currently unable to serve as Tsuchikage forhealth reasons, he started out quietly. Ill be blunt. This is a marriage alliance, but that doesnt mean that I will be distant or controlling. In fact, should you wish it, you may pursue a relationship with others. But wouldnt that reflect badly on you? she tried not to fidget, but his presence and his words were making her feel nervous. He gave her a small smile, No, the marriage or engagement will not be public, at least not for a long time. No one else has to know but myself, Hokage-dono, and you. Well, Onoki-dono knows as well, but hes reluctantly accepted the truce. Will you havea mistress? she mumbled, the thought upsetting her. She didnt want to marry someone and then theyll have someone else. He looked at her in surprise. Oh. Ah, no. Of course not. It would not be appropriate for me to seek someone elses company when I will be a married man, and especially once were married. She scrunched up her eyebrows. Then why are you letting me go after guys? He actually started to look embarrassed, and she thought the reaction was rather cute. Well, I feel, as a man, that it is inappropriate for me to engage in such. Youre being forced into this and we have not married yet anyways, so I would understand if you wanted to see other men. But for myself, I find it would be dishonorable to go into such conduct. Im not saying that because youre a female and so and so, and that Im a male and so and soits just that in my personal belief that as a man, I have more responsibilities and I will be the one more judged for such things. He winced, Ah, I apologize. I am rambling and not making much sense, am I? Please allow me to try again. I am trying to say thatIm not being misogynistic she had no idea what that word meant and being gender biased at all. Im merely trying to say that I believe personally that I shouldnt engage in such things because as a man, I just feel it is beyond improper and highly disrespectable to you. Its justwrong, especially since I am one of the instigators of this whole thing.

She looked at him in amusement as he sighed and rubbed his temples. So she just snapped apart her chopsticks. Itadakimasu, she said simply digging into her ramen. He stared at her before hesitantly reaching for his own chopsticks and starting to eat as well. He murmured his greeting before snapping his chopsticks. You tend to ramble, dont you? she grinned after slurping up a noodle. He coughed, Yes. Especially during explanations or speeches. I just tend toend up trying to explain myself, and it never goes well. My advisors exasperatedly end up making my speeches and such for me, and I just tell them what I feel and what I want and they interpret my ramblings into some semblance of order. She snickered, before switching onto something else. And this as a man thingyou really dont have to be so chivalrous and outdated, Nakago-kun. Though I think I cansort of interpret that. You mean as a personal belief and not a world view, huh? And as yourself, not men in general? By the silence and his elegantly continual usage of his chopsticks, she could guess she was right and that was only compounded with the slight tinge of pink across his cheeks. Though he was surprised at the use of his given name with an attachment. Sometimes, Ill never make sense. I apologize in advance for it, and thank you for putting up with it, he just said simply. She waved it off and happily went back to her ramen. Anyways, why me? she asked after shed finished, glancing mournfully at the empty takeout bowl. Nakago was quiet for a second before sitting back and looking at her seriously. You are aware of your heritage, are you not? As am I. I know whose daughter you are, Uzumaki-san. You are the daughter to the Yellow Flash, the bane of Iwagakures existence. The reason why a marriage alliance is being proposed is to help bury the hatchet between our villages. You see, Sarutobi-dono wishes to announce your heritage preferably near the next Chuunin Exams, for your rights you are denied now and other things of his agenda. But to avoid assassins and any bitter grudges from my village when the time comes, hes approached me with this so that you may be safe when the time comes. Why say yes? she questioned him. Now that I must keep to myself for now, he murmured, staring straight into her eyes.

She knew she had to be at least somewhat blushing at the attention. He pushed aside their bowls and grabbed her hands, tugging her around the table and away from where they were sitting. Standing up, she realized that he was way taller than her at her current height. If I may, Uzumaki-san, he said simply, still holding her hands. And then his hands moved and cupped her face, tilting it as he leant down. His lips touched hers and her eyes fluttered close.

A little girl with whisker marks on her cheeks sat crying in the sandbox. She was all alone and it was getting late, the sun starting to set. Whats wrong, little one? a blond man with funny clothing like the old mans smiled at her as he squatted next to her. No one wants to play with methey all left when I asked if I could play with them! she let out a sob and the blond mans smile widened. Well, I cant play with you right now but I have something that might cheer you up. You can remember me this way! and he handed her a pretty ring, a pearl resting in the middle of a silver band, with tiny little diamonds surrounding it. Take good care of it, okay? he smiled again, leaning to kiss her cheek. I will, she smiled up at him. He left and she stared at the ring in her hands. She tried to put it on, but it was much too big on her tiny fingers. Clutching it, she ran to ask the old man if he would give her a necklace she could put the ring on. Naruko stared at the pearl ring on her left index finger. She had grown and it fit on that finger when she turned eleven, three years ago. She wondered why that memory came up right then. Oh crap! The Genin Exam! Iruka-sensei is going to flip! she hurried fixing herself up, rushing to get to the Academy. Youre late! her favorite teacher yelled at her. She offered a weak smile. He frowned, but shook his head. Hurry it up, the exam is right through that door, he pointed to a lone door in the corner of the room.

Youre not the examiner? she asked confused. Iie, Hakuro-sensei is the examiner this time, he smiled reassuringly at her and she nervously headed to her fate. Alright, one mokuton bunshin, one suiton jutsu, and two katon jutsu, Hakuro ordered. What? They never learned any of thatand she was sure they wouldnt be testing them on this stuff. But Well? he smiled maliciously. Her legs quivered, and she felt herself fill with anger. She couldnt stop the sob that escaped her mouth before she turned tail and ran from the room, bursting into the room Iruka was in, startling him and fleeing. There had been two instinctive reactions. One had been to violently explode and start screaming obscenities at him and the other had been to run away and cry to herself where no one could see her. Her tears were few and far in between, but when it all just built up, that was always the reaction that forced its way through. So she sat gritting her teeth on a random rooftop, glaring into another setting sun. She had stopped crying awhile ago, but her anger was still present. Naruko, so youre here, a much loathed voice interrupted her silent vigil. What do you want? she grumbled, not turning to look at Hakuro. Im sorry about earlier, I wasnt in a good mood. I should have talked to the others, seeing your situation, and changed the test for you. There is, however, another test you can take right now that will allow you to pass. Really? Are you serious? What is it? her curiosity overwhelmed her. Hakuro smiled, Theres a certain scroll thatll give you a straight pass. And it was only later, when the truth began to unravel and things came apart In the forest, Naruko grinned in triumph, holding tightly to her prize. The Forbidden Scroll of Sealing was held tightly to her bosom and she dared not move it away for even an inch. She eagerly began opening it and started learning the first jutsu. By the time she was halfway through, Hakuro decided to appear. The malicious grin was back on his face and Naruko shivered at the harsh demeanor that had come over him. Well, well. Look at what the monsters doing, his voice mocked her.

Her breath was coming in heaves, her eyes narrowing at him even as her sweat gathered down her face and got into her eyes. What are you talking about? she gritted out. Hakuro laughed in ridicule at her. She gnashed her teeth in anger, feeling the betrayal creep up. Nothing you should know about, you little wench. Youre just a little demon, he sneered, coming up close and grabbing her hair roughly. He gave a sharp pull, dragging Naruko up. Then his face twisted into a monstrous expression, smiling madly at her. But I think Ill tell you anyway, he whispered huskily into her ear. And then he began telling her one of Konohas most dirty secrets. By the time Iruka arrived on the scene, the secret had just been entirely told and Naruko was crying harshly against a tree with Hakuros form pinning her there. The brown-haired chuunin immediately caught the henge around Hakuro. Kai! Hakuros form poof into Mizuki, the other twos eyes widening at the truth. Whatswhats going on? Naruko cried out. Mizuki shrugged carelessly, I saw Hakuro treating you unfairly at the exam and decided to use it to my advantage. Too bad Iruka had to get in the way. And all I wanted was to kill you and take the scroll all for myself. Iruka glared at him, understanding why Naruko ran off earlier and that now she had been tricked and used. How dare you use Naruko? She doesnt deserve any of this! Nohes right. I do deserve to die. Im the Kyuubi. I have to be killed before I get out of hand, Naruko unexpectedly said, eyes glazed over as she was still reeling from the revelation of what Mizuki had told her. Mizuki smirked and released his hold on her, her body sliding down the tree uselessly. Finally, someone with some sense! Mizuki cackled. Naruko! Are you alright? Dont listen to him! You are Uzumaki Naruko, not the fox! Iruka tried to counter. Naruko hid her face, before looking back up fiercely at the both of them.

Suck face, you bastard! she yelled, glaring at Mizuki. She leaped up and began running away, scroll thrown over her shoulders. Naruko! Iruka yelled. Mizuki cursed and began to chase after her. A while later, Mizuki and Iruka faced off after the latter had tricked Mizuki into following him when Iruka henged into Naruko. Why do you defend her? She killed your entire family! That demon wench had that look in her eyes! Shell turn around and murder the whole lot of us and backstab you! Sorry, I havent met that Naruko. My Naruko is sweet, compassionate, and even if shes bratty at times she can always come through for the rest of us! Iruka retorted. Well then, Ill just have to kill you now. Mizuki started towards him, but a sudden tackle to his gut halted his progress. Naruko immediately stood up and glared. You wont lay a finger on Iruka-sensei, teme. Or else Ill show you what this demon can do. Mizuki snickered, but he stopped when branches sprouted from the ground and began binding around his body. It encased him and Iruka watched wide-eyed as some kind of mokuton jutsu was performed. Naruko, well done, the Sandaimes voice echoed into the clearing and Iruka spotted the Hokage with Hakuro. Naruko stared in horror at the wooden tomb, not noticing the arrivals. You did it to save me, Iruka tried to reach her. She cried out in horror, collapsing onto her knees and began bawling. She was lost to everyone else. Shuriken and kunai was scattered all around the six year old girl, who was panting in frustration, glaring at the target away from her. Stupid Uchiha. Him and his stupid fangirls and stupid perfectness. She could do better than him. Just watch. But she had no one to teach her to throw the weapons correctly. She knew her hold was clumsy, her aim was always off, and her throws felt awkward. She tried to ask for help but no one came to her aid, unlike Uchiha-teme. Growling to herself, she chucked a kunai at the target and missed. Youre doing it wrong.

She whirled around in surprise, too startled to be angry about the criticism and to work up a retort. A brown-haired young man was glancing at her and the target, eyes noting the various kunai and shuriken around. The senbon in his mouth moved to one side before the other. He walked closer. Your stance is wrong. Youre not aiming, youre just throwing. You need to really look at the target and judge your throw. Your grip should be a little more like this, and then he actually adjusted her hold, amazing her. Who is he and why was he actually helping her? Eh, I got a couple minutes. Want some help? he asked nonchalantly and she looked at him in awe, not even noticing the slight blush that grew on her face. That was her first meeting with Shiranui Genma, and how shed immediately fell in love with him. Genma-san, Genma-san, would you ever be able to fall in love with a monster? Or is that why youve become so distant from me? Pleasemy hand that reaches out to you stretches so farbut youre an ever fading figure that I just cant reach You grow so farther away from me.

Chapter Two: Saturday Night Divas Naruko was stuck in the hospital, missing out on the last days of the Academy, even though she felt completely fine. Thankfully, she would be released when the teams were to be assigned. But that was still a long way away and it wasnt like she graduated or anything She briefly glanced over the bouquet of sunflowers in the vase on the table next to her, attained by Nakago, who had frequently visited her since shed been brought in. She couldnt help the small smile at the sight of them. The door to her room opened and Hakuro entered. She hadnt expected seeing him again. Unexpectedly, he laid a hand on her shoulder and said gruffly, You did well, kid. You graduate. He laid a hitai-ate on her lap, speaking again. Irukas been wanting to give you his ever since he found out you graduated. But I wanted to give you mine because I wanted to apologize. We settled on Irukas bandanna and my metal band. He turned to leave when Naruko reached out and weakly grabbed onto his arm. Can you stay with me? Im too stoned to fight against any more Mizukis she murmured before flopping back onto the bed. Hakuro blinked, Sure, kid The Sandaime came awhile later and Naruko began waking up, a little more aware than earlier. Ah, Hiru-jijiUro-chan almost became Mizuki when I woke up. I think they gave me more drugs than I needed, old man! Uro-chan? Hakuro blinked again. Hiruzen chuckled, Naruko, you need to stop adding chan to all your guy friends. You dont call Iruka Iruka-chan, do you? Sometimes, she said sleepily. Yes, well, to what I need to talk to you about. What did Mizuki tell you? Is he still alive? she said sharply, suddenly totally alert. Yes. You didnt kill him, but he was severely weakened.

She sighed in relief, relaxing against her bed. But then she shot up, startling Hakuro and the Hokage. I need to cut my nails! she cried out, panicking all of a sudden and worrying the other two. What? Why, Naruko? the Hokage asked bewildered. Because! Usually I dont like long nails because they get in my way, but now Ive realized theyre long because Im the Kyuubi! Hiruzen hit her upside the head in rebuke, his weary face looking down at her. He suddenly felt as old as his age, wondering what in the world could he do. Stop that now. You arent the Fox. Everyones nails grow long, and your nails are no exception. Is that what Mizuki told you? That you are Kyuubi? She whimpered, He told me everything! Why everyone hates me, why I dont have any family, why Im so alone! He told me all about the Yondaime and the Kyuubi! Surprisingly, Hakuro was the one to speak next. Ah, come on, kid. Mizuki doesnt know what hes talking about. Youre just a girl. A gullible girl with a big heart. And Im sorry I missed that. Hakuro-san is right. The Yondaime sealed the beast inside of you. You are its container, not it. As for everyone hating you, Im sure Iruka and I dont. I dont, Hakuro added. You hated me before! Naruko accused him. Yeah, the chuunin shrugged. Naruko gaped in surprise at the answer, the tears still flowing down her face. And then she began to laugh, the other two joining in. The two spent a little more time with her before leaving, and then she was stuck in her room in boredom. Well, at least she passed. There was a knock and she turned to the door to see Nakago politely waiting for her to let him into the room. She gave him a wide grin that he surprisingly echoed, coming in and sitting by her side. He took one of her hands, holding it in one of his. Nakago-san, thank you for visiting me all the time. Its less lonely and bearable to be in here when I actually have someone visiting me, she told him honestly. She supposed since they were going to be married then it was best for her to try to keep honest with him, though she was usually an honest person anyways.

It is no bother, though you should have more visitors. You deserve it, he told her solemnly. Her grin widened even more and she excitedly sat up. Iruka-chan comes chattering every day after the Academy lets out. Hokage-jiji comes whenever he can and just today, Hakuro-sensei was nice to me and even told me I passed the exam! My hitai-ate is his metal band and Irukachans cloth, see? He smiled gently at her, Thats good. Im happy for you for all of that. Her smile faltered. Um, Nakago-sanHokage-jiji told me I could tell anyone about this, and since were gonna get marriedI have the Kyuubi no Youko inside of me, she blurted out. She hastily looked around, but he shook his head, his face telling her nothing. No ones around, he told her. She swallowed harshly. Sonow that you know, you dont have to marry me, if you dont want to now. You dont have to marry a monster All of a sudden, hed flipped her hand he was holding up, placing his flat against hers. What do you see? he suddenly asked, confusing her. Um, our hands? she wasnt sure what he was getting at, but she forced herself to be patient, even though she just really wanted to fidget and ask him what he was on about. Correct. But what do you see? he pushed her. She started thinking hard, hoping she wouldnt get frustrated or that her head started to hurt. My hand. And your hand. Uh, mines soft, she guessed and with a nod from him, she hesitantly continued. And its smaller than yours. Its easy to see when theyre placed up against each other. Your hand is bigger than mine and I can sort of feel it calloused a bit from training. Other than that, I dont really see much difference. She shrugged, but his gentle smile remained. Exactly, he told her. You are not a monster, Uzumaki Naruko. You are every bit as human as me. The differences are minor and are telling of certain things that say about us each in our lives. But they are alike. They are the same. And this, he gestured with his other hand at their touching ones. This says that I will stand by you no matter what. Our hands touching give the symbol that I am there with you, and as a physical metaphor of our future vows. I already know about the Kyuubi since the beginning of the arrangement. It doesnt bother me. Nor should you let it bother you, Naruko.

Youyou said my name, her eyes were wet with tears, but she didnt let them fall. Her recent tears were enough and she hated crying. In response, he only curled his fingers down and held her hand. She sniffled and bent her head, leaning towards him as she curled her own fingers and held tight to his. His other hand heavily but comfortingly settled itself on her bowed head.

Ara, Naruko! Look out! Teuchi yelled out to his number one customer. At that moment, the blonde cursed the baggy hakama she wore. The red material had easily caught onto the cart she was next to, therefore delaying her escape from another oncoming cart. She was about to take out a kunai when a body impacted into hers and tackled her to the side. She landed on him, because from the feel of the person she was sure it was a he, and felt the brush of air as the cart ran past and right into the spot she had just stood. It smashed past the other cart and kept going. Breathing a sigh of relief, she looked at her savior and just blinked. Three quarters of his face was covered and his one eye held a bored look. Youre an odd-looking man, was what surprisingly came out of her mouth. Thank you, he stood up abruptly, adjusting her into a bridal hold. Hey, you can put me down! she pouted. He shrugged and put her down, walking away. She gaped after him. Ah, what the hell. Ive got to hurry back to the Academy. Still, that was rather an inelegant save coming from a ninja. When she got to her classroom, she sat down in the back. She didnt have anyone to be with anyways. She looked around, spotting Ino and Sakura fighting over the seat next to Sasuke and everyone else just fooling around. The rest of the Sasuke Fanclub was arguing against Ino and Sakura as well. Sighing in boredom, she lifted her feet and planted them on the desk. Hi, Naruko! her sort of friend Kiba sat next to her. His face grew red and he smiled unsurely at her. Chouji, Shikamaru, and Shino joined them, causing Kiba to frown and grow annoyed.

Naruko didnt really have friends, but these guys at least took some time to talk with her. The only other person she talked to in the Academy was Hinata, and she was kind of weirdin the quiet and shy way Played any pranks lately? Chouji asked as he munched on some chips. She shrugged and grabbed some chips without asking. Chouji smirked and kept eating. Nah, the old man has me leashed for awhile. Shikamaru, shogi? Shikamaru began setting up the game and she began chatting with the others as she played shogi with Shikamaru. Grumbling after the fifth game, she lost again by only a couple of points. Man, thats so not fair! she pouted. At least youre the only one close enough to beat me, he yawned. Anything more was put off when Iruka came in and started to assign teams. Later, Naruko sighed for the umpteenth time, still waiting with her team for their sensei. Unbelievably, she was stuck with rooster boy and #1 freak fan. She wondered why her bad luck had landed her on a team with Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura. The door opened to admit their sensei finally and all of them straightened up, glaring at the door. A silver-haired man stepped in and Narukos heart beat fast while she lost her glare in surprise. Yothis is gonna be a long meeting. Meet me on the roof in ten. On the roof, he began the talk. Alright, talk about yourselves. Your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, whatever. Ne, can you start, sensei? Sakura eagerly asked. Maa, my names Hatake Kakashi. I dislike brats, I like Jiraiya-samas books, and my hobbies and dreams are classified. Your turn, Pinky. Grumbling, Sakura went on. My names Haruno Sakura. I likemy dreammy hobbiesI dislike Naruko, she said plainly, hesitating at everything else, though she did a lot of giggling and glancing at Sasuke. My name is Uchiha Sasuke. My only focus is my ambition to revive my clan and kill a certain person. Ahem. Alright, you next, Kakashi pointed to Naruko.

EhI like Tetsu-chan, Genma-san, Hiru-jiji, Teuchi-chan, Ayame-chan, Uro-chan, Irukasensei, and ramen. I dislike Sasuke and the Sasuke Uchiha Fanclub. My hobbies area lot? And my dream is to be Hokage! Um, I think I like Nakago-san too, she added mentally, blushing furiously at the thought. Okaynow that thats done, lets get started. At training ground three tomorrow, well meet at 5:00 am. Dont eat breakfast or youll puke. That done, he left them and everyone separated. The next morning, Naruko groggily got out of bed and clambered into her shower. She lazily got ready for the day, yawning every other second. Then she headed out, grumbling to herself about missing breakfast. Ah! I want to eat breakfast, but he said not to! But Im so hungry Naruko panicked, whimpering as she headed an hour early to the meeting place. Naruko, youre up early. What are you doing? Genma appeared, smirking. She pouted, Kakashi-sensei said not to eat breakfast, but Im so hungry! The jounin narrowed his eyes for a second before straightening up. Have breakfast with me, he stated plainly. Huh? Why? And didnt you hear me? Kakashi-sensei said Come on, Naruko. My treat, he smiled at her. She paused. While Kakashi did say not to eat breakfast, this was Genma. She hadnt been with him for so long; she had missed his presence in her life. He was one of the few that saw the real her. This was a rare opportunity and she wasnt just going to waste it because she wanted to follow the rules for once. Okay! she followed him to Ichirakus, eager to fill her stomach with some ramen. So, your sensei is Hatake Kakashi, huh? Genma questioned her as she ate. Mmhm, she answered, swallowing her noodles. Well, hes late to everything by at least two hours so you wont see him until around seven or eight. Depending. Ah man! Though, depending on what? Now that, you have to find out from him.

Genma stood up and ruffled her hair. Ive got to go now. Ill see you later. Why dont you go back and take a nap until 6:30 or something? I think I will. Bye, Genma-san! By the time she had woken up, it was around that time. Grinning to herself, she grabbed a box of strawberries and began munching on them as she walked towards her destination. She almost snickered as she saw her two teammates asleep. Then again, she didnt have the time to with Kakashi appearing from out of nowhere right by her side. She eeped and moved away. Oi, time to wake up, the other two genin groggily woke up and he saw that Naruko looked well rested. Not at all what he had pictured her to be. Alright, the deal is this. This is the true Genin Exam. Pass it and youll be one of the nine graduates out of twenty seven who become genin. It has a sixty six percentage of passing. Dont count on yourselves being one of those lucky nine. He took out a clock and set the timer for noon. He took out two bells and held them up. These are your objectives. Get the bells from me and you pass. Left without one and youre sent back to the Academyafter being tied up and watching me eat my food in front of you. Two stomachs growled and Naruko hid her smirk. She was about to start off, eager to just get started when a pain in her head made her collapse and she cried out. She didnt see the others try to help her. Will we always be together? Of course. Until eternity. What is this? What are you doing? Your gift, my love. Together, we will have eternal life. How dare you! We were to have forever! Weve spent years together! Body after bodyand this is how you are to leave me? With her? I find you werent who I really love at all. All these yearsI never really knew you, Hera. Sorry, love. Couldnt let you have all the fun so I decided to kill what was so precious to you. I hope you dont mindMinato. Heramywifewhere is my daughter?! What a pitiful end. Minato deserved to die. Now his daughter will suffer by the very village he sought to protect. Goodbye, loverboy.

Naruko, Naruko! Wake up, please! Weeiird. What the hell was all that about? She groggily opened her eyes, her eyes fixed into a narrowed glare. She still felt Heras anger, though it conflicted with the sadness inside that probably came from Minato. Now who were these people and why was she seeing their memories? Hell, why did she feel everything from their feelings to physical contact? The name Minato sounded familiar though. Are you okay, Naruko? Do you think you can still go on with the test? Sakura asked her as the two males stood behind her. She was on the ground with her head being held up by Sakura, which was almost weirder than the vision shed received, considering the girls usual animosity towards her. Yeahit was nothing, she lied. There was no need to involve them right now. Hmph, Sasuke replied, turning away. She scowled in his direction, but directed her attention towards Kakashi when he spoke. Are you sure? That was rather sudden and you seemed the best rested out of the three. Um, yeah, she muttered. Then begin, and everyone scrambled to get away. Naruko almost started, but she awkwardly made a turn at the last minute as she remembered something. Oi, Kakashi-sensei! There are only two bells when there are three of us. How come? I mean, I know that without a bell, you eat in front of them as theyre tied up. Two bells insure someone will have to go back to the Academy. Wait! Thats no fair! she glared at him. He shrugged. Then I wont play by your rules! The other two can have them. Im just going to sit here and do nothing! I refuse to go and indirectly fight the other two for a stickin bell, you jerk! He stared strangely at her before leaving. She blinked at the sudden action and just plopped down, pouting. Man! Now she had to go back to the Academy! Well, at least she got to be with Iruka again

Alright, heres the deal. The two of you fail and Naruko passes, Kakashi said bluntly, surprising everyone.

Wha?! Naruko stared at him. How come? Sakura demanded and Sasuke looked furious. Because she understood something that the both of you shouldve, considering shes the socalled dobe. And whats that? Naruko asked curiously, letting the dobe comment go. Though she twitched a little. You refused to fight the others for a bell. I purposely had only two bells to pit you three against each other. I wanted to see who was willing to give up their chance for the others. Okayum, does this mean you wanted us to fight together regardless of a bell? Likethe bells werent the real objective, but defeating you was? Or no! Maybe the bells are the objective, but we had to find a way for all of us to pass. Like two of us had bells, but the other was holding onto a string or somethingUgh! My head hurts, Naruko complained, not really an analytical person. You just said it, Naruko, Kakashi said amused. I wanted you three to fight together regardless of a bell. I didnt care if you defeated me or got a bell. If you lost and didnt get a bell, but showed some teamwork I wouldve passed all three of you. Oh, Sakura searched for something to say. Um, well, we can always go back to the Academy and try next year, right Sasuke? He grunted and stalked off, refusing to stay behind. Sakura chased after him. Naruko frowned, One of these days, I am so gonna pummel Uchiha-teme for having a stick shoved all the way up his ass. Bastard. Watch your language, Kakashi rolled his eyes, though quite amused at his students narrative. I was gonna give those two a second chance, but they just left. So Treat me to some ramen! Naruko grinned. Eh? Everyone I know treats me to ramen, so lets go to Ichirakus to eat. What about the box lunches? Ill eat those too! she exclaimed, grabbing the stacked boxes and tore the lid off the top one and beginning to shove food into her mouth with chopsticks she got from somewhere. Kakashi sweatdropped.

Chapter Three: Narukotherapy You like Genma? Kakashi questioned, watching Naruko watch the man. Yesnomaybe. I dont know, she said without taking her eyes off the other jounin. Huh, he said simply. He doesnt talk to me anymore, she stated depressed, looking down. I talked to you this morning, Genma snuck up on her. Ah! Genma-san! I see youre with Kakashi. So your team passed? Actually, only she did, Kakashi grinned. Huh, I guess Ill get the details later. Good luck, Naruko. He walked away with Naruko staring at his back. What did you guys do this morning? He offered to treat me here. I was hungry, but I was heading like an hour earlier to the meeting place. He caught me and we had breakfast here before I went to take a nap to meet you. Aha! So thats why you were so well-rested, Kakashi accused. Guilty, she laughed weakly. I dont care. At least you know now when not to follow unreasonable orders. Youre not going to be late meeting me all the time, are you? Naruko scowled. Well, no. I suppose not. You are my only student. And well, I guess my first. Eh?! What do you mean by that? Kakashi shrugged, Ive never passed a student before. None of them met my expectations. Aauh, is there anything else we need to do? Naruko changed the subject. Well, I have to do the paperwork signing you in, and since only one person passed Ill have to get special permission from the Hokage to train only you and not a whole team. Wouldnt that mean were short two genin of the nine this year?

Probably. Who knows. Maybe one of the others did the same as I did or another extra team was passed. If you dont mind, I could come with you to do the paperwork. I help Hokage-jiji sometimes and maybe I can get him to give you permission, she said shyly. I guess. Go ahead and try. We should head now though. Mmkay, Naruko grinned and grabbed onto Kakashis arm, rushing the both of them to the Hokage Tower. Hokage-jiji! Guess what! Guess what! I passed! Naruko yelled, bursting into the Sandaimes office. The old man chuckled and looked at Narukos sensei, who looked unused to all things Naruko. Ah, Kakashi. Youve finally passed a team? he asked amused. Uhthats the thing. Hokage-sama, only Naruko here passed, Kakashi admitted immediately. Strangely, the Hokages face turned serious, Narukoyou can wait next year for a team. Youll have an automatic pass, seeing as how youve already passed, and wait for another two for your group. Huh? But why, Hokage-jiji? I want to start training now. Then I can take over your job, old man! The Sandaimes face crinkled into a sad smile, Naruko, you remember Uchiha Sasuke was on your team, right? Yeah, yeah. What about the teme? Naruko asked annoyed. Kakashi chose to remain quiet, listening in on their private conversation. I put him there so you can have an easier time. When they give you your pay, it will be an equal team pay. At least, that was what I planned having Sasuke on your team. The villagers all wouldnt treat him horribly. But now that he didnt pass and you didNaruko, I dont want them to treat you horribly. Theyll see this as your fault that Sasuke did not pass. Just wait until next year, please. Naruko stood silent. When she opened her mouth to speak, Kakashi cut her off. He was worried she was about to give in and this was not what he knew of her. Hokage-sama, Ill take full responsibility for her. Ill make sure she gets her equal cut of the pay and make sure shes treated equally in my presence. Ill also personally watch over her to ensure her safety.

The Sandaime Hokage stared shrewdly at him, Alright, Kakashi. But it is Narukos decision. Naruko? You can always wait until next year UmHokage-jiji, I want to start now. Please she timidly said, unusual for her. Okay, Naruko. As you wish. On one conditionyou try this sweet, adorable-looking kimono I found the other day! he grinned, his attitude turning a complete 180. Uhits pink. Kakashi sweatdropped at what looked to be a usual occurrence between the two. Yes, I know. I promise to get you something orange next time. Fine, you win, Hokage-jiji This is where Kakashi found himself walking out, with a red-faced Naruko in a pastel pink kimono. Theyd been walking for a couple minutes when Naruko saw a familiar figure. Ah, ah! Nakago-san, youre here! And youre wearing normal clothes, Naruko enthusiastically greeted him. I didnt think it would be conductive to wear my robes. The blond nodded at her and then looked inquisitively at Kakashi, though a hint of steel oddly entered the mans eyes. Nakago-san, this is my new sensei Hatake Kakashi, she pointed at him. Kakashi-sensei, this is Minamoto Nakago my fianc. Kakashi blinked. Maa, really? Wow. Eh, nice to meet you, Minamoto-san. Likewise, Copy-nin, hed recognized the man right away, remembering him and stories of him from the war and afterwards. The hint of steel in his eyes earlier had nothing to do with this however, though instead the steel hardened even more right as hed remembered. Nakago gave him a polite smile before holding out his arm for Naruko. Minamoto-san, one moment. I see from your headband that you are from Iwagakure, Kakashi wasnt going to ask outright about it, but he had a feeling this was a marriage alliance just from knowing the opposite villages and not counting the other factors he could guess in. Are you related to the new Tsuchikage, as I recall his last name being Minamoto? The other man gave a short laugh.

Yes, very related. I am the Tsuchikage. Nakago started leading her away, leaving a shocked jounin sensei behind. Naruko pouted, lightly hitting his arm. Oi, that wasnt very nice, Nakago-san. His lips twitched. But you have to admit it was very funnyand he had headed straight into that one. Naruko was quiet before she relented and burst into giggles. They entered her home soon and Naruko went about making them some tea, though part of her felt like heading for the cups of instant ramen instead. After a few moments of that, she brought the tea over and they settled into their seats comfortably. Congratulations on your passing, Nakago smiled genuinely at her. How was it? She narrated what had happened, and how shed ended up being the only one who passed. Interesting. I know youll do well. And you know Hiruzen; hes just being concerned. At least now, youre a real genin and youll be on your way to becoming Hokage, as is your dream, right? Hell yeah! Youre so right! And I cant wait to start training and learning cool jutsu. And he just laughed as he patiently listened to her start to go on and eagerly tell him about all the things she was going to do and learn, and how she was going to be so awesome. Naruko, I heard something from Hiruzen. He told me when you defeated that traitor Mizuki, that you were able to perform Mokuton, Nakago brought up once it seemed like she was finally winding down. Naruko blinked in surprise before going into a thinking pose, trying to remember that night. She didnt really like to remember it, but since Nakago was the one asking about it Un, yeah. I think so. I wasnt really thinking about it, though I dont remember saying any jutsu or anything. Only that I wanted to protect Iruka-sensei and I was really angry. Then all of a sudden some branches came up and wrapped around him. He nodded and she watched him curiously, wondering what brought all this on. Hiruzen has requested that I try to help somehow. There is one who would be completely proficient in teaching you, if it was not for the interference for certain people. So Im running another type of interference, he gave her a small smile. As your fianc, Im able to pass on words or things without much scrutiny, with the assumption that it has to do with us getting to

know each other or other marriage type reasons. As kage, I can sense intruders and such, so we can have a measure of privacy. As Tsuchikage, any kind of behavior like that anyways can provoke war, so others will be wary or at least extremely careful in how to deal with our situation and ourselves. Though that reason was very valid, no one knew about the engagement. It would work to their advantage once the engagement was announced, but for now he told it to her so that she wouldnt worry when truthfully he was just using his kage skills to avoid detection for the moment. He took a scroll from his side, unsealing it and handing another scroll that had been what was unsealed to her. She curiously grabbed it and examined its outside for a clue. That is from your Mokuton sensei. He wont be able to meet you directly or teach face-to-face, so Ill be passing along scrolls and whatever else for you to be able to learn Mokuton. Naruko grinned widely and unabashedly tackled him into a hug. Unseeing to her, his face turned bright red and he patted her back awkwardly. Thanks, Nakago-san! Youre awesome! Ah, thank you, Naruko. And, seeing as I am a Master and my affinity has to do with Earth, which is somewhat close to Mokuton, perhaps I can help you get started on your beginner exercise, he suggested, earning him another squeal and tight hug. They rummaged through to see what else came with the scroll and found a small seed. The two of them bent over it and stared. What the hell am I supposed to do with a seed?

Come on, Naruko. One more go, Kakashi goaded. Yousadisticass! and she charged, fully intent on wiping what she knew was a smirk underneath that mask. Kakashi parried all the blows, successful in his returns. Then he ended it quickly by swiftly moving behind her and then teasingly bopping her on the head, causing her to yell in irritation and fall to the ground tired. Mou! Kakashi-sensei, how come were just doing taijutsu? I wanna learn some jutsu! she pouted. Chuckling, Kakashi ruffled her hair. Because, your taijutsu is horrible. We need to work on that before anything. A lot of ninja depend on chakra a lot for jutsu, but they sometimes forget the

use of taijutsu. Being skilled in bringing down an opponent when you cant perform jutsu is something useful to know. But I havent even done any D-rank missions Trust me, youre not missing anything, Kakashi twitched. But Im a genin, shouldnt I be doing some kind of a mission? Usually, but training is important too. The way I was going to go about this if I ever passed a team was to let them do D-ranks while I read my book, but since youre the only one I can easily focus on you. She sweatdropped. Lazy And if youre going to be the next Hokage, youve gotta train hard, right? he teased. Bleh, youre just saying that so I wont bug you about missions any more. Maybe. Ugh! Get up, its time to go one more time! Kakashi cheerfully said. He looked at her with his one eye and saw she really was worn out. Naruko sat breathing heavily on the ground, legs sprawled out in front of her as her arms rested heavily on her knees. Hey, how about some ramen? Youve earned it, Kakashi suggested. It was true; Naruko had been training with him for eight hours with short breaks. She was probably tired and all bruised up. But she had some real stamina there, to be kept going like that. Most genin had problems keeping up to jounin level stamina. It was probably partly from the Kyuubi Yatta! Thats a real reward, Kakashi-sensei! she yelled happily. She leaped up and grabbed him, hurrying to her favorite ramen stand. Well, at least she has energy to yell and hurry to her ramen Kakashi amusedly thought. Ne, Kakashi-sensei, when will you show me a jutsu? Ill show you one when Im satisfied with your taijutsu performance. Which one?

Ill show you one I did on Sasuke at the test and maybe show you a genjutsu I did on Sakura. Really? Yeah And Naruko gave him the brightest smile. Still, he remembered when hed first started to grill her into taijutsu, finding out what she did know. Alright, Naruko. I want to know how you are in taijutsu. Show me what you got! Naruko smirked before she ran in a straight line towards him. He blinked. Not bothering to move, he stood there as she tried to tackle him. Keyword being tried. When that didnt work, she started in on some of the oddest moves hed ever seen. Or experienced. Climbing onto his back like a monkey, he stood there in shock as she started alternately yanking on his hair and clawing at his mask. Is she reallybitch fighting? When that didnt seem to work, Naruko moved onto a weird arm lock, where she was hanging onto his arm and her ankles locked at his shoulder while her arms were locked at his elbow and she was biting at his sleeve. He blankly lifted up his arm and stared at her. Realizing more quickly that this method wasnt working either, in a surprising move, she bolted behind him with her arms moving behind her to clasped around his neck and yanking him down with her. Guh! he slightly choked, as he landed on his back on the ground with her landing nimbly on her feet. It was the first competent move shed made, at least. But then she ruined it by putting his ankle into an ankle lock, which didnt work either way since he was on his back and not his front. Thisis not wrestling, Naruko. And youre doing it wrong. He unsteadily got up and grabbed her by the scruff of her collar like she was a dog, picking her up to stare at. She looked at him sheepishly. Welltry that again, he said blandly. Now that I hope Im not in a complete state of shock, well go again so that I can actually analyze and think about yourtaijutsu. If I actually have to analyzeit.

They went at it again and he went along with it, fighting back only slightly and only on the defensive. What he found was that her fighting style was a combination of bitch fighting, street brawling, any type of move she could pick up from the streets or just anywhere, and flashy wrestling moves that he knew she got from entertainment wrestling on TV. This is going to be a lot of work, he muttered, scratching his head. But he taught and they kept practicing and soon she was fighting well enough, until he deemed her taijutsu saved Your taijutsu is good for now, but I want you to keep practicing, Kakashi praised, a week later. Its been a week, Kakashi-sensei! Will you start teaching me jutsu now? Naruko pouted. Alright, youve earned it. Well even start with something better than the ones I was planning to teach you. Ooh! What? Maybe a suiton jutsu and then a katon jutsu. Which ones? Kakashi eye-winked at her and shrugged, Secret! What?! But arent we going to learn it today? Naruko glared. Maa, we have a mission today. What? Naruko was surprised. She wondered if she had to go after that stupid cat shes heard about. The Sandaimes given a C-rank But I havent even done any D-ranks! Am I really prepared for one? Even if she said it, her eyes showed her excitement. I recommended it. I think you can handle a small one and Ill be there to watch over you. Wow, Kakashi-senseithis is so awesome! So, when do we start? She was eager to start kicking ass. Right now, he said, tossing her a backpack. Bewildered, she scowled when she saw clothing that the Hokage probably set aside for her. Wait, what are we doing? she yelled, running after him. Guarding Tazuna of the Waves.

Suffice to say, Tazuna was not what Naruko had imagined. He was a foul, despicable drunk with no sense of decency. At least, Narukos mind had made that up. This kid is gonna protect me? Why, shes just a little brat! Narukos temper rose, but before she could snarl out a reply, Kakashi put a restraining hand on her shoulder. I assure you that Naruko is quite capable, and Ill be there as well. Im a jounin, so I can take care of anything that goes wrong. Its just a C-rank, ne? Naruko pouted, glaring at the man. Then she got an idea. Mou, Tazuna-san, dont you think I can handle it? Wai! Tazu-kun is so mean! and she put on the puppy eyes, staring directly at the drunk man. Tazunas face reddened considerably, and he coughed. Sorry, darlin. I meant nothing by it. Im sure youll do a great job. Ah, Hokage-sama, Ive got something to admit. I cant let this little girl go on alone and get hurt. I need protecting from more than just thieves and bandits. Because of the bridge Im building, Gato is sending ninja to kill me, he admitted. Everyone stopped being dazed by Narukos puppy eyes and snapped to attention. Distressed, the Sandaime revealed the problem, There is no other available ninja to send. Im afraid Kakashi and Naruko will have to do by themselves. However, the three of you must now be more cautious. Hai, Hokage-sama. I have great faith in my students and mines capabilities. Well be fine, Kakashi assured them. Yeah, lets get going! Naruko cheered. She grabbed a hold of Tazunas arm, hauling him out of the room. Chuckling, Kakashi followed after them. Naruko, dont forget to wear the clothing I got for you! Hiruzen yelled after them. Nearer to the gates, the three saw an intimidating man, complete in kage robes, though brown instead of the Hokages red. Naruko recognized him immediately, running ahead and grinning as she glomped the man. Nakago-san, why are you here? she asked, tilting her head adorably. All three men fought the urge to go aww.

Its your first high-rank mission, and your first overall. Despite your skills, I will tend to worry about you, especially as yourpartner, he nodded at her. Though Im here really to just wish you good luck and to see you off, and not supposed to tell about my worrying at all. She scratched her head in embarrassment. Aw, thanks, though you dont have to be worried. Ill be alright! His lips twitched upwards as he nodded and took her hand, placing a gentle kiss on it. He hesitated but repeated the action to her cheek, nearer to the corner of her lips. Kakashi watched the interaction with a frown, and Tazunas eyebrows were raised highly as the old bridge builder watched curiously. Hey, hey, whos that guy? Tazuna whispered over to him. The jounins frown deepened. That is the TsuchikageNarukos fianc. Tazunas eyebrows rose even higher at that (because she was really young to have a fianc and to find someone already serious about her and just wow), before he gained a thoughtful look as he looked over at the girl. Hmthats actually not surprising that shes found a guy and in a serious relationship already, with her looks and being such a sweet girl. Even at such a young age. Tazuna nodded surely. Kakashi grunted at that. Goodbye then, Naruko. And take care! Naruko grinned widely, squinting her eyes and looking like a fox. They started to move out again, and Kakashi slowly started to relax and feel better. Nakago watched their backs for a little while, before he finally headed to his destination. He gazed at the forlorn and abandoned compound, and sighed to himself. There were a lot of things to be done, especially if he was going to be done renovating the Namikaze estate any time soon. But back with the traveling company By the time they were farther out, Naruko had rummaged through the pack the Hokage had given her and changed. This time, Naruko wore a light orange yukata as she chatted with Tazuna. She was quite happy that it was orange this time. Nande yo?! Are you insane, old man? I wouldnt pass you as twenty in a million years!

Ah, Naruko! Dont be so mean! I can pass as twenty-five! Yo, Kakashi-san, I can pass for the twenties, ne? Tazuna brought Kakashi into it. Maa, I dont usually know these things, Kakashi cautiously said. Bah! Come on, Naruko-chan. Im not that old! Hehe, Im sure you arent! she snickered. Chuckling as well, Tazuna ruffled her hair. Demo, you sure are a spitfire. Naruko grinned before glancing innocently at a puddle underneath her. Eh? It hasnt rained in weeks! And whys there only one puddle around here? The puddle started turning red and Kakashi told Tazuna to move with Naruko to the side. Reaching into the red puddle, Kakashi pulled out two unconscious Demon Brothers. The majority of the blood seemed to be coming from their noses. Narukos face turned red and her eyes narrowed into slits. HENTAI!

Chapter Four: Make Me Bad Baka...ecchi...bastards...torture... Naruko was muttering. The hand-tied Demon Brothers nervously walked behind Kakashi and Tazuna, an angry blonde glaring at their backs. Huffing angrily, Naruko stomped forward and slipped in between the brothers, grabbing onto their ears and pulling them forward harshly. She was still pissed at the ecchi chuunin. You sure I cant kick their asses, Kakashi-sensei? Naruko growled, narrowing her eyes behind her at the pained brothers. She tugged on their ears harder. Sorry, Naruko. No can do, Kakashi said amused, though the only reason hed brought them along was because Naruko insisted and they were oddly acting rather docile. I cant even castrate them? No! the chuunin brothers yelled horrified. Naruko smirked evilly at them and they shivered. It definitely shut them up. She stopped suddenly, the brothers leaping back in terror once she released their ears. Why the hell are we still heading towards Zabuza?! Shouldnt we try going to another direction? Because, Naruko, we have to face him head on so that we wont lead him to Tazuna-sans family. Naruko pouted and started grumbling again as she stomped forward. Eh, I think you should get down, little girl, a gravelly voice said as a large sword flew towards her. Her scream was trapped in her throat as she froze from the sudden attack on her. The Demon Brothers surprisingly tackled her and Kakashi decided to do the same with Tazuna, seeing her momentary safety. Well, thats a surprise. Meh, who cares. The Demon Brothers are below my caliber anyway. However, Copy-nin Kakashi is another story. Naruko almost bristled at the mans attitude and his nerve to insult her two saviors, who had just earned a point each in her book. But theres still going to be a lot more groveling from them or else. The half-naked man standing on the sword pointing out her sensei was another issue. One where while she was worried about him, she wondered if Kakashi was really that infamous around the shinobi world?

Naruko, guard Tazuna away from the battle. Dont get involve, Kakashi ordered as he lifted his headband and revealed a strange, red eye with three tomoes in it. Cool, Naruko whispered in awe. Shaking her head, she decided this was definitely not her cup of tea and that they really couldnt face Zabuza like this. Regardless if they led him to Tazunas family or not, they werent at liberty to keep the man from his family in case of something going wrong. It would be better to bring Tazuna home and guard him there, then lead the weirdo away. Hey you! Eye-browless freak! Take this, she yelled, throwing an object at the ground in front of their enemy and somehow grabbed a hold of Tazuna, the brothers, and Kakashi before hightailing it out of there in the speed of light only capable by Uzumaki Naruko herself. Somehow, they had reached a village nearby and Naruko prepared herself for the worse dressing down since she could remember. Which happened all too frequently, now that she thought of it Narukowhat were you thinking? Kakashi asked calmly. Maybe too calmly. She flinched. Aawell, you see, I thought that Tazuna should be with his family. Something couldve happened at the battle and I thought it wouldve been better for him to be with them in case. AndI was worried about you. Kakashi sighed and ruffled her hair tiredly, You have a good heart, Naruko. But you need to use your head sometimes. That was it? Whew! She was expecting something a lot worse. She was really lucky. She really got off good thereunless Kakashi was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and was biding his time Hey, what was that you threw back there? Tazuna asked curiously. I caught a whiff of it and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Ara! I was going to use it as part of my last prank in celebration of becoming a ninja. Its a reallysmelly smoke bomb. You dont want to knowwell, at least know that Zabuza would be too busy gagging to look for us for awhile. Trained shinobi or not, no one can stand the Uzumaki Crank Bomb! she almost laughed insanely, which was exactly what everyone was imagining at the moment as they stared at her. We shouldget going now, Kakashi said anti-climactically. They began to start heading to Tazunas home when Tazuna paused and stopped Naruko. He smiled fondly at her and said, Thanks for the consideration, Naruko.

She just grinned back at him and gave a cheesy thumbs up, before marching forward and reclaiming the Demon Brothers ears and pulling them along, protests and whimpering emerging all the while from them. They kept going and going, until they finally reached their destination a modest home on a cliff. Tsunami, Tazunas daughter, was extremely welcoming to them. In fact, she began acting as if Naruko was her own daughter. Disturbingly, everyone thought she was hinting Kakashi was a capable husband. Maa, Naruko-chan! You dont have to do that! Tsunami gently reprimanded when Naruko began setting up the table. Umits fine. I dont mind. Actually, do you need help getting food ready or anything? Why dont you call your partner over? Im sure hell be delighted to help his little lady. Ahh, Kakashi-sensei. I think she means you, Naruko stated unsurely, her cheeks going red. Her sensei walked over and took her place setting the table, staying quiet. Naruko helped Tsunami with preparing the dinner. Tazuna stood in the background, chuckling. Eh, Tsunami! Quit teasing them, Tazuna chastised her. But Father! Dont they make a cute couple? she said it bluntly for once. Naruko gaped and then scurried away, hiding with the chuunin brothers. Kakashi winced and began talking. Um, Tsunami-san, Naruko is just my student. Im training her to become a better ninja. Besides that, Im twelve years older than her. The woman snorted, Meh! You just dont see what I see yet. The foundation is there! Students are supposed to develop crushes on their mentors too. And age is nothing but a number. I even thought you two were married when I first saw you two walk through that door together. You two look perfect together and act adorably around each other. You really think so, Tsunami? Tazuna snickered. Of course, she glared at her father. Kakashi stayed quiet before excusing himself. He went to go find Naruko, wondering if she was alright. She seemed embarrassed and bothered earlier. Saa, Im happy I found you so quickly. How are you? Kakashi said when he found her by the water. She was quiet and staring into the blue depths, knees held tightly to her.

Im okay He smiled and sat down next to her. Thats good. I talked to Tsunami-san. Before he could say anything else, Naruko spoke up. When you passed me, I was so happy. For once I had succeeded in something. Someone other than Iruka-sensei and Hiru-jiji had actually smiled at me and thought I was good enough. And you saved me before that. I owe you for saving my life, no matter how weird I thought you were then. Youve never judged me by being itscarrier. Heh, you treated me to ramen so thats always a bonus. When you said I was the only student youve ever passed, and then I heard the rumors and everything, I was so proud. But I was upset too. I couldnt believe someone actually thought I was that good, and I began doubting myself. You believed in me and got a C-rank, you were patient with me and actually taught me, you actually spent time with me and treated me as if I was normal. Thats whywhen Hiru-jiji told me I should wait until next year and whyI almost agreed. I was tired of being treated unfairly and if being with Uchiha-teme would stop it a little, why not? I hate the glares. I hate the remarks. Sometimes, I actually hate the villagers. I almost gave up, gave into it. Naruko sniffled and wiped her eyes, Thats why, when you stood up to Hiru-jiji and vouched for me, I owe you the most. She half-stood, crouching, before leaning over and kissing his visible eye. It fluttered close and then opened when Naruko fled back into the house. That night, Naruko saw two people who seemed oddly familiar, but she swore she had no idea why and that she knew she had never seen them. The blond man looked familiar though. A beautiful woman, her waist-length black hair swishing as she walked down the corridor, greeted a blond man. Minato, what is it you want to show me? she smiled brightly, obviously in love with the man. My project. Our project. Its finally completed. I wanted you to be the first to see its creation. She gasped, Eternal lifeyouve finally completed the Immortality Jutsu! And to think, you were so curious and doubtful of the idea, Minato teased. Ah, but it is my gift! Ive seen your work and Ive helped. Ive seen how close you were. And nowit is finally time.

The man held out an arm and she placed her hand on it, walking together outside. Another man joined them, Minatos best friend. The three of them walked leisurely towards a closed off area, cages of prisoners and the dying all around. The soon to be victims pleaded to be let go, but the three said nothing and continued with their plans. Be careful, Minato, both his friend and lover told him. He smiled beguilingly at them, walking towards the middle of a huge sealing circle he had drawn up around the area. The red liquid containers around him began to glow and the woman and man began rolling the cages one by one into the outside of the circle. The hoarse voices of the sacrifices screamed for help and mercy, but they were ignored. Let it begin, the dark-haired woman voiced. Minato started and the red light spilled into the ground, the circle glowing. The red light grew blinding, making the woman and man cover their eyes. When they opened it, Minato was holding his hands up to the sky and a red stone was floating in the middle of them. All of the sufferers were dead. Minato, my love, you did it! the woman cried out in joy. He smiled at both of them weakly, collapsing onto the ground with the stone falling onto his chest. She cried out and raced towards him. Minato? Whats wrong? Oh no, the sealing must have taken its toll on you HeraI love you, Minato said before closing his eyes. Sobbing, Hera grabbed the stone that caused all of this trouble. She ran towards the other man, surprising him with her actions. Touching the odd stone to his chest, by instinct she had somehow transferred Minatos soul. They had discovered the way to eternal life. Naruko woke up blearily from the dream, wondering where all that came from. Once again, she had somehow experienced another weird dream that she had no idea where it was concocted from. Naruko, you awake? She had forgotten she was sharing a room with Kakashi. Face reddening, she nodded. Then she realized it was dark and that he probably couldnt see her.

Uh, yeah, sensei. Whats up? Are you okay? It sounded like you were having a nightmare or something. He didnt mention he saw her restless movements with his Sharingan eye. Yeah, just a weird dream she distractedly replied. He got up from his bed and walked over to her. She was still lying down, so he sat on the edge. Ne, Naruko, you know if you ever need to talk Im here, right? Mmhm. Good, and he leaned over and returned the kiss from earlier, touching his lips to her temple. He left and went back to his bed. Absentmindedly, she realized by the feel of his lips that he hadnt been wearing his mask. The next day, they met the brat of the family, Inari. Looking curiously at him, Naruko decided it was her mission to dissolve his brattiness. All the kid ever talked about was Gato and death and blah blah blah. And for the something something time, she and Kakashi exchanged exasperated glances at Inaris ranting about something or other. All this over Gato. The name made Naruko want some kind of nice, rich and delicious cake. Ah, Kakashi-sensei! When we go back to Konoha and before, can you treat me to some chocolate cake? I think Im craving. Something about crime lords sharing names in French with desserts. Kakashi chuckled and said, Maybe. Inari looked incredulously at them. The red-haired man tilted his head to the side curiously, looking at the paper on the desk in mild amusement and intrigue. A serene smile slowly spread across his lips and he gently circled the information in red ink with the brush held lazily in his hand. Curious, curious. So the Kyuubi jinchuuriki was engaged, huh? And to the Yondaime Tsuchikage as well. What an interesting development He lightly tapped the end of the brush against his lips, gazing at the picture of the Kyuubi

jinchuuriki as wheels turned in his head. Oddly and what seemed to be unusual for him, his smile stretched across his face into a full smile and he leaned back and folded his hands decisively on his lap. Curiouser and curiouser, indeed.

Chapter Five: Kelas (Lets Dance) Sowhat is this that we are learning? Naruko asked, hoping it would be jutsu this time around. Meh, I promised those jutsu, right? Well, you have to have better chakra control. We could start off with learning the tree climbing exercise. UmKakashi-sensei, Genma-san taught that to me a long time ago, she flushed red. Oh, the jounin said only, dumbfounded. They ended up with Kakashi dragging Naruko to the nearest stream. Well then, looks like theyd just have to move onto water walking. Strip, Kakashi ordered. What?! Kakashi-ecchi! Naruko shrieked, her hands moving up automatically to shield her chest. Realizing how bold and suggestive he had sounded, Kakashi turned red. Um, I meant only to whatever youre comfortable getting wet in. Well learn water walking instead. Oh Naruko then hesitantly started removing the orange jumpsuit the Sandaime had allowed her to wear. Kakashis face almost turned an impossible shade of red as he forgot to turn around. Before he could catch her completely half-naked, Kakashi whirled around and stuttered out, Anou, I dont mind letting you borrow my shirt He nervously took off his vest and then his shirt, tossing that behind him to her. Sensei or not, Naruko wouldve been in her underwear and that wouldve been highly inappropriate. Tsunamis words were still fresh in his mind as well. Finished! Naruko said cheerily. Sighing in relief, Kakashi turned and almost face faulted. The shirt was way too big for her, even though it showed off her legs. And she had long legs Um, theway this goes is that you and while Kakashi explained, he tried to stop his eyes from drifting down and staring. Naruko kept falling in, but by the time they had to go back she was getting the hang of it. Very good, Naruko. You might be able to get this by tomorrow. Well start the katon jutsu tomorrow as well, Kakashi praised.

Um, Kakashi-sensei? Do youwish that Sasuke had passed instead of me? I mean, he probably would have mastered water walking already. Hed probably have learned everything faster than I can Do I? I wished he passed with you, but I wouldnt trade you for the world. I do wish youd have an easier time though, even if it meant putting up with another student. And dont compare yourself to him, youre learning at a fast rate. Naruko beamed at her sensei, Kaka-sensei is so sweet! She glomped him tightly, running off in the direction of Tazunas house. Her long legs captured Kakashis attention and he twitched. Glompage and pretty smile. Long legs. And Kaka-sensei?! Sighing, he followed after her. But then So, finally caught on, eh? Tsunami said, every time she caught Kakashis eyes drifting to Naruko or when he blushed just a tiny bit where it showed his eye. I have no idea what youre talking about, Kakashi stiffened. The woman just shook her head and continued making dinner. Naruko and Inari were in a corner heavily talking, though about what no one could guess. The Demon Brothers tried to sneak in and join the conversation, but they were stopped each time with two intense glares from the two. Tazuna was playing shogi with Naruko yelling out her move from the corner. It was turning out to be a rather cozy family environment, considering the danger. Naruko, dear, could you help Kakashi-san with the dishes? That way, we can have something to eat on for dinner, Tsunami was planning something. What it was, Kakashi didnt know. Okay, Tsuna-bachan, Naruko grinned, happily walking over to help. Kakashi watched warily as Tsunami grinned mischievously and he couldnt say anything when the most obvious thing happened. The woman discreetly moved her foot and Naruko tripped over it, heading straight into Kakashis arms. That is to say, if Inari hadnt of darted behind him unexpectedly, leading to Kakashi falling backwards and Naruko following after him. It wouldve been funny if it had been anyone else. Kakashi was not amused. Especially with Naruko on top of him in such a compromising position and Naruko would be just as amused when she stopped feeling the pain from the fall.

Un, sensei! I think I sprained my ankle or something! Sighing, Kakashi had the misfortune to look up and into Narukos face. No, their lips didnt connect or any clich things like that. No, Naruko had the mostwanton expression on her face. Or it looked wanton, especially with the colored cheeks and wet eyes. She kept breathing heavily, making Kakashi uncomfortably aware of her chest. Rather than say something about it, he opted to subtly push her off and gently sit her next to him on the floor. Lets take a look at that ankle, alright? Kakashi went on as if nothing happened. Somewhere a snort was heard, and Kakashi reserved to have a talk with Tsunami. Gritting his teeth unnoticeably, Kakashi began prodding her ankle and looking for any signs of pain on her face. Mou! Kaka-sensei, that hurts. Be careful, onegai? Hai, hai. Im sorry, Kakashi eye-smiled, ruffling her hair. Careful, sensei! Your sweetness is going to make me fall in love with you, Naruko joked, laughing as she slowly stood and limped away and headed towards the Demon Brothers. Kakashi stared at her retreating back, frozen in place, with Tsunami sniggering in the background and Tazuna in disbelief. As Naruko stayed with the Demon Brothers though, she started to remember the water walking exercise that Kakashi started teaching her that morning. Then she started remembering how Genma had taught her tree walking. Yo, Naruko, Genma greeted her. His usual senbon was in his mouth and he was slow in his gait to reach her. She pouted at him as she stared at her failed attempt at a bunshin. Hi, Genma-san, she grumbled, glaring at the sickly thing. What the hell is that? She pouted even harder. Its a bunshin. Right. Did you feed it some crack or something? Genma! He smirked at her and took out a senbon, jabbing it towards her bunshin.

You fed it too much chakra, and you dont have the control to regulate your own chakra to fix that problem. I can teach you something to help you on that, but youll never get bunshin. You just have too much chakra and the exercise will even build up more. But since the exercise will help your chakra control, any big jutsu in the future that needs chakra control should be helped by this. So I should forget the small stuff. For the moment. She sighed and waited and he instructed her on how to do it. She got to a couple steps before she fell back. And he watched and watched as she tried over again. When shed gotten at least a quarter up, he nodded to himself and then started to go up the tree after her. Once hed reached her, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, ignoring her face flushing red. He started walking up, urging her to keep going. Try to keep going. And she did. With him there with her, she actually gained a measure of confidence and assurance to keep walking up. At the top, he told her to stay still and see for how long she could stay on for, and that hed stay there with her to help her. If she fell, he was right there. He moved his head a little, rubbing his cheek past her silky hair and then almost burying his face into her neck. He contented himself into resting his chin on her shoulder and leaning his face under her chin. And despite losing concentration and blushing full forced, Naruko stayed there for a long time, her huge reserves allowing her to have this moment with her crush. In the end, he actually had less stamina and chakra, so he was the one forced to get down first. That had been when Genma had first started distancing himself from her, she mused. After that, he just never seemed as around as he used to be, and he never stayed long around her when he was. And as she brooded to herself, a certain pink-haired almost teammate was also brooding. Sakura, the persistent and diligent girl that she was, stood dejectedly after once again being rejected by the Last Uchiha. She frowned to herself and glared balefully at his back before becoming horrified. Shed never glared at Sasuke-kun before But why was she chasing after him still anyways? He never gave anyone the time of the day and he was always being a jerk. And now she was starting to brood like him too!

Doing this in the Academy a second time around was showing her how pointless and a waste of time this was. It just became exhausting and draining for her to chase after a stupid boy, especially being back in the Academy. She hated it. Once, everything seemed grand and chasing after Sasuke had been so important. But now, doing things again, once more doing Academy stuff and chasing after Sasuke, wasredundant. Repetitive. Without end. Her life had become tedious and she felt like she was standing still, even as everyone moved forward. Shannaro! Well show them! No more crap. Fuck the Uchiha. Its time to get serious and move our asses! Naruko. She really had moved on. She had graduated and shed been taken being a kunoichi seriously. Well, so would Sakura. She would have Naruko acknowledge her and she will be a real kunoichi. She didnt know why, but she desperately wanted Naruko to acknowledge her as such. After all, Naruko had graduated and she hadnt. Naruko was the one on a mission right now, while she was stuck staring at Sasuke-kuns back. And she realized, she didnt know all that much about the other girl. She remembered never liking her for some reason, but shed never gone out of her way to find out about her. Even still, back then and especially now, Naruko had suddenly become much more important, even more than Sasuke. And if she was that important, then she had to find out what she could about the other girl. She nodded surely to herself before marching determinedly home, surprising her parents with her newfound vehemence. She even started to eat a full plate of food, startling her parents into staring at her in surprise. Dear, is something wrong? Haruno Michi asked as she watched her daughter get a second plateful of food. Sakura blinked and looked at her. No, why? Youreeating a lot more than usual, Haruno Daisuke pointed out weakly, just as amazed as his wife. Sakura frowned. I need the calories because being a ninja requires more. Ninja burn off calories faster than regular people, Kaa-san, Tou-san.

You never worried about that before, sweetheart. Usually youre always saying you need to be on a diet for the Uchiha, Daisuke grumbled at the last part. Sakura scoffed. Its stupid and the Uchiha is stupid. Hes more or less a jerk anyway. I need to start taking being a ninja seriously. I need to be a real kunoichi like Naruko. Yeah, her change was sudden and she was secretly afraid shed have a relapse and quickly go back to being that weak girlbut she was just so tired of the way her life was and how she was being left behind. By Ino. And for some reason, especially Naruko. And she hated not being taken seriously, which Sasuke reiterated every day, without fail. She was sick of being weak. Oh. What cause this sudden change and what doesNaruko have to do with it? Michi shared a look with her husband. Shes a kunoichi. Im going to get out of that Academy, Ill show up Sasuke, and I will have Naruko acknowledge and see me. Naruko, who was dead last. Naruko, who has always trained harder and taken being a kunoichi more seriously than her, even though Naruko doesnt have the heart and attitude of shinobi. Naruko, who was out of her reach. For now. Too soft. Ill grow stronger and have the harder shell, so that you wont have to, Sakura mumbled to herself, cutting viciously into her food again. After she was done, she started immediately to her room. I have to study. I cant waste time or not be focused, Sakura yelled behind her as she climbed the stairs. She had to study hard and mean it, not just memorize everything. It was important so that she wasnt caught off guard. So she was going to go straight to studying seriously, so that she could learn what she needed to and get out of the Academy. When I get back on your team, Naruko, I wont hold you back, she vowed. And it would be Narukos team. Daisuke and Michi stared up the stairs and then at each other. We should invite the girl over for dinner or something, Michi blinked. Yeah, if she could get our girl to be all fired up and finally stop obsessing over that boy and leave that stupid diet, thank Kami for Naruko. And since Sakuras determined to stay a ninja, thank Kami again that Naruko somehow got Sakura to actually get serious about it or else our daughter mightve kept fooling around and get herself hurt or killed, Daisuke sighed. Well, when she comes back from that mission I hear shes on, Michi hummed. Though we might have to make sure Sakura doesnt get a stomachache from all that food she ate. After not eating so much, that sudden influx of food wont be good

The two relieved parents began talking in low tones about the girl who somehow helped their daughter, just as two men started on the same subject in the same village. Nakago refused the offer of tea, seating himself in front of the Hokages desk. Hiruzen sighed and got himself comfortable for the long talk. I hear you are renovating the Namikaze estate, Hiruzen started off. Nakago nodded. Hai. It is her home, so she should be able to live in it. I would prefer her to live in it, than her current place of residence. Hiruzen looked stricken, face entirely weary. I wish she had a better place to stay, but people refuse to sell her a nicer place. The civilian council make it more difficult, since housing is in their hands. Clan compounds are thankfully shinobi related, but as Naruko has not been named an official Namikaze to the public, the estate has been closed to her. Your presence and your involvement is a blessing in this situation. Yes, Ill keep the renovations secret for now, and Ill show it to her once the Chuunin Exams are over and her heritage has been announced. Then she can immediately move into her birthright. The Hokage sighed. But this will not be easy. They know you are here to renegotiate some kind of truce between the villages, but not that it is a marriage alliance. If you dont keep low key on the renovations, theyll find out about you quicker than wed like them too. Dont worry about that, Nakago waved it off. I have that under control. But you are right. Your council will be causing problems once they find out. They wont like it. For one, just as a jinchuuriki, they would never agree to the union, seeing as theyll be afraid youll use her against us somehow or even turn her against us. Nakago gave him a sharkish smile. Or just take her. Hiruzen rolled his eyes. And that. Any number of things really and truthfully, their fears arent unfounded. He gave him a look, to which Nakago just shrugged. But secondly, once they find out she is the Last Namikaze, they will definitely not approve of a foreign shinobi marrying her, much less an Iwa-nin and never mind the Tsuchikage himself. So picky and fickle, your council, Nakago complained. Still, why dont you enact the Clan Restoration Act? She is the last of two important clans. Naruko and I can keep our arrangement, while you have local ninja that you handpicked for her to appease the council, but also are ninja you trust with her as opposed to ones the council will be forcing onto her. They might even force an arrangement between her and the Uchiha if youre not careful, the Tsuchikage wrinkled his nose distastefully at that.

Kami forbid. Naruko cant stand the boy, Hiruzen went halfway between a grimace and a chuckle. And the ones Ill pick will be kind to her and wont force themselves onto her, Id hope so. The council may treat her like a broodmare, but if I choose them then that wont be the case at all. Of course not, Nakago frowned. I would be patriarch of the clan and be her actual husband. The others are just for show and to put up a front against the council. Theres no need for them to touch her in any way. Hiruzen really did chuckle. Jealous already, Nakago? Hiruzen, the blond warned, scowling. The Hokage only kept chuckling, brushing off the Tsuchikages glare. They continued their talk late in the night, Haruno Sakura staying up late and pouring over books and scrolls, and Uzumaki Naruko plunging into another strange dream. Kitsune-hime, Minato tickled the little ones nose. The baby girl giggled and her tiny hand reached up and grabbed his finger. Chibi Narukoyoure my pride and joy. I love you, little one He smiled sadly, descending into the darkness with Naruko in his arms, the cries of battle all around. Even the fiery fires burned as if in agony. A minute laterand there was a huge flash of light that lit up the entire area and then imploded in on itself. The body of the Yondaime Hokage lay still in an archaic sealing circle that only the Sandaime Hokage understood what it was. Namikaze Naruko was held in the deceaseds arms. Her cries stopped by the faint humming of the dead, the lullaby fading into the wind. Naruko was crying softly, but Kakashi still heard it from his side of the room. He stood up slowly, hesitantly moving closer to her. He didnt find out if she was awake or not, or else hed lose his nerve. He slid onto her bed, slipping his arms around her and humming an old song his old sensei used to hum everywhere. Narukos crying slowed and he breathed a sigh of relief. He was too tired to leave so he ended up falling asleep where he was, unaware that Naruko had been awake since she woke up crying. Elsewhere, a blond man woke up, his half naked body in agony and the tattered remains of a white trench coat with red flames surrounding him.

Chapter Six: Home Sweet Home My names Uzumaki Naruko. Im aware of my heritage, that my father is the Yondaime Hokage, and my mother would be revealed to me when Im older. After being filled in after the incident which led to me graduating, the Sandaime told me most of everything else I needed to know for now. Even though I still want to become Hokage, my top goal is to be like my father and become the strongest ever. I suppose I should include that the Yondaime Tsuchikage is my fianc. Hes nice enough, but Imwell, I think Im in love with Shiranui Genma. I do know that hes a very precious friend. Minamoto Nakago-san (the Tsuchikage) is cute though, and he seems familiar. And hes sweet and hes kind and hes just so wonderful to me AnywaysBut Genmas been avoiding me ever sincewell, that was a confusing time. I dont know why he started acting like that ever since, but I miss him very much. Hes one of the few precious people I have. Hagane Kotetsu is another precious friend. Hes stuck by me through a lot and because hes just a chuunin, when jounin are bullying me he tends to get pulled in and they taunt him about rank. But he says it doesnt bother him because Ive probably gone through worst. A man thats precious to me, but probably doesnt even remember me, gave me this pearl ring a long time ago when I was just a child. I dont even know his name, but I would like to thank him for being so kind when kindness was so rare to me. Umino Iruka was one of the first people I ever got close to. Hes like an older brother, or father. Although he says hes too young to be a father. He treats me to ramen a lot and tries to get me to study. Yeah right! Study, me? When I feel like it and its really important. Toko Hakuro is strange and a lot of the times grumpy. He used to really hate me and he almost didnt let me pass the Academy Genin Exam. After the Mizuki incident, he sort of lightened up on me and I read in the library with him. But that doesnt mean Im studying The Hokage Sarutobi is my Hiru-jiji. Hes a kind, old man whos like a grandfather to me. He likes to dress me up though, and treats me like Im his daughter. Ichiraku Teuchi and Ayame are the best ramen makers ever. Im their number one customer and they always give me discounts when I cant afford it. Their restaurant is the only place I can eat out. Last, but not least, Hatake Kakashi is my jounin sensei. Hes awesome and sweet. The first time I met him, he saved me from a crazy cart! Im the only student hes ever passed and I think hes a really famous ninja. Which is cool because my sensei is famous and hes teaching me. He has a bad habit of being late, that baka, but at least he doesnt do that to me. At least, when its only me involved. In fact, he has several bad habits that can get on my nerves sometimes. Especially when he reads that ecchi book in front of me. He doesnt do it often with me, but when I catch

him I cant help but glare. Baka pervert senseiand stupid wannabe trashy romance novel! Id like to give that author a piece of my mind Eh, anyways, Kaka-sensei is super smart and strong; and hes gentle with me I love how hes so patient when hes training me too! He also has this Sharingan eye thing in his left eye that looks cool. He says his friend gave it to him, but he wont say anything else about it. Doesnt talk much about his past, this one. He acts composed and bored, and a lot of the times lazy! But its him and I like him the way he is. Hes really handsome too, even though Ive only seen the area around his right eye. Its just this gut feeling when I look at him, I just know hes cute. His lips are really smooth and soft too If I wasnt in love with Genma, Id say I wouldnt mind falling in love with sensei Hey, what are you doing out here? a soft voice asked Naruko. She sighed and got up slowly, blushing at the sight of a pretty boy. Of course, it couldve been a girl to anyone else, but Naruko trusted her instincts. Ne, whats your name? he asked her. Im Naruko! What about you? she felt rather cheerful. Haku. Ara, Haku-kun, what are you doing out here? I was resting! He looked surprised, How did you know I was a boy? And Im looking for herbs to help an ailing friend. That thing she threw sure did a number on Zabuza-sama. Even I was affected. Naruko giggled, I know cause I know! Hey, do you need help? I think I know just the thing to help your friend. You should know who that is, gaki. Are you sure you really want to help him? Naruko gave a minute tense, forcing her to relax her body quickly. She didnt know who that voice was or why had it spoken up suddenly, though she had a fear that it had spoken up in her mind. Was she going crazy? She didnt like the idea of voices in her head. Anou sa? Thank you very much, Naruko-chan, he smiled at her. Tch, gaki. Ignoring the voice, Naruko gathered up all the herbs and handed it to him, helping him out with the other herbs hed needed.

She waved him goodbye afterwards, I hope your friend gets better, Haku-kun! For some reason, he gave her a sad smile in return before leaving. Maa, Naruko. Are you there? Kaka-sensei! Over here! The silver-haired jounin appeared and smiled at her, plopping onto the ground next to her. So, what were you doing out here? Its rather chilly, he mentioned. Before, she hadnt noticed. But now that he had said something, she did feel that cold. She shivered a little, but blinked in surprise when Kakashi moved an arm around her and pulled her close. She felt warmer. Thanks, sensei! she beamed at him. Youre welcome. So what were you doing out here? Oh, I was resting. And helping someone gather herbs! Before that though, I was training. Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the mention of her helping someone gather herbs, but didnt let her see it. Something about that made him wary. Training, huh? How far along are you with the water jutsu? She blushed in embarrassment, Im sorry, Kaka-sensei. Its harder than the katon jutsu you taught me Its okay, Naruko. It should be harder. Suiton jutu need very precise chakra control, which although youre getting better at youre just not there for these jutsu; while katon jutsu requires enormous chakra reserves. For you, because of the Kyuubi and yourself in general, you have at least low-jounin chakra reserves Beyond kage level if the Kyuubi ever truly got involved . Your chakra control is about mid-chuunin, considering your mastery of the water walking exercise. But the suiton jutsu I taught you needs low-jounin chakra control. If you keep working on your chakra control, this jutsu will become easier to master. Yatta! I wanna get started on this right away, sensei! That way Ill make you proud and finish learning the jutsu. Huh, wellI was thinking of taking you out. Youve been working hard and you deserve a little rest. What do you think? Kakashi eye-smiled at her. Where? I want to go! Please, sensei? Naruko turned excited.

Himitsu, Kakashi teased. He did a few hand seals and then disappeared. Naruko ended up on a treasure hunt. And so, it was only a little later, with her close to the end of the little hunt, that shed found another note. Okay, whos a small runt? Thats easy. Inari! She caught him, staring at the waters again. Meh, what do you want, Naruko-chan? Inari said sulkily. Hey! What did I say about sulking? Naruko reprimanded. Yeah, yeah. I know. Hey, your teacher gave me this. Its for you, Inari said, handing her another plain, folded card. Thanks, Inari! Naruko waved as she ran away. She looked at the card and sighed. Another clue. Home is sweeter when youre there to brighten the day and cast out the shadowshuh, I really didnt know Kakashi-sensei was so poetic. Thats another one hes made, Naruko giggled. She headed back to Tazunas house and frowned when she saw the door wide opened and the inside looking dark. Cautiously heading into the house, she blinked in surprise when the lights just turned on. There was another card on the kitchen table. Pouting, she picked it up. I know youve been homesick, so home is just around the corner. Your wish will come true soon, and sooner or later youll come home. Shrugging, she did a double-take when she looked up and two big bowls of Ichiraku ramen were set onto the table. Yatta! Ramen! Mou, wheres Kaka-sensei though? Two arms appeared behind her and went around her neck, pulling her close. Right here! Like the surprise? I had them send some here, with you being unusually sad and all, Kakashi smiled, though he was apprehensive of how she was going to take his actionsand if she was happy with it. Sensei is so sweet! Naruko declared, grinning and leaning back.

Tsunami was in the background, doing her best to capture the scene. Some miles away, in Iwagakure, the Tsuchikage tensed, feeling someone was encroaching on his territory somehow. Frowning to himself, he shook his head and refocused on the paperwork that had built up from his stay in Konoha. His mind started drifting again, though this time he reminisced on the first time hed met his fiance. This is he frowned, an unexpected offer. I am still young and have no urgency in finding a wife, especially with someone so young. If you can tell me more, and perhaps why you are making this agreement in the first place? Hiruzen sighed, launching into his reasons, explaining about how the girl was a jinchuuriki, whose daughter she was exactly, and how the marriage would help her. Nakago frowned even more, partly in disapproval of the people involved and partly because he felt for the girl. He was almost surprised that Hiruzen was blatantly telling him all this, but he knew that the old man probably had a bunch of secrecy and privacy seals in the office. He wasnt unaware of the late Yondaimes genius in sealing, or how the Sandaime himself was proficient in the art. There was also the Yondaimes teacher and Sandaimes student, Jiraiya of the Sannin Im glad youd even stayed long enough to actually hear me out and look like youre considering it, Hiruzen said gratefully, truthfully very surprised that the Tsuchikage had bothered to come and even now listen to the proposal. The fact that he hadnt rejected it right away was even more promising. The girl is an innocent and sweet child, who has been dealt a bad hand in life. She doesnt deserve the treatment shes been receiving from the moment she was born. I only wish to find her someone willing to be with her, despite her circumstances, even if it means forcing it into a marriage alliance to give her someone. I also wanted to find someone able to protect her, guide her even, through her life, even when she can start standing on her own. Truthfully, as not only the Tsuchikage with more than enough power and skill to protect her politically and physically, one of the reasons I looked to you is because you are Tsuchikage. Your village will come for her because of whose daughter she is. Im hoping this marriage alliance will protect her from your shinobi and village not only through the alliance being made, but because Id hope they wouldnt dare harm the wife of their very own Tsuchikage. It would help, wouldnt it? Nakago mused. Especially if youre considering revealing her heritage. My protection could be used to protect her against my own people and also yours, who wouldnt want to instigate an international problem or even start a war. It ties our two villages closer together, and hopefully bury some grudges. Everyone will know she is the last Namikaze, and my presence will serve as a buffer against Iwagakures retaliation for the Yellow Flash through his daughter. But also towards people in your own village seeking to use her, particularly your council. And especially if they are going anywhere near the subject of rebuilding her clan and forcing suitors onto her.

Hiruzen nodded in confirmation. And the whole reason you want to reveal her heritage in the first place would be to grant her rights shes being denied now, and a better life her name could give her. Once again, the Hokage nodded. As much as I feel for the girl and her situation, this is something I must think over carefully. I cannot just commit myself to this without thinking about it thoroughly, and if I agree now it will be halfheartedly and therefore my efforts and help will be halfheartedly. I will be prone to just saying no now. There is no hurry, Hiruzen agreed. You may think about it for as long as you need. I was planning on announcing who she was after her first Chuunin Exam, hopefully becoming chuunin, but that isnt for a long time. Itll also be a long engagement that no one but you and I will know about at least until that Chuunin Exam. By then, there will have to be an announcement, if she is to be kept safe after the unveiling of her heritage. But there is still no need to marry right then either. Thank you for your consideration and for even listening. I doubt Onoki-dono would have been as kind. The blonds lips twitched upwards. I suppose in some ways I am softer than my uncle. I doubt hed even come here in the first place. Hes a stubborn geezer, as you would know. But if I agree, the long years for the engagement will at least give me time to ease him into the idea and hopefully eventually accept it. If you agree. Nakago nodded before excusing himself, seeking to take a walk around the peaceful village. He walked around idly, before seeing a sad little girl sitting in a sandbox all by her lonesome, the sight unwillingly pulling at his heartstrings and drawing him closer. The sun was setting and it was about to get dark soon not a good time for little girls to stay out late by themselves. He noted the whisker marks on her cheeks from the beginning, and immediately knew who the girl was, identifying her as the one he might possibly agree to marry in the far future. He frowned to himself. He didnt want to leave her alone, especially with how young and small she was and with it getting dark. That went without saying that she could possibly be his fiance and he especially wouldnt want any harm to come to her. There was also that she was so sad and he didnt want her to be, and he didnt like seeing her sad either. Then he caught a glimpse of impossibly blue watery eyes and any lingering hesitation on his part disappeared. He hurried to her and squatted down next to the little chibi, a hand darting to an inside pocket in his kage robes that rested right above his heart. He fingered the little trinket in there thoughtfully.

Whats wrong, little one? No one wants to play with methey all left when I asked if I could play with them! she let out a sob and the blond mans smile widened. Well, I cant play with you right now but I have something that might cheer you up. You can remember me this way! and he handed her a pretty ring, a pearl resting in the middle of a silver band, with tiny little diamonds surrounding it. It had been his mothers marriage ring that hed carried around sentimentally, wanting a piece of her with him always after her death. Onoki had casted glances at it frequently when Nakago had worn it around his neck when he was younger, probably a harsh reminder of his sister, so the blond had taken to wearing it in a specially made pocket in each of his kage robes. It meant a lot to him and now he wanted to give it to this sad little girl with no one to play with. It just seemed right somehow. He wanted her to be happy about something, happy about such a little thing, just like it had made him content and lessened the loss. He wanted to gift her with something that had been meaningful to him. This gave me comfort, so I hope it will give you some as well Take good care of it, okay? he smiled again, leaning to kiss her cheek. I will, she smiled up at him. He left her behind reluctantly, but at least knowing she would leave quickly to see the Hokage about it. He headed to where he was temporarily staying, sighing to himself. That ring had been his answer. And when Hiruzen saw his adoptive granddaughter happily show him the ring, he nodded in approval and observed the pretty little ring that had once belonged to the Yondaime Tsuchikages mother. So I guess that is a yes, Nakago? he murmured. At such a young age, without even knowing it, Uzumaki Naruko had been engaged. Sasuke, like always, brooded about his life. Was it fair that he, as the Last Uchiha, was stuck wasting away in the Academy? He shouldnt be there. He should be a genin by now and instead the dead last was. Or was she dead last?

He couldnt accept that someone without talent had become genin before he did, so the only explanation he could come up with was that either shed been holding back or something had held her back from either showing her potential or reaching her potential. Because there was no way she could have gone farther than him unless that had been the case. He had to know the truth. He had to know about her, to understand why he was stagnating and she was not. If he had to understand all this, then the first point he should make was to find out more about her. If he was lacking hatred to become powerful, then why was the girl who could never have any amount of hate in her be the one going farther ahead? He glanced around irritably, catching sight of Ichiraku Ramen. That was the place where the dobe frequently ate. He frowned to himself before hesitantly heading over to there. Inside, he could see daughter and father working hard on making noodles, while surprisingly there was a strange looking man sitting straight on a stool at the counter. Thank you, Courier-nin, for delivering this to Naruko, the daughter cheerfully said, packing a bowl already. It is no problem. Hatake-san asked for me to come here to retrieve some of your famous noodles to deliver for the sweet girl, and deliver I will, the Courier-nin nodded surely. So, the Courier-nin came here to get some noodles for Naruko on her mission, eh? How is Naruko? he cut in, stopping himself from calling her dobe. That wouldnt do to get him any information from these people who obviously very much liked the girl. Courier-nin, still odd that one of his profession was here, turned to him. Shes fine. Training hard, I hear. But shes homesick, so her sensei requested I come here and order some ramen to bring back as a surprise for her. And theyre ready, the father announced, handing over two tightly packed takeaway bowls of ramen. The Courier-nin nodded his thanks, grabbing them and then putting them into a secure hold. Then he took off, speedily running out of the village and heading to wherever Naruko was. Sasuke watched him leave before turning to watch the father and daughter duo continue to cook. What is her favorite flavor? he asked suddenly. Without having to ask who he was talking about, the pretty daughter looked at him in amusement and answered.

Miso. He hmmed. Ill have a miso ramen, please. Coming right up!

Chapter Seven: Simple and Clean

Naruko didnt remember anything. She couldnt quite feel herself. All she knew was fury. And then she blacked out and was in this sewer. She felt herself pulled into a direction and she hesitantly followed. Growling reached her ears and somehow she didnt feel scared. In fact, she felt a connection to it. She shivered in delight, getting closer to her destination. It all passed by in a blur, all she could clearly remember right then was red eyes and the same colored chakra leaking out to wrap around her. Her mind was all jumbled. There was only one circulation of thoughts going around in her mind. Haku was dead. Zabuza was dead. Kakashi was dead. She let out a roar and attacked the hopeless mob of gangsters, saving Gato for last. No one had been left alive. But she didnt want to stop. Why stop when there were so many others to kill, when her beloved sensei was gone? Haku, poor Haku. And Zabuza. Those two were invaluable to each other She snarled and aimed for the scared Gato, the last one. She wanted to rip that mans head off, his horrible disgusting presence be rid off the planet. It was swiped off easily, cleanly, sailing towards the ground and rolling off to the side. Grinning in an animalistic manner, Naruko swiped her tongue over her lips and tasted the blood. Naruko, snap out of it! she growled and whipped her head to face the intruder. It wasKakashi. Kakasensei? Youredead, Naruko said weakly, falling into a faint. The overwhelmed jounin and the two dumbfounded missing-nin beside him looked at the fallen figure, not believing their eyes. The Demon Brothers, whod previously cowered behind, alternately started to hesitantly move forward and then stand still, looking at her sadly. Quietly, Kakashi picked her up and began walking back towards Tazunas home, not saying anything about the just as quiet shinobi following him. The bridge builder trailed afterwards with saddened eyes. An hour later, Naruko woke up to see Kakashi in her face.

Ack! Kakashi-sensei, you scared me. Narukohow much do you remember? Kakashi asked her solemnly. She was quiet, understanding what he was asking. I remember all of it. But at the time I couldnt think straight or remember anything! Naruko was worried Kakashi was going to abandon her. He pulled her into an embrace. Its okay, Naruko. I just need to know what happened. She spilled out everything, mentioning how she felt and what she thought. Kakashi listened patiently, not saying anything until the end. Naruko, Im not angry. I love you, Kakashi eye-smiled at her, and Naruko went into a little shock. For some reason, her heart started beating faster. K-Kakashi-sensei, she murmured, biting her lip. Kakashi finally realized what it sounded like and the top portion of his face showed it turning red. He coughed and pulled her up, gently leading her to her bed. Kami-sama, the more I try to help the more I end up looking like a pervert. Not that Im not Im just a subtle pervert. With no motives to seduce my underage, young student. As soon as he put Naruko to bed, he tried to relax. He couldnt get it at all, but he was trying. He was actually trying really hard to be a good sensei, but he couldnt even stop Naruko from letting the Kyuubi take over. Damn, he didnt know it would be this hard to be a jounin sensei. He would much rather have gone on S-rank missions. Not that he would trade Naruko for anythingbut missions seemed a lot more easier than dealing with young female students. He froze when Naruko darted out of the room and he felt a firm kiss on his cheeks before Naruko blurred past. Naruko was still a little downcast when they woke up the next morning for breakfast. Um, Naruko-chan? Can you pass the orange juice? Haku smiled at her. She hesitantly passed it, surprised that Haku smiled at her and was being kindWhat was he doing there anyway? Or Zabuza for that matter Chikuso! Tazuna cursed.

Naruko looked over and saw Tazuna trying to cut up some vegetables for Tsunami. Going over cautiously, she took the knife from him and began cutting. Heh, I was wondering when you would be coming around. Naruko looked up and was surprised again when she saw Tazuna grinning widely at her. He ruffled her hair. You know, Ive been wondering when my favorite blonde would be normal again. Oh, wait. Youve never been normal. Never mind. Snorting and pouting, Naruko hit Tazunas shoulder, Watch it, old man. I might get a little creative with your portion of the meal. My hand just might slip. Tazuna paled and clutched a fist to his heart, dramatically saying, You wouldnt do that to little ol me, right? Naruko grinned widely. Tazuna whimpered. In a minute, the two burst out laughing. Tsunami continued up fixing her part in the breakfast, Inari was snickering at the table, and Kakashi continued reading his book with a hidden smile underneath his mask. Haku and Zabuza blinked simultaneously at the exchange. You people are odd, Zabuza commented, taking a bite out of an apple to snack on. And youre weird, Naruko threw back. Youre crazy. Youre insane. Youre dumb. Youre stupid! Punk! Teme! Brat! Children! Tazuna joined in.

Zabuza and Naruko looked at each before sharing identical grins. Old man! Grandpa! The two teamed up against Tazuna, and the three waged a war of verbal name calling. Soon enough, they were trying to see who could come up with the most names, or even better the more inventive. The Demon Brothers were eagerly keeping score, holding up scoring signs from one to ten. Five minutes into it, theyd roped in little Inari into being a third judge. You know, Kakashi, we heard all that in the roomWe were all kind ofeavesdropping, if you know what I mean, Zabuza said in a weird teasing/conspiratorial voice, later after breakfast and having cornered the Copy-nin. Kakashi raised his visible eyebrow. Naruko, Im not angry. I love you, Zabuza put extra emphasis on the last part. Kakashi actually colored a bit, Thats not the way I meant it. Its not like Im teasing you or anythingAlthough, you might not mean it but what if your subconscious does? Oh, now that changes things, eh? Dont hurt your head thinking, Kakashi rolled his eyes, though feeling himself get nervous for some reason. He didnt let it show. Yeah, yeah. Be that way. By the way, Naruko has some nice legs, Zabuza randomly commented. Hello? Teacher here. Thats my student youre talking about! Kakashi glared at the other jounin. But her legs are so nice and long! Zabuza pushed, not even realizing he was making Kakashi uncomfortable. Niceand very long, Kakashi vacantly said, lost in his memories. Woah! Youve seen them?! DETAILS! I demand them! Such pretty wet legs WHAT?! KAKASHI!!! So long and soft-looking Kakashi continued to space out.

DESCRIPTIONS!!! At that moment, Naruko and Haku walked past and heard Zabuza yell out madly. What do you think theyre talking about? Naruko asked her male companion. Anou, I dont think its something we should find out, Haku said, a gut-feeling telling him to back away slowly and dash away with Naruko. He did just that. Still, having taken Naruko and kept her by his side for the majority of the day, theyd covered plenty of topics, ending up with where Haku and Zabuza was planning to go next and what they were going to do. The answer delighted Naruko. So, youre coming with us to Konoha? Naruko asked interestedly. She vaguely remembered the Demon Brothers panicking about what to pack, and had without question decided to tag along with her to Konoha. Without asking her and Kakashi. Or without them having to offer the brothers in the first place. Justcoming whether having anyones permission or not. Strange men Haku smiled, Yes, we were hoping to speak to the Hokage. You dont mind us tagging along, do you? Well, I dont. But I think Kaka-sensei does Naruko said as she stared at her sensei grumpily walking around, Zabuza trailing after him and pleading for something. Tell me more! Zabuza once again yelled, the two hearing it from where they were cloud gazing. Hes rather odd Haku rolled his eyes, Dont I know it. Ive lived with him. Hes a little more than just odd. HakuIm so sorry, Naruko whispered, feeling herself dredge up those awful memories. He was startled and watched as Naruko began to cry quietly. Not knowing what else to do, he pulled her into his arms and held her tight, waiting for the other two to notice. He remembered feeling fear and awe at the demonic form Naruko seemed to have brought up before. Looking down at the girl in his arms, he saw how very different those two are. Haku clutched on a little tighter, murmuring a few words of comfort.

Kakashi noticed them first, hurrying towards them. When he reached them, he took over and brought Naruko into his arms. He stroked her hair and whispered into her ear. Haku stared strangely at him before shaking his head. Hed think about it later. Zabuza followed after, starting to talk even before he sat down. So, I was thinking, when we reach Konoha we would need a place to stay. Know any good places, Kakashi? he said normally. Normal. The least they could do was pretend that everything was normal. Not really. I dont think there are many places there that you would like after awhile, Kakashi said, glancing at Naruko quickly. Huh, I get it. Well, well figure something out when we get there. Haku stayed quiet, preferring to gaze at the blonde in Kakashis arms. Yes, well get there when we get there, Kakashi answered. Just as Kakashi and Zabuzas fight drew to a close end, with Kakashi having summoned his dogs to hold the other ninja down, Gatos men showed up. Kakashi warily released the Mist-nin and Haku and Naruko had likewise stopped their fight. Things had started out somewhat well. Kakashi, Naruko, and the Demon Brothers had followed the bridge builder to the bridge, after having taken care of the two unlucky samurai that had tried to collect a hostage at Tazunas home and were instead confronted by four fresh shinobi. Kakashi had Naruko make two kage bunshin, something she was still new at and was surprised at how easily she could form them. Then she, her sensei, and the brothers started traveling out at normal speed for Tazunas sake. They reached the bridge and were upset to find bridge workers unconscious throughout the place. Then Zabuza and his apprentice appeared. When Zabuza engaged Kakashi into a fight first, the brothers pushed Naruko behind them and rushed towards Zabuzas apprentice, while she guarded Tazuna. Zabuza and Kakashi were going toe to toe with each other, but the Demon Brothers were slowly losing ground to their younger opponent. They were about to be pierced with ice needles that had suddenly formed from the water surrounding them, when Naruko created two kage bunshin and had them rushed to their aid, intercepting the needles and dispelling into smoke. She created another two and had them run to the brothers, running after them and had her clones take the brothers to trade places with her. As they reluctantly set about guarding Tazuna, she clashed kunai to senbon with the apprentice.

The apprentice suddenly removed his mask with his unoccupied hand, revealing himself to be Haku the boy shed met in the forest. Her eyes widened and she faltered, allowing him to knock away her kunai. But he didnt follow up, instead having those sorrowful eyes look at her. Why? was the only thing that came out of her mouth. Haku began to tell her about his life, how Zabuza saved him, and how he came to care for the older ninja and wished to be his tool. She saw Zabuza slightly pause in his movements with Kakashi, offering a sneer and Tch, but she saw closely that there was a minute softening of the mans eyes before they hardened once more and focused against Kakashi. So the Demon of the Mist wasnt so heartless after all, and her dear, sweet Haku wasnt a cruel killer. Haku apologized before attacking her once more and that was what led up to Gatos men showing up. And the three more experienced ninjas looked at each other subtly and had signaled one another, Naruko missing the exchange. The three were attacked, the Demon Brothers carefully brought Tazuna farther away to protect him, and Naruko witnessed three deaths that she couldnt handle. Before the three ninjas could show up and take advantage of their faked deaths against Gatos men, Naruko had snapped and was going berserk through the terrified men, unnoticed of the shocked gazes behind her. Sasuke frowned as he looked at the decrepit building. This was where Naruko lived? It looked more suiting to house cockroaches than people. He went inside warily, watching for any old debris lying around or precarious fragments of building ready to fall on him and whatnot. He looked at the staircase and braced himself, darting up them and then looking around for Narukos apartment. All the other rooms were empty and he tried to remember exactly which one was hers, remembering the information hed stolen from the Academy archives. Finding the right one, he took out the picks hed prepared and began to pick the lock on her door. It was laughably easy to pick, and he wondered why it wasnt better prepped against intruders. As a shinobi, she should be. Then again, looking at the state of this building, perhaps she simply didnt think people would care to try to rob her. Though if he had known her, she also simply didnt think anyone would care to rob her, or that she had anything of value for anyone to take. And if it were people who didnt like her, she still didnt have anything of value for them to trash. Once the door was unlocked, he went in and was surprised to see a humble abode. Looking on the inside out, the inside looked much better than what the outside of the building suggested. Her apartment was nicely decorated, sparse but functional and even homely. There were some knickknacks, but nothing valuable. There were plenty of pictures though, making up the majority of decorations in the apartment, though there were several plants littered about. He went to one,

surprised to see their Academy teacher happily eating ramen with the blonde girl in it. They were all smiles towards the camera and slightly close together in the picture. He took the picture frame and curiously took off the back, starting to frown again. A copyHe took off the backs of several other frames, revealing the same thing. All copies. But where were the originals and why were copies being put on display? He continued searching around the apartment, careful not to disrupt anything or leave any evidence of his intrusion. At the same time as Sasuke had broken into Narukos apartment, Sakura had tentatively knocked on Irukas classroom door. Several times shed contemplated talking to him after class, but she never worked up the nerve. Instead, shed chickened out each time, despite her resolve to be a more determined and stronger girl. However, that day when she was supposed to be off from school, shed chosen to go look in after Iruka-sensei, who was in the classroom grading papers that day. Come in. She took a deep breath and steeled herself, opening the door and going in to meet the surprised Iruka. Sakura! What a surprise. Is there something you need help with? She nervously scuffed her sandals on the floor before forcibly stopping herself and then determinedly looking into Irukas eyes. Iruka-sensei, youre kinda close to Naruko, right? That took the teacher aback and he had to scramble for an appropriate answer, looking warily at the girl. Yes, you can say that. Naruko islike a little sister to me, he admitted. Is there a reason why you ask, Sakura? The pink-haired girl stayed quiet for a moment before she confessed why shed asked. I want to know more about Naruko and I remembered that the two of you were close, so I was hoping youd tell me about her. Not like her skills or anything Im not the Uchiha looking for information on her. At least not that kind of information. I just wanna know about her. I dont know her home life or even just her likes and dislikes. Iruka was surprised to see that his student honestly wanted to know more about Naruko, and not even for information gathering or evaluating a threat/rival. Strange to see Sakura asking after Naruko in genuine interest. It actually seemed like she wanted to know about Naruko as a person

and not as a shinobi or enemy. Sensing no ulterior motive or maliciousness to her queries, he mentally shrugged and decided it wouldnt hurt. And it was true. Sakura didnt want to learn about Naruko for information. She was interested in her, even if she couldnt quite understand why. Have a seat, Sakura. Ill tell you a bit about her. Sakura sat down on one of the desks, and Iruka came around his to sit next to her. Then he started talking about his surrogate little sister, and she could just tell how fond of her he was by the smile on his face. And while they were talking, the Sandaime Hokage smoked calmly on his pipe as he watched the Uchiha and the Haruno gather information about his surrogate granddaughter. He hmmed quietly and put his crystal ball further away, gazing upwards in contemplation. This was an interesting development. While he was sure, for now, that there was no malicious intent in their snooping around, he would be sure to be on guard and have the two of them watched. Still, this might bode well for Naruko in the days to come, and especially if she was to ever get on an actual genin team something she would have to sooner or later. And as friendswell, those were hard to come by for Naruko, in the village at least, and she would need many of those in the future, and as unlikely as those two were to be candidatesthey would make fine friends for Naruko and it would be interesting to see how those two manage it (becoming so and then being friends with the natural disaster that was Naruko). The support and friendship would no doubt boost her up, especially when her heritage was revealed, along with her engagement. Ah, her heritage Naruko, I know youve been wondering about your parents, and I wanted to wait until you were either older or a chuuninbut if I want to continue on with the plans Im starting to make that would ensure your happiness and a better lifethen you will need to know now so you can better prepare yourself for the future, and get used to the information. You must not tell anyone about this, until the time is right and I have set up everything, for it could mean your death. Jijiare you going to tell me about my family? Yesthe first thing you need to know is who your father is. M-my father? Your father is Namikaze Minatothe Yondaime Hokage. It was all so very sudden, but it had worked out. Naruko had kept her mouth shut, though she was hard-pressed to keep quiet. But she understood the gravity of the situation and that there were dire consequences to letting that information out. In return, he had taken the time to tell her about her parents and also of stories about them.

It was only too bad that he had decided to wait to tell her about the Kyuubi too late, until it was only a couple years later and it had been brutally revealed to her. And also that at six, she was already engaged, which was one of the reasons why hed told her about her heritage so early (partly to also prepare her for her fianc and for who exactly her fianc was going to be). It was slightly too bad that he had to tell her about the engagement six years later as well, right before the Kyuubi had been revealed. Ah, well at least she seemed to be taking all this well.

Chapter Eight: Please Tell Me This Its Narukos call, the Sandaime Hokage grinned, though he knew it would be much harder in reality to bring in the four missing-nin. Still, he wanted his adoptive granddaughter happy, so hed play along and end up working it out somehow. Eh, Hokage-jiji?! Anou sa, not again, Naruko pouted. Well, to be Hokage, you must learn to make difficult decisions. You just dont want to be the one in trouble when everyone finds out about these four, and you want me to do the paperwork for this, Naruko accused. And yes, there was that too, the Hokage admitted in his head. The others stared at the two, wondering what was going on. Fine! I say Zabuza and Haku stays! But the Demon Brothers have to grovel at my feet first before I say yes! The two brothers groaned and Naruko glared at them. Hentai bakayaroson your knees, I say! Naruko glared. Oi, dont be too dominatrix on them, Zabuza snickered. Naruko switched her glare to him, but then smirked. Nah, the Demon Brothers can stay. They can be my personal slaves. Zabuza has to go though. What? Hell, no! Come on, Naru-chan! Zabuza whined. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Go ahead, Naruko rolled her eyes. Ara, Naruko. Would you excuse us for a second? You can go ahead and start the paperwork, Hiruzen interrupted. Naruko pouted, but left. Hokage-sama, whats wrong? Haku was the first to voice out the collective feeling. Naruko is not widely accepted here. If you continue to associate with her, you will be even more ostracize than if you were just to be known as the missing-nin from Kiri, Hiruzen tested. So? Zabuza asked bored. His lips twitched upwards, Good. I like to make sure Naruko has true allies. She doesnt keep much company. All of you would be good for her. Butno one would willingly accept you now,

and it will be hard to find a place to stay for all of you. If you want a place to stay, the only one would be Narukos apartment complex. And its not in the best of conditions. Hell yeah, we get to stay with crazy chick! Zabuza cheered. Haku sighed and elbowed him, Ignore him, Hokage-sama. He was dropped too many times when he was a child. It accounts for the bloodlust as well. The Hokage chuckled good-naturedly. Understood. Do keep care to make sure it doesnt happen again. We cant have him loose any more brain cells, ne? he joked. Everyone gaped, surprised that the Hokage had joked. Hiruzen shrugged, It comes with Naruko hanging around a lot. She tends to rub off on you. Later on, Kakashi escorted them to Narukos building, all five of them staring at the decrepit state. You know, I like Naruko. But maybe we should pretend we dont Haku once again elbowed the former Mist-nin. He looked over to Kakashi, watching as the silver-haired man glared at the building and clenched his hands. Kakashi-san, shall we go inside? Haku lightly inquired. Yeahokay. They all reluctantly went inside. Staring at the collapsing staircase, they cautiously went up. Oi, what are you guys doing here? Narukos cheerful voice reached them. Trying to get up, Zabuza whimpered. The five were still midway, when they looked up to see an amused Naruko staring down on them. Kakashi began easily hopping up the stairs, ignoring the creaking. Haku followed slowly after, a bit more wary than Kakashi, while the brothers walked up with eyes closed. Zabuza hadnt moved at all. Im not going to collapse if I move, will I? Zabuza twitched, but stayed unmoving. Um, youll just have to ignore the staircase and walk up normally. If it collapseswell, Id like to think reflexes will cover it. Thats what goes for me.

Zabuza slowly breathed in then darted up the stairs, wincing slightly as he heard the loud creaking. Was it him or did it creak louder with him than it did for Kakashi? So, what are you guys doing here? Naruko asked again. These four are staying here and Im just visiting my favorite student, Kakashi eye-smiled. Naruko giggled, Thats great! I wont be so alone any more. And Im your only student, though its nice of you to visit. What do you mean you wont be alone anymore? Isnt there other people here? Haku asked. Anou, Im the only resident in this complex. The proprietor doesnt come around much nowadays, though thats kind of a good thing, Naruko said nonchalantly as she led them to her apartment. You can have one of the other apartments! No one lives in them any way, Naruko continued. Somehow, the others didnt match her mood. So she lived alone too They entered her room and blinked. It wasas good as it could be. Everything was old and used, but the place was fixed the best Naruko was able to arrange it. Everything was clean and orderly, cups of ramen the only thing littering the place. Sorry for the messand the place is kind of plain. I dont really have much stuff, but Hokagejiji was nice enough to find me some furniture. I tried to make it homely and comfy, Naruko slightly laughed. It wasnt funny to them that Naruko lived in a crap place with crap stuff, and she was making the best of it. Its perfect, Naruko-chan! Im going to copy your place for my own, Haku smiled, trying his best to be normal. The brothers nodded, echoing Hakus words. Hahaha! Go ahead! Ill throw you and Zabuza a house warming party! You brothers owe me some ramen to forgive you still. As long as Naruko was happy. The next day, Kakashi had collected Naruko and set about training her again. Hey, Kakashi-sensei? Are you going to teach me anymore jutsu? Naruko grinned. He laughed, Sure. Did you master the other two? I finished them already! Naruko whined.

Finished and mastering are two different things, Kakashi lightly admonished. Dont mess with me, Kaka-sensei! Heywhere did the Kaka-sensei come from? Kakashi suddenly changed the topic. Naruko blushed, Um, huh? Justwhere did it come from? Oh, wellI dont know. I just shortened it in my head one day and sometimes thats how it comes out. Ill stop if you want. Kakashi shook his head, I like it. Its cute, especially coming from you. Kakashi-sensei! I told you not to mess with me! Honto ni? I mustve forgottenor wasnt listening, he eye-smiled. Naruko pouted. Ill teach you some doton jutsu, okay? Kakashi placated. Naruko cheered and glomped him, Youre the best, Kakashi! Kakashi didnt correct her on his name, wrapping his own arms around her and smiling. Nah uh, you are, he replied softly. They made a cute picture as one jounin observed. Kakashi finished up with Naruko, before he headed home and took a shower. He dressed and headed over to his next destination, seeing it quickly getting dark. Oi, Kakashihow is Naruko? Kurenai mentioned that night, as the three jounin sensei met. Hm? Shes doing well. Why? Kakashi asked in his usual attitude. Anou, why are you bringing up his kid, Kurenai? I thought we agreed no talk of students today, Asuma exhaled a cloud of smoke. Because you arent the one with the pictures, Kurenai grinned, throwing a small pile of pictures onto the table. Kakashi paled.

It was of earlier, with him and Naruko. He hadnt realized how comfortable and familiar they looked, especially in that position. A little too comfortable and familiar. Damn, Kakashi. I didnt know you were one to nab the cradle, Asuma whistled. Inwardly though, he felt an odd twinge in his chest that he mentally frowned at. Shes grown though from the cute, little gaki she had been when his father had taken care of her years ago. He pushed down the malicious feeling he suddenly felt that made him want to tease his friend a little worse. Kakashi scowled, his irritation showing in the area that showed his face. Im not. Naruko is my student and my friend, Kakashi stressed. Hey, were not antagonizing you. Its fine if you like her, just dont try anything, Asuma chuckled. Kakashi was about to protest when he was interrupted, My eternal rival and his student, eh? Most people would say its most un-youthful, and yetit is so like Romeo and Juliet! The most tragic youths! How I envy you, Kakashi! Gais unique person crashed in, a sunset and waves already in the background. Im telling you guys, its nothing. I would never. Naruko is my student and I would never betray her trust like that. Oh, oh! Are we talking about Naruko? Zabuzas much despised voice cut in. Kakashi groaned. Yes, Momochi-san. Most specifically, Naruko and Kakashi, Kurenai said, friendly but a little wary. Oh, I see! Gossip time! Zabuza said, plopping down next to Asuma. I heard from my new source in town that Naruko was saved by this baka here from a runaway cartapparently before they were a team. And as you know, Naruko is the first and so far only student Kakashi has passed, which by the way you shouldve told me. You took her out to ramen and the Hokage tells me how you were so adamant about passing her and being her teacher you straight out said you were responsible for her, for her pay, and for her safety! Oh, you skipped the D-ranks and trained her until you decided she could handle a C-rank, and my favorite part! The woman of the household they were guarding thought they were husband and wife. Hey, I have the transcripts of everything they did and said around then, selling at 20 ryo only. Apparently, the woman recorded everything. And I mean everything. Before Kakashi could protest, the others had already bought theirs and were leafing through it.

Anou, Kakashi! Did she really just plain say you two should get together? Kurenai exclaimed, staring at the book. Shit, Naruko actually said all that and then kissed your eye? Asuma blushed, though he was starting to reluctantly admit to himself that he was jealous. How odd Heh, and you returned the kiss to her temple later after comforting her from her nightmare. Oh, did you know this Inari kid spied on you two while you trained? You were teaching Naruko water walking, and you kept staring at her legs, Gai chortled. What?! That part is there?! Kakashi wouldnt give me details, he kept spacing out! Give me one! Zabuza scowled. I cant believe you told her to strip, Kurenai. Oh this is great! I cant believe you lent her your sweater! and that would be Asuma. I wouldnt trade you for the world! surprisingly Gai. Zabuza was staring at one of the transcripts and drooling. Wow, Tsunami actually did that? And Naruko is teasing you without even doing it on purpose. Your sweetness is going to make me fall in love with you! Asuma was grinning like a fool as he kept reading. Another nightmare! But this time Kakashi is actually bold enough to get into bed with her! Kurenai giggled. How sweet! How youthful! Kakashi actually planned all that for Naruko because she was homesick? Kawaii! I want to see that picture too! Gai disturbingly giggled along with Kurenai. I love you Asuma recounted, getting even more into the book. Cute! Naruko kissed his cheeks! Ohhh! More hugging and comforting! And stroking and whispering! All the comments just began to blur from person to person, and it was like he wasnt even there anymore. It was almost as if they were reading some unpublished book about him. Hey, this isnt some volume of Icha Icha Paradise. Im here, you know. And Im sure Naruko wouldnt appreciate all this, Kakashi interrupted them in a harsh voice. He glared at them, feeling somehow wronged.

Kakashi, its okay. If you do like her, I mean. Its not like its really wrong, you really care about her, ne? You could like her, but not be aware of your feelings, Kurenai said gently as they all stared at him. His feelings were now accompanied by a strange ache. So what if his feelings for Naruko were secret? Couldnt he keep them secret for a little while longer? Meanwhile, in Iwagakure, Nakago glared at the high stack of papers on his desk. The bane of all kage paperwork. Glancing around, he used a low-level doton jutsu to dig a hole underneath his desk and shoved all the paper into it, quickly covering it up and making it look normal. Akatsuchi came in and he immediately acted like nothing was wrong. Woah, Tsuchikage-sama. Wasnt there a huge stack of papers there before? Nakago smiled coolly at him. It somehow disappeared. Ill just be getting on a lunch break soon. Akatsuchi nodded, still staring at where the stack of papers were supposed to be, eyes wide. Go see if Onoki-dono is in need of something, his smile turned slightly gentler, and the younger man nodded eagerly and left. You better dig up those papers, Uncle, a female voice entered the office. He glanced at the young woman watching him from the doorway and rolled his eyes, reluctantly retrieving the papers and forcing himself to start going through them. How is Onoki-jisan, Kurotsuchi? he questioned. She frowned. Not well. But not worse. Thats good. So long as he is stabilized, Nakago commented. And dont call me Uncle. Were second cousins. Kurotsuchi smirked. Which essentially means youre my uncle, especially since youre older. My dads your cousin, which makes you my oji-san. Face it. He scowled at her, but she teasingly stuck her tongue out at him. Brat, he growled. Dont call me that. It makes me feel old, and Im definitely still young.

Her smirk widened. Ah, dont tell meyoure worried your fiance is going to be put off by your age, Oji-san? Hehe, I bet it must be so weird for her to have such an old man as her fianc. Quiet you! he frowned at her, though he tensed and had a look in his eyes that said that shed brought up a sensitive issue for him and that he was worried about such a thing. She noticed and gentled her teasing. Sorry, Uncle. She probably doesnt mind, or shell grow to like you regardless. Youre a great guy and even if youre older than her, shed probably like who you are and how kind, powerful, and gentlemanly you are. He offered her a grateful smile, though part of him was still bothered by that issue. Speaking of your fiance, howd your meeting go? How was she? she became curious, eager for information. Shed really grown up from that cute girl from the sandbox Id met years ago, Nakago recalled with a fond smile. She wears the pearl ring I gave her now too. It finally fits her finger. I think Mother would have loved to have met her and would be happy that Naruko has that ring. She leaned in closer, wanting to know more about the girl who would become her aunt-in-law, and just really interested and curious about her. Shes really grown up, Nakago murmured. I meanshes grown up to be such a beautiful young woman. Is she really pretty? Kurotsuchi asked curiously, trying to make a picture of her in her mind. Yes, very, he closed his eyes, remembering her distinctive features and her happy face. She always tries to be happy and her smile shows it, with how bright it is. Her hair reminds me of the sun and her eyes of the sky. Kurotsuchi giggled at her uncle. Ohh, someone sounds like theyre in love. Guess this arranged engagement ended not being so bad, eh? Im so happy for you! Youre in love, Uncle! He glared at her, ignoring the red tint on his cheeks. Shut up, Kurotsuchi, or Ill put you on trash duty for a month, he threatened. She held up her hands in peace. Sorry, sorry. Anyways, tell me more about her! He started talking about how hed been formally introduced to her, as her fianc this time, and how it seemed like she hadnt remembered him from before. He also related the events after, ending with the last he saw of her, heading off to her first C-rank mission. Kurotsuchi put on a thoughtful look on her face. She sounds precious.

Nakago nodded in agreement. Ill be heading off soon, back to Konoha. The Chuunin Exam is coming soon, and Id like to be there in support for my fiance and maybe help her prepare for it a little. Plus, thats when everything comes out, and Ill need to be there in support for that too, but mainly to protect and take care of things for her. Once everything is revealed, Ill need to be by her side, especially to make sure nothing bad happens to her and that things go well. Oh, oh, can I come too? I want to meet her! No Pleeeasse? He regretted agreeing in the end, but he thought that Naruko would like to have a female friend for once. As he made plans to head back to Konoha, with his niece making her own, Sakura was making plans to find Naruko as soon as the girl came home, and take her out somewhere to get to know her personally. Iruka had been a great help, but he was one person and as she asked around, everyone elses opinion of Naruko was drastically different. And she didnt like what she heard. She didnt understand how everyone else could be the polar opposite of Iruka, with words and insults that brought chills up her spine and a cold dread and disgust rose up in her. Words like monster and demon were uttered, though she could tell they werent meant to be heard by her or to be said at all, the whisperers of the names looking around in fear and friends and associates violently cutting them off. And these insults didnt even have a basis a reason why Naruko was called as such. There was nothing to show how or why the poor sweet and innocent girl had earned such ire and disdain from the people of Konoha. Though, she noticed that it was mostly the civilian side of Konoha. When she was able to stop a shinobi, they were either neutral (particularly if theyve never run across Naruko) or very much inclined towards her (even if theyve never met). Her parents were civilian. She could maybe learn something from them, or at least start getting to the bottom of this starting with them. Kaa-san, I have a question, Sakura cornered her mother in the kitchen. She glanced hungrily and longingly at the stew her mother was making, but she quickly turned to face her mother again. She had to focus. Yes, sweetie? Michi looked at her daughter hesitantly. I have a question about Naruko.

Michi stiffened up and right on time, Daisuke entered the kitchen to see his daughter focused on his wife, with his wife looking like a scared rabbit. And he ended up hearing Sakuras request. With both of them focused on him, he gulped and cursed his timing, wishing hed entered even at least a half hour later Your father can answer this! Michi said shrilly. He narrowed his eyes at his wife. Nuh uh, there was no way she was going to get away with that or run away and leave him to deal with this alone. Sakura, your mother and I can both answer this, he said in a syrupy tone. Michi glared at him, but he just shot her an innocent smile. Why does everyone treat Naruko badly? The question wiped both smile and glare off their faces and they turned to their daughter with pale faces. We cant tell you, they both blurted out at the same time. They traded looks and Sakuras confusion and suspicion started to rise. Then tell me what you can, she pleaded. Both of them winced, and Daisuke gave in first. Okay, Sakura. Sit down and let us think for a moment. The girl in question Was currently trying to grow a plant from the seed shed been given for her mokuton training, in the solitude of her apartment. With no luck. There were small roots and stuff, butit was slooooowww progress. Shed been working on it since shed gotten the damn thing and still nothing. She sighed and glared at the thing. It will be defeated.

Chapter Nine: Watashi wa Chuunin I Anou sa, Kaka-sensei is so sweet for this! I love the keychain so much. Its so cute! Naruko squealed, fiddling around with the kawaii dog keychain. Naru-neechan!!! a hyper voice yelled. Naruko felt a small body impact into her, small arms and legs wrapping around her. Eh, Konohamaru?! Heh, hey there, boss! Konohamaru grinned up at her. Kono-kun, how are you? Oh, Im fin crap! Hide me, nee-chan! Konohamarus happy face turned panicked. Cmere brat! Sakuras familiar voice came closer. She rounded the corner and her angry figure stormed towards them, but slowed to a stop in front of them. OhNaruko, Sakura said awkwardly. How ya, Sakura! Um, itsnice to see you, Naruko finished lamely, offering a small smile. Yeah. Um, its nice to see you too. Well, well. A segregation of brats andHey! A hottie! a weird stranger in kabuki paint appeared with a large thing on his back covered in bandages. A blonde female was with him, carrying a large fan. Kankuro, lets just leave them hey, is that a Pearle kimono? she said instead, staring dreamily at the designer kimono the Hokage had given Naruko. Um, yeah Its so cute! Oh, you look adorable in it! Ah, arigato, Naruko blushed, a little confused. Kankuro interrupted, a little annoyed. Hey, cutieignore my sister. How about you show me around? Like she would ever look at you, loser! Konohamaru wrinkled his nose.

Kankuro glared, Hey, you little brat! Who asked you? Why I oughta kick your little ass! Naruko switched attitudes, Hey, watch your mouth! Thats the Hokages grandson and my little adopted otouto, punk! You mess with him, you mess with me ! Kankuro was about to placate the blonde when Naruko snapped her head to the side and not only noticed Sasuke sitting in the trees watching, but also a red-head standing upside down on the same tree behind the Uchiha. Sasukeand you, she narrowed her eyes at the unknown person. G-Gaara! Ah hey, we were just mingling with these Konoha genin! And Shut up, Gaara said, narrowing his own eyes at Naruko. Each sensed something different in the other. Naruko shivered, dropping her gaze to Sasuke instead. Those teal eyes were so cold And you, what are you doing sitting around? Naruko scowled at Sasuke. Before Sasuke could answer back, Gaara had disappeared and in another swirl of sand appeared right in front of Naruko. You, what is your name? His cold voice made her shiver again. Naruko. Uzumaki Naruko, she said stiffly, getting even more frightened. Gaara stared at her one more time before turning and leaving, I am Sabaku no Gaara. Come Temari, Kankuro. Once they left, she was about to excuse herself before Sakura and Sasuke stopped her. Uzumaki, we need to talk to you, Sasuke was still scowling. She hesitated, but resigned herself to being dragged by the two. A little later, she found herself smiling. They had actually ate out at Ichirakus and chatted. It was nice, it seemed, to have friends your own age. Whether they were planning something or not, Naruko didnt want to know just yet. Really, it was more like the two had a silent conversation after the foreigners had left and decided to both take her out. It went something like this.

Sasuke and Sakura both scowled at each other, inching close to Naruko. Then, just with their eyes, they had a conversation. I was going to corner her first. No, I was. Glare and glare. Itmight be easier to corner her at the same time, so she has less of a chance to escape. Hells no! We are not working with the Uchiha! Hn. Then they both turned to stare at Naruko. Theyd then taken her to what they knew was her favorite restaurant, intent on talking to her face to face. Instead of barraging her with questions like theyd been itching to do for quite some time, they decided to ease the process and work towards getting used to each other, making her used to their presence, and providing a nice time so repeats could be encouraged and not seen as weird by the girl, even if they had to start with small talk. Both Sasuke and Sakura had decided this each on their own though, not knowing the other had made similar plans on how to approach and maintain a working relationship with Naruko. And well, Naruko seemed to genuinely enjoy the time, even if she was a little weirded out, which they could tell. Theyd work at it. The weird sensation faded away slowly for the girl in question, as Narukos sensei approached her and looked like he had some news. Ara, whats up, Kakashi-sensei? Naruko grinned, still in a happy mood. I have something to tell you, he smiled back. What, what? Naruko didnt want to wait for an answer, but she forced herself to wait. Well, you see, Ive nominated you for the Chuunin Exam, he announced. Honto ni? I love you, sensei! she squealed, jumping into Kakashis arms. Hey now, not in public. Its embarrassing, Kakashi laughed. Mou, be quiet! Naruko pouted as he put her down. Youre going to have to do your best, Naruko. Many people arent so sure about all the rookies being nominated for the Chuunin Exam so soon, but itll be especially hard on you. You dont

have a real team and you havent done the proper amount of D-ranks needed for nomination. But youve done more C-ranks than the others and youve trained a lot more. Youll just have to prove yourself, okay? Kakashi turned serious. Hai, Kaka-sensei! Youve got it. Ill make you proud. Alright, Ill see you at your apartment later. Zabuza and Haku are waiting for you to cook again. You should let them starve, Kakashi waved goodbye. Naruko laughed heartily, but Kakashi was already faltering in his happy faade. Kakashi-san! Youre here? Oh, is that a mission report? How is Naruko anyway? Iruka shot questions at him from all sides. Yes, how is that gaki? Hakuro smirked. Well, shes doing quite fine. Her pay is easier to grab when I do it personally, but there actually hasnt been many problems. I try to be around her most of the time so that the villagers dont have a chance to try anything. Shes really been progressing quite nicely, Kakashi eyesmiled. Thats great to hear. Im glad you are taking such responsibility for her. I was worried, especially after hearing she passed by herself. But I see shes just fine, Iruka said, Hakuro nodding along. Heh, I hope Im taking good care of her, Kakashi grinned. Kakashi winced when he remembered what happened just hours later when there was a meeting for the Chuunin Exam. Who here, of the sensei of the rookies, deems their teams ready? Asuma, you first. I, Sarutobi Asuma jounin sensei of Team 10, comprised of Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, and Akamichi Chouji, nominate all three members for the Chuunin Exam. There was a collective group of gasps, more so from Iruka. There were murmurings until the Hokage quieted them down. I, Yuuhi Kurenai jounin sensei of Team 8, comprised of Hyuuga Hinata, Aburame Shino, and Inuzuka Kiba, nominate all three members for the Chuunin Exam. The gasps and murmurings were louder and everyone didnt bother to hide their reactions. Everyone began talking with each other, and it was harder to quiet them down than the first time. Iruka tried to calm himself with the fact that at least Kakashi would choose smarter. I, Hatake Kakashi jounin sensei of Uzumaki Naruko, nominate her for the Chuunin Exam.

It went totally quiet, no one saying anything at all. Everyone except for Asuma and Kurenai stared at him, those two knowing to some degree what he was going through. This is ridiculous! I know these kids and theyre not ready! Especially Naruko! She doesnt even have a team! What makes you, any of you, so certain youre not sending them to their deaths?! Iruka finally shouted. Kakashi wasnt going to say anything at first, feeling as though Iruka was right and that maybe he was rushing things a bit, but then the looks from Asuma and Kurenai were grounding him and supporting him. The voice of his Naruko sealed the deal and his bored look turned vicious. What makes me so certain? Because Naruko is my student now and Im sure I know her better than you, Kakashi sneered. Then his face turned nonchalant, smiling. Shes not your student any more, Iruka. Shes under my command. Enough. Iruka, you may test them to your satisfaction as a sort of preliminary qualification. Iruka wouldnt stop glaring at him. Kakashi felt just as worried about Naruko as Iruka was, and was mixed about his regrets. And the man whod questioned him had, throughout the day, been testing several of his old students and getting more worried about the last one as time passed. Naruko was especially worrying for him, because of how close he was to her (and he admitted to the bias, partiality, and blatant favoritism, but she was practically family to him) and because of her lack of team and support. She was also the youngest of the group. She was too young and too inexperienced for this, and he didnt want to see her hurt. She just wasnt ready. Iruka sighed, getting prepared to trick Naruko. All the others had already been tested and now, finally, he was down to the last one, and again certainly the one he was most worried about. He couldnt believe Kakashi. He thought that if anyone would understand, it wouldve been Kakashi. But just remembering those words, Irukas blood boiled again. Henging into the jounin, Iruka confronted a strangely quiet Naruko, who had been reflecting on the Chuunin Exam and what it meant for her and the significance of her being entered or even being considered entering it by her sensei at all. Naruko, whats wrong? he smiled. Naruko sniffed and launched herself at him, Kakashi-sensei is always here to cheer me up always here to make me feel better. I dont get why you wouldnt want Sasuke over me, I dont get why youre so nice and sweet to me, but you make me so happy.

Iruka said nothing, comfortingly holding her and stroking her back. He felt intrusive, like an outsider, to this tender moment when it shouldve been Kakashi here with her and not him. He also felt oddly jealous, finding that it seemed as if Kakashi was closer to Naruko than he. Biting his lip, he realized that maybe Kakashi did know Naruko better than he did. And from this account, he could tell that Kakashi was close to Irukas favorite kunoichi, that the silver-haired jounin did feel the same way he did about Narukos well-being, but wouldnt want to hold her back. Kakashi was confident in Naruko. Sighing mentally, Iruka continued comforting the blonde and realized that if Kakashi did know Naruko better, then Iruka didnt really need to test Naruko. Hatake Kakashi knew Naruko more than he didand if it was like that then Hatake Kakashi would know what he was doing. It didnt make Iruka any less grudging over the obvious way Naruko sought comfort from Kakashi, or from the hard words from earlier. Alright, Kakashiyou win for now. Iruka comforted her as Kakashi, giving her encouragement and reassurances. Then he was resignedly watching her leave for her apartment, with her wondering what to make for dinner for her and her fellow housemates. When the time came for the Chuunin Exam, Naruko anxiously woke up early in the morning and got ready. She didnt expect to finish her shower and see Nakago in her kitchen, making her breakfast to start her day. Nakago-kun! What are you doing here? Its been awhile since you called me that, Nakago said instead. Youd only called me that the first time and after that it was all Nakago-san. Why dont you just call me Nakago? he smiled warmly. She blinked in surprise at the permission and the warm welcome she was getting from him. Not that she was expecting him to be cold or stiff she remembered hed reassured her of that the first time theyd talk. She just didnt think it was like him to be kind and gentle, when she thought he was more of the cold and demanding type. But she could see that he acted much differently with her, and slowly more loosened up and affectionate each time they met. Was it because of her then? She couldnt help herself, blushing at the thought.

Youre red. Are you alright? he commented, looking at her as he flipped the eggs. She smiled shyly at him. YeahI was just thinking how you seem to act more freely and relax around me. I do act differently with you, dont I? he said thoughtfully. Good thing you havent seen much of my usual side that I show to everyone else. You might be put off entirely. She continued to be shy as she edged over to her table and took a seat. Im happy that you do. Act like that, I mean. That youre comfortable enough with me to be like that, she looked down, oddly bashful. She wasnt usually so shy or unsure of herself, but maybe it was because this was her fianc and they were sort of tiptoeing around each other just the slightest, even though they were also comfortable and at ease with each other at the same time. Think of it as hopefully a glimpse of married life, he said, and then they both grinned slightly at each other. Anyways, I wanted to be here to wish you luck for the Chuunin Exam. I meant to be here sooner, so that I could help you prepare for it a bit, but I got caught upin something, Nakago withheld his growl, remembering a certain relative that had given him grief and made him come later than hed wish to Konoha. Oh! Thank you so much! I was so worried about it, but its nice to have someone support me, especially someone in yourrole, she blushed again and he mildly surprisingly did so as well. It was an odd thought. She had a fianc supporting her and cheering her on, unlike the others her age. And it cheered her up a little, because while the others had families (which she didnt quite have, other than her adopted one) and their teachers (though she was sure Kakashi was a little closer to her than the other sensei were to their students, in her opinion), she had Nakago and he sort of filled in the gap of family she didnt have. Plus, he was supporting as a sort of family anyways, though somewhat a little closer than family than the others would have. They peacefully ate their breakfast, before she practically bounced over to him and pecked his lips. Okay! Im ready to go and all geared up! Thanks for being here and lifting up my spirits, and also for the support. It was just relieving seeing you here and it made my start of the day so much more happier and relaxing than if I was just alone and starting without anyone, like usually. She left cheerfully, leaving the older man dumbfounded and blushing like crazy, something he hadnt done since he was a teenager. The blonde hurried over the rooftop, glad that Kakashi had taught her how to roof-hop and that she was able to pick that up quickly. Outside the examination building, she took a deep breath to

calm her nerves and just remembered Nakago and their morning, and Kakashis unwavering support. Going in, she determinedly started up the stairs. Naruko nervously entered the hall, glancing at the spectacle being made. She scrunched her eyebrows together. Why was the room 301? Wasnt she only on the second floor? She glanced at the two who were blocking the entrance and she gaped. Was that Kotetsu and Izumo? She opened her mouth to say something when Kotetsu slightly opened one eye and blinked quickly. She closed her mouth and walked to a corner. She didnt understand what was going on, but she guessed she could play along. She figured less people would mean less competition, but were they even authorized to do this? Probably not, considering their personalities. Oi, spacing out again, Naruko? Kotetsu lightly teased, having snuck over to her. Hey, whys there a genjutsu here? And what are you and Izumo doing here? Naruko looked confused. Ah, wellIzumo and me thought it would be better to weed out the weaklings already. You know, if they cant get a simple thing as this then they shouldnt even try this year. Its a simple genjutsu and if you noticed what floor youre on it wouldve been easy to figure it out. These are baby skillsbut Im sure you got it, right Naruko? He grinned at her. Yeah, but even if I figured this out, I was still confused at why, Naruko blushed. Kotetsu laughed, Well, you have problems figuring things out, much less people. That youre even worse at. Naruko pouted and Kotetsu kept laughing. Anou, you know whats going on so why dont you go on ahead to the next floor and let us deal with the losers here? Okay? Alright, bye! Good luck, Naruko! You can do it! She headed off to somewhere she could go up, spotting the entrance to the stairs immediately. Grinning, she almost made it there when a green blur passed her and stopped in front. This green blurwas a freak. Bushy eyebrows that seemed alive alive dammit! and a bowl haircut. This boy wore an odd green outfit that stuck to him like a second skin and orange leg warmers.

The only thing Naruko liked about him was the orange leg warmers. You must be the Lady Naruko that Gai-sensei talks fervently of! The youth of passion must burn brightly in youwould you become my girlfriend? the boy said bluntly. A blunt kunai hurled through the air and smacked the weird boy in the forehead. Sorry about him, hes just a little abnormal. My names Tenten, a girl with brown hair put into two buns on either side of her head introduced herself. Ah, Naruko And I am Rock Lee! Lee shouted. Naruko flinched. Hatake Kakashi is your sensei, hm? You must truly be special, the only one in your team to have passedand hes not one to pass many people, is he? In fact, he hasnt passed anyone at all. Youre his first and only a long-haired boy with lavender pupils murmured, staring at her with his blank eyes. It reminded her a lot of the shy Hinata, but this boy also had an arrogant feel to him. Naruko immediately didnt like him, deeming him to be like Sasuke. Though she didnt usually approve of judging others too quickly and all, her Sasuke-alike radar was going off the chart. And Gai-sensei talks most about you and Kakashi-san! His eternal rival and student struggling in the face of adversity, such youthful flames! Ignore him, Tenten rolled her eyes. Though Gai-sensei did ask us to look out for you. You are on your own, without a team and all. Well help you out when we can, okay? Ah, okay, Naruko felt her face burn with embarrassment. And who was this Gai-sensei and how did he know her?! Coughing slightly, Naruko bowed and sped up the stairs and away from them, creating clouds of dust behind her. Team Gai stared up at her quickly moving figure. She might rival me in speed, Lee said in awe, hearts in his eyes. I think shes scared of us, Tenten said sardonically. No, just Lee, Neji snorted.

Their sensei wouldve been quite proud to see they were doing as hed ask, starting by introducing themselves to Naruko. As could be seen by the man happily chatting to the other sensei, adding in energized gestures when he could. And I have no doubt my students will do quite well in this exam! And I know they will make sure Kakashis blushing maiden will not become a damsel in distress, like Ive stressed as their duty to be strong and valiant, especially to take care of others weaker than they and who need extra caring! Save it, Gai. Kakashis not even here, Kurenai sighed, massaging her forehead. Where is my eternal rival anyways? Gai jumped up and started to look around. Asuma rolled his eyes and left them behind, heading out to the balcony to the jounin lounge so he could have a smoke. Damn it! Haku and I woke up late, so we couldnt greet Naruko morning and wish her luck in the test! Zabuza came in complaining. The Demon Brothers vehemently started agreeing with them, also distressed. Hey, what the hell are you brothers doing here? You guys dont belong here! Kurenai growled. And all of you guys probably just wanted breakfast from her. The brothers stuck their tongues out at her. Zabuza huffed. Well, that too. But it didnt matter, cause she wasnt thereBut there was this weird blond guy in her apartment! Like what the heck?! Gai gasped. What? No! Who is this strange blond stranger that dares to move in on Kakashis girl and break into the beautiful damsels home? Kurenai had enough and threw a chair at their heads. None of you go to assumptions so quickly! And Naruko is not Kakashis girl! Yet. She grew a mischievous grin at that. Asuma grunted. That was the last Asuma heard as the door closed behind him, and he fumbled around in his pockets for a cigarette and his lighter. He lit one up and took a quick inhale before he went to gaze out beyond at the village. He took out a photo from his pocket and turned to gaze at it instead. It was one of the pictures Kurenai had taken of Kakashi and Naruko, though his eyes strayed to just Naruko in the picture, firmly gripping it in his grasp. His eyes rove around her face, staying a little on her blissful smile. Ah, shit. What the hell is wrong with me? he mumbled around the cigarette.

Im glad youre here, Naruko, Kakashi smiled at her from the closed doorway. Naruko cheered in happiness, running the rest of the way and jumping into Kakashis arms. Kaka-sensei! Youre here! Hai, hai. I have to see you off, dont I? Isnt that what your caring, loving sensei should do? the jounin teased. Naruko pouted and swatted at his head. He laughed it off, dodging to the side. Youre ready to go? Kakashi smiled reassuringly, but feeling quite nervous and worried for his student. Doubts and regrets began to fill his mind until Naruko gave him a beautiful smile. You bet. Wish me luck? Kakashi sighed mentally in relief, and leaned over to brush his covered lips across her forehead. Luck. She blushed and stood on her tippy toes, kissing his revealed eye before dashing into the room. He chuckled and leaned against the once more closed doors.

Chapter Ten: Watashi wa Chuunin II Naruko! You made it, Kiba was the first to yell out. Naruko grinned back, going to her knees to welcome Akamaru. She stood back up, carrying the dog with her and scratched behind his ears as she looked back to Kiba. The other rookies had joined him, crowding around Naruko. Well, I have to say Im surprised to see you here, Ino had a smug smirk. Naruko shrugged, Not as much as I am about you, she returned the smirk. Ino rolled her eyes, flicking Narukos forehead. Just dont get in my way, dork. I have better things to do than chitchat with you. Too bad Sasuke-kuns not here, she sighed. Shikamaru yawned, If only I had a shogi board. Its so boring around here Naruko giggled, grabbing some chips when Chouji offered her some. Hey, dont you guys know youre attracting a lot of attention right now? A lot of negative attention? another Leaf-nin like them, with grey hair and round glasses, walked towards them. The rookies looked up and sweatdropped at all the glares they were receiving. Naruko, for some reason, wasnt included. There werent any glares directed at her. Saa, who cares? If they have time to try intimidating others then theyre just insecure about their own abilities and chances at passing, Naruko pouted, even though she wasnt one of the victims of the death glares. Baka! Ino bopped Narukos head. Are you trying to get us all killed? Naruko kept pouting. My names Yakushi Kabuto, the Leaf-nin introduced himself. Everyone went around introducing themselves until Kabuto pulled out a deck of blank cards. These are my chakra cards. They have all the information of all the ninja participating from when I first started to this Chuunin Exam. What do you mean from when you first started? Shino asked. MehChuunin Exams take place twice every year. This is my fourth year and my seventh try, Kabuto said embarrassed.

Naruko grinned and scrambled over to him, You hear that, people?! This man here is my partner! The dobe squad! she yelled, grinning madly at everyone in the room as she grabbed onto Kabutos arm. For once, she wasnt bothered by the dobe word. Kabuto was a little nonplussed but grinned, rubbing the back of his head and feeling even more embarrassed. Would you like to use my chakra cards, Naruko-chan? Kabuto asked. Hai, hai! UmI dont know who to ask about. Oh, I know! Sabaku no Gaara, this guy that looks like Hyuuga Hinata but is really stuck up, Rock Leeand I want to know what you have on me! Laughing slightly, Kabuto took out four cards and began spinning one with his chakra on the floor. Sabaku no Gaaraget this. Hes been on 12 C-ranks, 9 B-ranks and 1 A-rank! And hes never gotten a scratch from any mission. Other than that, theres no other information. And Mr. Mystery Guy, which is rather fun guessing and finding out, is Hyuuga Neji. Teammates Rock Lee, Tenten and jounin sensei Maito Gai. Strong taijutsu, low genjutsu, and slightly above normal ninjutsu. 25 D-ranks and13 C-ranks. Rock Lee, low genjutsu, low ninjutsu, and off the charts taijutsu. Huh, hes got a low amount of chakra in him, just enough to sustain life. Same amount of missions as Hyuuga Neji. And now you, Uzumaki Naruko. Lets see, 11 C-ranks and no D-ranks. Low genjutsu, above normal ninjutsu, and above normal taijutsu. No teammates, jounin sensei is Hatake Kakashi, and Naruko looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue, when he had trailed off and stared at the card. He cleared his throat and put a smile back on, Thats it. Is there anyone else? Naruko was a little disappointed but cheered up, Nope, not for me! Kabuto went into specifics, explaining the exam and its purpose. He mentioned having little information on Sound, taken into misunderstanding and attacked by the offended Sound team. Kabuto had dodged, but somehow was still hit. His glasses broke and Kabuto threw up. Naruko glared at the offending group, Hey you! You guys suck! You attacked my dobe squad partner! And just because he doesnt have any information on you guys! If youre offended over such a little thing, you should go crawl under a rock!

A big poof of smoke erupted from the front of the room, interrupting the little fight going on. A tall, scary guy with a lot of others stood there in an intimidating manner. Anyone want to be disqualified already? The scary guy frowned. No? Alright, get into a seat. Well be starting the 1st part of the Chuunin Exam right now. Everyone hurried to a seat, Naruko ending up between some guy and Kabuto. I am Morino Ibiki and I am your proctor for this test. Thats right; the 1st part will be an actual exam. These are the rules. Ibiki began listing off the rules, emphasizing on the effects of cheating and what getting caught will do to your grade. Then he announced there would be a special 10th question. Naruko whimpered, clutching her head. She just glanced at the paper and already her head hurt. The exam had barely started. Maybe she could cheat and just be extra careful on not getting caught Ugh! Shes never cheated before and she wont start now! She grabbed her paper and began scribbling furiously. When Kabuto glanced at her paper, wondering if she needed help, he sweatdropped. The entire paper was covered alright, just not with the answers. Each box served as a box for a cartoon, anime characters from Bleach making an appearance. Her paper was an entire manga panel The sides had scribbles saying things like I hate school, This really sucks, and Im doomed. Kabuto had to choke back a laugh that threatened its way out of his mouth. Naruko, do you need help? You can copy off of my paper, he whispered to her, staring straight ahead. The blonde froze, Really? But Its okay, I dont mind. Why though? Hey, were partners in the dobe squad, right? he said, letting a small smile creep onto his face. Naruko looked up and saw it, biting her lip in hesitation. Thanks, Kabutobut I think Im going to try the 10th question. Its my only hopeand I want to try this on my own. I cant keep depending on everyone, she said seriously, facing the front also.

Alrightbut if you change your mind... Naruko smiled, but returned to staring at the proctor. She amused herself by holding a nonexistent staring contest, but then almost retracted when Ibiki turned his stare to her. Surprisingly, the staring contest became very real. Naruko was startled when Ibiki actually looked away first, but then realized he was announcing the 10th question. Time for the 10th question! However, there are special rules. As Naruko listened to him state the rules, she began to freak out. Maybe she shouldve taken Kabuto up on his offer As team after team left, and Naruko began swearing in her head, she looked around for anything any kind of assurance. All she saw were unsure faces and apprehensive genin. Gritting her teeth, she decided there was no way in hell some asshole was going to put her and the rest of her fellow genin down. Theyll rise up, even if it had to be anarchy! Naruko raised her hand and then slammed it onto the table, drawing all eyes. Hey, you! Remember this, Uzumaki Naruko does not quit, does not follow inane orders, and does not leave anyone behind! Thats a promise! And I keep my promises because thats my way of the ninja! So you can take that 10th question and shove it up your ass, because Im going to take it! Nothingll keep me from becoming Hokage! She plopped back onto her chair and glared at Ibiki, as if daring him to contradict her. She had no idea how from the start where she raised her hand she had scared the hell out of Kotetsu and Izumo, who clutched their clipboards still. At least she hadnt really raised her hand to leave, but she couldve been less dramatic about the whole thing. Anyone willing to take that chance as well? Ibiki glared around the room, whole body twitching in silent laughter. This girl had completely erased the doubts in everyone. There would be no one else leaving. Alright, you all pass! The lengthy discussion afterwards had Naruko pouting, still smarting over stressing so much over the first 1-9 questions. And that she sucked at information gathering. Did she forget the unfairness of not realizing the unknown guy next to her was a chuunin in disguise, with all the answers?

She shouldve looked at Kabutos paper. The window broke as a figure hurled itself through in a ball, the cloth unfolding to reveal a purple-headed woman with strange, revealing clothing standing in front of a banner. Im Mitarashi Anko and Im your next proctor for the 2nd phase! Anko looked around the room, her expression mirroring surprise. Ibiki! Theres way too many! Have you gone soft? Your test mustve been easy! Ibiki grunted, No, just a lot of great potentials in here. And a stubborn minx, he muttered the last part under his breath. Anko shrugged, Whatever. Your jounin sensei will tell you where to report tomorrow morning for the second exam. Be there 8 sharp! Hey, Kakashi! Ibiki tells me your brat ruined the 1st exam! Anko declared, coming into the jounin lounge with an embarrassed Ibiki. Is that so? Hows that? Kakashi kept reading his book. There are too many genin that passed the first test this yearthere wouldve been more gone but Naruko somehow inspired them all to take a chance and take the 10th question, Ibiki shook his head, still reading that piece of paper he had taken from the exam room. Ibiki, whats that? Youve been reading it since youve left the exam room, Anko tried snatching it. You know, I just passed a person who didnt answer a single question and instead made a minimangaKakashi, your kid is a real firework, Ibiki laughed disbelievingly. No way! Hey, this is good! Well, if being a ninja doesnt work out for Naruko, she could always become a manga artist. Ill be her number one fan, Anko said, reading. Anou, Kakashi, Ankosright. I, uh, kind of want to know what happens next. So if you could ask your student? Aha! Thats why you keep reading it over and over again! The jounin sensei in the room all looked in disbelief at the two special jounin, as well as every other jounin there. Um, sure, Kakashi muttered uncertainly, going back to his book. So youll ask her to make another one? Anko turned to Kakashi instead.

Hai, hai Hatake Naruko, Asuma said out of the blue. Huh? What are you talking about, Asuma? Anko looked at him strangely. I just thought of what Narukos name would be when she marries Kakashi. Hatake Naruko. It has a nice ring to it, Asuma grinned. Yes, thats alright. Focusing on Kakashi and Naruko made it easier not to think about him and Naruko. Kurenai stifled her laughter. Kakashi grew red, embarrassed but more in anger. For the last time, Naruko is my student. Thats unthinkable. Its not really forbidden, you know. Besides, dont tell me you wont even approach her when shes a chuunin? Or just when shes not your student anymore? Kurenai sighed. It would be too awkward and Naruko would never feel that way, Kakashi stated frustrated. Whoa, whats going on?Anko looked around. Ibiki stayed quiet, having heard some rumors. Only that Kakashi and Naruko were a little too close, but the rumors he heard werent really clear of what was going on. Ill catch you up later, Anko. And Kakashi, did you just admit you like her in that way? Kurenais face slowly formed a sly grin. Itll never work out, Kakashi scowled. But Shes in love with Genma and shes engaged to the Tsuchikage! Kakashi blurted out angrily. Whoa, drama. Hey, are we stuck in a soap opera or something? Anko nervously joked. Genma wasnt there, but Raidou was. And those two always shared practically everything. Eh, the Forest of Death? Kakashi nodded, Yup, thats the place. But really, thats just what everyone calls it. Its really Training Ground 44. Saa, sou ka. Anou, is there anything else I need to know? Naruko smiled up brightly at him.

Now that he was sure of what he felt, it was much more obvious of how he reacted. Of course he turned bright red. Just be careful, okay? The Forest of Death is called that for a reason. And the Chuunin Exam is known to turn out a few dead genin and whatnot. I dont want you to be one of them. So serious! Kaka-sensei, Im going to be okay. I have the best jounin sensei ever! Even if he was flattered and they were meant to compliment him, Kakashi couldnt help feeling wrong. Having her say that made him remember that he was feeling something for his student that was entirely not acceptable. Just take care, Naruko, Kakashi sighed. Right! Luck, Kakashi ruffled her hair, careful not to do anything else. She looked disappointed and it tugged at his heartstrings. Sighing again, Kakashi brushed his lips against her forehead. Narukos demeanor cheered up and she kissed his eye. She left for her home, ready to rest for tomorrow. Ah, Kakashi. I see Narukos all fired up for tomorrow, a very much not wanted voice was heard. Genma, Kakashi acknowledged without turning to face the other jounin. I heard a little rumor today. Its like another one that troubles me. One that involves you, me and Naruko, Genma responded quickly, his senbon still in his mouth. Sou ka, Kakashi knew exactly what Genma was talking about. Kakashi, do you really like her? Kakashi didnt hesitate in his reply, Yes. HnI understand. Kakashi, youre my friend. But so is Naruko. I dont want to see her hurt. I hope you will take very special care of her, was what Genma had to say before walking away. You know she likes you, Kakashi glared at his retreating back. YeahIve known for a long time. Kakashi didnt find his answer.

That was something he couldnt repeat. It had been nice just standing on that tree with Naruko for hours on end, and enjoying her sweet smell and the softness of her skin against his, the silkiness of her hair brushing up against his face and the warmth of her body seeping into him as he held her high in the sky. Genma knew it was going to end badly. He shouldnt have let himself become so infatuated with her, especially considering how young she was. Naruko wasnt even a genin, hadnt even graduated from the Academy, and here he was longing for her. How sick was he? He was becoming unreasonable; the life of a shinobi was finally getting to him and he was cracking in the head. He needed to distance himself from her. He could see that she was becoming a little too attach to him as well, but he knew it would fade and he couldnt encourage it. This would work for the better for both of them. Less heartache. She would move on and her little crush would fade, and hell agonize quietly to himself, but at least he wouldnt be taking advantage of her. Because that was what it would be. With her age, her vulnerability and lack of others to be attached toand he being one of the few that she was attached to and one of the few that was nice to her and therefore earned her clinging tonot to mention the level of trust, power, and influence he had over her because of it Yes, it would be much better for him to stay away. Especially with those big blue eyes of hers staring at him adoringly and that hint of a promise of something more he wanted deep down. He wouldnt let her get her heart broken and for him to give in, tempering his determined restraint. He had to keep the temptation at bay, even though he really actually didnt want to. Genma wouldnt have given him an honest answer. Alright, punks! Time for the 2nd phase! Anko cheerily yelled. Naruko shivered in fear at the manic grin on the special jounins face. She scooted closer to Kabuto, who had silently agreed to partner up with her for the exam, as his own team would also split to cover more ground. Hey, Kabuto-sanis it me or is that lady a little crazy? she muttered to her partner. Before Kabuto could answer, a kunai whizzed by and cut Narukos cheek, landing just before one of the genin of Grass. Naruko felt herself freeze, watching Kabutos face darkened angrily. But she was more distracted by the trickle of blood down her cheek. Brats like you are the first ones to go, Anko narrowed her eyes menacingly, grinning creepily. Yeah, thats what you say, baa-chan, Kabuto retorted, but was ignored.

Instead, Anko disappeared and reappeared right behind Naruko, holding a kunai to her neck. Oi, gaki. Terrified? You should be, Anko laughed and dragged her tongue over Narukos wound. Naruko shivered, but then remembered something Hiruzen had drilled into her what she should do if she was ever harassed. Something about learning it in a special orange book Naruko purred and smiled innocently, leaning her head and baring her neck. She sniffled and pouted, wide blue eyes staring into Ankos face, Youre so kakkoi, she whispered. All in all, Naruko was like one of those innocent schoolgirls that are too nave but sexy for their own good. Anko blinked in surprise, laughing in her head. All the guys around them had nose bleeds. The Grass genin that had been sneaking behind the two was caught staring, kunai in hand. I was going to return this, she muttered before dashing back to her team. Letting Naruko go, Anko walked back to the front and smirked. Alright, heres the deal. Im not gonna be responsible if any of you go kapok. Die, but first youll have to sign these consent forms, Anko went back to being cheery. Everyone sweatdropped. Soon enough, she went back to explaining the task and the rules, letting everyone stew in their anxiety gleefully. Okay! Now heres the deal, everyone will have to have a complete set of scrolls a heaven and an earth scroll. With these, you have to reach the tower in the middle of the forest. You cant open them, you cant have a teammate dead, and you have to be at the tower within five days. Everyone got that? Good! Wait for your turn to sign and turn in a consent form and one of you in your team will get a scroll. Dont forget to beat the crap out of the other team for the other scroll in the forest! Remember, anything goes! Anko finished off in a sing-song voice. Naruko waited off to the side for her turn, hurrying when it was. She waited for Kabuto, feeling oddly helpless. She missed Kakashi. Kakashi would cheer her up. Alright, Ill meet up with you inside, okay? she hadnt even noticed Kabuto coming back.

Ah, okay. See you, Naruko muttered as they split to their separate gates. She looked at her heaven scroll and wondered who had an earth scroll she could take. She ran as soon as the gates were open. Her nervousness began to wear on her as she darted between trees, looking for teams that could potentially have her missing scroll. Deciding she should rest a bit, she stopped and sat down. Her mind worked miles per minute, trying to decide her best course of action. Kabuto was somewhere, and there was no guarantee they could meet upat least not right away. Ah, there you are, Naruko! Kabutos voice came into range. Naruko blinked in surprise. It was a rather odd coincidence. Hey! That was quick! I didnt think wed find each other so quickly, Naruko felt the hair on the back of her neck rise. Something wasnt right. Honto ni? I was right behind you, he chuckled. Naruko was still feeling uneasy, sensing something dark about Kabuto. Kabuto? Is that really you? Naruko questioned. Well, wellcaught through my disguise already. Dont worry, Naruko-chan. Itll be painless, the imposter sneered, ripping his face off to reveal the face of the female Grass-nin from earlier. Even then, it still didnt feel right. Youre not from Grass either, are you? Naruko said as she backed away slowly in fear. That long, freakish tongue that Naruko vaguely remembered giving the kunai back to Anko earlier snuck back out and licked her lips. Suddenly, she ripped her face off too. A serpentine face that held golden irises stared back. No, I am Orochimaru of the Sannin. And Ive found I have a change in my plans. For the better, at a speed she couldnt follow, Orochimaru darted towards her while making seals at an unbelievable pace. He stopped at a foot away, leaning back before holding two fingers to his mouth and saying, Katon: Karyuu Endan! blowing a huge chakra-fueled fire formed into a dragon straight at her. She almost screamed, but settled for dodging away in panic. Now, now. Youre disappointing me. Cant you do anything? he said condescendingly.

Kyuubi, if you can hear meIve never asked for anything. Please, help me out! A familiar warmth surrounded her, red chakra filling her vision. You owe me, gaki Naruko let out a roar and ran towards Orochimaru, who actually looked panicked for a second. Then the look transformed into interest and glee. Rather than use jutsu, Naruko headed straight for a pure taijutsu fight. Kyuubis power had significantly increased her speed and strength, allowing her to at least force Orochimaru back a bit. But the sannin was persistent. Snarling, Naruko swiped at Orochimarus head and took off a couple of inches of hair. Orochimaru just laughed. Orochimaru backed off, jumping away into a tree. He still grinned at her, making her even more angry. She was about to follow him when he did a few hand seals and then he jumped in front of her, slamming his hand into her navel. Five Prong Seal! She felt Kyuubis power fading, her sneering mouth flinching. Anou, you have a lot of seals now, dont you? Orochimaru contentedly stated. One more wont hurt, now will it? He bit her neck harshly, placing his Cursed Seal.

Chapter Eleven: Watashi wa Chuunin III Naruko gasped in ragged breaths, jaggedly running towards the direction of the tower. She held a hand to her neck, covering the seal. It burned fiercely, pain racing throughout her body at rapid pace. Chikusothis thing is so painful, she winced again, tightening her hold. Naruko? Naruko skid to a stop, one leg giving and she half-kneeled. She looked up and there was Team Gai. Having spent so much energy, she fainted. I wonder what happened? Her youthfulness has lessened! No! Lee yelled, jumping down to reach her limp body. Shut up, Lee, and just get to her, Tenten ordered, following him. Nejis eyes had narrowed, his Byakugan activated. Something was different about Naruko, something off about her chakra. Careful, somethings up, Neji warned them. They reached her and since Lee was the first one there, he had picked her up. They all looked at each other warily. We should get her to shelter and then decide what we should do, Neji said. Tenten rummaged around Narukos pack, finding both a heaven and earth scroll. Well, at least she has both scrolls. We have ours right? Lee held up both scrolls and Tenten nodded. Alright, well find shelter and rest a bit. Give a little time for her to recuperate. Then, we could probably head straight to the tower. Good plan. Lets go, Neji started off first. Soon they reached a nice clearing with a large enough cave for them to rest in. They settled in, waiting for Naruko to wake up. It wasnt too soon when the Hyuuga prodigy caught something, and realized that they werent alone. Neji scowled, We have company. It looks like those Sound-nin are trying to creep up on us. There, in front. Can you see them?

The other two looked and sure enough the Oto-nin were hiding in the trees, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Leave this to me, Tenten smirked. Discreetly pulling out a scroll, she unsealed a couple of kunai with explosive tags attached to them. Standing up, she announced to her team that she was going to practice her kunai throwing. She headed out to the clearing and stopped just before the nin-wire that was there to trip a trap. Laughing to herself in her head, she threw the kunai at either side of the hidden group and aimed towards four trees. She had effectively fooled them into thinking she was just practicing and that Team Gai wasnt onto them. As soon as the kunai hit, there were twin booms. The Sound ninja leaped into the clearing to avoid the explosion, and understanding they had been found out. So, bitch, you knew we were there the whole time, the fur mummy spoke. Eh, Dosu, lets just rip her apart, the female of the group grinned. No, Kin, were only here for Uzumaki. The last member rolled his eyes, Let me deal with these losers while you guys wipe out Uzumaki. Thats a deal, Zaku, but I want the girl, Kin agreed, not bothering to consult with Dosu. She ran forward, heading straight for Tenten. Her senbon clashed with Tentens kunai. Zaku, meanwhile, had darted towards the unconscious girl in the cave. Whats the matter? I thought you were going to deal with us losers? Neji stepped into his path. Zaku sneered, I did? Oops. Nejis Byakugan caught Dosu getting closer to Naruko and the Hyuuga cursed his foolishness. But then he saw Lee, and he relaxed. Nice try, Neji smirked. Out of my way, freak, Dosu abruptly stopped when Lee appeared in front of him. Lee got into a stance, scowling, Im sorry, but I will not allow you to go anywhere near Narukochan. You will have to defeat me first, and I will die before you harm her. I will protect her at all costs!

Hehe, thisll be easy. As all three pairs engaged in battle, Kabuto finally arrived on the scene and immediately focused on Naruko. Cursing, he jumped towards her. No one noticed him until he was near her. Get away from her, Lee growled, a little bruised and blood dripping from his ears. He was looking over to Naruko, but was busy keeping Dosu from getting any closer. Im on your side, Kabuto said simply, busy checking on Naruko. Suddenly, Naruko twitched and black markings were struggling to move over her skin. They flashed red every once and awhile, and every time the marks had a harder time moving. Narukos eyes snapped open, but they were glazed over and red was seeping into the blue at the edges. Naruko? Kabuto questioned. She stood up and walked away, heading for the three pairs who had stopped to watch her come. Naruko surprisingly darted forward, her face shadowed and covered by her hair, and elbowed Kin in the throat, the female Oto-nin flying back into a tree and falling unconscious. And then Naruko snapped towards Zaku, quickly appearing before him and gripped his throat with one hand. She hauled him off his feet, choking him. Naruko, what the hell?! Kabuto asked alarmed. Team Gai was too speechless. Kabuto froze in fear, feeling the incredible amount of killing intent coming from the blonde. He shivered as he glimpsed Narukos face, her eyes harsh, angry, and unflinching. Eyes that moved to be directed at him from the corners of them. Some hair fell into one eye, covering it, and her other eye moved back to her prey suspended by her hand. Kabuto exhaled heavily. Lady Naruko! Please snap out of it! Lee finally spoke out. Naruko growled, but threw Zaku over to where the knocked-out Kin laid. Dosu swallowed nervously. Here, well just leave. Please let us go, Dosu said, terrified of Naruko. Just go, well deal with her, Neji said, not taking his eyes off of the jinchuuriki.

Dosu grabbed his teammates, shooting off into the woods. Tenten took up a wary stance with her scroll ready, Neji stood lax but ready to move in defense, and Lee stepped closer to the blonde trying to plead for her to return normal. Kabutos sudden appearance next to the blonde assured no one, but Narukos markings flashed red a final time before they moved back to their origin. Naruko went limp again, Kabuto catching her body as it fell. Well, I think we should head to the tower now, Kabuto stared down at Narukos sleeping face. Rightlets head out, Tenten reluctantly agreed. Somewhere along the way, Naruko had woken up and started walking on her own. Kabuto still stayed close just in case Naruko collapsed or even stumbled. She hadnt spoken at all and her face was blank. After an incident where they were caught in a circular genjutsu, Naruko ended up tricking the Rain-nin with henged kage bushin teammates and beating them up with her other kage bushin. When all of the clones were taken down, Naruko kept going and was actually doing quite well. Kabuto had grinned and joined in, the others staring in amazement at Narukos stamina and achievement. And now they were in front of the tower. Kabuto saw his teammates and turned to Naruko. This is where we part for awhile. Ive got to go with my team so Ill see you a little later, okay? Naruko pouted but nodded. Um, I guess we should go on ahead and go inside, Tenten nodded as well. They all went inside, quickly figured out the riddle and opened the scrolls. Hakuro came out of Team Gais scrolls and Iruka came out of Narukos. Iruka-sensei, Uro-chan! Naruko squealed, hugging them tightly. Hehe, you all made it just fine. Im glad, Iruka smiled. Hakuro grunted, but there was a hint of a smile on his face as well. RAMEN, IRUKA-SENSEI! Later, they found out that there had to be preliminary rounds to get rid of some of the extra genin that had passed. Naruko wasnt happy about it.

We have prelims? Naruko scrunched up her nose. Yup, Tenten nodded. But that sucks! I dont wanna go through no stinkin prelims! We dont have a choice. Theres too many genin that passed the 2nd phase. Because of the kage spectators and diplomats for the 3rd exam, we have to cut down the number, Neji added. Whatever. Lets do this! It was revealed that anyone could leave then without affecting their teammates, and Naruko was disappointed when Kabuto had to leave. But then she pushed it out of her mind when it was time to start. Her excitement grew and she didnt even notice Kakashi appear right next to her. So you made it, eh? Too bad, I had the funeral and reception all planned and everything, Kakashi teased. Naruko jumped but then scowled, smacking his arm, Baka-sensei! Dont say that! Hey, I was just kidding! No need to get violent on me, Kakashi said as he rubbed his arm. Hajime! She had been so distracted by Kakashi that she didnt notice that the matches had started already. First up was Kiba vs. some Rain-nin. It went on with matches until it reached Gaara vs. Lee. Her heart pounded harshly against her chest, wanting to jump out, as she watched the match. Lee had been weird, but the moment he kept defending her in the forest he had earned her friendship and respect. She watched in horror as Gaara almost killed Lee until Gai stepped in. Naruko actually whimpered as her fright grew, she had forgotten her fear of the Sand-nin. Now she was reminded all too well, without even able to summon the least bit of anger at the fact her friend had just been seriously injured by this creep. Then it was Neji vs. Hinata and she tried to actually push away her feelings, forcing her mind to focus on the match. It worked as she felt her anger return when Neji cruelly hurt the one girl Naruko liked talking to. Neji had earned at least some grudging respect back in the forest, but now Naruko took it all back. Neji really was a bastard. In Narukos mind, Neji might actually be worse than Uchihateme.

Her glare didnt let up on the branch member as he walked back up the stairs to join his team while Hinata was taken out by a stretcher. And all that Hinata had said about Narukowas she really that admirable to the Hyuuga heir? Naruko wasnt going to let Hinata down. I promise you, Neji, youll go down, she said quietly, staring straight at him in a quiet anger. Everyone around them, the jounin sensei and students, heard. They grew quiet, even as the match below them was drawing to a close. They hadnt even paid attention to it. Neji stared back before nodding, acknowledging her. Uzumaki Naruko vs. Shinuta Dosu. Naruko froze, looking up and across to see the mummified genin. He stared back impassively. I forfeit, Dosu said without moving his eyes. There was still this slight fear in them. Zaku and Kin understood, having faced her in the forest. Naruko felt horrible, remembering what she did. Afterwards, once everyone had battled and then lots had been drawn and people paired, Naruko decided to wander around a little bit. She initially wanted to start training straight away, but she decided shed rather not as she was still feeling down from the preliminaries. Instead, she went around the village, watching people happily walking, working, and doing all sorts of stuff, but also clearly ignoring her. In a bid to feel less unhappy, she decided she was going to visit the Hokage. Unfortunately, she hadnt known that he was in a meeting with two other kage, the Kazekage and the Tsuchikage, her fianc. The three of them were currently meeting to discuss the third part of the Chuunin Exam, planning for it together, seeing as only Konoha and Suna were the only villages with genin in the third part and since Nakago was in the village and might as well help them out. He was still inwardly pouting at having been dragged in to work, when he was hoping for a nice rest (with no work!) and hopefully be waiting for Naruko once shed finished the preliminaries. Hed managed to stuff his niece into a hotel, while he hesitatingly stayed in Narukos apartment, though she had told him right before she left for the exam that she didnt mind him staying there. The Yondaime Kazekage tossed his hat grumpily onto the table, wine-red hair tousled from it. He followed suit, tossing his as well, and the both of them waited for the Hokage. But Hiruzen merely smiled serenely at them and kept it on. They both rolled their eyes and sat down before the Hokage.

Nakago, I hate you. That hat ruins everyone elses hair, and yet yours is still meticulous, Sabaku no Nagi, Yondaime Kazekage, huffed. Nakago smirked, smugly running a hand through his still in place hair. You should talk. Messy or not, your hair still manages to look nice. The hat made your hair tousled, but now it looks like it was styled that way, Nakago then started to glare, thinking about it. They turned to Hiruzen, curiously eyeing his head, where the conical hat still sat. Hiruzen, does The Hat ruin your hair as well? Nakago asked, frowning at the hat. Hiruzen continued smiling serenely. I have no such hair for it to mess up! They face faulted and the Sandaime was amused even more. Stupid old man, Nagi hmphed. Speaking of old man, Nagis no longer the baby of the group, Hiruzens serene smile became mischievous. Age-wise, I mean. Hey! Ive been a kage for awhile here! Nagi snarked, while the other kage teamed up. We know. Were talking age here. Which youre trying to avoid, Nakago grinned. Face it. Youre getting old, Nagi. Nagi developed a tick on his left temple, glaring heatedly at the other two. You may be younger, Nakago, but that doesnt mean Im old! Yes, but you must admit that the youngest Kage, not just experience but in age, which were focusing on now, is now Terumi Mei the Godaime Mizukage. Shes usurped you in the youngest kage throne, Nagi, Hiruzen chuckled. Actually, Im still younger than her, Nakagos grin widened. Shes 35. Im 34. The usurpation still belongs to me. Hahaha, Im surrounded by old people! Now both Nagi and Hiruzen glared at him. You, old man, suck. And you brat, shut the hell up, Nagi said first to Hiruzen, then to Nakago. Whats the ages anyway? From youngest to oldest? Im 34, Meis 35, Nagis just turned 40. What about you, A, and Onoki-jisan? Uncles old, I know that. But I dont know his exact age

and he strictly doesnt speak of it anyway, even erasing records in Iwa about it. Even our family records! Both of the younger kage curiously turned to the oldest one in the room, who was back to the serene smile. Thatis a secret! They face faulted again. Come now, us old people have to stick together and protect our ages, Hiruzen was chuckling again. Though, youre pretty old, Hiruzen. I know Oji-san is pretty old, but you have to be at least as old as him, if not older, Nakago eyed the Hokage. Both of them once again curiously focused in on Hiruzen, who opened his mouth to speak. They leaned in eagerly. I am pretty old, arent I? They resisted the strong urge to face fault again. Speaking of the others, how did they manage to keep their hair fixed, if they dont have Nagis absurdly good looks and my impractical natural perfectness? Last I heard, A was having technical difficulties. The three of them paused to remember humorously that As hair tended to stick up everywhere after hed wear the hat, like hed been electrocuted or shocked by lightning, which was just ironic. Hiruzen hmmed. Well, I think I remember hearing him say that hed developed a jutsu to keep his hair staying the same after wearing it. So no more ridiculous amounts of gel? Nagi commented casually. Or hairspray? Nakago chipped in, voice smooth. Or both? Particularly at the same time? Hiruzen rolled his eyes this time. Actually, yes. Though he only uses gel to slick his hair back, a moderate amount thank Kami, and doesnt have to repeatedly use it after every time he wears that hat.

Good for him, Nagi nodded. One enemy defeated, Nakago agreed. Then they turned to the paperwork set aside, glaring at it and hoping it would burst into fire, even though it wasnt their paperwork. The sight of it reminded them of their own paperwork waiting for them at home. One enemy still terrorizing, Nagi scowled. Nakago echoed it and Hiruzen grimaced in agreement. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Nagi snatched his hat quickly, slamming it onto his head and veiling his face. Nakago blinked. Wow, that was really fast. I didnt even see you move. Hiruzen stared. He too, actually, had barely seen Nagi move so fast. What in the world, Nagi? The red-head just glared at them, eyes only showing. Ah, come in, Hiruzen called out uncertainly, still warily looking at the Kazekage. Still, he was shocked at how fast the man had moved. Nagi was fast alright, wind mastery and all, but that was just on a whole other level, with the weird factor adding in. Hiru-jiji ah, I mean Hokage-sama, Naruko burst into the room, her loud greeting growing quieter when she saw that the Hokage wasnt alone. Naruko, whats wrong? Hiruzen smiled gently at her. I was just wondering if you wanted some company or some help, but I didnt know you had people over, she shyly ducked her head. No, no. Its quite alright, Naruko. How about some help with the paperwork? Hiruzen was quietly relieved. She rolled her eyes. Of course that. Sure, wheres the stack? Hiruzen eagerly pointed at the monstrous pile on his desk, and she started over to it. She curiously looked at Nagi with his covered face and then smiled widely at Nakago. Hey! You really are grinning more often now, Naruko pointed out about her fianc. The others were surprised theyd just noticed that. Nakago was famed for being stoic faced and even irritable or cool. Even with their occasional tte--tte, he was usually plain-faced, with his expressions having to be drawn out or even usually the most coming out of him is a twist of his

lips. That he was being so open and laid-back shouldve been more than noticeable and surprising about him. I guess I am, the blonds grin turned into a soft smile for her. She shyly kissed his cheeks as she grabbed the pile and then left them behind. Bye! Nakago uncharacteristically grinned dreamily after her. Hiruzen and Nagi noted that, amused and surprised. I guess the engagement is going well then, Hiruzen commented in amusement. Nagi lazily flung his hat back onto the desk, raising an eyebrow. Nakagos engaged to that pretty girl? His eyes moved to the now closed door before he forced them back to Hiruzen. Huh, how strange his reaction Yes, Nakagos kindly agreed to an arranged marriage to her for quite some time. Im glad that it doesnt have to be an unhappy or awkward relationship. Nakago snapped out of his daze, staring at Hiruzen with wide eyes. She does your paperwork? Hiruzen beamed happily and also proudly about his girl. Oh yes. Shes been helping out with it since she was young. In fact, Id qualify her to be Hokage right now! After all, she already knows all the ins and outs about the job, especially the tedious work involved, with the added bonus that she has already faced and practically conquered the being known as Paperwork! Nakagos wide eyes actually got wider. Mymy fiance is so talented. I cant believe she does your paperwork. Im so happy that Im going to be married to her and cant wait to bring her to Iwa. She can help me with the evil. Hiruzen felt like being evil himself. Shes not going to Iwa, remember? Nakagos face fell and he felt like weeping. Can I hire her to come with me to Suna and help me with paperwork as a mission? Ill pay Srank, Nagi looked hopeful. Mwahaha! Hiruzen strangely evilly laughed. Shes my secret weapon against Paperwork!

The other two grumbled and glared at the old man. How come Nakago got engaged to her? Suna and Konoha have been closer allies and for far longer, and were closer in distance, Nagi drawled, though he was actually very sober and guarded. Despite the actual seriousness of the question and the underlying tone, Nakago couldnt help his next jab. Cause youre old and Im younger than you. Nagi flung his hat at Nakagos head and hit him straight on, all without changing the bored look on his face or taking a look to aim. The three of them continued to bicker about paperwork and plead for the use of Naruko against it, and bemoaning all the work they had waiting for them and had to put up with lately, forgetting that they were there to discuss the third task. When they eventually remembered, they sheepishly started to talk about it, ignoring how it was now late. Skittishly, some time into their talk, Nagi inwardly balked and remembered Orochimaru in the scheme of things. He didnt want to outright betray Konoha, but he didnt feel like he had a choice in the matter. He couldnt just come out with it either, though he really wanted to say something. You knowmy sons a jinchuuriki, he said suddenly. Nakago and Hiruzen froze, staring at him. So beef up your security, alright? Nagi faked boredom, convincingly leaning back indifferently. Likea lot. Like invasion-wise. O.kay, Hiruzen said hesitantly, still staring. Nakago furrowed his eyebrows at him, sharing Hiruzens weirded out, confused, and slightly shocked and wary reaction. The announcement was a little sudden, especially with how frightening and also how serious a subject it was. You know, my village is poor. This exam is really important to me. I mean, like really important enough to bring in my son. Like I need my son here for a very good reason. Because my village is poor, Nagi kept on. Hiruzen nodded wisely, though still hesitant and confused about the way Nagi was acting. Alright, we understand completely. This tournament is very important to you, and we wish you and your son luck in winning it. We sincerely hope Suna does very well in the tournament, and at

least some of the important dignitaries, especially the Wind Daimyo, can see just how good Suna-nin and their village are. Maybe your Daimyo will lay off of you and the village, huh? Nagi only had a moment to look at Hiruzen in disbelief. Nakago nodded as well. Oh yeah. I agree with Hiruzen. Lots of luck to you and your own, Nagi. But my fiance is totally going to win and kick your kids to the curb. Nagi face palmed at them. Never mind, he muttered, face slightly twitching. He turned to glare at Nakago, ignoring the odd flash of Nakagos fiance in his mind. And you are a pain. I miss your stoic, no emotion self. You can be like that at times, the blond pointed out. At times, but not right now, Nagi lazily smirked. Deciding they werent going to get anything else done for the day, especially since it was 8:50, they left the office and traveled down. Hiruzen had to go pick up his grandson, and they decided to come with him. Surprised to see Naruko there as well, teaching Hiruzens grandson the wall walking equivalent to tree walking, they paused near the entrance and watched. Ah, Hokage-sama. I just noticed you. Is there something wrong? a man with sunglasses and a bandanna on his head quietly traveled over to them. No, Ebisu-kun. We just finished and I was picking up Konohamaru. Have the two been at it long? Hiruzen questioned, seeing Naruko guide his grandson up the high wall. She was walking backwards, holding onto Konohamarus hands, and leading up the wall in small steps. It was very slow-going, as Konohamaru was focused but nervous about his movements and had to pause at times as well. He was also staring at his feet intensely, his feet moving slowly one by one, taking a long time to make those steps. Quite some time now, Hokage-sama. Naruko came in here around perhaps three hours ago. I am just acting as a supervisor, though Ive given tips every now and then. Hows my grandson been doing then? Ebisu smiled in pride. Naruko has gotten him to go a third up by himself, but together, shes led him almost to the top. While it will be a long time before the Honorable Grandson will be able to do such a thing on his own, he is making huge leaps in progress and its all thanks to Naruko. Hiruzen nodded as the other two silently listened in, more watching the two figures on the wall. Naruko had a soft, encouraging smile on her face and Konohamaru would occasionally glance up to see it and return a shy smile. Nagis eyes seemed to be glued to them, though slightly more on Naruko, for some reason. Nakago, in turn, had a small smile playing on his own lips as he

watched, wondering hesitantly about his own future kids with her and thinking shed make a good mother already, also enjoying and happy to see the smile on Narukos face. Hiruzen, too, took pleasure in seeing Narukos smile and contented face, and also in seeing his grandson and surrogate granddaughter bonding and spending time together. It made him very happy to see Naruko taking care of and taking time out for Konohamaru, and also in his grandson looking up to and looking to please and make Naruko proud. Its nice seeing the two together, Ebisu spoke his thoughts aloud. She takes very good care of him and dotes on him lovingly, like an older sister or even a mother. Shes also been very patient with him, as shes been teaching him. He in turn tries very hard for her and tries to make her happy and proud, pleased that shes paying attention to him and actually spending time with him. They look very sweet together. Hiruzen smiled, nodding. Naruko, Konohamaru, its time for dinner you two. Naruko looked over at him, startled as she hadnt noticed him and had been focused on Konohamaru. But itd also startled Konohamaru, whod lost focus and gasped as he stumbled back and fell off the wall. Naruko noticed too late and quickly jumped after him, catching him and twisting so that shed take the fall. Unexpectedly, a white blur dashed closer into the room and leaped up, easily grabbing onto her and landing steadily on the ground from across the room. Nakago was completely taken off guard, and slightly unhappy, that Nagi had been the one to quickly react and had been the one to catch and save Naruko. Hiruzen had been surprised as well, and curiously watched from where he was. Back to being veiled, because hed put it back on after leaving the office, Naruko stared up into dark brown eyes that were the only thing she could see. She clutched the clinging Konohamaru to her. A-arigato, she smiled hesitantly. Nagi nodded at her, confused about his actions. It was very strange that hed reacted so quickly and that hed gone after her at all. It was almost as if on instinct. Nakago reached them, stiffly helping Naruko up from Nagis arms and frowning suspiciously at Nagi. But there was also relief and thanks on his face. The Tsuchikage was relieved Naruko was unharmed and grateful that Nagi had saved her, but he was also upset that he hadnt been the one to save her and make sure she was okay. Wasnt that why he was there, why hed been engaged to her at all? He was her fianc. He should be making sure no harm befall upon her and to protect her surely, and yet he couldnt even catch her from a dangerous fall. It bothered him that someone else had come to her aid, and his inability to save her also bothered him.

And he was definitely suspicious as to why Nagi had acted at all, much less such a quick reaction. It wasnt like the older man. So, Naruko, how was the paperwork? Hiruzen came closer, asking like nothing had happened. Naruko grinned at him. Done ages ago, old man. Ive already sorted and delivered where each paper needed to be. I just saw Konohamaru and decided Id spend some time with him. Naru-neechan is so cool, Konohamaru happily hugged her. Aa, thank you, Kono-kun. Right, lets all have dinner, the Sandaime declared. He glanced at the two other kage, watching them peculiarly, though he kept a closer and wondering eye on Nagi. The jounin lounge was empty, especially at this time at night. It was a popular hangout in the daytime, though not so much at night. Occasionally, some hung around it some nights, but this night Asuma thankfully had alone. His feet were firmly planted on the railing, leaning back against the cushy chair kept on the balcony. The cigarette in his hand was dwindling down to its last leg and he just put it out in the cigarette bowl next to him. His hand hesitantly pulled a familiar photo, its edges starting to get creased. He frowned as he gazed at it, eyes drawn once again to the blonde female in the photo. Damn it. Asuma, you fool, he muttered to himself. Whyd it have to be her? Of all the girls, whyd he have to be drawn to Uzumaki Naruko? This led to a whole complicated mess. It wasnt like she even knew him, or at least well. Aside from when she was younger and had rarely seen him around, which wasnt a lot because hed been estranged from his dad then, she probably wouldnt even remember him or know who he was. There were some things that made things better for him than Kakashi, and some things that made his situation worse. She knew, trusted, liked Kakashi, maybe even enough to grow into something more. She didnt know Asuma, and with her knowing Kakashi, he was lagging behind way farther than he could catch up. That was just Kakashi. He didnt even want to think about her fianc or Genma for that matter, and who knows who else. With Kakashi and everyone else, and she not knowing him, it would be hard for him to even start catching her attention now.

There was also that Kakashi was her sensei. That would make them taboo, but at least it also gave them a reason for why they could grow close enough for a relationship. Again, Asuma was just no one to her and they had no reason or a way to get close. Plus, he was a sensei, even if not hers. He was still in a position of authority over her. The age factor that Kakashi was always complaining about? Applied to him as well. Maybe even more so, since he was slightly older than Kakashi. Between the age gap and how young she was, he had as little chance as Kakashi. And how could he forget the fact she was already engaged? And that if she wanted anyone, she would want the man she was actually in love with Genma? Psh. If Kakashi never had a chance, then theres no way you will, he said to himself. A dainty hand gently plucked the photo out of his hand. Is this the photo with Kakashi and Naruko? a familiar voice greeted him. He winced, slightly tilting his head back to glance at her. Kurenai-chan

Chapter Twelve: Watashi wa Chuunin IV Naruko, Im going to teach you some more jutsu before I get to teach you some special stuff, okay? But first, we need to work on water walking again. Even though you have it down, its still good to keep practicing, Kakashi told her as they walked towards the hot springs. Sokay, sensei! Oh, whats that guy doing over there? Naruko pointed out an oddly dressed man, who was giggling as he was peeping through in the wall. Ah, Naruko, we should go somewhere else, Kakashi sweatdropped. Honestly, it was much better to not be an obvious pervert. Kakashi may read his books in public, but he wasnt that obvious Hoho! Whats this I hear? the odd man had somehow heard them. Ohh, what a pretty girl! He jumped over to them, bowing low to Naruko and kissing her hand, Sweet girl, whats your name? Naruko scrunched up her nose, and then suddenly hit her knuckles against the top of his head, Ecchi! Im trying to train so back off! The man sniffled and rubbed his head with both hands, Anou, I was just trying to get your name Kakashi blinked. My names Uzumaki Naruko! Dont forget it! Naruko gave him a v-sign. How can I forget such a pretty girl? OW! Naruko had whacked him again. Um, lets go, Naruko. I want to see how well you are with water walking now, Kakashi intervened, deciding to grant the man some pity. Okay, sensei! Lets go! Training? What sort of training? the man asked. Im training for the last part of the Chuunin Exam, Naruko smirked. A kunoichi, huh? Well, you should become a model! Preferably a nude model ! This time it was Kakashi who had dropped his fist onto the mans head, his one showing eye twitching. Then he looked up thoughtfully, easing the pressure slightly but not moving away. Huhwait a second, Jiraiya-sama? Kakashi asked as he backed away and stared.

Jiraiya squinted at him, Ah, Kakashi-bozu! Its you! Dont tell me you scored this pretty girl! Naruko was the one twitching this time. Eh, shes my student, Jiraiya-sama, Kakashi sweatdropped. Ohoho, you lucky dog! Why couldnt my student be pretty? Hey, sensei! Arent we going to train yet? Naruko interrupted. Hai, hai. Lets go. See you around, Jiraiya-sama. They were leaving when Jiraiya began to look thoughtful, Anou, Naruko. Because I like you, Ill help train you. Alright, Ero-sennin! Show me what you got! Naruko grinned predatorily. Kakashi was reluctant, but he admitted Jiraiya could have some good moves to teach. Then lets see how well you are at water walking. Yatta, lets do this, Naruko said as she went onto the waterand promptly fell in. She came sputtering up the surface. Nani? What happened, Naruko? You had this, Kakashi blinked in surprise. Huhlift up your shirt, Jiraiya said from out of the blue, with a thoughtful look on his face. Both Kakashi and Naruko hit his head. Iie! Youll see what I mean, Jiraiya tried to explain. Naruko hmphed and then shrugged, Im wet anyway, she grumbled. She took off her sandals and then her pants, causing Jiraiya to stare shamelessly with a perverted look on his face and blood dripping down his nose. Kakashi forced himself to look away, blushing bright red. Jiraiya grinned in perverted glee when Naruko took off her jacket and top, revealing her wearing short boxer underwear and a sports bra. Wipe that look off your face, Ero-sennin, or Ill kill you, Naruko glared, her eyes tingeing red as the seals on her stomach showed. Her Curse Seal began glowing, trying to spread.

Jiraiya snapped out of it and cursed in his head, ignoring the killer intent leaking out. Kakashi snapped his head back to watch her, ignoring her lack of clothing. Just as I thought, Jiraiya scowled, preparing himself. Kakashi flinched as Jiraiya suddenly slammed his hand into a surprised Narukos stomach, the Five-Prong seal they both saw disappearing. What was that for?! Naruko screeched, though she wondered at her weird attitude just now. Did Orochimaru place the seals on your neck and stomach? Jiraiyas face looked serious. Naruko was confused, but nervous. YeahI met him in the forest. Hes creepy. I see. Naruko, well have to deal with your Curse Seal soon. But for now, try to walk on the water. Naruko nodded and tried it. It was instantly obvious that that had been the problem. Kakashi, I want you to deal with the Curse Seal for now. Im going to do a little research to break it down. Its dangerous to leave it uncheck. Itll keep feeding on her chakra, corrupting her. Once we have it under control, maybe I can get rid of it. Um, Kyuubi is working on it too. Hes the one keeping it under control for now. Thats why the marks keep struggling and flashing red. Kyuubi says that hes slowly breaking it down, but its being troublesome, Naruko reluctantly revealed. Youre in contact with the Kyuubi? Kakashi asked sharply. Thats good. Looks like there are some benefits to it being in your body. Also, itll help with what I want to teach you. Im going to teach you how to control and summon the Foxs chakra, Jiraiya nodded. For now, rest. Kakashi, take care of her. Then he was speeding off to see the Hokage. Hed entered the office through the window, surprised to see the Tsuchikage there. Ah, Hokage-sama, I didnt know you had a visitor. Tsuchikage-dono, he nodded to the other man respectively. I will just come back later, he directed back to the Sandaime. Is it important? Hiruzen furrowed his eyebrows in question. Jiraiya hesitated. Somewhatit has to do with Yondaimes Legacy. It has to do with Naruko? Nakago cut in.

The Toad Sannin looked at the blond man in surprise, confused about his presence in Konoha and how the man knew about Naruko and that that was who he was talking about. What is your connection to Naruko? Jiraiya frowned, tensing up. For all his idiocy and shameless behavior, that was his goddaughter and he would not tolerate anyone messing around with her. Jiraiya, I will inform everything to you in a bit. But know that Nakago-kun knows Naruko and means no harm. He knows all about her, so you may speak freely. Confusion rising and unease entering him, he began reporting to Hiruzen about the three seals that were on Naruko, the original seal, the Curse Seal of Heaven, and the Five-Prong Seal. I dealt with the situation before the combined seals could do much damage, and end up threatening her life. I ordered Kakashi to seal off Orochimarus Curse Seal, while the Kyuubi is keeping it off bay in the meantime, and Ive removed the Five-Prong Seal. I took a quick look at the original seal and everything seems to be in order, with it intact and undamaged. Hiruzen frowned at this news, concerned about his old pupils Curse Seal and what the effects it could have over Naruko. Nakago looked furious. Explain. Now, Jiraiya suddenly ordered bluntly, eyes flitting over to the Tsuchikage quickly. He didnt care if he sounded rude, especially to his old sensei and in front of an important leader and potential ally. Although, he was just about to find out that Nakago already was an ally, and just how the man had become so his mood didnt seem to be letting up, was in fact getting worse, and the coming news wasnt going to help. Hiruzen was supposed to keep him updated with Narukos life, being that he couldnt be there to watch over and take care of her himself. This unknown factor bothered him and wasnt making him happy. He didnt know anything about Nakago or his role in Jiraiyas goddaughters life, and he wanted to be caught up now. And so, the Sandaime Hokage blurted out Narukos engagement, everything about it, what his plans were and what hes been planning, and then some. Jiraiya sighed. Hed learned of Narukos troubles more in depth, found out about Narukos graduation test and her Genin Exam (passing by herself, at that!), a mokuton affinity, this Genma thing, all about her first C-rank (riiigghht) mission and the aftermath, and about the other jinchuuriki now in the village and who seemed to be fixated on Naruko. And her engagement. He eyed the Tsuchikage warily, hiding his unhappiness.

Oh, lets not forget the engagement alright. Definitely not. That was one thing Jiraiya couldnt get over, like hed reluctantly had for everything else. While he understood Hiruzens reasons and agreed on the situation, he was completely not happy about it at all. Naruko was too young to be in a serious relationship, especially with an older man, much less engaged and soon to be married. It didnt help that her fianc was the Tsuchikage, who was totally older than her and from a very dangerous shinobi village that held a grudge against her father like no ones business. Coupled with the mans station, holding not just a higher rank but was the leader himself, it would seem odd for him to marry a supposedly nobody and a genin at that. Never mind whose daughter she really was; it was still the Tsuchikage himself that was going to marry her, not a noble or highpositioned man or Iwa clan member or anyone of a somewhat lesser rank that would have done the job. Why would the Tsuchikage agree to this? Why would an older man agree to this? Yes, he was still stuck on the age thing the most. He didnt like the idea of anyone being with his little Naruko at all, but all that just made Nakago worse. Were also probably going to go ahead and enact the Clan Restoration Act as well, Hiruzen interrupted his musings. What was that?! Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself and stopped twitching angrily. Grumbling under his breath, he addressed the other two. As much as I want to deal with this right now, Orochimaru is a much more pressing manner. Especially since he seems to be targeting Naruko. I will need to hurry and see if theres anything more I can do for the Curse Seal, research on it a bit more. I will also get into touch with my contacts to see if they have anything more for me, specifically in regards to the Hebi-teme. I see. Very well, Jiraiya. You should head on your way, Hiruzen hmmed in thought. Jiraiya nodded and with one last suspicious glance at Nakago, he leapt out the window and headed off. A little time later, back with the couple hed left behind, theyd managed to move from the hot springs to somewhere a little more comfortable. It was now that Kakashi let himself get lost in thought and ponder on things.

Kakashi threaded his hand through her hair. Three seals. No wonder she was knocked out right now. Naruko, youll be fine. Just hold on. He had sealed the Curse Seal and Jiraiya had already taken care of the Five-Prong seal. Jiraiya was still looking for a way to break the Curse Seal down, but at least the Kyuubi was working on it as well. Kaka-sensei, Naruko sighed in her sleep. Coloring a little, Kakashi smiled down at her. He adjusted her head on his lap so he could get some feeling back in his legs, and then waited for her to wake up. He looked down again at her and then groaned. Now was a very bad time to remember her lack of clothing. He hadnt even brought it back with them, leaving her clothing at the hot springs. Baka, Kakashi insulted himself. Damn. Now he had to deal with an indecent student in close proximity. It was going to be a long wait for Jiraiya. Or at least a long wait until she woke up. He thanked Kami-sama that her eyes opened then. Nani? What happened? Never mind. I remember. She scowled, seeing her state of clothing, Can I borrow your sweater again, sensei? Kakashi swallowed his nervousness down, pulling off his vest and sweater. Her eyes on him did nothing but made him more nervous. Ah, here. She shoved the sweater on, her scowling deepening when she caught sight of Jiraiya. The sannin sighed in disappointment, seeing Naruko covered. Baka Kakashi-bozu. You could have at least given her your vest instead. Its smaller. Naruko frowned and hit his head. Cursing, Jiraiya rubbed his poor head as Kakashi tsked. Now, now, Jiraiya-sama. Dont be too perverted. My student can hit very hard. Im sure Tsunade-sama would love to meet her. Jiraiya paled, Hahaharight. Um, Kyuubis gotta do this. Theres no other way for me to destroy it without more time to research and study it.

Naruko pouted, But it hurts! Kyuubi can only do so much for the pain, but it throbs every time I use chakra. The Kyuubis stopped the seal from feeding on your chakra right? That way, at least you can use your chakra without the seal reacting and trying to take over, Kakashi pointed out. I guessbut I can still feel that jerks creepy fangs biting into my neck. Jiraiya and Kakashi stared at her. He bit you? Kakashi blinked once. Ew. I always knew Orochimaru was weird. Or at least he finally discovered hes attracted to females, albeit very young females. Both males were beaten up and left in a heap as Naruko huffed and walked away. Kakashi was the first to recover, surprisingly since Jiraiya should be used to this kind of thing, and ran after her. Hey, I was going to teach you jutsu, remember?! The month passed by quickly after that. The 3rd exam had finally arrived. After training extensively, Naruko had finally kept the seal under control and built up her jutsu collection. She had also learned how to summon Kyuubis chakra enough to power herself up, but she still couldnt manage to control the 1st tail. Not that she could do anything about it now. There had been a change of plans. She was no longer facing Hyuuga Neji but Sabaku no Gaara. Kakashi had gone off to meet the rest of the jounin sensei in the stands, ready to cheer her on. He hadnt been informed of the changes. She watched as Kiba went against Neji and lost, that Temari girl going up against Shikamaru and almost winning, the weird kabuki paint guy forfeiting against Shino without even fighting, and then it was her time to go. Gaara stared unblinkingly at her from her side. Her mouth suddenly felt dry. Heading down the staircase, she stiffened when Gaara joined her in silence. WHAT?! Kakashi actually yelled when Asuma told him the changes.

No! No, no, no! Naruko was supposed to go up against Neji, he said panicking, watching Neji beat up Kiba. Its alright, Kakashi. Im sure Naruko will do fine against that brat, Kurenai tried to calm him down. No, my eternal rival is right. Something about that kidhe wont hesitate to kill her. Naruko should forfeit now. She was better off fighting against Neji, but this Gaara just wants to kill. He tried to kill Lee in the hospital, and weve seen what he had tried to do to Lee before, Gai said seriously. Ive got to call it off now, Kakashi said. No. You do that, shell think youre questioning her, Kurenai said sternly. What? And let her die? Kakashi snapped. Im not saying that. But you have to let her try first. That way, if it gets too far, you can stop it like Gai did and become her hero, Kurenai pointed out. Oh, I see. Then you can have a better chance of getting together with her! Gai turned sides. I thought you were siding with me, Kakashi muttered, glaring at him. Gai shrugged apologetically. Kakashi grimaced, I shouldve taught her Chidori Asuma silently agreed with him, anxiously moving around from where he was standing. His hand flitted close to his pocket where his cigarettes and lighter were waiting, but he took his hand away and instead started clenching it open and close to try to remove any of the excess energy he was getting from his worry. And if he and Kakashi were worried, it was nothing compared to Narukos fiancs distress in the stands. At least, in the mans opinion. He was completely freaking out, the disguise he was wearing feeling stifling at that moment, when all he wanted was to put on his kage robes and sit in the box with Hiruzen and demand that the match be called off. Or at least jump into the arena right then and protect his fiance from Nagis son. Stupid Kazekage. Stupid Nagi and his son. Stupid man and his kid and his village and this stupid Chuunin Exam Why had he thought being in disguise was such a good idea? Because right now, hed rather be Tsuchikage and sit in the kage box, so that he could be whiny and demanding and do all he could to stop this match.

Right, it was because he was Tsuchikage and he wasnt technically supposed to be there, since none of his genin were participating. He couldnt blow his cover and alert everyone, especially those thrice-damned council of the Hokages, about his presence there and get them all suspicious. And he was definitely not supposed to be seen supporting Naruko, as that would bring up even more questions. And it was too early in the plan for him to make himself known. He could only hope, as hed teasingly implied against Nagi earlier on, that Kyuubi would defeat Shukaku. After all, Kyuubi was the most powerful of them all and practical King of the Demons. But Naruko didnt have the control or usual expected power of a jinchuuriki over their demon. Even Gaara, unstable little shit that he was, was used to throwing around demonic power and letting the demon make him more powerful. He hoped that since Kyuubi and her got along more (which he wasnt all too sure about), as opposed to the usual jinchuuriki/demon relationship, that the kitsune would be more helpful and generous about his power. Uncle? Kurotsuchi reached out and touched his shoulder comfortingly. Not now, Kurotsuchi, he mumbled, clenching his hands. Dont worry, Nakago. Shell be fine. She can do this. Trust in her. I do. I know shes strong, that shes powerful and smart. Doesnt stop my anxiety and make me worry any less. She stayed quiet to that but kept her hand on his shoulder as she turned to watch the match in trepidation. Somewhere else in the stands, two girls were anxiously sitting together and watching the proceedings. The blonde one winced and clutched at her shorts, while the pink-haired one stiffened. Narukos going to fight him? Didnt we hear bad news about this guy? Ino asked worriedly. Yeahyou dont think something bad is going to happen, do you? Sakura tensed. I thought you didnt like Naruko, Ino cocked her head to the side in curiosity. I didnt, Sakura mumbled. Then why are you so worried? Ino challenged. Ever since they were young, Ino had always been the one of the pair that got along best with Naruko. For some reason, Sakura always found she couldnt stand the sight of the whiskered girl. But seeing Naruko fall at the Bell Test had frightened her for some reason. And now, she found herself growing more as a friend with Naruko. And the things shed learnedNarukos home,

her life so far, the way shed never noticed the other girl being treated back in the Academy and that she and the others never made it easier or even cared to noticeall that and more that Sakura had recently learned. I guessIm her friend now Sakura, look! Theyre starting the match! Both girls fastened their eyes to the match, both worried out of their minds. Naruko and Gaara stared at each other, waiting edgily for Genma to start the match. The blonde glanced at the senbon-chewing man, who seemed tense. His eyes flickered over to her, and there was a glimpse of worry. Naruko swallowed nervously. Hajime! Naruko darted forward, creating four other kage bunshin. Her eyes narrowed at the red-head, and she and her other clones formed hand signs. Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu! she yelled. Five different giant fireballs collided into Gaara, but Naruko didnt hear the screams that shouldve followed. The fire cleared and an entire ball of sand was where Gaara was supposed to be. Chikuso, Naruko cursed. Suddenly, sand from the ball rushed forward and Naruko kept leaping backwards to avoid it. Her eyes quickly looked up to see Gaaras manic eyes insane with glee. She snapped her head away and focused on getting away. What the hell am I going to do? Naruko muttered to herself. Growling, Naruko slid to a stop and formed quick hand signs. Fuuton: Daitoppa! The wind slammed into the sand barricade but couldnt get through. Shit! That things super impenetrable! There was no choice, distant attacks werent working. Gathering her courage, Naruko summoned some of the Kyuubis chakra. Feeling the familiar warmth of the Foxs chakra, she formed quick hand signs and darted towards Gaara all at a speed few could follow.

Please let this work She was close enough that she let the sand catch her, eliciting gasps from the crowd. Ignoring them, she finished Kanashibari no Jutsu. Both of them were paralyzed. Naruko hadnt realized she had awoken Gaaras demon earlier than planned, angering both demon and container even more by the paralysis. With a roar that sounded totally unlike Gaara, sand began gathering onto the Suna-nins body. He was beginning to look like a monster. Not a monster. A demon. Shukaku more specifically, that stupid one-tailed raccoon. You had better beat the shit out of them. Im the one lending you power after all, Kyuubi spoke in her mind. Naruko gulped. The sand let go of her and continued gathering up Gaaras body. What she hadnt noticed, so focused on Gaaras transformation, was the genjutsu being placed all around them. Everyone fell asleep, except for a few people. It was time to accelerate the invasion of Konohagakure no Sato.

Chapter Thirteen: From the Depths of Hell Shit, Naruko! Kakashi tried to jump over the border separating him and his student. A purple barrier of chakra stopped him. Look, those kids are creating the barrier. Theyve surrounded the fight. No one can get to Naruko or Hokage-sama, Kurenai narrowed her eyes around her. Everyone had been knocked out because of the genjutsu. Kakashi, wake up the rookies and get them to find a way to reach Naruko. We have company, Kurenai added, waking up Asuma and Gai. Kakashi growled but did so. If they could find a way to get to Naruko, then Kakashi would have no problems having a massive killing spree. These Sound-nin and Sand-nin were going to wish they had never endangered the Copy-nins pupil. Outside the barrier, an ear-splitting screech reached them. Naruko! Kakashi growled. He held himself in check and immediately ordered the genin to do their part. He fought against the enemy ninja desperately, hoping to get to Naruko soon. The Hokage stared sadly over the stadium, his eyes lingering on his blonde brat. Shes grown to be quite the stunning lady, Sarutobi-sensei, Orochimarus voice reached his ears. What do you want with Naruko? he asked sharply. Shell make a fine heir, you know. The Curse Seal will make her turn to me and I will give her everything shes ever wanted. Such a beautiful and powerful body. I will enjoy taking over it. She will be a perfect vessel, Orochimaru said as his tongue flicked out. You will never get the chance. Ill kill you first! Naruko meanwhile was dodging sand attacks as Gaara continued his transformation. She didnt know how long she could keep dodging. She had screamed once, she wouldnt do it again. Not when she had to be brave to defeat Gaara. But could she really? Wasnt Gaara stronger because he didnt have attachments?

Was she weaker because she cared? Oi, gaki. Shut the hell up and ask me for more power. I want to beat the brat into the ground. They should learn their place, Kyuubi snarled. Naruko took a deep breath. Sorry, fox, but I gotta do this. First up, Naruko created thousands of kage bushin and attacked Gaara all at once. After several combos and performing sennin goroshi on Gaara with an explosive result, Gaara had finally finished transforming into the raccoon. But the Suna-nin was put to sleep. Naruko summoned a little more of the Foxs chakra, readying herself to summon the boss toad. Gamabunta-san, please help me defeat Shukaku! Naruko asked as she stared down the demon. The giant toad blew a large cloud of smoke, You got it, Naruko. But were going to have a small drink later on. Gamabunta tried getting a hold of the raccoon, but had to keep jumping away because of the air bullets being shot at them. Deciding something with claws was needed, Naruko henged into Kyuubi with Gamabunta. Once they had a good grip, they un-henged and Naruko used that opportunity to run up Shukaku and try to hit Gaaras sleeping form. Sand stopped her, but she managed to do a head butt and wake up the red-head. Shukaku disappeared along with Gamabunta, but Gaara and Naruko still faced off. With one last hit, Naruko beat Gaara. See? You have already lost! Hiruzen grinned in triumph at his old pupil. The Ace may have been lost, but I havent! Orochimaru performed Edo Tensei, summoning two caskets before the Third Hokage put a stop to the third. Hiruzen breathed heavily, the battle taking its toll on him. Age before beauty, Sarutobi-sensei, Orochimaru laughed creepily. With his monkey summons Enma, Hiruzen prepared to launch a katon dragon Orochimarus way while Enma attacked Orochimaru from another angle. He had to stop those caskets from opening.

Orochimaru had to jump away from the caskets as Enma swung at him and Hiruzen almost sighed in relief. The Snake Sannin was away from the caskets. But then his worry came back as the smoke dissipated and the caskets were opened. Too late, Orochimaru cackled. A little ways away, the Shodai and Nidaime stared blankly at him. As Naruko said chikuso. Hiruzen and the Shodai and Nidaime fought all out, with Hiruzens mind just barely remembering that Orochimaru hadnt taken total control of the two former Hokage. It was time to seal Orochimarus soul. Enma! Im counting on you to distract these two as I fight Orochimaru. Sandaime darted forward moving his hands through a sequence of seals only the Yondaime knew. The Shiki Fujin. Orochimaru laughed again, seeing nothing happening. Have you gone senile, old man? What failure! He didnt expect the Sandaime to stop right before him, stopping at one last seal. Hiruzens hands froze like that and Orochimaru felt unimaginable pain. The Fourth Hokage used this jutsu to seal away the Fox. I will use it to send you to hell! As Enma tired against the other two, the monkey lord saw Hiruzen and Orochimaru struggling to win over the other. Suddenly, the Sandaime scrunched his eyebrows together. The Hokage remembered a small gift in his pocket and looked thoughtful. Could it really work? He decided to seal Orochimarus arms and took out the gift. He stared at it before tossing it nonchalantly towards Orochimarus pained face. It exploded and Orochimaru gagged before screeching. Hiruzen really has been spending too much time with Naruko. Enma sighed, thinking along the same signs and watching as Orochimaru jumped away, still hacking from disgust at the result of the explosion. Hiruzen grinned. He should ask Naruko if he could get her Uzumaki Crank Bomb patented.

He passed out and Enma disappeared with a poof. With his battle ended, so had Gaara and Narukos private but such an intimate and intense conversation. They quietly lay next to each other, exhausted and wiped out, before Temari and Kankuro appeared. But then so had Genma, who had retreated to just inside an entryway for contestants on the other side of the arena when the match had begun, allowing for the two to have room and free reign to go all out without having to worry about him getting in the way. Which meant that, once the invasion had started, he couldnt reach either Naruko or the Hokage because that stupid barrier prevented him from getting close, and instead hed had to deal with the Suna genin teams jounin sensei. But now, with Orochimaru retreating and the purple barrier gone, he was able to head over to Naruko, after having defeated Baki. He and the two Suna-nin faced off, watching each other warily. The girl tentatively moved closer to the two wasted combatants on the floor, who watched either side with tired curiosity, and he narrowed his eyes at her. Seeing no danger and that she meant no harm, he didnt move as he watched as she grabbed her brother and fled with the other one. He turned his attention to his girl, hurrying going over to her and picking her up. She hesitantly curled her hands into his vest and buried her face into his neck, lips accidentally brushing against it. He let himself squeeze her closer and then he started rushing to the hospital and hoped that nothing was wrong with Naruko, but completely proud of her all at the same time. Meanwhile, there were battles all over the place. Kakashi was still speeding his way through gangs of enemy ninja, having caught sight of Genma and that the man had safely taken Naruko. Though discontented that he hadnt been the one to get to her and take care of her, at least she was out of harms way. Asuma happily felt the same, one of his trench knives making quick work of another man. Zabuza was grinning as he rushed around, hacking away with Kubikiri Houchou, Haku exasperatedly trailing behind but also expertly taking out those whod threatened not only his new home but his other favorite person in the world, Naruko. Following behind at a more leisurely pace, the Demon Brothers took out those the two rarely missed, their metal claws digging in and then whipping right back out, all as they were discussing what Naruko might cook for them for dinner, if she wasnt too tired or hurt, and the merits of crashing in her home (and finding out who the hell that blond guy was) while she was recuperating in the hospital. The two put their heads closer together, more focused on their talk. Mm, we should get the groceries, one brother contemplated, flinging his weapon out and taking out an enemy shinobi that had been running at them. Probably nothing fresh and perishable, or else it might get wasted, the other agreed, before throwing his claw out and hitting an Oto-nin head on. Nakago wasnt as blas in his fighting. He was infuriated at the turn of events, especially that his fiances life had been threatened. He was now especially worried about her and wanted to quickly end this invasion so that he could hurry to her and see if she was alright. He was making quick work of the shinobi around him, not even pausing to see their fates as he kept going and

took them all out. His niece was unflinchingly following his lead, also systematically taking them down. This was probably going to out him already, but it couldnt be helped. With his obvious involvement in the battle, there was no way that he could keep hidden and keep himself secret. Besides, how could he not get involve? Naruko was either hurt, in danger, or any undesirable thing. And theyd already attacked and involved her, so their fates had been signed and sealed, and he had no regrets. The invasion went and ended in Konohas favor, but the two main fighters had to be healed and looked over quickly. In the hospital, Hiruzen shared a room with Naruko. After the battle, the Hokage had passed out and the Anbu had finally reached him. All the injured were rushed to hospital, but the two most important people in the battle were secured privacy in a closed-off wing. Only those closest had been allowed to see them. Kakashi stayed close to Naruko, not paying attention to the Anbu and Tokubetsu Jounin around the Sandaime. He diligently sat there by her side, holding her hand. He silently pleaded for her to wake up. UmKakashi-san Irukas voice lingered behind him. Funny. He hadnt even noticed the chuunins presence. Nor the others that stood with Iruka. He gave a brief nod towards their direction before focusing on Naruko again. How is she? Haruko asked. Stable. Its chakra exhaustion, Kakashi answered them curtly, not looking up from staring at Narukos face. I see, Iruka said nervously, though he couldnt help the jealousy that was creeping in. Um, Kakashi-sanwhen will she wake up? a surprising person said. Kakashi gave her a quick glance, having not seen Sakura since the Bell Test. He was surprised to see her. I dont knowthe doctors say a normal person will wake up from this severe of a chakra exhaustion in a month or so, but Narukos known to be fine the next day. Its hard to predict, Kakashis voice cracked a little. But she will wake up, right Kakashi? Kurenai tried to soothe him down.

Why dont you visit Sandaime? Hes in a more critical position, Kakashi said stubbornly. His eyes were still glaring holes into Narukos face, as if mentally willing her to wake up. Why wont you? Kurenai snapped back. Kakashi didnt answer, not wanting to say he didnt want to leave Narukos side. Look, Kakashi. I know you are in love with her, whether or not you admit it I dont care, but give a girl room to breathe, eh? Youll suffocate her if you start doing this while shes awake, which you will start doing now that youve had a reason to. After all, it isnt everyday your student and love is seriously hurt. Have faith in her, will you? Kurenai berated him finally. I just dont want to lose her. Shell be fine. Narukos too stubborn to go down like this. Iruka, Hakuro, and Sakura were stunned at the revelation that Kakashi felt that way. Sakura was the only one who was feeling positive about that, finding herself in a girlish and squealing mood. But Iruka and Hakuro were another matter. Iruka especially. Naruko was like a little sister, and now he was beginning to put the truth together. But before he could confront Kakashi, Kurenai literally ushered them out. Kurenai-san, is that true? Kakashi-san is in love with Naruko? Sakura asked as they walked out of the hospital. Hm? That? Yes. He was in denial for a while, but Asuma, Gai, Zabuza and I beat him into submission, Kurenai grinned. Isnt Naruko a little too young to be in a relationship? And Kakashi is her teacher, should that be alright for their relationship too? Iruka asked a little too heatedly. Relationship? Hohoho! Thats funny, Kakashis in love with Naruko, Naruko is in love with Genma, and Genma is in love with who knows! As far as I know, their relationship is nonexistent. Kakashis too busy screaming about how Naruko is in love with Genma, how it wont work out, shes too young, shes his student, and blah. Hes too busy blushing, trying to be the perfect gentleman, and saying he would never betray her trust like that, Kurenai ranted, seemingly saying things that shes wanted to get off her chest. Iruka grudgingly gave a point to Kakashi in his book, smiling inwardly that at least Kakashi wasnt going to take advantage of his little Naruko. They left and soon it became later, closer to nighttime.

Kakashi awoke from his slumber, having fallen asleep at Narukos side. Whispers had been the cause of his sudden wakefulness. Kaka-sensei? Naruko Naruko?! Is that you? Are you really awake? Kakashi immediately became alert, his head snapping up to meet Narukos. Hi, she said sheepishly, though she still seemed a bit tired. Mouth agape for a second, he closed it and lunged forward, enclosing Naruko in a tight embrace. Youre awakeyoure fine, he mumbled into her shoulder. Naruko blushed bright red, unsure what had happened and why her sensei was acting like that. She awkwardly closed her arms around him and returned the hug. Dont scare me like that ever again, okay? he mumbled again. Naruko blinked in surprise, Um, Ill try, sensei. She wasnt quite sure what he was talking about, but she was willing to guess it had something to do with what had happened during the Chuunin Exam. Promise? Promise. Kakashi just burrowed even more into her arms. Naruko tried to calm her heartbeat from such a simple gesture, but for some reason her heart refused to stop speeding up. Her face was burning red, but she couldnt stop herself from holding her sensei a little tighter and laying her chin atop his head. Im so happy. I dont know why, but youve made me so happy. Have dreams of me, onegai? Just like I think I was dreaming of you. You made me feel safe and warm so Ill try to do the same now, Naruko said as Kakashi drifted off to sleep. For now Ill stay up and think of you. Until tomorrow, Ill just hold you tight, Naruko mumbled, lying back with a goofy grin, Kakashi still in her arms. The Anbu still hidden in the room watched and tilted their heads in curiosity and a bit of amusement.

Nakago grumbled to himself, wishing Hiruzen would wake up already. With the village in disarray after the invasion and he having been found out in being there and on close terms with Hiruzen for some reason, the Sandaimes old teammates had cornered him into helping out. Well, more like hed volunteered to help out with paperwork and whatever else Hiruzen usually did and help with rebuilding after the attack, they then suspiciously agreed quickly and piled a bunch of stuff on him, and then kept the civilian council unaware while he was stuck in Hiruzens office working. He hadnt been able to visit Naruko the whole time, dammit. And it still looked like he wouldnt be able to, he eyed the piles of paperwork before him. Thank Kami this was at least temporarily. Somewhere else, Asuma was also plagued with thoughts. He was worried about his father, whod collapsed after his fight with Orochimaru, and still wouldnt wake up. There was nothing outwardly wrong with him, other than a few cuts and bruises and things like that. Internally, nothing was wrong either again, on a physical level. Something had happened to keep the Sandaime from waking up. He was also worried about Naruko, though he shouldnt be. It wasnt his place to worry; that was Kakashis job, and people close to her. He was glad she was okay, though she too just needed to wake up. But she still looked so small and vulnerable from where he had stood silently gazing at her, having snuck in to visit her before Kakashi could come and claim her bedside all to himself. A twinge in his chest made his heart ache, and he was starting to fear even more finding out what feelings were being drudged up from in him. Hed thought of it a few times, but hed never truly admitted it to himself and certainly not aloud. Nothing good came from having aa crush on the girl.

Chapter Fourteen: A Butterflys Cocoon Goodmornin, sweethearts! Arent we just cozy? Kakashi and Naruko jolted awake, their heads springing upwards to see a cheery Jiraiyas face. It took them a moment to realize what that grin on the pervert sannins face was for, and they immediately sprung apart. Ero-sennin! What are you doing here? Naruko screeched, glaring at him. Kakashi stayed silent. His eyes saw the Anbu guarding the room, and who were trying to hide their amusement. Hohoho! Im just here to visit my favorite student! Jiraiya stood up, and Naruko realized that the Toad Sannin was standing on her bedside table. You idiot, what are you doing on my table? Maaactually I dont know. Hehehe! Jiraiya laughed and sat down properly on the table. I do know, though, that we need to leave Konoha as soon as youre signed out, Jiraiya turned serious. What? Why do you need Naruko for? Kakashi cut in. Shes the only one who can convince a certain person to come back to Konoha. You see, Sensei is in critical condition. We need Tsunade here to heal him. Kakashis eyes widened, I seeIm coming with her. Shes my student and Im responsible for her welfare. Jiraiya rolled his eyes, Whatever. How can I help convince her? And who is this Tsunade? Naruko panicked, not understanding the situation at all. Youll find out, but we need to get going. Kakashi, sign her out and Ill get her things. Meet at the front gate straight after. No ones late, Jiraiyas serious attitude kept up. Naruko gulped and hoped things werent going to blow up in her face. Kakashi-sensei, Im confused, Naruko murmured behind him as they walked away from the hospital. He stopped and turned to her.

Hey, thats okay. You dont have to understand right now. Now come on, we have to get going, Kakashi hesitated before grabbing her hand and holding onto it tightly as they walked forward. Kaka-senseiyoure so sweet, Naruko murmured, not intending for Kakashi to hear. Unfortunately, he did. But he kept silent. About time both of you came, Jiraiya nodded to both of them. Kakashi let go of Narukos hand, and they stood side by side before Jiraiya. Both of them were sad at the loss of contact, but Kakashi didnt want Jiraiya to get the wrong idea. And knowing the ero-sennin, Jiraiya would probably get all excited over nothing. Right before they left, they noticed a white blur coming towards them and saw Nakago dropping silently before them. Narukos eyes lit up and she immediately glomped him. He almost stumbled back, but instead managed to stay still and catch her calmly to their eyes. Ah, good thing I managed to catch you. I wanted to wish you good luck and a safe journey, and apologize for not being able to visit you while you were in the hospital. I wassomehow cornered into being Hiruzens kind of replacement for the time being, Nakago twitched. They blinked at him. Butyoure not even a Konoha-nin, Naruko looked confused. Exactly, the blond man sounded exasperated. Ah, the perks of being a kage, Jiraiya nodded sagely. Hence, why I declined. Naruko snorted, Whod want you as Hokage? Jiraiya started weeping in a corner, while Kakashi snickered and Nakago looked on in amusement. Regardless, Im sorry that I wasnt able to get away from the work for at least a moment to see you. I managed to sneak away now, but Ill probably have to go back to make sure your village stays running smoothly and that the village is on track to being rebuilt. Perhaps I should not have offered my services and help, he winced. Thank you for helping out and keeping my village safe, Naruko said happily, smiling gratefully at him. She hugged him a little tighter before finally releasing him. Kakashi frowned and Jiraiya observed the scene between the three in curiosity. UNCLE! a womans voice screeched all the way from the tower.

Aaand that would be my distraction. Thats my niece, Kurotsuchi. You can meet her when you come back, he quickly kissed her lips and then hightailed it away. See you! Naruko grinned widely, waving bye enthusiastically. Slowly, her smile wilted away and she stood there in silence. Jiraiya withheld a sigh. Lets get going. They started their long walk silently, though Naruko walked closer and closer to Kakashi as time passed. Jiraiya noticed but stayed quiet, not willing to call it out when something serious was going on and Naruko was needed to focus. If Naruko needed Kakashi to calm down, fine. Tsunade is a highly respected and sort of former Konoha-nin. She was known to be the best medical ninja as well as for her brute strength. She has to come back with us and heal the Sandaime, Jiraiya hesitated but continued, And will also become the Godaime. Naruko stopped and stared, Nani? Jiraiya sighed, The Sandaime is getting old and isnt as capable of fighting as he used to be. We dont want to lose him so we need to appoint a new Hokage. Naruko reluctantly nodded. Well be stopping here to stay for now. Well leave first thing the next morning, Jiraiya indicated to the pleasure district they were in. Should we really be here? Kakashi deadpanned. Its cheap and close. Itll do, Jiraiya said firmly. Naruko snorted and crossed her arms, walking annoyed. Kakashi, I need you to look around. Naruko, heres the key. You can go upstairs in the room, as Ill doubt youd find anything to interest you around here. And Id rather you not be wandering around these types of places by yourself, Jiraiya laid it out. Naruko grabbed the key and shot up to the room, Kakashi reluctantly parting and Jiraiya pursuing a woman. Stuck in the room, Naruko decided to practice making kage bunshin. She wasnt too good with regular bunshin, but she felt that shadow clones fit her best. She squealed in delight, seeing that she had made a perfect looking one that was very solid. She really couldnt get enough of that fact. She kept making more, but then dispelled all but her first one. Bored, Naruko began playing patty-cake with it.

Someone knocked on the door, and Naruko sighed. She dispelled the kage bunshin and got up to open the door. When it was opened, she looked up expecting to see Jiraiya or Kakashi. Instead, there were two men she didnt recognize in long, black coats with red clouds on them. One look like Sasuke and the other was blue and fish-like. Uzumaki Naruko, please come with us, the Sasuke look-alike said. She stared, her eyes widening and she felt confusion and a bit of fear enter her. Alright then, well just have to drag her with us, Itachi, the fish-man grinned viciously. Naruko screamed and tried to slam the door. Itachi blocked it swiftly and was about to enter when a dozen shuriken flew right at the two and they dodged. Kakashi, long time no see, Itachi inclined his head. Kakashi glared at the other Sharingan user. What do you want with Naruko? Its none of your business. Kisame, Itachi looked to his partner. Kisame swung Samehada from his back to point towards the two. Samehada will cut you into pieces. Not so fast, Jiraiya appeared and landed in front of the two on top of a large frog. Narukos not going anywhere and neither will you. He performed some weird jutsu Naruko didnt recognize and turned the place into the inside of a toads mouth. The two attackers glared and then turned, running as the walls of the mouth closed in on them. The three of them ran through and saw the damage after the sides expanded back and revealed the burning hole with black flames surrounding it. Black flames? What kind of fire is that? Naruko asked. Jiraiya frowned and took out a scroll, sealing the fire into it. We should get going, Jiraiya declared, wanting to be on the move. Kakashi and Naruko looked at each other, but agreed. They were surprised to see Sakura running towards them once they went outside, the girl in question unhappy that she was sort of relapsing in fangirl mode but also glad that at least it was over something serious. Naruko, Naruko! S-Sasuke, hes in some kind of coma. This man had the same kind of eyes as Sasukes family is supposed to, he was looking for you and Sasuke charged at him. He beat up

Sasuke really badly and then all of a sudden he looked into Sasukes eyes and Sasuke went limp. Please, you have to help him! Naruko became alarmed, I-Im looking for some kuniochi whos supposed to be really good with medical ninjutsu, so dont worry, Sakura. Ill bring her back and shell heal Sasuke. Sakura sniffled and wiped her face, Thank you, Naruko. Oh, Naruko! Sasuke told me to give you this. She handed Naruko a piece of paper and the blonde read it in confusion. Magenkyou Sharingan Thank you, Sakura. The three were off again, silent with the two older shinobi shooting looks at Naruko every once and a while. What did it read, Naruko? Jiraiya asked first. She didnt answer for moment, and they thought she wouldnt at all, until she spoke up, It read Magenkyou Sharingan. Kakashi and Jiraiya froze, sharing a look before hiding their grimace. What does it mean? Naruko asked stoically, not looking at them still. Why was Itachi looking for me? What could he possibly want me for? Jiraiya sighed, Uchiha Itachi and the other, Hoshigaki Kisame, are from an organization called Akatsuki. There are nine of them, all S-rank missing-nin. I found out about them when I began trailing after Orochimaru, when he first left Konoha. I knew Orochimaru would come back one day, so I made sure to follow up any leads about him. The snake joined Akatsuki, but left when he couldnt get Itachis eyes. See, he was originally after the Sharingan. Anyways, through Orochimaru, I learned of the Akatsuki. You have to understand, Naruko, when its a small group it tends to do small stuff like petty theft or of the like. But considering whos in it, all S-class missing-nin listed in the bingo book, it doesnt matter if its just nine of them or a hundred. It means theyre up to something big, and they dont want any weaklings to hinder them. I think Itachi and Kisame are after the kitsune sealed inside you. For what purpose, Im not sure. To control under their power maybe. Naruko snapped her head to Jiraiya, shaking. O-Oh. I see. Kakashi winced, but placed an arm around her. They were interrupted by rustling in the trees and almost drew their weapons when the two revealed themselves, dropping in front of them.

T-the Shodai and Nidaime! Jiraiya exclaimed in surprise. What the hell?! Naruko screeched, darting behind Kakashi. Orochimaru brought us back, but wasnt able to plant his seals on us. It was why we were able to fight off the Endo Tensei tendencies a bit, the Shodai explained stoically. Nani? Does that mean youre on our side or that snakes? Naruko stared wide-eyed at them. At the moment, yours. However, if Orochimaru comes along, we may be forced to obey him, even though we can fight him off a little. Unless, we have someone elses seals, we have no choice but to obey him. He may even get the chance to plant seals on us the next time around, if we dont have someone else do it, the Nidaime said in the same tone as his brothers. What if we were to place the seals on you? Jiraiya spoke up. That would be sufficient enough, the Shodaime agreed. Yes, we would agree to obeying you instead of Orochimaru. Whose blood are we to obey? the Nidaime asked. Narukos, Jiraiya said promptly. What?! Naruko screeched again. Wait a second, Jiraiya-sama. Are you sure thats so wise? Why cant you use your blood for the seals? Kakashi glared at the sannin. Because. I dont want to be tailed by two old men while researching and you wouldnt like them around either. Theres no space for them with us anyways. But Naruko is being targeted by Orochimaru and Akatsuki. She needs to be protected while she gets ready to face them. Kakashi reluctantly agreed, but Naruko whimpered. I dont have space for them in my apartment either! Naruko, you have an entire complex empty, exempting Zabuza and Haku. They can take the other rooms, Jiraiya raised an eyebrow at her. B-but Im a girl! Itll be weird! Kakashi ruffled her hair and faced her, Please, Naruko. For me? I just want you safe and youd treat them better than either Jiraiya-sama or I would. Jiraiya-sama would probably use them as scapegoats as he runs away from the women after hes caught. Naruko giggled while Jiraiya scowled. Okay, sensei. Whatever you say.

Jiraiya got to work on the seals, taking a huge amount of blood from Naruko and using it to paint the seals. He wrapped them around two kunai and had Naruko gently stabbed the points into the Shodai and the Nidaimes necks. All done! Jiraiya blew out a huge gust of air in relief. Now lets get going to find Tsunade! After walking for quite the while, Jiraiya finally started to somewhat instruct Naruko. Now, Naruko, what Im about to teach you is one of the Yondaimes prized techniques, Jiraiya explained to her. Really? What is it? Naruko asked eagerly. Youll learn later once I find something to help you with it, but we have to focus on finding Tsunade at the same time. Itll be hard since she likes to change her appearance a lot, because of all her gambling debts. She might look twenty or even in her teens. I dont know how long thisll take, but the time spent wont be a complete waste. Well spend that time training, okay? Okay! Naruko and Jiraiya walked up ahead as Kakashi walked behind with the two former Hokage. The two of them regained their former pallor, looking real and alive just as they had been in the past. It was kind of creepy actually. Kakashi eyed them warily, twitching at their human likeness compared to before Naruko had planted the seals. It was really creepy. Hey, were going to train here? Naruko brightened up, seeing the busy and colorful town they overlooked on the cliff they were standing on. Hai, theres a festival going on so we should enjoy it. Play is just as important as work. Ill be gathering intelligence as well. So rest up, Naruko, and well start training soon, Jiraiya grinned. Ive never been in a place like this, Naruko said as they walked around the town. The festival will be going on for a while so well stay here while its going on. Well train here too. Yes! Naruko giggled and took out her little frog wallet. Arent you cute? she cooed at it. Ohohoho! Youve got some fortune there, you millionaire! Naruko sighed happily, Ive been saving up from all my missions.

I see, dont you know the three prohibitions of shinobi? Money, alcohol, and women! Or in your case men. These vices can bring the downfall of any shinobi. Therefore, Ill be in charge of your wallet. Heres 300 ryo, Jiraiya grabbed her wallet. Hold on, Jiraiya-sama, Kakashi snatched the wallet. Im her sensei. Im sure I should be the one to watch her wallet. Eh, Im her sensei too, you know. Whatever, see you! Oh, Kakashi! Youre in charge of finding lodgings. And my backpack! Here you go, Naruko. You can spend whatever you want, Kakashi said after, handing her her wallet back and inwardly twitching at Jiraiyas subtle payback. Nah, Ill stick to the 300 ryo. I spent a lot of time collecting that money and Im not that eager to buy anything. Alright, well, Ill meet back with you after Ive found where were going to stay, Kakashi ruffled her hair and then left, missing Naruko taking Jiraiyas backpack from him. Ill help Kakashi-sensei by carrying this. Okay, Sho-chan, Ni-chan! Lets go! Naruko grinned at the two and started leading the way, missing the growing smiles that echoed her enthusiasm. She went around, trying all the games and eating. She even bought a mask that look like it could be an Anbu mask. Of course she tripped when she wore it on her face. She didnt understand why so many guys rushed to help her up. Oh, hey! This is ero-sennins savings passbook, Naruko said, picking it up and opening it. Her eyes widened, Nani? Theres so many zeroes! He couldve bought me something. Naruko pouted for awhile, walking around. Sho-chan, Ni-chan, did you guys wanted anything? Maybe you guys wanted to try something? Naruko asked the two more alive Hokage. Were fine, Naruko. How much do you have left? the Shodai smiled gently at her. Um, not much! Oh, I know! Ill buy something for all of us! Naruko ran to the squid stand, the other two following after her. Can I have five? Four adult-size, please! Ah, Naruko, you dont have to buy us anything, the Nidaime cut in. Its okay! Naruko waved it off with a smile.

Errands, eh? And buying for these two? You can have a kid-sized one for free, the stand owner grinned happily. Wow, thanks! Youre awesome, sir! Hahaha, youve got that right! Hey, you can have the adult-sized ones for half-price. And for being so cute, your free kid-sized one will be an adult-size! Thanks a lot! The two Hokage watched with amusement as Naruko unknowingly bartered the price to something really low. Here you go! They accepted two of the squids graciously, watching her look around for the other two. Oh, thats pretty! Too bad I dont have enough money for that, Naruko stared wistfully at an emerald fighting kimono. She missed the Sandaime buying her clothing She shook off the sad thoughts and continued looking. Outside an unfamiliar establishment, Naruko heard Jiraiyas loud voice laughing boisterously. She barely noticed Kakashi appearing next to her, a black bag in his hand. Hes loud, Kaka-sensei. Aa. The four of them entered the establishment, seeing Jiraiya surrounded by women on either side, sake in hand and handing out money to the women. Those three viceswhat were they again? Naruko deadpanned. Kakashi just sweatdropped. The Shodaime and Nidaime shook their heads, sighing and glad that that man hadnt been the one to place the seals on them. Oi, you guys had your fill of the festival already? Jiraiya asked them, all red-faced. I think you have an instant trifecta, ero-sennin, Naruko said sarcastically. Hahaha! What are you talking about, pretty Naru-chan? Naruko handed a squid over to Kakashi and threw the last one at Jiraiya.

Ow, ow, ow! Naru-chan, Im sorry! H-hey, this is hot! Naruko snickered behind her hand until she was shoved and ended up falling to the ground. Jiraiya sobered, his eyes shooting straight to the guys responsible. Kakashi glared daggers at them, already moving to help Naruko up. The two Hokage moved into slight fighting positions, ready to defend Naruko. What the hell are you guys glaring at? This guys a former Iwagakure chuunin and a super-ninja who was feared as the legendary ninja of the dark! Naruko sniffled and cried, her companions glares intensifying at that. The so-called ninja of the dark looked uncomfortable at her crying, Mizuru, its alright. Youre making the girl cry. Apologize for that and pushing her. Um, okay, boss. Im sorry, miss. I didnt mean it and Im sorry for pushing you. Please dont cry, Mizuru tried to calm her down. You know what, for making our girl cry, Im going to show you exactly what I could do to you. Naruko, youre going to be learning this so watch carefully, Jiraiya proclaimed. He formed a sphere of swirling chakra in his hand and slammed it passed the two guys, blasting the wall apart. Now, boys, what are you going to do now? Jiraiya asked smugly. He growled, seeing the two not paying attention and hovering over Naruko instead. At least she looked like she had paid attention, with that awed look on her face. That was a rasengan, Naruko. Youll be learning that while we look for Tsunade. And you boys, are going to pay for the equipment, Jiraiya glared menacingly at the hovering men who called themselves ninja. Hai, Mizuru and his boss said in unison, finally noticing the wall and very much fearful. Good, Jiraiya said satisfied. By the time all the balloons were being bought, paid for, and then sealed away for travel, Naruko was busy trying to do the first exercise for her Mokuton training. She was taking a long time with it, and to be honest, she was getting very frustrated. She was making no progress with it at all, and she was kind of embarrassed about it. She didnt want to look like she wasnt trying or anything to her Mokuton sensei because she hadnt moved on and contacted him that shed finished alreadybecause she really hadnt been able to do much with the seed. Nakagos tips had helped, but it still wasnt working out, and it wasnt like she could come into contact with her Mokuton sensei for any advice.

Shed been working very hard on it, and whenever there was time or she could sneak it out and start practicing whenever she could, she would. But it didnt seem like anything was working. You are able to use Mokuton? the Shodai spoke suddenly, interrupting her despaired thoughts. She blushed in embarrassment. Not really. I cant get this exercise right, and I was only able to perform Mokuton once and it was just by instinct. The Shodaime held her hands around the seed, interjecting a little of his energy and allowing it to flow through her hands and into the seed. The seeds tiny roots wiggled and grew more. Mokuton is of earth and water. The best way to deal with it is to think of it as life. You cant control it, like with earth. It would make sense that earth is life and that doton should be the same, but there is more of aphysical energy towards doton than life energy that goes into Mokuton. Thats why doton can be controlled and why you cant do the same to this seed for Mokuton. Life cant be controlled, so Mokuton cannot. The life energy is too alive in use for Mokuton, whereas doton is just physical energy and more in the form of chakra so it can be more controlled. The life energy comes from your surroundings more than the physical energy that comes within yourself. To reach an understanding of Mokuton, you have to become more in tune with life and not try to control it, than what you were trying to do to the seed as if this was a doton exercise. And to become in tune with life, you have to then go into the water part of Mokuton. Water is an element that represents tranquility and peace. That means you must try to achieve a state of serenity, which can be done through meditation. So I have to meditate with this seed? Naruko looked at him in awe. Yes. Remember my explanation. You must understand the why or else you will never understand and truly use Mokuton if you cannot understand the principles behind it, he advised. Mokuton is life energy and cant be controlled because life energy is alive, while doton is physical energy that comes within us and makes using it as an extension of ourselves. That means we can control whats a part of us, so we can control it. Ahyes. Thatsexactly it, shortly said, he blinked. His brother started snickering at him in the background. She wrinkled her nose in thought. I have to find peace, eh? Become one with naturesounds hippy-ish. The Nidaimes snickers turned into loud laughter. Well, if it is as it is, she shrugged. I guess Ill have to find that inner peace then. And meditate to do that. Ah man, I dont know if I can be still for so long.

My brother can help you with that part, with his water mastery, the Shodai glared at his brother. The Nidaime stopped laughing, starting to pout. And Ill help you along with your Mokuton, he said, smiling gently at her. She beamed happily. This was great. The Nidaime was going to help her prep for Mokuton, while the Shodaime himself was going to teach her it. Hey, you two! Were going now, Kakashi informed them from where he stood with Jiraiya, working out the balloons and prices. For now, since we are on the move, it is best to leave it for some other time, the Shodai told her. We will not be finding any long rest or peace in traveling, much less our travels. She nodded, but at least she knew she could finally start progressing. Well, this was asurprise. Of all the things, fanclubs was not something anyone would think to be forming in this time for Konohaespecially for Uzumaki Naruko. But apparently, there were several on the verge of beginning. There was the Unofficial/Official (they were still debating about that) Uzumaki Naruko Fanclub (that was currently kicking the Uchiha Sasuke Fanclubs asses), the Naruko Mangaka Association, Narukos Mysteries a club dedicated to the odd mysteries surrounding her (headed by Sasuke of all people, though that wasnt a known fact), Narus IchiRa (a club about Naruko and her obsession with ramen), Narukage (a club dedicated to Naruko and her dream of becoming Hokage), there was a hentai club dedicated to her that no one acknowledges (at least conspicuously), a club for her pranks and her prank items, a club specifically about Naruko as a kunoichi, a club for her nindo, one for the clothes she wears, one dedicated to her as a Big Sister/the Boss (Konohamaru, of course), and even one for her dog keychain! And that wasnt even including the relationship clubs There was the currently most popular and largest, gaining members and interest like lightning, the KakaNaru Fanclub, dedicated to the relationship between the two. There was also the fanclub between her and the mysterious blond person (naturally, the Tsuchikage but somehow no one has caught onto that fact, even if the engagement was well known through the jounin quarters. With the rumor mill as it was in Konoha, it was a huge surprise that little tidbit of information was contained within the jounin faction), a fanclub supporting Naruko in her unrequited love for Genma and for her to never give up, and as things would have it a fanclub for ZabuNa the Official Zabuza/Naruko Fanclub. With only one member. You could figure out who that is.

Somewhere, Zabuza formerly of the Mist was pouting, with Haku exasperatedly patting his back in fake sympathy.

Chapter Fifteen: Life is Like a Boat This is what happens with the water balloon, Naruko, Jiraiya said, showing her the first step. It stayed in his still hand, but it was swirling violently until it popped and water sprayed everywhere. I see, Naruko said, remembering the jutsu the first time Jiraiya used it in front of her. She didnt bother saying anything else to Jiraiya, getting to work on trying to recreate the Rasengan. The four males watched from behind her as she attempted the first stage intently. Rotationmaybe a stream of chakraokay, rotate it fast enough so that it pops Naruko muttered to herself. Hmph, Jiraiya grinned. Her perceptions getting better, Kakashi commented quietly to his companions. No, her perception has always been like that. No ones really forced her into using it. You babied her, Kakashi, Jiraiya said seriously. Kakashi frowned. Did he really? Sure, he always walked her through all the jutsu, but she needed to be watched over so she wouldnt get hurt. Well, thats why Im here. Ill toughen her up and you can still play lovey-dovey, Jiraiya winked and Kakashi glared at him. Perhaps we should be watching her, the Shodai spoke up, startling Jiraiya and Kakashi. The two swung their eyes back to their girl, watching as the balloon began swirling rapidly then popped all over Naruko. Pressureit needs pressure too, Naruko mumbled to herself. She stopped with another water balloon, forcing the others to stop and watch her. It was lumpy when I first saw ero-sennin do itso maybe if I rotate the stream of chakra in different directions fast, that would create enough pressure to pop the balloon correctly, Naruko tried that and it actually worked. Jiraiya and Kakashi gaped at her, while the Shodai and Nidaime looked on in astonishment. Ah, well, lets try the second stage, shall we? Jiraiya handed her a rubber balloon that she pouted at.

The first stage was about rotation, now were going to work on power. Naruko nodded eagerly and this time the next stage wasnt completed until they reached the next town. Focus. See the chakra, make it a blue light or something, Naruko murmured. She pushed more power into it and the rubber balloon exploded, causing her to fly back and the Shodai and Nidaime to catch her. Kakashi sighed in relief while Jiraiya whistled. That was some way to clear the second stage, Naruko, Jiraiya grinned. Naruko gave him a thumbs up from her position in the arms of the two Hokage. The final stage is about compression. You layer chakra around the inside of the balloon and keep the balloon from exploding. The first two stages youve learned so far, you maximize the rotation and power in the third stage. And dont hold back. Everything has to be in full force. Thats why youll be using a regular balloon. Naruko nodded and they continued walking only to falter when Naruko screamed in delight. I got it! Jiraiya and Kakashis eyes popped out of their sockets, and they glanced at each other. That was the hardest stage of the jutsu. Yet, it was the easiest for her to do, Kakashi whispered to Jiraiya. The Toad Sannin shrugged. Naruko, howd you finish that last stage so fast? Well, it was easy after knowing the first two stages. I layered the inside of the balloon like you said. But I created a small ball of rotating chakra. I had the layer grow towards the small ball of chakra until I had a feel for where the layer touched both the chakra and the balloon. When I knew that, I had the layer shrink from the side nearest the chakra so that the ball of chakra would grow towards the shrinking layer. I kept in mind how much of a layer I needed while increasing the rotation, power, and size of the chakra ball to full force. Good, good, Jiraiya muttered in shock. Why dont you keep practicing that until we get some more information? Then I might teach you Hiraishin. Dear Kami, please let Hiraishin give her more trouble They headed into town, with Naruko practicing the Rasengan without the balloons now. Jiraiya led them straight to the place he had a feeling Tsunade would have at least visited when shed been in town.

They were in a dice establishment, Jiraiya having found someone who had seen Tsunade. Of course, she had lost again. This time it was a large amount of money, at that same dice establishment. Jiraiya was cornered into a game as Kakashi, the Shodai, and the Nidaime relaxed and sat down to the side. Naruko was farther away from them, practicing the jutsu and watching Jiraiya curiously. Hey, pretty girl. You wanna play a game? One of the guys asked her. Well, Im sort of training, right now You can play at the same time; it wont take much of your concentration. Just think of it as more training. Focusing on doing two things at the same time, the guy grinned at her. Naruko still looked hesitant, but nodded. I guess. If I can still maintain the jutsu while doing something else, thatll be another type of training. Okay, its even numbers for Han and odd numbers for Cho. You pick which one you want and then we roll the dice. Got it? Got it! I want Han! Han, it is, then he rolled the dice and a pair of two rolled. The guy gaped, Now its personal. The names Tsuzuki. Next round! In the meantime, Jiraiya had lost three games in a row. Sorry, man. Cant give you information unless you win. Keep the money rolling, and maybe your luck will be better. Jiraiya growled, One more time. Han. He rolled and the dice turned Cho, but then there was a shout over to their sides that distracted them. I won again! But they looked over and instead a gust of wind barreled into them, the dice turning Han. Looks like your girl won your game for you, the guy playing Jiraiya grunted, glaring at the dice. Jiraiya huffed in pride, though he was dazed that Naruko was able to turn his luck. Literally, in fact.

Alright, last I know, she was in Tanzaku. She was headed to a pachinko parlor to win back the money she lost here. Tanzaku isnt far, so we should be able to head over there and be able to catch her, Jiraiya mused. Hold on a sec. I wanna play your girl before you leave, the guy frowned. Jiraiya hesitated, One game. Fine. But all of you out. I dont want any more helping or cheating. You wouldnt have won if it werent for her, after all. Jiraiya tutted but left with the reluctant trio to wait for Naruko outside. When she finally came out, she was carrying a black bag and looking lost. Whats that, Naruko? Kakashi asked, curious about the bag. Tenchu said it belong to Tsunade. He gave it to me for a good game. They all nodded in sympathy, thinking she lost and Tenchu had given it to her out of pity. They started out again, heading to Tanzaku. Once there, Jiraiya headed for where Tenchu had told him Tsunade would have gone to, starting to get exasperated at his old teammate. In the pachinko parlor, Jiraiya was interrogating the owner and workers with the three other grownups with him. Naruko had wandered off to a machine near them and looked down on the ground to see a coin. Curiously putting it into the machine, the wheels began turning and then suddenly there was a lot of noise. Panicking, she looked over to Jiraiya and the others and they were staring at her with the owner. I dont know what I did! Im sorry! They left the parlor without information, but Naruko a lot richer. She got all of that in one shot? She has great gambling instincts, Jiraiya thought, staring enviously at Narukos frog wallet that was twice as bulging with money as it did before. And then his mind raced and his eyes turned to the black bag from the dice establishment. Marching over there, he hefted the bag from Naruko and opened it. His eyes bulged, seeing the amount of cash in there. EH?! Naru-chan!!! Why didnt you say you won at dice? Youre super rich!

Huh? Oh, this. Tenchu gave me the bag so that I could carry everything I won in it, Naruko explained in confusion, taking the bag back. Jiraiya grinned and laughed mentally, You know, Naruko, that looks heavy. Do you need any help? He was focused on it, his hands inching towards the money bag when it was snatched before he could reach it. Its alright, Jiraiya-sama. Ill carry it for Naruko, Kakashi eye-smiled. Kakashi led Naruko away, with the two Hokage following, leaving Jiraiya behind with a tick developing near his eye. Unfortunately, they all had to keep going, so he followed after them with a huff. They found news of her when they saw there were people screaming and running away from the old castle remains from the hills, claiming three huge snakes had appeared and that there were earthquakes coming from there. Knowing that Tsunade and Orochimaru had probably already met there, they decided to go find dinner. Unfortunately, Jiraiya led them to a bar. Jiraiya-sama, is it wise to bring Naruko to such a place? Kakashi eyed the establishment with cautious eyes, wrapping an arm around Naruko and pulling her closer. He shifted the bag in his other hand, ready to use it as a weapon. Of course its fine. I have to get information on Tsunade in here. Excuse me, sirs. But theres no one under 18 allowed in here, the owner stopped them from continuing, looking pointedly at Naruko. Before Jiraiya could speak against the man, Naruko sighed loudly. Im hungry, Naruko said, speaking like she hadnt heard she couldnt come in. Do you cook any ramen? The owner was met with sad eyes and pouty lips, Im sorry, young lady. We dont sell ramen here. Naruko sniffled, Im so hungry... The owner sighed, Dont worry, sweetheart. Why dont I go see if I can get the chef to cook you some yakisoba, huh? Come on, go find a seat while I get your food. The owner left and Jiraiya snorted, Girl, you have no idea have easily you wrap people around your fingers.

Huh? Naruko was still sniffling. They all went closer inside the bar, Jiraiya muttering about how he wished he could have Narukos ability to sway people. You! You! You! Naruko joined in, already cheering up. Tsunade and Jiraiya stared at each other from across the bar. The fanclubs were moving at a miraculous rate in forming and organizing themselves. It was just the strangest thing to see, so many people congregating in the name of Naruko, especially when something of that kind of caliber wouldnt have been thought to be done before. And now they were going out in full force. The Unofficial/Official (still debating) Uzumaki Naruko Fanclub was currently in their headquarters, discussing how to proceed. Well still have to contact Naruko when she comes back, and ask for permission to have a fanclub. That way we avoid copyrights and all that jazz too, and itll help us decide on whether we are Unofficial or Official, Ino nodded sagely. Well have to decide on merchandise, services, products, and whatever else our club can offer, and find out whats okay with Naruko, Sakura continued. We cant get ahead of ourselves, Neji interjected, surprisingly the founder of the fanclub. We still have to estimate the cost of production, mailing, and general overhead. We need a membership fee, thatll help cover our costs for that and anything we sell will cover the rest. Once we get more than enough, we can donate proceeds in helping Konoha rebuild. At least we have the necessary office space, publishing, and accounting equipment, Shino pushed up his glasses. Each of us has also hired separate genin squads, and also ourselves, to handle the publishing, accounting, merchandising, public relations, and general administration. Ive got the newsletter and the fanzine started up, Ino chirped up. Newsletter should be once a week and the fanzine should be monthly. Ive a-also set up a b-bank account for the fanclub, Hinata stuttered. I am also trying to hook it up to Narukos as well, so she can benefit since it is about her and her name. We need official colors to identify us and names, Ino cut in.

Any names can wait. Usually, the artist nicknames us in affection with a title fit particularly for us, Neji replied logically. But colors we can do now. Something we can have to show our loyalty to her and identify us to others. Orange and black, Ino spoke suddenly. Orange is obvious, and I have a feeling about black. Is it unanimous? Neji questioned them. A chorus of Agreed went through the group, and Kiba stopped his recording of the meeting. And that was how the first official meeting of the Un/Official Uzumaki Naruko FC went. The umbrella clubs that formed under the Un/Official Naruko FC were also setting things to accordance, each of them also deciding on things. But without the Main Naruko FC choices clear, they, as the fanclubs under them, couldnt do much except also organize their start. But that didnt prevent them from doing some stuff. As of now, Ichiraku Ramen, the founders of Narukos IchiRa, were selling ramen-associated products with Naruko somehow plastered on them in some way. Proceeds were split between the stand, the rebuilding Konoha effort for now until the village was fine, and towards Narukos ramen tab. Funders of Narukos appetite fully supported and encouraged this. The Mangaka Association had their cozy little headquartersin one of the top floors of the Torture and Interrogation building, with Anko and Ibiki heading it. Things over there were mainly like this: Faster! Replicate and print faster! Anko cackled, cracking a whip over the workers heads. Dont forget the forms to join and a signature to add their names to the petition to get Naruko to make manga and the separate one to make the Bleach mini-panel into a full-fledged doujinshi, Ibiki calmly added, drinking his tea just as calmly. The rest of the workers moved into overtime with Anko continuing to cackle and order them around. There was Sasukes club that hed managed to get up and running before being taken out by his brother. Its headquarterswas in a creepy, dark and broken down empty room in one of the many abandoned buildings in the Uchiha district, with cracks and cobwebs all over. There was a single table in the middle of the room and one light bulb dangling over it. There were currently only two members in it, he and Sakura, who had only reluctantly joined because she knew he was on to something and she agreed about all the mysteries (and that there were actually some) about Naruko, though she didnt like having to work with him. The Narukage club was set in the Hokage Residence, with quite a bunch of the members workers there. They were the ones who saw Naruko practically work the Hokages job on the paperwork side, and knew that she already knew how to run the job at least. They also know firsthand that Naruko had a good chance of being Hokage simply because of the paperwork she was familiar

with and had combated successfully. They believed in her dream and that she could achieve it, and with her experience with Paperwork, it was a cinch. The Joker Fanclub, the club for Narukos pranks and prank items, was surprisingly held in the Anbu quarters, with all of the members mostly Anbu. But really, it wasnt all that surprising if you asked them. For one, with all the time they spent chasing after her after one of her pranks, theyd had to admit was good practice in stealth, hunting, sensory, and several other things. Plus, they had to admit it was admirable how she was able to pull the pranks off without detection, and evade them for so long afterwards. And they were funny too. Also, the prank items were deadly useful, even in combat situations. Even the Sandaime in the Invasion Then the hentai club. Ironically called Icha Icha Naruko!, they were the most secretive and quiet group. It didnt help that no one wanted to openly associate or acknowledge the club, or even state that they were a member of it. Disapproval, embarrassment, disdain for the pervertedness, whatever it was kept people from speaking, much less discussing the club, or speaking positively about it or revealing theyd joined it. Barring the occasional negative remark on it, the club was taboo and was not to be spoken or at least positively. Even if you were a member. Because everyone was most assuredly a member, what with it being the second largest group after the Un/Official FC. And their headquarters? You would think it was in some seedy and questionable place like Sasukes club, but it was actually set in a fancy smancy building, that looked rich and extravagant and probably like the Ritz. Damn. The other clubs were also on their way, but there was one other notable one. ZabuNa! ZabuNa! Zabuza yelled, making it sound like a war cry. It was to an almost empty room. Ah, come on! Zabuza pouted, and Haku almost snickered but kept the sympathetic look on his face. Why did you even formed the club, Zabuza-sama? Haku kept in his sigh. Arent fanclubs like this supposed to be made by fans of the pairing, and not one of the participants? The man scoffed. No one had. Can you believe that? What are they saying? That I dont have a chance or something? Are they saying they cant see me with her?! Haku merely blinked. Its not like you have a crush on her or something. Zabuza was suddenly grinning goofily, blushing, and pushing his fingers together like he was freaking Hinata. Haku burst into laughter. Zabuza glared at him and his apprentice slowly stopped his mirth from showing, but only barely.

Really, Zabuza? Dont make fun of me, Zabuza huffed. Besides, it was that and mostly because everyone else was starting a fanclub and I wanted to too. I couldnt believe no one had started one for me and her already and when it looked like no one would, for some damn reason really, how can they not see the two of us? and so I started it myself. With no members, Haku hmmed bored. Why dont you join? Haku started to twirl a senbon in his boredom, planting his chin on his hand. Im already in a club. What! Which one? Along with the Official er, Unofficial? Fanclub that you must be a member of to be a member of any of the umbrella clubs, Ive joined this club, Haku showed off his fanclub id. Zabuza squinted his eyes at it, reading the pairing fanclub section. HAKU! TRAITOR! HOW COULD YOU JOIN KAKASHIS CLUB?

Chapter Sixteen: The Disease of Apathy So, whos the brat? Tsunade asked gruffly as they sat down with her. This is Uzumaki Naruko. You remember Kakashi-bozu. Naruko is Kakashis student and my informal apprentice, Jiraiya introduced them, surprising Kakashi and Naruko by saying she was his informal apprentice. Kakashi reluctantly thought it made sense. Jiraiya was teaching her too, after all. Tsunade looked at Naruko, sizing her up and conveniently ignoring the two supposed to be dead Hokage that were her grandfather and granduncle. The woman smirked. Watch it, girl. Ero-baka , here, is a pervert. And from what I hear, Kakashis become one too. I protest! Im a SUPER pervert! Jiraiya announced loudly, drawing a few stares and glares. At the same time, Kakashi glared and said, Im not a pervert. He glanced nervously at Naruko once and then averted his eyes to the table. Naruko blinked and then pouted, Im still hungry. Everyone at the table face faulted, but the owner came with a huge plate of yakisoba right on time. Here you go, sweetheart. Yakisoba and I have some sukiyaki coming right up. We had an order come up for it, but the guy left before we could deliver it to him. You can have it on the house. Heres a mikan chuhai too. Its alcoholic, but we dont sell anything else here. At least, its 5-8 %. You can handle that little, and the food would dilute it as well. Its just something for you to wash down the food with, and to sip at. Naruko gave him a big grin and accepted the plate, chowing down heartily. The others gaped at her, while the owner chuckled. Ill be right back with the sukiyaki. Naruko happily started on it, sipping on the mikan chuhai. Eh, Tsu-obaachan, so youre going to be the next Hokage? Naruko cheerfully asked as she ate, not seeing the incredulous look on Tsunades face or the shushing motion from Jiraiya. Tsunade didnt know if she wanted to address the familiar way this girl called her or the fact that she was implying that Tsunade was supposed to become Hokage. Seeing Jiraiya, she knew Naruko was saying correctly. Itll be so cool! Youll be the first female Hokage! I wanted to be that, but I guess its okay that you get that title. As long as I become Hokage, at least. Oh, and you can come heal Hiru-jiji and

Sasuke-chan! Naruko rambled happily, finishing the yakisoba in record time and starting on the sukiyaki the owner just brought over. Tsunade stared, unsure how to answer, especially since she was fascinated with the girls appetite. Owner-san, can you take Naruko and show her around the tavern? Jiraiya asked when the owner came around again to dote on Narukos needs. Startled, the man complied, leading a confused kunoichi away with the Shodai and Nidaime following them. You mustve heard by now that Sarutobi-sensei is in bad condition. No doubt the Hebi-teme told you. Am I right? Jiraiya glared. Tsunade huffed and glared back, Yes. Ive been informed. Will you come back then? She frowned, Ill only come back to heal Sensei and I guess the other gaki she mentioned. But theres no way in hell am I becoming Hokage. Hokage is shit. Only fools want to become Hokage. Kakashi seethed quietly as Jiraiya scowled back at her, even her own apprentice looking at her in disappointment. To add insult, she added one more thing. And Ill only goif that girl can suddenly clear out all of my debts, Tsunade smirked. She didnt receive the response she was looking for. Kakashi looked indignant and Shizune looked at her in horror, but Jiraiya suddenly smirked. How much are you willing to bet on that? he leaned back calmly. Nervously, she answered with a shaky, Id bet the position of Hokage. She does it and Ill go back as Godaime. Jiraiyas smirk turned into a full-blown grin, Alright. Fine. Ill bet that she can do it. Tsunade almost gaped and scrambled around her head for a comeback, But she has to do it in a week! It didnt faze him. Fine. She growled.

Suddenly, there was cheering from the other side of the room, where a group was playing poker and betting as well. She looked and saw Naruko obliviously playing, with a ton of chips in front of her. The owner was gaping and clapping automatically from behind her. Dread pooled in bottom of her gut. To her horror and glee, she saw that Naruko was quite lucky and made a great gambler. In two days, half of her debt was already ready to be paid off. Of course, the girl had to henge herself to look older just so she can enter the buildings, but it was a minor detail. Shed also learned that the girl had learned the rasengan in a space of just minutes. And already Jiraiya was teaching her Hiraishin, as soon as theyd settled into the hotel they were staying at. Which, conveniently, was the same one she was staying in. Shed also, unfortunately, bet that the girl couldnt learn that technique by the end of the week, with the price being that shed teach Naruko the technique behind her super-strength. She had the horrible feeling she was going to lose that bet, at least. Naruko also followed Tsunade around, contentedly asking her questions and trying to be helpful, whenever she had the time to and wasnt trying to win their bets. Tsunade couldnt help but reluctantly be endeared towards the girl. She was quite the charmer and very cute. Shizune loved gushing over her. She didnt even mind the shortened version of her name, despite being called a granny. Apparently, Naruko usually shortened everyones names and added chan to it, especially if they were a guy. Her overall demeanor reminded her a lot of her brother Nawaki, but there was something about the kindness and caring in her eyes that reminded her of Dan. And yet, there was just something that was just Naruko that made her smile. And also Shizune had always been somewhat of a little sister to her, but Narukowas somehow like a daughter. It scared Tsunade. It wasnt long before she became even more terrified when Naruko actually did the Hiraishin the day before the deadline. Shed already been able to pay off her debts the day before. They were supposed to leave for Konoha the day of the deadline, seeing as how both bets had been won, but Tsunade wasnt ready to leave yet. In fact, she wanted to run as far away as she could before they could catch her. Tsunade, are you still thinking about Orochimarus offer? Jiraiya asked her, annoyed. She frowned and looked away, stirring the sake in her cup.

Its a bad idea, he sniffed. Why not? she snapped. My grandfather and granduncle are walking around just fine behind the girl! That girl has a name, Jiraiya said in a quiet dangerous tone. And the only reason why theyre sort of okay is because Oro-teme didnt get to put his seals in them. They escaped and I was able to draw up seals, using Narukos blood and her putting the seals on the Hokage. And I have a huge feeling that most of the reason why theyre normal is mainly because of Naruko somehow. Tsunade sighed in defeat, Whatever. But she slipped a drug into his drink. She didnt know why, but she did. Perhaps she was still teetering on her decision, thinking maybe shed use Jiraiya as one of the sacrifices. And Kakashi. Never Naruko, though. She couldnt do that. It would probably be a mercy though, what with the village she lived in. In the end, she didnt struck gold either way. It was what shed come to find when she met Orochimaru and his little sidekick the next day. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She shouldve known Orochimaru would have some way to find out she was trying to kill him, not heal him. That stupid Kabuto seemed to be almost as good as she was as a medic-nin. She hadnt anticipated Kabuto using her weakness of blood against her. Jiraiya arrived in time to save her from getting killed. And now they were all here gathered together. For some reason, Naruko was looking confused at Four-Eyes. The bastard had the nerve to look at Naruko sorrowfully. K-Kabuto? W-what are you doing with the hebi-teme? Narukos voice quivered. Kabuto smiled sadly at her. Gomen, Naruko-chan . Ivealways been with Orochimaru-sama. Naruko choked out a sob, looking heartbroken. Kukuku! Kabuto-kun, dont tell me you like our little Naru-chan? Orochimarus eyes lit up with sick glee. Kakashi stiffened and looked between the two, curious and yet slightly jealous, though he hid it. Shizune frowned, worried about the surrogate little sister shed picked up. And Tsunade was pissed as hell, glaring at the cackling Orochimaru and the bastard who made Naruko cry.

Jiraiya sneered, And arent you the pedophile yourself, Hebi? You are the one who bit Naruko on the neck to give her the Curse Seal. Shizune gasped and Tsunade growled. That had been news to her. Kabuto glared balefully to his side at his master, already knowing of that fact since hed seen Naruko take out those Sound ninjas in the forest. Hed pursed his lips and faced the group once again. Naruko started breathing heavily, low growls emitting from the back of her throat. Drops of tears fell to the ground as red chakra manifested itself around her. Everyone grew alarmed, even Orochimaru who still remembered the fight in the Forest of Death. Shodai, prepare yourself. Nidaime, blast a wall of water separating Kabuto and Orochimaru, Jiraiya commanded. They didnt hesitate. Normally, they wouldnt obey someone who wasnt their master, but their own growing humanity overcame that for a second, just so they could save Naruko. Once Kabuto and Orochimaru had been separated, Kakashi and Shizune battled against Kabuto while Jiraiya and Tsunade went up against Orochimaru. The Shodai focused on Naruko at the same time as his brother created a huge water prison around her. Steam hissed all around the water barrier. Feeling the demonic chakra recede, the brothers were surprised when a three-pronged kunai shot out and hit near one group. Naruko shot out of the water prison in a blaze of red light, appearing right near to Kabuto, red chakra returned full blast. Shed Hiraishined right next to him. She immediately started attacking the startled Oto-nin. Our little kitsune seems to be hurt by Kabutos deceit, Orochimaru laughed. Kakashi and Shizune leaped out of Narukos way as she raised a hand, and a red claw made out of chakra imitated her. She threw it down and caused a mini-earthquake towards Kabuto. A red tail of chakra was already swaying behind her. The first tail, Jiraiya said in awe, as the Sannin battle came to a standoff as they stared at the rampaging Naruko. Kabuto was doing all he could to avoid her, else hed receive some serious damage. Kukuku. I think its time for our exit and leave all of you to deal with this, Orochimaru said mockingly, though there was an undertone of fear. Kabuto did as he was bid, appearing next to Orochimaru and disappearing with him. The others were left to stare in horror at the girl who snarled viciously at all of them, and couldnt seem to recognize them. The oil that Gamabunta had spilled behind her, lit up as the red chakra surrounding her came into contact with it. The line of fire behind her cast her figure mostly in shadows, burning brightly in a blaze of glory. It looked like the flames of Hell were burning

behind her, as she herself looked like the Devils incarnation on Earth, stalking towards them in a predatorily fashion. She roared and ran towards them suddenly, and then she was in front of Kakashi. He could only stay frozen, eyes wide as she swiped at him. Her claws cut deep, wounding from the middle of the right of his neck down to the top of his right shoulder. The Shodai darted right next to them, shoving him away and straining to push down the demonic chakra. It was a struggle, but when the Nidaime started to help by dousing her with water, immediately helping to cool her off and regain some sense, the Shodai was able to completely suppress the chakra until Naruko was completely normal. Shed blacked out before she could react to the damage shed caused to her precious people. A blond man entered his home tiredly. Hed lived there for only some months now, after having woken up in a strange place, naked and unable to remember anything. All he remembered was a single name, one he assumed was his Minato. And Minato was sure that he was forgetting some very important things, though one in particular was leaving him wanting. Kitsune-hime, he muttered, running a hand down his weary face. He blinked, taking his hand away as he stared out in front of him. That just came up, and it seemed like this kitsune-hime was connected to the one thing he was specifically longing for. He clenched his jaw and started to prepare his dinner. He had a long day tomorrow.

Chapter Seventeen: My Muse is Gone When Naruko awoke, it was to a deathly quiet room. She blankly looked to the side and saw her stuff, before her mind suddenly burst into order. She scrambled up and grabbed her stuff, hoping to flee in a hurry, when she caught sight of the black bag Kakashi had been carrying around prior to the battle. She hesitated before taking a peek, her curiosity winning over as she unzipped it. She held in her gasp, seeing the emerald fighting kimono that shed seen before, knowing that hed bought it for her. She felt even worse about what had happened now, and was completely determined in her decision. Seeing the window, she quickly opened it before jumping out and landing nimbly on her feet. Then she was running full-speed away, hoping they wouldnt notice her absence for awhile, making sure to leave behind a kage bunshin to erase her tracks. She didnt stop for a long time, and she didnt slow down either. Shed passed two towns over before she finally let herself relax, though it was a small rural village instead. She hesitantly asked around for the nearest place to stay at, and she was pointed towards the only place at the edge of the village, situated right next to the river. She entered the ryokan cautiously, surprised at how crowded the traditional Japanese inn was. It turned out the main lounge doubled as a tavern, so many of the locals often came there. Finding it hard to find a place to sit, she kept looking around until she saw one last available seat at a table with only one occupant. It was in a lone corner, shadowed, and very off to the side that it would be easy to ignore or even just miss it entirely. The one occupant was hunched over the table, nursing some drink, with his wine-red hair tousled and his face having grown a stubble from what she could see. She hesitated, but decided there was no risk in asking, except maybe a bruised ego or some temporary hurt feelings over some words (from what the look of the brooding, unhappy man was forewarning). Stopping in front of him, she could tell hed noticed her coming from the minute tensing of his body with each step she took closer to him. Closer up, she could see that there was a black blindfold over his eyes. That made her inwardly hesitate even more, though she had the feeling that he could tell that already. H-hello, can I sit here? she mumbled. No, he answered shortly, not even turning to her. Even without the telling blindfold, she could tell he would have done the same, with the reply and the refusal to face her. Sorry, she said more clearly this time, turning and starting to leave. A Wait surprised her, and she turned back to see him finally turning to where the sound of her voice was. He lazily sat back against the wall, sitting sideways on his chair, with one arm carelessly on the table and the other resting just as lazily as the rest of him on the top of the chair. One of his legs had bent and its foot sitting on the wooden bar under his chair, while the other

was on the bar of the other chair next to him that shed wanted to sit in. He idly shifted the chair from the tableand away, with the seat almost facing her in invitation. Turning happy at once, she barely stopped herself from bouncing over. She restrained herself and sat down, beaming at him even though by then she was sure he couldnt see her. Then again, he seemed to instinctively know things and was able to move around without fumbling, so maybe he could see You know, you probably wont be served if you sit here, he told her. This is the spot you sit in if you want to be left alone. Ah, the place is crowded and there isnt anywhere else to sit, she awkwardly told him. I dont mind anyway. I dont really want anything right now. He froze before chuckling dourly. My senses are so fine-tuned I can get around fine, and know things without my eyes. But there are just some things Ill miss There was a bitter sort of tone to his voice that was barely shown, but she was sure she heard it. She wanted to pat his arm, but thought it wouldve been patronizing then or at least unappreciated especially since he didnt know her too well. Im Naruko, she just said shyly instead. His lips merely twitched upwards, but she started beaming again. Nagimy names Nagi. They sat in comfortable silence, with her surprised at it. He continued to nurse his drink, she finally realizing it was sake. Are you looking to stay here? he suddenly asked. Ohyes! I actually am. He finished off his drink. Theres no more rooms available, you know. She deflated and started reevaluating her situation again. But before she could get far in her dismal planning, he cut into her thoughts. I have a room here. The pocket money I had along with me that was paying for the room is gone, so Ill have to go soon. You could either wait for me to be kicked out and then take the room for yourself, or give me some money to rent some more days on the room. Ill sneak you in, and instead of having to deal with the staff and papers, itll still be on my name and my problem.

She was in a rather desperate situation, and she didnt know if she could choose to do anything else. Plus, she would feel kind of like a jerk if she did end up taking his room after letting him be kicked out, especially since he was blind. Okay, she said quickly, before she could change her mind. Naruko rummaged through her backpack, getting out her frog wallet. Gama-chan, Im going to lend you to this man, okay? she murmured to it. She handed it over and Nagi looked at once both incredulous and amused that she was talking to her wallet. But then he frowned and shook his head. Its never a good idea to hand over your wallet to just anyone, mikan-hime, he tossed Gamachan into the air and then caught it. What if I just ran now and kept it for myself? Or what if I stole some money from you while I went to pay for the room? You should have just grabbed some and handed it to me, and kept your kawaii wallet to yourself. Mikan-hime? He sweatdropped, amused that was what shed focused on. You smell like oranges. Nani? Hmphbut why mandarin orange? He smirked. Because theyre my favorite. Now here. He somehow separated some of the money and counted it out, despite being blind, and then tossed her wallet back at her. Keep Gama-chan safe, mikan-hime, he teasingly said. And then he was gone and she was left alone at the table. While she waited, she glanced around idly before catching sight of the sake bottle and the saucer cup he had drunk out of. Curious and remembering the mikan chuhai drink she had at the bar, she saw that he actually hadnt quite finished the sake bottle. Glancing around fervently this time, she tentatively grabbed the bottle and poured the last bit into the saucer. Taking it, she put it to her lips and started drinking the lukewarm alcohol. In-di-rect kisses~ Nagis voice sing-songed into her ear. She jumped in her seat and nearly spat the sake out of her mouth, sputtering as she turned red and faced the blind man.

Naughty, naughty, he wagged a finger at her. You arent the least bit of age to be drinking, are you? Perhaps you should transfer whats left of the sake into my of age mouth through a little kiss~! She swallowed the drink defiantly, glaring at him. Meh, alright, alright. Come on. Ill sneak you into the room now, so make sure you have all your stuff on you. Lunch isnt served here unless youre buying from the tavern, so I have some cup ramen to heat up back in the room. She glomped his arm at the words cup ramen happily. Ramen! He chuckled as he led her away, with her forcing herself to keep forgetting Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Shodai and Nidaime, and Shizune. It wasnt like she could see them ever again. A part of her thoughwished they would come after her and drag her back, even if it was unlikely In the room, she looked around in awe at the tatami flooring and the fusuma in different places, the paper sliding doors nearly transparent in opaqueness. Suddenly, she was grabbed and slammed against the hinged door that shed entered the room through, Nagi stoically leaning in threateningly. Silly girl, did you think I wasnt dangerous just because I was blind? Did you think that it would be okay to go along with me because I couldnt see? That I cant take advantage of you while being so handicapped? Hime, Im disappointed. I. Am. Just. As dangerous. Without my sight, his hand flitted near her neck and brushed against it, and her breath hitched and her eyes became teary, even though she didnt want to cry at all. Then he tapped her lips with a single finger and took the hand from her throat and used it to wipe away the tears that she refused to let fall from her eyes. Lucky for you, I am entirely sincere. But you need to be a little less nave and a little less overly trusting. Youre too susceptible and an easy target; you need to stop being unquestioning and unsuspecting or else youre liable to be fooled all the time. She winced, Kabuto flashing to mind at his words. She didnt want that to happen again, especially since she had liked Kabuto so much He saw the wince but didnt comment, instead moving away from her and heading for the kitchen area quietly. Most ryokan dont have private kitchen areas in the rooms but this one does, for guests who are staying long-term and may want to cook at times. This inn isnt high-end or expensive, but it is still nice and well-to-do, even including private ofuro in the rooms instead of communal ones. If

you want a bath, tell me. Sometimes the water can get a little cold because they have a faulty line they havent fixed yet, and I can heat it up for you. A-arigato, she murmured. He froze again for some reason, but then he went back to heating up water and taking out the cup ramen for them to eat. Here, he handed it to her and they waited for it to heat up for three minutes. Can I take a bath after this? she asked shyly and he nodded absentmindedly. I have an extra yukata from the inn, but its fitted for a male. Theres an extra pair of geta as well. She shrugged. Its fine. Im not picky about it. Thank you though. The ramen was finally thoroughly cooked and they ate in silence. Afterwards, hed heated up the water with a very low-powered katon jutsu that she was surprised at seeing. She didnt know why. Everything seemed to point at the man being a shinobi, if not a former one. Now that she was listening to her instincts, she could tell they were all screaming at her that that was exactly the case. She went into the ofuro after accepting the yukata and hanging it on the hook on the door outside of the bathroom with his help, deciding to take her time. After brooding in there for awhile, she finally got out and saw a neatly folded towel ready for her to use. She patted herself down and rubbed down her hair, before wrapping the towel around her chest and tentatively opening the door. Seeing no sign of Nagi, she started to grope at the top for the hanger that the yukata was hanging on, but the hook was inconveniently placed high on the door. Frustrated, she moved out of the bathroom and into the hall, reaching for the hook on tippy toes in annoyance, also realizing her stupid towel was loosening up. She didnt want to acknowledge her lack of height either. Warmth seeped into her back and she became uncomfortably aware that Nagi was suddenly standing close behind her. Just as her towel unraveled completely, she was pressed against the door and the only thing keeping it up was the solidness of the door she was against and the pressure of Nagis body against her back. Hed reached up for her to grab the hanger, but he didnt move away or take it down, instead staying incredibly still as he pressed a little closer to her. His head bent close to her head and she could feel his breath hot against her neck. The whole situation was a little bit surreal and she wasnt quite sure what to make of it, though inwardly she could hear a faded voice insistently telling her that this was something only her fianc should be attempting whatever it was. Another part was a little louder, telling her to just accept the situation and quietly wait to see what would happen next.

Both voices quietly agreed that Nakago wasnt there and she was probably never going to see him again because of what shed done. But then hed moved away, handing her the end of the hanger with yukata still attached, and then walked away without another word or another blind glance back. She felt strangely disappointed. When she entered the main room again, the table was set aside and a futon already spread out on the tatami floor in its place. She had just finished looking around the room again, when Nagi entered through some fusuma at the side, carrying two pillows. Usually the staff does this, but I requested complete privacy when I first got the room, he told her quietly. Theyll only replace things when I ask them to, so you should be fine hiding out here. Itll be cheaper pretending its a room for one person, than having to pay the room for two. He tossed the pillows to the ground and jerked his chin towards the bedding. The futons for one person, so well have to share. If you dont mind. Im not really partial to the idea of camping out on the ground elsewhere in the room, or the couches, but if you insist No, Im okay, she muttered, already moving towards the futon. She averted her eyes from him, and nervously tugged at her yukata. It was a little bit loose on her because she wasnt broadshouldered, as it was meant for a male, and it showed in the sleeves continuously wanting to fall off her slim shoulders. Shed managed to tie the obi around her waist tightly at least. I hope you dont mind sleeping early and missing the dinner kaiseki. Free food is free food, but I thought it was best to get an early night in tonight, he told her the reasoning for the early laying out of the futon. Oh, I see. Thats fine, she awkwardly answered, still avoiding looking at him, and truthfully she wasnt really that hungry right then. She lay down and could feel him do the same behind her. She could feel the warmth of his body again and she forced herself to refrain from shivering. She quietly gulped and closed her eyes, keeping to her side and facing the wall. So when she felt the hand suddenly coming to rest on her hip, shed already been ready to tense the moment hed touched her with her body stiffening up within a second. Her breathing accelerated, but she said nothing and did nothing else, and just waited for his next move. You are still incredibly nave, Naruko. What if all this had been leading right to this moment, where I waited patiently and led you so that it would all come to this myself and you in this locked room, together on a lone futon, where I could finally have my wicked way with you? What if all along this had been my motive, to trap you here so I can extort some sexual favor out

of you? Regardless of that, what would it look to someone who may walk in at this very moment? How inappropriate it would look to someone else, seeing a grown man and a young girl sharing a bed together. Even if it werent for others eyes and opinions, it is improper for us here and now, and the situation highly irregular and indecent. You are so incredibly hasty with your agreements, my mikan-hime. Agreeing so easily to sharing a room, sharing a single bed, with an unknown man a stranger who youve just met and could have unscrupulous morals and ambiguous motives. Especially a fully-grown male, quite older than you, and quite capable of overpowering you with ease. Whats to stop me from taking advantage of you right now? She surprised him when shed abruptly turned around and pressed herself against him, pressing her nimble hands flat against his chest. He had the urge to lean back away from her, turning uncomfortable when he started to hear her near silent crying. I know. I know I can be incredibly nave and gullible and stupid, he started to protest at that, but she cut him off, but I dont want to be like everyone and be so jaded. I want to keep believing in people! I want to think the best of others and think that people would choose the right thing when it matters! Youd make a horrible shinobi, he sighed, gathering her up into his arms and muffling her sniffling into his clothed chest. I know, she mumbled into him. Oh, alright. At least you have a cynic like me around to make sure to keep you out of trouble, he inwardly huffed. Now go to sleep, Naruko. Breakfast kaiseki is bright and early and youll have to hide when they come deliver it. She didnt answer, too tired to reply with anything other than a small nod. The next morning, he did indeed wake her up early, carrying her and hiding her in the bathroom, where she leaned against the door and waited for the okay to come back out. She heard voices on the other side and some rustling and thumps, but then she heard a knock on the door and she opened it up blearily. Nagi was on the either side, gesturing behind him back at the main room. Foods here. Not a lot, but we can split it and eat ramen to fill us up, he told her. Sokay, Nagi. You can eat it and Ill just have ramen. I like ramen, she cheerily said, though sleepily. You need more nutrients in you, Naruko, he said in amusement. She fidgeted a bit. Whatwhat happened to calling me mikan-hime?

Aw, is my little Naruko missing her nickname? Ill call you that all night long she cut off his salacious comment with a well-placed punch to the shoulder, eye twitching and now fully awake. Anyways, I like nicknames and I especially like yours, mikan-hime. But I think overusing them tends to ruin the special effect they should have, and I think they should be reserved for special occasions or just generally certain times. Like teasing you~! She aimed another punch that he dodged easily, smirking when she pouted at missing. But then hed grabbed the collar of her over-sized yukata and had tugged her to him, holding her close with a smirk. And I like your name, Naruko. Besides, using a nickname so much would replace a persons name and that would be like losing ones identity, ne? Its your name and its makes you you. She darted out of his arms and went to the main room uncomfortably. Hai, hai. Lets just eat, baka. He did end up convincing her to share his breakfast, and then they supplemented the meal with cup ramen, the other ramen cups theyd forgotten to throw away the day before also thrown away with the ones theyd just polished off. Im going to take a bath, alright? Dont wander out of the room without me, he directed and then he was in the bathroom and she was waiting around in boredom. After awhile, she was really starting to get worried. She hesitated before making up her mind and going into the bathroom. She was relieved to see a towel wrapped around Nagis waist as he sat in front of the mirror, a razor twirling around in his hand, though she still blushed intensely at the sight of his naked chest still glistening with water. Nagi? Are you okay? she tentatively asked. Ive let myself go quite a bit, he noted distractedly. I dont think Ive ever let myself grow anything resembling a beard, or the scruffy five oclock shadow plaguing me right now. He gently placed the razor onto the side of the sink that was under the mirror. I always end up trying to shave my face, but my lifes gone to shit and I really dont care anymore and Im too depressed to really take care of myself anyway. I suppose it reflects my current dispositionBesides that, even though I can trust myself to get around and do most things like a normal person, without my sight there really are some stuff that I seem to not be able to bring myself to do. And those doubts make me unable to shave myself properly as well, even though I know I can do it. You knowthere are times, after everything, where Im tempted to take that razor and just slit

She darted in front of him and grabbed the razor. You need some help? Because she didnt like hearing him talking like that and she didnt like seeing him like this. She really liked Nagi, even though he could be so intimidating and intense. She very carefully began to shave his face, taking the utmost care and intense scrutiny to make sure not to make a single mistake. She ignored her teary eyes, but she was proud to know that she still was successfully refusing to let herself completely cry since leaving the others, and that it didnt impair her vision at all. Still, when she was done, one of his hands traveled up and his thumb wiped away her still clinging tears. Then he gave her a genuine smile and she finally started to feel like this new life wouldnt be too bad after all. After that was borne a rather supportive partnership that helped both of them to survive. He went out to get more ramen and deal with stuff relating to the room and whatnot, and she helped to make sure he had a full knowledge of his surroundings and anything he might miss. It was a weakness he didnt like anyone knowing about and hadnt let anyone before her know, but it seemed they were equally trusting of each other to be able to carry on as they had. A part of her was really happy and proud at the thought that he trusted her so much for such a thing, that he trusted her at all, but also at being the first and only one to be in so much in his confidence. One week had gone by since meeting each other and beginning to live in the same room. In that week, strangely, Naruko seemed to gravitate towards the man and seek him out. Even having just met him, she already seemed to trust him so much even to the point where she was starting to tell him things shed never told anyone before. Some very personal things, even some secrets, were told to him, especially in the dark of the night where she didnt have to look at him and could murmur anything she wanted and not be judged for it. In turn, he (even stranger) actually returned the sentiment. She learned that he had had a wife and three kids. That hed loved his wife very much, but she had died and in the end it had made him a very bitter and lonely person. He loved his children, but he had no idea how to connect with them. In fact, he felt like hed destroyed whatever chance of a relationship he could have with his youngest, that hed just given up. Truth was, hed been giving up since his wife had died. Sometimes, she was surprised at how personal he could get, though there were times where he would start to clam up. But then shed just stroke his hand or murmur something, and hed continued like she was the only one he could trust with his actual thoughts and opinions, and his real self. Naruko could truthfully say shed never had a relationship like this with another man before or anyone really. She couldnt think of a time or person where shed confessed so much, so quickly

and so easily, but she seemed to be so much at ease with him and just seemed to have no problems talking or telling him anything. It just seemednatural with Nagi. Could she admit how happy she was that it seemed it was the same on his side? Oi, Naruko. She blinked and tuned out of her thoughts to look at him. Hai? Nagi gave her a soft smile. Dont get too lost in your thoughts. Ill get lonely. She turned slightly red, but he continued on to spare her. Anyways, mikan-hime, I have to go out and help wait tables a bit. Part of the reason why our rent is so cheap is because I agreed to help wait if theres a huge crowd down there and they need an extra hand to help out. Can you get the ramen rations? he grinned at her and she giggled at their shared name for their ramen stash that was keeping them sated at meals. Okay. The store around the corner, right? she asked cheerfully. Yeah, so you shouldnt be too long. She nodded and picked up Gama-chan, holding it to her chest protectively with both hands, earning her a snort and fond smile from him (still, how could he know these things when he was blind?). She scrunched up her nose at him and glared, but that just made it worse. Huffing in aggravation, she moved passed him after absentmindedly pecking his cheek, missing the surprised and then happy look on his face. He was right when he said it would be quick and it wasnt long until she was heading back to the inn. As she was about to pass an alley opening, two arms grabbed her and pulled her into the alley, but instead of doing harm they actually turned her around so that she faced the street as they wound around her neck loosely. The perpetrators forehead leaned against the back of her head and she could tell that the persons body was bent slightly, to lightly lean on her. Naruko She stiffened up even more. Kabuto What are you doing here? her voice trembled.

She cursed her voice. Why the hell did it have to do that? I wanted to see you, he mumbled into her hair. Before she could angrily retort to that, he continued hurriedly. Im sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you or lie to you about all of that. I wasI was working with Orochimaru before I met you, but I never meant to get you involved or purposely upset you, he pulled away and she turned around quickly, glaring up at him. But he had such a wounded look on his face, complete with a sincere and plain to see apology in his eyes. Why are you here? she demanded again instead. Other than to see me, she added, looking suspiciously at him. Why would you think I had another reason to be here? he started mumbling again. Gut feeling, she muttered miserably. Kabuto winced and sighed. Wanting to see you was my main reason and it even led to that other reason why Im here to see you and say my sorries. Other than to ask you to forgive me and trying to explain anything I could, I want you to meet someone. You see, before being a spy for Orochimaru, I was someone elses spy. Orochimaru broke that persons control over me, which was where I started to be loyal to Orochimaru. ButI want to be near you. I want to make sure youre safe and okay and not upset with me. Id do anything to be able to be with you again, so I went to my old master. Hehe wanted to meet you. Naruko faltered, shifting uneasily. She wanted to say no and run to Nagi at that moment, but she couldnt forget the times she had been with Kabuto and she remembered just how sweet and kind he had been to her Okay, she bit her lip, sure she was going to regret this. He took one of her hands into both of his tenderly, before letting one fall to his side and then starting to lead her out of the alley. Back in the street with the blinding sun overhead, she clutched onto her things as she tried to ignore the impossible to ignore grip of Kabutos hand on hers. He led her to just outside the ryokan, right next to the river, in an open clearing that had only one person standing in the middle of it. He was rather tall, red hair that was close to the same shade as Nagis (though maybe a little brighter), and pale skin. Kabuto gestured for her to go to him, though he hesitated quite visibly before bringing her close into a tight hug that lasted for some time before he forced himself to let go and then disappeared. When the man turned around, he had a really young face that was serene and untroubled. But even though his face was young, something told her that he was far older than he seemed. Uzumaki Naruko, he murmured, observing her calmly.

He started to circle around her silently, his intense scrutiny making her nervous. His walk around her was like a prowl, eyes darkened with a sort of curiosity like he was trying to figure her out. Then he stopped in front of her, too close for comfort as his head tilted in still that curiosity, one that seemed to amuse him. He leaned in nonchalantly for a closer look, and she had to stop herself from moving back. But she couldnt suppress her shivering, instinctively knowing that this wasnt a man to cross and that it was better for her to keep quiet, still, and to humor him. Hm, he finally said, but that was all and Naruko sort of felt confusion enter her and budged over her fear. Before she could blurt out and ask Whats your problem? or What the hell does that mean? he started on what led them to meet in the first place. Little Kabuto was so desperate to make things up to you and find a way to be able to stay by your side, he commented idly. Silly little spy and his infatuation. Though, I agreed since I have been wanting to meet you for a long time now. Y-you have? Naruko nearly squeaked. Mmhm. Congratulations, by the way, on your engagement, he smiled, but it seemed almost empty. Its surprising that the Tsuchikage wouldnt mind marrying you, consideringwho your father was and all. And of your condition. She nearly blanched. This man knew way too much about her and she didnt know how or why. And she didnt know as much about him at all in return. But thats neither here nor there, he hmmed again. I need your help on a little something, my dear. You see, I need to complete anImmortality Jutsu that Ive harbored for years. I once thought of turning myself into a puppet, butthere are certain nonnegotiable consequences that Im not willing to go through, as much as I love my art. However, the partial Immortality Jutsu that Ive been using has allowed me to retain my youthful appearance, if not the mortality part of it. You mean likeOrochimaru? she tentatively asked. He suddenly burst out laughing, though that, too, seemed hollow. That silly old snake? Yes, hes craved immortality for a long time. Thinking about it and thinking about it for years, since defecting from Konoha. And when we became partners in the Akatsuki, it would seem his luck might have finally granted him it. Onlyhe stole the original formula of the imperfect, incomplete beginnings of the Immortality Jutsu that I had kept as part of my notes. No, Orochimarus Immortality Jutsu is a farce and inferior to what I want.

What I want, is to be able to complete the Immortality Jutsu I have now, that is missing certain very important components. I dont want to just look young forever, my dear. I want to be able to live forever. And I need your help completing it, as well as some of your blood to help in that aspect as well. My blood? But why would you need my blood for? her eyes widened. Because the originator of the Immortality Jutsu is one Namikaze Minatoyour father, he made a grand gesture towards her. That definitely peaked her interest. Is that why youve been wanting to meet me for so long? Not quite, his amusement was apparent, and while subdued at least it wasnt as hollow. Ive had quite the strange fascination with you for a very long time. While I dont care to go into it now, I will say that my obsession was what led to me linking you, the Immortality Jutsu, and finally your father. And now, my little spy has managed to give me a way to meet you, with here we are now. There was no way she could say no to him. It was obvious that he was more experienced, more skilled, and more dangerous than she was, unless she pulled out the Kyuubi card which after what had happened, she was definitely not inclined to. Besides that, there was something telling her that hed either take care of her before she could even begin to go Kyuubified, or even be able to handle her then (what with her lack of control and experience using Kyuubis power). And she really wanted to know about her father. Is my father still alive? she prodded first. Perhaps, he shrugged. Its very probable that he could have, but if he truly used the Shiki Fujin, then that chance may be slimmer to none. If I help you, you have to promise to help me find him, she stubbornly bargained, knowing it was rather suicidal but refusing to budge. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but actually conceded. Very well. It is of no importance to me, and may even provide a challenge. Now, your blood. She didnt even get a chance to say anything more or even got to see him move, as suddenly he was behind her and held her tightly to him, grabbing an arm harshly. His other pinned her other arm to her side as he used it to take a kunai and made a rather long cut across her palm. It was strange that hed been so gentle right then

Now that was particularly exhilarating, my dear. Well have to do this again sometime. Thank you for your assistance, its very much obliged, he murmured into her ear, minutely nuzzling it as he leaped away. Til next time, Naruko. I didnt even get his name, she grumbled, thinking he was gone. Its Sasori. Remember it until we next meet, he was suddenly in front of her, taking her hand and bending over it to kiss it lightly. He was suddenly pulling her roughly to him, plastering their bodies close as he once again put his lips near her ear, brushing against it before his tongue surprisingly darted out and quickly gave a small lick. He blew lightly on the area, Naruko frozen in shock from his actions. Ill be looking forward to it. And then he was gone. She ran through the inn like a blur, rushing into their room. Almost a split second later, Nagi came in, grinning. Hey, finished just as you came. Nicely timed, eh? Though I wouldve thought youd have been back earlier Naruko? Whats wrong? What happened? She couldnt stop her sniffling and her breathing stayed just as rapid and heavy as before. Naruko? he prompted. She blurted out meeting Kabuto, who she had told him about some days ago and howd he finally understood her wincing at his words that first day together. Then what happened? Who was this man he wanted you to meet? he asked her gently. She swallowed harshly, rubbing her eyes roughly as she gave his description, noticing him frowning in concentration. Did he give you a name? She tried to remember what it was, recalling it a second later. Sasori. Thats what he said his name was. Nagis blind features and body tensed and contorted into shock at the same time. Do youdo you know him? Naruko hesitantly ventured. Not closely, Nagi frowned deeply, though she was glad he didnt seem to be upset at her. He didnt hurt you, did he? he continued tersely.

N-no. Its justthe way he was just watching me and just the look in his eye. It just made me shivernot in the pleasant way you do, but like a predator. Likehe wasnt quite sure what to make of me just yet, she rambled quietly to herself, momentarily forgetting him. To take her mind off of it, he latched onto another part of what she said, suddenly pushing her onto the floor and hovering closely over her. SoI make you shiver pleasantly, do I? he purred. She angrily pouted and looked away, forcing herself to ignore him, though she wasnt really all that angry with him. He pulled away laughing, helping her up to appease her from his teasing. Tell me what he wanted. Exactly what he said. She frowned in thought. He wanted my help searching foran immortality jutsu. He frowned as well, though his face was a mix of confusion also. Can you do verbatim? She flushed red in embarrassment. Word for word, he clarified, smiling gently. Ill try, and she took her time to remember and relay it all back to him. Im not quite sure what to make of all that, and a lot of it makes me unhappy and warybut you were right to lay low and not act rashly. That man is a dangerous person and capable of anything. Im relieved you got away without harm. It was a good idea to play along and I think you should keep playing along to keep him satisfied. You said he didnt seem like he knew what to make of you, right? I think its best to keep it that way, so he wont have reason to think youve no use to him or that youre no longer interesting to him, and because of that decide he doesnt care to keep you around. Naruko nodded absentmindedly, wincing when shed moved her hand wrong and she finally felt pain. You didnt quite escape unscathed after all, he scowled, unhappy and worried. Its fine, she gave him a reassuring smile, even if he couldnt see it directly. He could probably sense it. Kyuubi will heal it soon enough. But hed ignored her and did some kind of handsign, one of his hands glowing a familiar green. He hesitated before miserably turning his head away. I cant really see where youre hurt, so youll have to guide my hand, he reluctantly said.

She just gently grabbed hold of his hand and placed it above hers, where it started to heal it. Tenderly, he decidedly moved his hand more, laying it on top of hers, and then their hands were splayed against each other as he focused on healing it. Her face tinged red at his actions, more so as she observed their hands placed up against each other, touching firmly skin to skin. And yet she could remember a similar instance with a sweet blond Before her mood could drop any lower, hed finished but he didnt move his hand away. He kept it on top of hers for a moment and her face was feeling more than hot by then. But then hed moved his hand, though before she could mourn the loss of it, hed taken hers and gently placed a soft kiss on where her wound had been. Lets have dinner together downstairs tonight, okay? Just the two of us in our corner, he smiled gently again. She readily agreed, steadfastly ignoring the blush on her face. At their table, he left to order for them and that left her uncomfortably alone. Theyd taken care to make sure she was unnoticeable whenever she went out of the room, but one could never be so sure Hey, have I seen you around? a cheerful female voice sounded close to her. She ignored it, thinking she was talking to someone else. Hey there, a hand waved in front of her face and she nearly jumped. Oh, you were talking to me? Naruko blushed. A pretty older woman smiled at her, inviting herself to the empty seat next to her. Sorry about that. I didnt know your name. Anyways, Im Masahiko. Whats your name? Ah, NarukoDoesnt your name mean just prince? the blondes blush deepened, but Masahiko just laughed. Yeah. My parents wanted and really thought they were going to get a boy. Once I came out, they were too stubborn to change the name. Naruko laughed lightly as well, though she was still wondering if it was alright to be talking to her. She didnt know if Nagi would get upset or if she would blow their cover. So Naruko, arent you usually with that handsome red-haired older man that sometimes waits here? Where is he anyway? A pretty little thing like you shouldnt be by your lonesome, Masahiko winked at her.

W-what are you talking about? Im not with anyone. Im here by myself, Naruko inwardly started to panic. Come on now, darling. I remember when you first came in and approached the poor guy in the corner. The two of you went upstairs, and you didnt come back out. Simple as that. And afterwards, every other time you did come out was for little things and we could never catch you going up since, though we were sure of it. Its cause your man takes care of everything, right? And when I set up the kaiseki, on the way to the room I always hear two sets of voices, before I come in and only see your man. Oh, please dont say anything! Naruko blurted out, showing her panic outwardly now. We dont have enough money to cover both of us. Only if I get some good information, Masahiko smirked. Dread pooled at the bottom of her stomach and Naruko reluctantly nodded. Masahikos face softened, Its nothing bad, darling. In fact, the whole inn already knows about you two. What? How? the younger of the twos shoulders slumped. The older woman rubbed her back in comfort. Dont underestimate the power of gossiping womenor gossipers in general. Naruko blinked. Then straightened up and stared at the other woman. Huh? Masahiko grew a wide, mischievous grin, though she was done teasing for now. Anyways, dont worry about the information I want. Its only something that I can bring to the other ladies tonight you know, something really good to gossip and bring to the table. Itll be even better since itll be about the two of you, which all of us have been dying to hear anything of. Naruko colored red again, though she stared at the other female in confusion. Likewhat? Like, is it true that you ran away from home to be with him? That the two of you are running away together because neither of your families approve of you together, with the age being one of the main reasons? And the two of you planned to meet here. Naruko stared at her in shock this time, before her head went through what Masahiko had said earlier when shed been mock-bargaining her silence.

Your man was repeated several times. But then gears started turning in her head, and Naruko steeled herself and breathed in deeply. Yeah, she lied. I was in an arranged marriage with someone, Sorry, Nakago, but I was already in love with Nagi thats his name and I didnt want to be with anyone but him. My family didnt like him he was completely older than me, blind and helpless to their eyes at least and they wanted me to be set up with a nice, proper young man like the one theyd set up for me. She kept weaving their story up, not sure if Masahiko would even buy it especially since she kept cutting into her words. But from the looks of her, it looked like she was eating it up. In fact, Masahiko suddenly looked like a ravenous shark, leaning eagerly closer to hear more. We didnt want to be apart, Naruko leaned closer as well, lacing her voice with desperation. We tried to be discrete, having kept our relationship a secret from everyone. No one had known we were actually together, only that I had inappropriate feelings for him, though they had no idea that hed reciprocated them. So we would secretly meet each other and have stolen kisses, especially under the cover of night and desperate holds in dark niches hidden away from people. But then my wedding had been pushed up and he came up with the plan for us to run away together. He would leave first, to avoid suspicions and let it look like he was going away for a time for some reason. And as soon as I could sneak out, I would follow after him and meet up with him here. Then we would work out what we would do from there. But we were together and that was all that mattered. Masahiko swooned, fanning herself. Naruko sweatdropped, but mentally just shrugged. Oh, thats so sweet. And now hes taking care of you and being so charming. Ohhh, and you two are sharing a room and more importantly a bed~! You two must be having dinner together tonight, arent you? Oh my, I should leave you to it then. Thanks for the gossip, darling! Masahiko nearly danced away, almost bumping into a returning Nagi, whose arms were laden with plates of food. She apologized and winked at him, jerking her chin in Narukos direction. What was all that about? Nagi asked as soon as he was over, putting down the plates carefully. Naruko flinched. Sheshe knows about us. Nagi froze, nearly dropping the last plate. I took care of it, Naruko rushed out. She thinks were together. Wait, what? This time he did drop the plate, but luckily enough Naruko was close enough to catch it.

She started explaining how Masahiko had come over, her teasing, her want for gossip, and how Naruko had lied and went along with the rumors. Nagi slowly sat down, processing all of it. Sowe are now a couplerunning away from your family and impending marriagein a forbidden relationshipall while hiding out here in this innAm I missing anything? he twitched in disbelief at this new turn of events and the story, while inwardly rather pleased. No, thats pretty much it. Sorry, Naruko answered dejectedly, feeling horribly and mistaking his reaction. She looked over a little ways away, seeing Masahiko gathered with a couple other waitresses, all who were looking over expectantly and giggling. She and some other women are looking over here like theyre expecting something, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Wonder what theyre giggling about? Suddenly, one of his hands were firmly grasping onto her chin and turning it towards him. Well, we might as well play along completely, mikan-hime, and a smirk was all she saw before his lips descended onto hers, and her eyes fluttered close as he started kissing her thoroughly. Oh wow, was those fireworks she was seeing?

Chapter Eighteen: Hey There, Delilah You know, shed never been kissed like that before. No man had ever kissed her in that way before Nagi had, and she was still in a daze about it. Her first kiss, unsurprisingly, had been by herfianc, Nakago. His lips had been soft and warm against hers, pressed closed and tasting of tea theyd just had. Their mouths had been closed and it had lasted for long moments. Since then, the two of them had been sharing kisses and growing more comfortable with each other; even enough for casual pecks on the lips like it was already a usual. Shed always been a bit affectionate with her friends, which unfortunately and suspiciously consisted mainly of guys. It was just the way she was and she didnt see what was wrong, or why other people had problems with it. She was a bit oblivious to what they were thinking. However, she had noticed that she was strangely enough rather more casual with Nagi than she was even with her other male friends; in fact, she was rather intimate with him and actually allowed him to get away with things shed normally wouldnt. She usually rolled her eyes at his teasing, even when his teasing could get borderline or even beyond flirting, perverted, or suggestive. And nowadays, when his touches grew bolder or were obviously more than friendly, she sometimes even didnt bat an eye at it and sometimes didnt even notice he was being inappropriate. So kissing her had actually seemed like the next step, looking back at it now. But kissing her like that was still unexpected and she was still reeling from it. His lips had been just as firm, but had made hers pliant and yielding to him. While he had been really dominant, he would pull back and be gentle, inviting her to him. And it was this switch off that shed noticed and one of the things she didnt know what to make of. She could still remember feeling his tongue swiping across her slightly parted lips, before slipping through the gap and sweeping into her mouth aggressively. That was an experience shed just learned and learned she didnt mind it at all. While she knew that hed just been putting on a show for the ladies and to convince them of their story, inside she was disappointed and couldnt help wishing it was something more This was odd. It looked like she was in Konoha. Or on the way. Howd she get there? Wasnt she back in the inn with Nagi? Youre late, mikan-hime, Nagis voice murmured near her. She whirled around and gaped, seeing the red-haired man oddly wearing some very strange clothing. Was that a white dress shirt with a tie, black trousersand a dark violet silk vest? Wow, that was some expensive clothing, not to mention those shiny leather shoes

Wait, were those rabbit ears? Apparently, Nagi was also sporting some rabbit ears. Was it fair that he looked sexy with them? Hold on, was she really thinking he looked sexy with rabbit ears? She inwardly shrugged. It was true anyways. Late for what? Nagi smirked and took her hand. Youre late, he repeated simply and started to lead her casually to somewhere. Shouldnt we hurry then? No. I get to keep you to just myself a little longer, and instead of the teasing tone shed expected, she was surprised to hear him sound so sad. Youll always have me, Nagi, she said honestly, adjusting their hands so that she wasnt just being led, but that they were holding hands and shed moved up so that they were walking side by side. Thats more than I expected and hoped for, he was just as honest, and then hed paused in the middle of the street and tilted her head gently, kissing her and making her feel dazed again. But this time, she unexpectedly felt tears hitting her face. When he moved away, she was surprised to see the wet spots from the cloth that was bound around his eyes. Im a little messed up, Narukobut Ill always be there for you. Now go on, he smiled at her sorrowfully. She blinked, seeing that they were in front of the administration part of the Ninja Academy. But then she remembered what hed just said. Butarent you coming with me? she asked in confusion and no small amount of panic. The tips of his fingers caressed her cheek. No, mikan-hime. You need to see someone next. I promise youll get to see me again a little later though. And instead of him kissing her this time, she moved to the tips of her toes and kissed him firmly. Then she reluctantly went on without him, and walked through the area. She got lost a little, and became confused when she saw the room the first stage of the Chuunin Exam was held in. Wasnt she in the administration section? She couldve sworn that room had been in the schooling area.

Frowning to herself, she turned the knob and entered, shocked and immediately filled with guilt when she saw Kakashi there, looking unharmed and reading his stupid book. He was leaning against the desk at the front of the room, unruffled as usual, but not wearing his usual jounin outfit. Instead, he was wearing black pants and a gray button-up shirtwith dog ears and tail. Dogears? she scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion. Im a dog person, not cat, Kakashi shrugged, shutting his book with a snap and placing it on the table behind him. She was still confused, but decided this whole thing was bizarre and confusing and that she should just keep going along with it for now. Narukoyou know me, right? I know Im just your sensei, but were closer than that, ne? Kakashi started off. She hesitantly nodded. Good. Then you know youre an idiot for running away, he declared. Naruko bristled, but he continued on. I would never turn you away and I wouldnt have thought you a monster. She flinched, because that had been exactly some of her main thoughts that had propelled her to run from the others. I may not be someone reliable, per se, he winked at her with his one eye, but you mean a lot to me and I would try my hardest for you. I would always be on your side, no matter what. K-Kakashi, she sniffled, not realizing shed said only his name. He smiled at her from under his mask. Naru-chan, I dont really want to cut our time short but you still have someone else to see. Go through here and Ill see you later, okay? an opened door that showed nothing but darkness on the other side, suddenly appeared behind him and she cautiously headed towards it, glancing back at him in reluctance. With an encouraging grin, that widened mischievously when she frowned, the last thing she saw of him before being shoved through the door was a Cheshire grin on amaskless face! When she landed on her backside, she was astonished to see she was in the living room of her home. Hadnt she just been in the Ninja Academy?

She heard slight clanking and she saw Genma watering her small collection of plants in the corner, wearing chainmail over his torso and armor on his lower half of his body. Genma, she murmured, feeling her heart constrict. It seemed she would never get over him He turned around and gave her a soft smile, setting aside the water pail. Well, look whos home, he murmured, coming closer to her. Ignoring the fact he had metal armor on, he plopped down beside her on the floor. Closer up, she could see a red heart emblazoned on the collar of the tunic underneath. You know, sweetheart, that I never meant to be so distant. And I know it hurts you, yet you never fail to smile at me and still care so much about me, he quietly spoke. She stilled, focused on listening on him intently. I also know the others are angry about me and the way I choose to do things, but youre always defending me and never stopping to keep believing and having hope, and have faith that one day well be okay again. Our time is the shortest right now and youll have to move on again, but I promise itll change in real life. I keep making stupid mistakes and decisions, especially these days, and yet you still care and like me so much after all this time. I know I dont make sense, but I also promise that I will when you come back home. She was caught off guard when he tenderly pushed her onto the floor, and placed his forehead against hers affectionately. She closed her eyes and savored the moment. Be safe and be loved, he murmured, kissing her forehead fondly. When she opened her eyes, she was suddenly outside. She recognized the place as the park she used to frequent when she was younger, playing by herself because no one else would play with her. She saw a familiar sandbox and was confused to see the swing set inside of it. Even more odd was the blond man casually swinging on one of the swings, wearing expensive clothing that looked like Nagis, only all in black and with a jacket and top hat, and an untied bowtie instead. Nakago slightly waved at her, a sad smile gracing his lips. She moved forwards and hesitantly sat on the swing next to him. For a few seconds, they just silently swung back and forth together. Naruko, do you like me? he suddenly asked. She abruptly stopped swinging, staring at him with wide eyes. Of course! Why would you ask such a thing?

He stopped swinging as well. His smile was a little more happier, and at least he didnt seem as sad as Nagi had been. Were an arranged marriage, I knowbut you know I genuinely care for you and try to be the perfect husband material for you. Even in this arrangement, I dont want to disappoint you. II always hope that I do right by you, and that youre at least content if not happy together with me. I know Im just some man you just met, but I would like to think that even with the short time we had together that weve grown close, enough for me to matter even a little. Even though the time we had together was short, I hope youve grown to care for me, as I have for you. She blinked back tears and moved the swing sideways so that she could lean on his shoulder, clutching her right and his left chain bolsters together so that her swing wouldnt move back into position. His hand slowly and tentatively joined hers on the chains, placed right above hers. His thumb caressed her hand once. After staying like that for another minute, she was surprised, happy, and slightly disappointed to see Nagi coming closer. Her emotions were getting so confusing right now Its time, the red-haired man announced. And shes late, the blindfolded man glared at the blond next to her. Nakago scowled and glared back. For a moment, things were tense and the two men glared until she averted her eyes and uncomfortably shifted, accidentally letting the chain bolsters go and her swing quickly swinging back to position and nearly making her topple off. Both men moved to steady her and she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. Sorry, she apologized. Its fine. But we still have to get going, Nagi murmured. The trio moved to start walking, with both men on either side of her. Her hands were sought out and suddenly she had both of them clutching onto her hands as they led her to their next destination. Hey guyswhats going on? she reluctantly asked. This is adream, Naruko. Were representing characters with roles in your life, and who deeply care for you. Youre dreaming this because youre confused and your feelings are all over the place, feelings youre not sure you understand too well. All the men youve seen are the ones you have strong feelings for and cant seem to be able to grasp that fact, or more how to deal with it, Nakago explained patiently. What he means is that this is all a dream, and that youre seeing all the guys you really like and cant choose between, Nagi simplified, easily dodging the annoyed punch to his head from the blond male.

She nodded in understanding. Genma was her first crush/love (and who she still loved, actually) and she really had grown to care for Nakago, and even admitted that she was no longer bothered, worried or anxious at all about being married so early and definitely not to him. She could even say she was happy about it and a part of her felt that shed been growing to love him, bit by bit the more time she spent with him or thought about him. And there was simply nothing she could really say to describe how she felt about Nagi, especially about how fast something had even developed. She just felt inexplicably happy and open around him, and Nagi just seemed to fill a part of her she didnt even know was missing. He filled her with warmth and made her feel so strongly, and so easily. Wait a sec... Whats Kakashi-sensei doing here then? she furrowed her eyebrows. The men traded looks, even with one of them being blind. Now that is something youll have to figure out on your own. Youll understand in time, Nakago said vaguely. They were in front of the administration section again, and this time she was stayed with. The two led her to the top floor, where the Hokages office was at. And when the door was opened, she was taken aback to see that it wasnt quite the office she remembered. The extra furniture was gone, and the Hokages desk was replaced with a slightly longer one, that was more like a dining table. There were familiar faces she saw, some she was shocked to see. At one end of the table sat Sasori, but he was less intimidating than she remembered, and he was amazingly enoughattached with a pair ofbat-like wings no, more dragonish and a lazily moving lizards tail, that couldve been a dragons as well. The two formerly dead First and Second Hokage sat on either side of Sasori, and juxtaposed to each other on either side of the table. The Shodai was wearing an emerald tunic, but thankfully no other strange animalistic attachments. The Nidaime, however, had mouse ears and tail, and cute whiskers not unlike hers. When he saw her, he winked before going back to debating something with his brother. Kakashi was sitting next to the Shodaime, and opposite him and next to the Nidaime was Genma. Off to the side and sitting awkwardly between Genma and the Nidaime wasKabuto. A twinge of pain went through her, and as if knowing so, Kabuto turned to face her and gave a sorrowful smile, turning back to quietly examine his cup of tea with a bowed head. She could see his hands clench around the cup resting on his lap before relaxing, and then his whole figure slumped a bit more. He was unchanged in appearance, and looked the same as he had when shed first met him, only the headband he wore was strangely double-sided, with a metal band at his forehead and one at the back of his head. The one at the back was the symbol of Konoha while the one on front was of Oto.

She almost went to him, before she felt a hand on her shoulder and then Nagi was leading her to the other end of the table, so that she would face Sasori on the other end. Nagi sat to her left, next to Genma, while Nakago sat on her right, next to Kakashi. Not late anymore, are you, my dear? Sasoris voice was nearly a purr. Even though he seemed more welcoming and, dare she say it, kinder, she was still shivering and put on edge by him. No, Im not, she answered confidently though. He laughed, but it was actually a nice laugh and filled with emotion. He didnt seem as empty, right now in front of her, at that moment. Conversation started going around, but she could still feel the slight tension. Why it was there, she wasnt sure, but she knew that for some reason they were all getting along and civil for her sake. In fact, something told her that if it wasnt for her, the tension would be a lot worse. They were being okay with each other when normally they wouldnt, because for some reason they were seeking to make sure she was happy. That they didnt want to make her upset and would put up with each other because of that did make her happy. Seeing them together, conversing all right at least, made her suddenly want to curl in on herself though. She swallowed harshly and was stunned to feel herself suddenly crying, tears dropping quickly down her face. Naruko? Kabuto called out worriedly, the first to notice what was happening and bringing it to attention to the others. Naruko, are you okay? Nakago jolted forward. I-Im s-sorry, she sniffled, rubbing her eyes with her knuckles to get rid of the still coming tears. Im so sorry. I dont know why I cant just make up my mind already and Im sorry Im taking so long to choose between you all. Im being so selfish and greedy. I dont deserve any of you! Inconsolable, she curled into a ball on her chair and hid her face behind her knees. Naruko shot up and her breath was coming too fast. Sweat gathered at the temples of her head and she focused on trying to calm her breathing. An arm snaked around her waist and pulled her back down to lay her back, pulling her close to a slightly curled muscled body. Whats wrong? Nagi murmured to her sleepily. She blinked, still remembering him from her dream. She hesitated, but inwardly shook her head.

Its nothing, she whispered, facing his face in wonderment. Her hands twitched by her side, itching to touch his face and trace it. It was just a dream. Do you want to talk about it? she guiltily noted that his voice was starting to sound more awake. No, and she uncomfortably turned around in his arms and faced the other side, forcing herself to be still. Unseen to her, Nagi frowned. Not wanting to push the issue, he pulled her even closer and spooned against her back, rubbing his cheek against her head contently and sighing happily against it. And an hour later and still wide awake, thinking that Nagi had fallen back to sleep, Naruko untangled his arms from around her and treaded softly across the room to the bathroom. Turning on the light in there only, she gazed at herself in the mirror. She blinked back tears and lethargically turned the sink to a slow trickle. Dipping her hands underneath the water, she bowed her head over it and splashed water on her face. Straightening back up, she was startled and jumped up from fright when she saw Nagi right behind her, seeing him through the mirror. Whats wrong, Naruko? Now I know somethings wrong, so just tell me. Im worried, he admitted. Hed been worried since earlier, thinking hed gone too far with that kissing stunt. Afterwards, theyd finished their food in awkward silence and had gone into the room without many words to each other. Hed tried, mentioning some things and whatever, but shed just answered back quietly with one-worded answers or a hm or huh. She was stiffening more from his touches, even flinching at times. That made him wince. Im fine, her voice was hollow. Hesitantly, he moved a little closer and wrapped his arms around her waist as he comfortably settled his chin on her shoulder. There she was, stiffening again, but he didnt want to let go and couldnt understand why she was suddenly anxious and unhappy about his touches. She hadnt minded before and he even thought that she liked them Was he wrong? Had all this time hed been mistaken and shed felt uncomfortable about them? Or had he really just gone too far with that kiss Gomen nasaiif Ive done something wrong.if Ive made you unhappy or uncomfortable for any reasonplease tell me, Naruko. Tell me so I can correct my mistake! Because I couldnt stand it if you ran from me, if you flinch every time Im near, if you never forgive me Because you make me smile and I havent smiled in so long. I havent had a reason to smile in so long. Years pass by and Im always in the dark, even without this stupid blindfold. But

meeting you, even for a moment, I saw light and found a life thats made me happy, my mikanhime. He affectionately squeezed her tight, pulling her even closer to him and trying to convey to her just how much he needed her. He hesitated but then softly nuzzled her ear and then kissed it, trailing his lips down and kissing her neck, lingering longer than the first kiss to her ear. She jerked away from him and ran away, stumbling through the hallway and making it back to the main room before Nagi caught up to her, confused and panicked. Naruko ! Dont do that! she hissed at him, tears gathering at her eyes. Funny, she held on to them for so long and it was thisthe whole thing with Nagi that was going to finally make her break down Dont do things like that that make me think you like me! But I do like you, Nagi insisted, his confusion upping. Not like that! she cried out. Not the way I want you to! Notnot in that way She sniffled and it was a deafening silence between them. It almost seemed like her fears had come true, and that her feelings had changed things irrevocably between the two of them. Things were now going to be awkward, or worsehe didnt want to be near her anymore. I know its not like that. I know youre just teasing me and that all that kind of stuff is just you being you. And I know that earlier was just a show for those women, even though inside I realized now I wanted it to be more. I promise Im not expecting anything more, so please dont turn awkward or turn me away. Onegai, Nagi! I promise I wont force my feelings on you! I only ask that you stop teasing me like that so muchbecause it hurts She angrily wiped away her tears, rubbing the back of her hands furiously against her eyes, though it seemed to be no use. Rough hands grabbed hers gently, pulling them away from her face. She hesitantly looked up at Nagi, who was incredibly close to her and unmoving. His hands let go of hers, moving up to cup her face, his thumbs tenderly wiping away the leftover tears. Who says I dont feel the same way? Narukoyou have no idea just how long Ive felt for you. And then his lips were on hers again, for the fourth kiss (second in reality) together. His lips moved feverishly against hers, and she was drawn into the intensity without resistance. She could hardly have her mind process all the things that were happening, that his hands had drawn her body against his, that somehow hed tangled their legs together and they were suddenly falling to the ground and he was on top of her, that she could feel him pressing up against her W-wait! shed managed to say in the briefest of pauses and his lips were a breadth away from hers, hovering and waiting to take possession of them again.

Im sorry, Naruko. I hadnt meant to lose control like that and to move things so fast, he mumbled, swiping his lips across hers in apology. A-anou, I dont understand, she didnt know where to place her hands, but decided in the end that shed already had them tangled in his hair and under his shirt against his back, so it didnt matter if she moved them or not. Naruko, I tease you that way because I want you, he explained patiently. Dont you see? I was trying to get as close to you as I could without overstepping my boundaries or making you too uncomfortable. Naruko, Ive wanted you from the moment I met youI just didnt think youd feel the same way and was just enjoying my attentions or just putting up with my teasing. Uhoh was all she could say, trying to get that information through her head. He sat on his knees and then pulled her with him, sitting her on his lap and wrapping her legs around his waist. It was a very intimate position, but Naruko was still trying to process the idea of him actually liking her to pay attention to that, and he was too content to realize it either. What are you thinking about? he breathed into her ear, interrupting her flow of thoughts. She flushed red. G-gomen. I wasI was still trying to accept the fact that you like like me back. He chuckled lowly and the sound brought a shiver down her back. Nagidoes this mean werereally together? Like that? Hai. Its just you and me, supporting only each other, he murmured against her neck. She guessed this really was goodbye to all the others. And even though she was happy and content with Nagi and being together with him, a part of her heart was aching from the thought of leaving the others behind for good. Nakagos gentle smile towards her and even Kakashis one-eyed smile flashed through her head, and she closed her eyes and leaned into Nagi, feeling herself clutch onto him and inhaling the tangy smell of cinnamon. You smell like cinnamon, she commented dazedly, out of nowhere. He laughed and kissed her for it. Anou, Nagi, now that were togethercan Ican I see your face? I mean, without the blindfold. I want to see your eyesI want to see your entire face, she asked shyly. He almost grimaced and she feared shed upset him, but then he sighed and nodded. He took her hands and directed them to his blindfold, slowly lifting it up and revealing what was underneath. She blinked, registering the familiarity of his eyes and trying to remember just how it seemed

familiar. Then she gasped and remembered a time where she was looking at dark brown eyes staring at her intensely. K-Kazekage-sama? This time, he really did grimace and flinched away from her, though he didnt release her from his hold or push her off his lap. I like it how we are now, just a man and a girl. JustNagi and Naruko, he stated quietly, tenderly caressing her cheek with one hand while the other kept her firmly against him. She turned red and understood, wincing at her slip up. Im sorry, Nagi. I promise things wont change between us or get awkward, and that I wont start to call you Kazekage-sama. He smiled gently at her and gave her another kiss in thanks, lingering in need for a moment. Nagi she whispered. Can you explain things a little to me? I cant really tell you whatIm just a little confused. I guesswell, when I said I liked you far longer than you would know, that would be more true than youd think. You see, even though I hadnt realized this then, but from the moment I saw you in the Hokages office, I was drawn to you. I know Id become a little peeved at learning you were engaged to Nakago rather than me, in terms of Suna supposed to be closer to Konoha in both distance and as allies and for far longer than Iwas tentative truce. It wouldnt be until a lot later that I realized I was also jealous of Nakago being the one engaged to you. From then after meeting you, I was just continuously drawn to you. When you were with Hiruzens grandson, I couldnt keep my eyes off you. When you fell, my body just reacted and I caught you, even though it wasnt like me and the other two would be confused and suspicious. Then it was the Invasion and I was getting set to go, and Orochimaru is there, ready to backstab me. If it wasnt for my paranoia, I wouldve been dead in an instant, because of that bastards sneak attack. I had a double, who had set out first with the Anbu guards. I came after and there had beenan explosion. Huge shrapnel came my way and hit me head on before I could dodge. I lay in the desert dying, knowing no one was going to know that I was there and about to be dead and that no one was going to come looking for me. Id resigned myself to death, thinking in my last moments, that I didnt want to think about everything in my life that was wrong. I was about to die and I wanted to think about something that made mehappy. For once in my life, I wanted to be selfish and do something for myself. I avoided my past and my life because that would just make me unhappy in the last moments in my life, and I didnt think about my kids because I didnt want to think about how they hated me and how I was a horrible fathernot in my last moments. I wanted to be happy before I diedand your face flashed through my head for some reason. So Ifantasized. I made up an alternate world in my mind. I thought, why not? I was about to die, so it shouldnt matter and bother anyone. I wanted to feel happy, even if at least for a momentand you were the only thing, the only person who did.

I finally realized in that desert then, that I felt something strongly for you. And it became clearer as I began daydreaming in my dying moments, thinking of living a life with you like we are now. Living together, being happy and even starting to dream of kisses and fond gazes. I had been so into my world that I hadnt even noticed when Id been found by travelers and picked up by them, helped as much as they could until they could reach me to a medic-nin. I was quickly fixed and brought aware and unhappily away from my happy world, and they didnt know what was wrong with my sight or how to fix it. Id bitterly managed to this town where I had the setup that I had before you came along. A part of me was okay with it because I wasnt in Suna and I didnt have to be forced to make decisions and forced to destroy my own life, and stay unhappy like I had been in my own village like this could be a new start for me. But I didnt have my sight and I felt useless and I had no money or luck to go on, he finished in frustration. Diddid I make things better when I came? Naruko asked quietly, stroking his head in comfort. He leaned into her touch, eyes fluttering close. God, yes. I was barely hanging on and wondering what I was going to do next. When you came, I thought there really was a God and this was finally a chance for me to be happy. When you came back into my life, Id found a reason to want to live. And there you were, ready to turn me away, she teased lightly. Nagi laughed. I didnt recognize your voice when you first spoke, cause you were mumbling. When you spoke clearer when you were about to leave, I recognized it easily and was able to stop you. My good fortune, eh? She hmmed happily, hugging him. There were times where I almost let it slip who I was, Nagi continued, setting her down on the futon and joining her straight after. He stroked her bare shoulder where the yukata had slipped off of. When you thanked me after I spoke about heating the water for you, it was just like when youd thanked me for catching you from that fall. I froze when I remembered the incident and how alike youd sounded. Naruko cuddled closer to him, her emotions winding down and feeling content lying next to him. He kissed her shoulder and then pulled her close. Ne, Nagi? Hai? I didnt think you were a ramen person beforeDid I have something to do with it?

I didnt have much money on me when I got here and I had to conserve it. When I was looking for cheap food, I remembered the dinner Hiruzen hosted for us and how much you liked ramen. And then I started liking ramen after awhile. Naruko grinned widely to herself, pleased to have been able to influence someone so much and be the cause of someones happiness. Im glad I make you so happy, Nagi, she said shyly, closing her eyes and missing his pleased expression. Sleep, Naruko. Well talk more tomorrow, he murmured. He just held her closer and enjoyed the closeness through the night, falling asleep in that way. Now, as an official couple, they went out together more often and after that dinner, didnt bother to hide her presence. When kaiseiki came, Naruko waited with Nagi in the front room, and Masahiko would come in and set it out, giggling lightly as she saw her. She giggled more when she would see Naruko sitting close to Nagi. When Naruko had mentioned at one of those times how she was borrowing Nagis extra yukata and geta and how bigger they were on her, she was surprised to see a female sized yukata and geta in the room the next day, coming out of the bath. Nagi just shrugged and told her it was brought with breakfast. Then there was the next time Nagi had to pay for their room. Hed been expecting the payment to change to two people, but surprisingly it had stayed the same. Anou sa, am I not supposed to pay for two people? Two people? I only see one, the elderly lady smiled widely, playing oblivious. Hed realized they really had been pretending to be oblivious to the two of them. It seemed the whole inn was a bunch of romantics, playing guessing games about Nagi and Naruko. It didnt help that it was run by mostly women. The only man, the husband of the elderly lady and father of most of the workers (including Masahiko) all of whom were usually family was usually overruled and not listened to. He was also one of the bigger gossipers amongst the women, sadly enough. Locals had even set a betting pool about the two. It was rather embarrassing, but at least the two of them were free to go around. This was made better for Nagi, who was finally able to be affectionate with Naruko, and not just tease her. Hed also been able to pry into that dream she had that night that had bothered her so. She told him everything, because shed always had with Nagi. Hearing it left him thoughtful, and he was upset that the dream and the recounting had made her upset. He was pleased that he was in it, especially his role and because of the subject matter of the dream.

I dont get Kaka-senseis presence there, Naruko furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. I thinkyoull have to figure that out on your own, Nagi hid his disgruntled expression, echoing Nakagos words from the dream. He was also slightly more disturbed about Sasoris presence in her dream. They had also been able to talk even more in depth to each other, now that Nagis identity was known. He spoke even more about his troubles, in more detail now that he didnt have to hide who he was and spoke extensively with Naruko regarding his children, especially Gaara, and his life as Kazekage. Hed also tentatively touched upon Karura more, but Naruko was a reassuring presence and helped him more than she would understand. It was nearing the end of their month together that things wentbad. They were walking around town when there was a group of merchants had set up, their shares on display. Naruko had wanted to look and Nagi had obliged, and soon they were looking around. Well, Naruko was and Nagi was just accompanying her. And then he heard a horrible sound, of someone trying to play an instrument and not doing it right. He winced and called out. Is that a guitar? Yes, sir. Good eye er, good ear, the merchant corrected. I know its got a good sound, but no one knows how to play it. Nagi took it from the merchant, trailing his hands over it experimentally. Naruko had wandered over and watched curiously. Suna specializes in these instruments and Im sure this is Suna-made, he commented, tuning it by ear. He started strumming it and Naruko clapped her hands delightedly. Hey there Delilah, whats it like in Konohagakure? Im a thousand miles away, but girl, tonight you look so pretty Yes, you do. Kikyo Castle cant shine as bright as you. I swear its true~ he serenaded Naruko, turning to her with a small grin playing on his lips as he sang and played. He stopped and pecked her on the lips, before going to give the guitar back. The merchant clapped his hands, along with the others around. Hey, Ill give you a good discount for it if you played it a little more and serenade your girl, the merchant offered. Not refusing a chance to make Naruko happy and just do something for her, Nagi took the guitar back and placed the strap over his head, so he could wear it right. Then he started strumming again and continued the song. Hey there Delilah Dont you worry about the distance

Im right there if you get lonely Give this song another listen Close your eyes Listen to my voice, its my disguise Im by your side~ And then he pulled her close and enclosed her in his arms, putting the strap over her as well and placing the guitar on top of her. With his arms around her, he started to play again. Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me What you do to me~ He tenderly nuzzled the side of her face, feeling her face get hot. He smiled to himself. Hey there Delilah I know times are getting hard But just believe me, girl Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar We'll have it good We'll have the life we knew we would My word is good~ God, he had nothing to give her really. Their funds were running low. There would be only so much of the money she had on her and then they would be back to zerobut at least they would have each other. And hed work hard, hed swear he would do whatever it took to support the both of them her. Even if it meant he really did have to sing and play that guitar every day, just so they could keep surviving and stay together. He would make sure they would be able to have a happy life together. Hey there Delilah I've got so much left to say If every simple song I wrote to you Would take your breath away I'd write it all Even more in love with me you'd fall We'd have it all Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me~

He took the strap off of her and released her from his hold, turning her to keep her right in front of him. He let the guitar hang limply as he held her hands tightly and tried to direct his blindfolded gaze straight towards her face. A thousand miles seems pretty far But they've got planes and trains and cars I'd walk to you if I had no other way Our friends would all make fun of us And we'll just laugh along because we know That none of them have felt this way Delilah I can promise you That by the time we get through The world will never ever be the same And you're to blame~ He would walk the entire desert, from Suna to Konoha, if it meant he would get to be with her, or even just see her for a moment longer. He didnt care what anyone else would say about him being with her or choosing to chase after her instead of everything else. He didnt care. Not as long as Naruko smiled at him and wanted to be with him as well. Hey there Delilah You be good and don't you miss me Two more years and you'll be done with school And I'll be making history like I do You'll know it's all because of you We can do whatever we want to Hey there Delilah here's to you This one's for you~ He moved her hands with his, directing them to his blindfold. He started to lead her hands into slipping it off, reminiscent of the first time this was done. His blind gaze stared into her adoring blue eyes, and she leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss his eyelids that fluttered close at the first touch of her breadth. Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me What you do to me~ he finished off quietly, almost ending in a breathy whisper, as they stayed in that close together position. Naruko surprised him when she leaned up again and kissed him, amongst clapping and vague catcalls and whistles scattered in the crowd. Naruko? The K-Kazekage?

They both turned to face who called to them in shock, and Narukos eyes widened to see the very group shed run away from. Interlude: Konoha Nakago grumbled as he finished the last paper of the stack for the day. Sighing heavily, he got up and glancing in paranoia around him, made a mad dash out of the Hokages office and ran home, hoping to avoid an ambush of more paperwork. In Narukos home, he happily got ready to get in when he stiffened up, noticing a foreign presence inside. Slipping a kunai into his hand, he slipped through the door and immediately noticed it was completely dark inside, not bothering to turn on the switch and reveal his presence just yet. Seeing movement, he threw the kunai and hit the moving thing/person, whatever it was. Fuck, man! That freaking hurts! a slightly familiar voice was heard and he finally flipped the switch, revealing a brown-haired young man (probably around that brat Kakashis age) with his kunai lodged in the mans shoulder. Nakago merely lifted up an eyebrow. Who are you and why are you in here? The man frowned at him, glaring balefully before yanking out the kunai and doing a minor medical jutsu to heal the wound. I knew Naruko was out of town and thought that maybe she needed someone to water her plants, the brunet grumbled. And then I found this and got caught up in staring at it, eventually falling asleep at the table, he waved a hand towards the picture frame on the table. Nakago glanced at it before inwardly frowning, recognizing the man in front of him as the one also in the picture with Naruko. Your name, he repeated shortly. Genma, the man answered in the same time. Shiranui Genma. The Tsuchikage didnt let himself react outwardly, but hearing who the man was, he was disappointed he hadnt aimed the kunai lower. I guess its true then, Genma muttered. That Im engaged to her? Nakago refrained from smirking, allowing himself to rub that fact in at least.

Genma scowled. No, that I already knew, as does the whole of the jounin quarter. I meant that you were staying here, as there were rumors of some blond man staying in Narukos home. She gave me permission. Ive taken the liberty of making myself at home, Nakago continued his subtle jabs. I can see that, Genma gritted his teeth. Let me cut to the chase, Shiranui-san, Nakago cut in smoothly. I dont like you. Ive heard about you. Youre a stupid man and I dont feel sorry for you or what youve lost that you didnt even know you had. Im rather grateful for it, actually, as Ive had the pleasure of enjoying Narukos company and the greatest satisfaction of getting to be with her. So, for that, thank you. Genma stood up abruptly, chair screeching behind him. I dont believe I have lost her! And I wont let you just mock me and show off your relationship with Naruko sitting down! Oh? I was under the impression that you didnt care for her and that you didnt return her feelings, Nakago sneered. At that, Genma deflated. Youre right that Im a stupid man. But Im done with that. Im done blundering around and I refuse to keep on making mistakes. I know Ive hurt her and I dont want to do that. And I wont anymore. I swear, when she comes back, Ill correct all my mistakes and beg for forgiveness if I have to. Im not just going to let her go. Youre under the impression she still loves you, Nakago looked at him coldly. How are you so sure she still feels the same way for you as she did? Just because she says she loves you doesnt mean that she hasnt had her feelings change over time, as she forms new bonds with others others who willingly and eagerly return her affection. She can be an oblivious girl, and whos to say she would notice her feelings changing? Genma almost faltered before looking back at him defiantly. Maybe so. But I refuse to give up. If I have to, Ill win her back. Nakagos retort was cut short when the door banged opened and the both of them stared incredulously at the entrance, seeing a formerly Kiri missing-nin there, blinking back at them. What the hell? Who are you two and why are you in crazy chicks apartment? Momochi Zabuza blurted out.

Im her fianc, Nakago deadpanned at the same time as Genma replied in exasperation, Im confronting him. Huh. Imagine that. And youre that strange blond guy from that morning! Zabuza pointed a finger at him. Nakago mentally sweatdropped. Hey, hey, I guess that means youre the Tsuchikage all the jounins are talking abouttheTsuchikage The eyebrow-less mans eyes amusingly were wide. Yes, that I am, Nakago shared his amusement in his tone. Now I should ask why are you here. Ah, that, another voice, one slightly feminine but still sounding masculine, entered into the conversation and a young man that looked as feminine as he sounded came in behind Zabuza, ignoring the ex missing-nin and heading straight for the fridge. Narukos place is way better to hang out, the boy said, rummaging around. Haku, look in the back for Narukos special dip and bring out the chips, Zabuza told him. He turned back to the two. And she has food. Both Genma and Nakago were sweatdropping now. Hey, you two find Narukos special dip yet? one of the Demon Brothers called out, appearing soon after. Shut up, Gozu. Haku is working on it, Zabuza snapped. Gozus brother appeared, disgruntled as he carried bags of groceries. Well, we brought more groceries for Naruko when she comes back, Gozu retorted, putting his stuff down. Meizu, put em on the table. The dip is gone. I finished it with my niece, Nakago interrupted them, and was answered by a round of groans. He sighed and went over to the cabinet, comfortably setting out pans and eggs, as well as some ham and mushrooms. Ill cook, he said, already setting it up. You can cook? Gozu gaped. Nakago nodded, willing himself not to give in and roll his eyes. The group of ex-Mist ninja stared before cheering. Meizu threw up his hands in celebration. He can cook! Were saved, Haku sighed.

Zabuza came over and hugged him, grinning widely. Welcome to the family! the man exclaimed, heartily patting his back. Nakago nearly was thrown forward as he was caught off guard by the strangeness. Wha As you can cook, you are unanimously and without question, accepted into the family, Haku agreed. Nakago decided he would just ignore their antics and focus on cooking. Mmm hmm, Zabuza hummed. Your kids are going to look really good looking. Bright blonde and pretty hair, and clear blue eyes. Man, and the two of you are a bunch of pretty people Nakago twitched. Does this mean that any kids the two of you have will have her name? Surprisingly, it was Genma who asked this, bringing himself back into the conversation. Nakago glanced indifferently at him before turning back to his cooking. It should be that way, especially as my cousin Takashi and his daughter Kurotsuchi, my niece, are already the ones continuing the line especially as a direct lineage from Onoki-dono. However, as Tsuchikage and chosen heir to Onoki-dono, I am expected to produce an heir and continue the line as well. And my family would prefer that I do, he admitted. That threw some of the others off, as they knew that Naruko was also expected to produce kids, but for her line. Whatever line it was At least the first kid will have my name, while its agreed later kids will take on hers, he continued. Thats whyits been suggested the CRA be put into effect, he reluctantly revealed. That had everyone staring at him, some of them gaping. She needs to produce more heirs than I am required to, and there is a worry about loyalties and housing and other stuff I dont want to go into. Simply that, our children will be in a divided state and its been suggested that she has husbands of Konohan origin or do not have a separate loyalty that will cause problems, Nakagos voice went slightly strained, indicating his unhappiness about needing to do such a thing. Problems most probably caused by the civilian council, though Im sure the shinobi side will cause their own brand of problems. They will dislike the idea of any foreign shinobi marrying

her, especially when in light of certain truths about her, and they definitely will not take the Tsuchikage, a ninja from a hostile village, marrying her. The leader of the hostile village at that, Haku quipped with a wince. The CRA is mainly to appease the Council, and the Sandaime and I had chosen to enact it first before the Council could enforce it anyway that way your Hokage could specifically choose the ninja to be in it as opposed to who the Council will force upon Naruko, Nakago ended sourly. Does that mean the Uchiha could be marrying her? Genma frowned. Nakago smirked at that. No. For one, he is also considered the last of his clan, so he must produce his own heirs. Mixing the two is counterproductive as the child will be split between two clans, when the CRAs purpose is to bring about a clan from extinction and solely of that clan, not make a new breed from combining. Two, the Uchiha is a little kid. You really think that Narukos CRA group, with a very likely chance of being filled with older men, are going to tolerate and put up with the brat? Were not going to have any patience to be dealing with him or care to share Naruko with a little boy. Hes going to be eaten alive. Itll be worse if hes going to be his usual arrogant, stuck up self and demand all the time with Naruko, that her focus is always on him, and things like that. Were more likely to beat the shit out of him. The others sweatdropped. And therefore the Uchiha clan will be wiped out, countering the CRA for him, Haku cringed. That isnt to say that aside from separate CRA plans for them both, that the Council would not want to force them together in the future, Genma scowled. Theres that, Nakago finished up with his food. And then theres still Naruko and the Sandaimes approval, and the fact the Sandaime will be the one handpicking the group himself. The food was then dished out, while Nakago sat on the counter to watch them. Whos in Narukos CRA group? Meizu asked after swallowing a bite. For now, Im the only one, Nakago shrugged. HoweverHatake Kakashi has been reluctantly considered, Nakago hid his distaste. Still, it was clear that choice, never mind the whole CRA thing itself, was not something he wanted to go through with or clearly liked. Hoho! Im a good catch. Id make a good husband for Naru-chan, with her long legs and pretty eyes. That gorgeous girl totally needs a man like me! Zabuza boasted. Ah, I only wish Id seen her pretty long legs wet like Kakashi did

Nakago only twitched once before he sped over, grabbed the man, and stalked outside the apartment as he slammed the door behind him. Pretty soon, there were loud screams erupting outside. Good riddance, Genma humphed, turning back to his food without a second thought. The Demon Brothers stared at the door in shock while Haku shook his head. Zabuza-sama should have known better, especially as the main topic being kept talking about was clearly upsetting Nakago-san as they went on Nakago came back in nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened. They sweatdropped once more, before Nakago cleared his throat and got their attention. Clean up here, will you? Finish eating and whatever, but make sure to clean up after yourself. Its Narukos home after all, he said. I have to go back to the office and work on the paperwork for tomorrow to try to get a head start. The Hokages office? His paperwork? Haku furrowed his eyebrows. Nakago nodded. Gozu blinked. But youre not a Konoha-nin. And that is what I keep telling them, the blond muttered. Without another word, Nakago left and headed to his temporary work for the day. In there, he started on the stack already on the desk. Pretty soon, the two old people that were currently the bane of his existence entered the office. Homura-san, Koharu-san, good morning. What can I do for you? Nakago plastered on a smile for them. We were merely looking in on you and seeing if everything goes well, Koharu acknowledged him. Homura nodded at him and delivered another stack of papers. And to deliver these, he added. Nakagos plastic smile stiffened just the slightest. Of course. Just die, you old bastards. I would like to bring up a point with you, actually, Nakago forced himself to focus on. As you know, just before his incapacitation, Sandaime-dono had revealed to you his plans about revealing Uzumaki Narukos heritage at the end of the Chuunin Exam. Even though he is unable to, I would like for you to do so in his place so that the villagers will have time to adjust while

she is gone, and that she will be able to come back to the village able to rightfully claim her heritage. The two advisors glanced at each other and Nakago narrowed his eyes at that. We will bring it up with the Council on the next meeting, Homura hesitantly answered. But we warn you that not only will the civilian side be very reticent in believing you, but the shinobi council will want proof as well. Nakago frowned. Very well. Do as much as you can before the Sandaime wakes up and do his own part. Which really wasnt too much. As soon as Koharu and Homura dropped the bombshell, the Council was practically up in arms. This is absurd, one councilman from the civilian side snarled. There is no way that girl is Yondaimes daughter! I dont see why not, Hyuuga Hiashi said quietly, surprising those there. Its practically obvious. Shes a dead ringer for Namikaze-san, just female and longer hair. Her personality is slightly more like her mothers, Uzumaki Kushina. Narukos smell is a mix of her parents, Inuzuka Tsume agreed. Because its a mix, I had not noticed the similarity before. We should wait, Shinos father, Shibi, suggested. While I believe its very possible that she is the daughter of the Yellow Flash and the Red Habenero, I think its best to wait for Sandaimes absolute confirmation as proof before revealing it to the village. To do so now would be too hasty and may cause disbelief and anger to spread amongst the villagers. If its true, then the CRA should be enacted to revive both the Uzumaki and Namikaze clans, another civilian councilman frowned unhappily. That has been taken cared of, Koharu said sharply. The Sandaime was working on it before his incapacitation, and he will continue to do so when he wakes up. That is final, Homura said firmly. There were grumbling on both sides, the civilians more so, before the meeting soon came to an end. The concluding decision was that neither side totally believed it, except quite a many on the shinobi council, and that they would wait for the Sandaime before proceeding with any further decisions, with the civilian side reluctantly agreeing to it.

That night, as Hiashi reported to the Hyuuga elders and council about the meeting, he was met with disbelieving stares and sneers. As if that demon brat could be anything but spawned from the demon, one of them laughed mockingly. Hiashi scowled. I believe that she is. Well then, why dont you marry her then, Hiashi? Put in a request to enter her CRA collection, the same one whod laughed mockingly went to sneer at him. He was about to retort back coldly, when one of the elders interrupted. Actually, if it is true, then perhaps it is a good idea that Hiashi goes down that path, Elder Gokuro spoke. We will have a closer tie to a possible powerful ally, and potentially allied with two of the most important clans in Konoha through a single marriage. I dont think I qualify, Hiashi said diplomatically. As father of two children and mainly because I am already part of a huge clan. Gokuro waved that away. Your children doesnt have any bearing on this. As for the clan, you have done your duty and provided an heir, two even, to continue the line. Any of your future children can be deigned to be handed over to the two clans and taken on the names. And I, as head of this clan? Hiashi asked quietly, white eyes staring down the elder. You have done your duty, Gokuro repeated. It is a requirement that the husband take on the name of the wife, in the CRA assembly. As you have provided heirs to continue your name, you no longer need to bear it and may take on either one of hers. You can give your future to her. Your prospective children will go to her clans. You can relinquish your title as Head and become completely part of her clans, or you may stay and be a distant husband here. As of now, the best choice for the clan is that you do marry Uzumaki Naruko. Hiashi didnt speak for a moment before he nodded solemnly. Then I shall do what is best for the clan, he murmured. However, I will stay as Head until Hinata is ready to take over. About that, the earlier Hyuuga councilman whod mocked him spoke up. Shes obviously too weak to lead the clan. Why have you not appointed your youngest as heiress yet? It is my decision, Hiashi said tightly. And I will decide who is heir to the clan. However, I will see how things go before making that final decision The meeting adjourned, but Hiashi continued to sit stiffly in seiza position alone in the room, glaring down at the floor with tightly clenched fists.

Interlude: Fanclubs and CRA Mobilize! Zabuza looked skeptically at the duo, but We agree to be in your youthful club, Zabuza-san! Maito Gai gave him his good guy pose, with his teeth pinging as he grinned. The Demon Brothers and Haku shuddered in the background. Lee nodded enthusiastically, agreeing with his sensei. Yes! We shall be the best members ever! Or else Ill run around Konoha 100 times, screaming ZabuNa! And I will run 500 times, on my hands! Gai-sensei! Lee! Gai-sensei! Zabuza cringed and was thinking better of his recruitment. And how did this come to be? Zabuza had heard of the two green monsters, running about like loons, and how they were eagerly signing up for all the clubs. He had immediately decided that he would come after them and forcefully draft them into his club. It had gone like this. Its a great idea! Why wouldnt you think so, Haku? Zabuza demanded. Haku twitched. Those two? Are you serious, Zabuza-sama? Meizu and Gozu both nodded vehemently, glaring at Zabuza. Oh, come on! What can it hurt? Damn it, Im tired of having an empty club! Zabuza huffed. I kick ass. Whats more cooler than that? Tell me something more fitting a trait that would match with Naruko? Being kage, Haku said immediately.

Having a bloodline, Gozu added. Being head of a clan, Meizu stoked the fire. And also with the ability to kick ass, Haku finished with a bored tone. Traitors! All of you! Zabuza yelled, glaring at them. Just you wait! Youll seeIll grab those two for the club! Maito Gai and Rock Lee are mine! And so he found himself hunting down the two, finding them currently in the midst of doing onehanded pushups on their training ground. Join my club, Zabuza demanded loudly right away. The two stared at him. Oh, come on! Not you too, the ex Mist-nin growled. Gai hesitated. I dont know, Zabuza-san Ive tried everyone! I asked all around! Why wont anyone join my club? Zabuza yelled to the skies. The fires lit up in Gais and Lees eyes. Worry not, Zabuza-san! Lee yelled enthusiastically. Well do it! Well join! Which led to now. Zabuza wasnt quite sure what hed signed up for, as the two continued to yell about youth and the fires of determination from Zabuza-san! What have you done? Haku hissed at him Zabuza just continued to stare, when suddenly a sunset appeared behind the two weirdoes, who proceeded to hug and call out to each other. My eyes! It blinds! It blinds me! Zabuza howled. I have been blinded! he continued dramatically. What have you done to me?! Do not fret, Zabuza-san! We will not allow your youthful flames to dim! We will save you! Gai proclaimed. Come, Lee! We must save Zabuza-san! Noooo! Get away, get away! Yes, Gai-sensei! He is even starting to speak nonsense! We must help him!

And when Zabuza yelled for their help, they turned the other way. He was on his own. Besides, what are we? Chopped fish liver? Meizu muttered darkly. We joined his stupid club. Despite the fact the three had also been forcefully recruited into it. Chopped fishcakes, Haku corrected. They snickered. Hehe, puns, Gozu smirked. Strange happenins, Anko muttered from afar, watching and weirded out. Shrugging to herself, she continued on her way to her destination, spotting the somewhat busy Ichirakus. Welcome, welcome! Teuchi greeted her. Eating here or to go? Here, Anko slid into a seat next to a familiar chuunin. And sign this, she handed out the petitions for the Mangaka club. Sure, Teuchi took them and signed, handing them to his daughter next. You got your Official UNF id with you? You get a discount on the food, if you do. And if youre part of our club, you get additional discounts on merchandise. Anko grinned and clapped her hands eagerly. Oooh, sounds good. Got my id and Ill sign up for your club. And they finally decided on Official? About time, Ayame agreed as she handed the tokubetsu jounin a form for their club and handed back Anko her petitions. Ill sign them, Iruka, who had been silent up until now, spoke quietly. Happily, Anko handed them to him. Relieved about the new Naruko tab here? Iruka chuckled. A weight off of my wallet. And Naruko would be happy to hear of it too means ramen overload. Mondays really becoming Orange and Black Day? Yep. Should be interesting. I dont know how anyone else can pull off the orange, at least not as good as the gaki. I have four words for you: face paint, hair dye. Ankos grin turned mischievous. Ohohoho! Someones looking to become a delinquent!

Iruka actually smirked at her, making her wary. I might end up hitting up the Anbu HQ. I hear theyre stockpiling all of Narukos pranks and prank items; probably a good idea to check it out and pick some stuff up. Shed forgotten rumor was that Iruka used to be a prankster. Better than that hentai club, Ayame mentioned, and the atmosphere turned tense. Anko, Teuchi, and Ayame sweated bullets as Irukas smirk turned frozen and he slowly began to leak out potent Killing Intent. Shed also forgotten that Iruka was an overprotective mother hen when it came to Naruko. Not that anyone here is a member! Anko quickly said, hoping to placate the chuunin that didnt really feel like or seem like just a regular chuunin right then. Not a one of them, including the rest of the group in the restaurant that had once been peacefully eating (and was now not) and had begun uncomfortably fidgeting in their seats, would admit to actually being a member of Icha Icha Naruko! You just didnt. Especially when Iruka was involved. Anko idly wondered, the part of her that was slightly crazy and might be suicidal, if Iruka was a member and just wouldnt say it like the rest. Then she looked back to his face and thought that she would be insane and doomed if she went and actually asked the man that aloud. Ah, but, theres no actual evidence it exists, right? Anko laughed weakly. So they say, Iruka snarled. Like, an actual snarl. My senses say otherwise. I know the truth. Theyll see my wrath soon enough Anko swallowed, as did a great number of people there. What about them pairing clubs, eh? Anko changed the subject. Crazy. And its funny how Kakashis club was at the top, and then theres this sudden influx of people joining the Tsuchikages club, especially after finding the blond guy turned out to be the Tsuchikage in the first place. And dont get me started on ZabuNa. Poor sap, she cackled. Ayame shook her head. And poor Genma-san Nah, hes doin alright. Not as big, but hes got a respectable number of people supporting him, Anko huffed. Nowhere near as pathetic and pitiable as Zabuzas sad, lonely little club. If it was possible, the atmosphere around Iruka darkened even more. It seemed that even this line of subject was a no go.

Weeeeell, Anko stretched out, getting up quickly. It was nice and allbutIgottogo! She was not afraid to admit that she was running away. She did so quickly, making sure her petitions were on her person. She passed by Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura, wondering when did those two start hanging out again. Hadnt she heard something about those two having some kind of row when they were kids and fighting over that Uchiha brat? Since when did they become best buddies again? Ah, who cares. Shes got some petitions to pass around. Theyd also caught sight of her, but refrained from calling out. Ino remembered how psycho the lady was from the second stage, and Sakura had heard from Ino. I wonder what clan Naruko has, Sakura commented casually. Well, shed half brought it up in curiosity and idle wondermentbut there was also that she wanted to continue to find out more about the girl, as part of her continuing gathering of knowledge and to add to the list of things that she and the Uchiha had been noticing as odd or mysterious about their soon to be teammate (if they had anything to say about it). Shed have to have one to have that CRA thing pushed onto her. Hm, yeah. What with those rumors that shes been put into the CRA and stuff, shed have to have a clan. Just wonder what. Is there an Uzumaki clan you think? Ive never heard of it before, but there was something strange in Inos voice as they started in on this particular subject. Sakura frowned inwardly, but decided not to directly confront the other girl about it just yet. I even heard some rumor about Hinatas dad, and that he was going to be in it, the pinkette mentioned in surprise thought. But that seems too strange to think. Probably just a rumor. Now Sakura was definitely sure that she wasnt imagining the thoughtful gleam in Inos eyes as the blonde girl frowned to herself. Maybe, maybe not, Ino muttered. Okay, spill. What the hecks going on in your head, Ino-pig? Sakura demanded, deciding enough was enough. Ino turned red easily, but didnt give in. Is it me or is your forehead getting even bigger, Forehead? Sakura fumed and soon enough, the two of them began bickering again. A little later, as soon as they split ways, Ino headed quickly to the Hokage Tower and found a form, taking her time as

she filled it out carefully. Afterwards, she went home and decided that shed definitely made the right decision. The next morning almost had her changing her mind, but she steadfastly kept firm in her decision. Ino, did you sign me up for Narukos CRA collection?! her father nearly spat out his coffee as he read the Admittance Screening letter. Yeah? So what? Ino said, not looking at her father and uncomfortably looking at everything else but him. What do you mean so what? Ino, this is serious! This isnt a joke, because Yamanaka Inoichi was being seriously considered for Narukos CRA collection, according to the letter he held in his hand. You know, Mom left 7 years ago, Ino snapped at him. You should move on and get over her. Dont think I havent seen you moping around when you think Im not looking, all these past years. She left us. We didnt do anything wrong, she ended bitterly. Inoichi looked at his daughter tenderly. Im sorry, Ino. I know I do get upset at moments, and I tend to remember her too muchbut that doesnt mean you should have done this. Even more so now because Im being seriously considered into the collection, sweetheart. Ino frowned. I dont see why thats a bad thing. Inoichi blinked at his daughter, surprised and not having expected that kind of response from her. Ino, Narukos collection has to be filled with men that are serious about it. There are also many specifications they must have, such as being single, fertile, and either non-clan affiliated or have the ability to give up their name so that they can take on Narukos. But Naruko is sweet and kind, and I know she can take care of you and make you happy, Ino persisted. It really wouldnt be so bad. I dont think you would be unhappy with her, Dad. And what about Naruko? Shes already being forced into this, not that she knows, and its very likely that her collection really is filled with men quite older than her. Wouldnt it be awkward and strange for her to have one of her old schoolmates father to be one of them? Inoichi raised an eyebrow at her. Yeah, but Hinatas dad was submitted, Ino blurted out, surprising Inoichi. He hadnt known that and was surprised to hear of it, and that the other man had actually done it. How do you know that? Inoichi furrowed his eyebrows.

Ino blushed slightly. I overheard Neji and Hinata talking about it earlier, after I left Sakura and what got me to actually go through the idea of signing you up, when I was thinking about it when I was talking to Sakura. Neji-niisan, I dont know how to help Chichi-ue, Hinata was murmuring in distress to her cousin. Ino frowned and darted behind a tree, listening closely. The Elders are forcing him to enter Narukos CRA collection. I dont want him to be unhappy, and I definitely dont want to upset Naruko because Chichi-ue is to be one of her husbands Neji patted her head consolingly, frowning as well. The Elders are always making a mess of thingsHiashi-sama will be fine. Naruko will take good care of him. You know how she is. We can trust her to somehow make things right. And we know her personality too. Theres no way shed get too upset over this, and definitely not with us or Hiashi-sama. Shell take it in stride and persevere. Ino retold it to her father, whose frown deepened. Clan Elders usually do muck up things, he grumbled. He cleared his throat and looked back at his daughter. Wouldnt you feel odd with me marrying your friend? Ino was unusually quiet, worrying him. No, not really, she finally said, quietly. I just want you happy, after everything. I know Naruko could do that. AndI really want her happy too. She doesnt show it a lot, but sometimes she just seems really sad Inoichi watched Ino closely. Theres something else, isnt there? Ino flinched and looked away, before sighing and looking at her dad resentfully. I kind of like her. Inoichi looked at his daughter before it finally clicked. Oh. Yeah, oh, Ino chuckled bitterly. I kind of figure, if I cant have her, might as well keep it in the family, right? Inoichi scratched the back of his head, not sure how to handle this or what to say to her. It was times like these where he wished Ino had a mother who she could talk to, and would know better than he would about how to comfort her. Just try it out? Ino asked him miserably. Inoichi sighed. Okay. Because youre my baby girl. Ino gave him a small smile. This waskind of awkward.

No, really. It really was awkward, and Inoichi wasnt sure how he felt being stuffed in a room with Hatake Kakashi, Hyuuga Hiashi, and Shiranui Genmaespecially considering Kakashi and Genma were glaring viciously at each other, and Hiashi was blank-faced and as unemotional as ever. Inoichi, unable to help himself and due to habit, analyzed the others and came to a few conclusions. Kakashi and Genma had tension between each other. It was widely known amongst at the least the jounin quarter that Kakashi was in love with Naruko, and that Naruko had been (though the current status of her feelings was unknown) in love with Genma. That naturally put those two at odds, especially with Genma having been distant from the blonde girl, aside from recently, and making Kakashi unhappy about that treatment since it had made Naruko unhappy. The Hyuuga Head? Since hed been forced into this, it was natural to assume he wasnt pleased to have to go on through this. His blank face was a natural defense mechanism, and Hiashi was freely using it to keep others away and at arms length from him. Inoichi quietly kept to himself and didnt say anything to the others, though curious looks had been sent his way. The door opened and they all stood at attention, looking to see if they were now going to get started. However, of all people, Sarutobi Asuma entered the room in a shuffle, glancing momentarily at them before looking back at the ground. He went further into the room and stood off to the side, also keeping to himself. By body language alone, Inoichi could deduce the feelings the young Sarutobi most probably had for Naruko. He hadnt expected that, and by the surprise and taken aback looks from both Kakashi and Genma, neither had they. It seemed like it was going to be a long wait.

Chapter Nineteen: Love So Life There, shocked and in various stages of disbelief, stood the very group she had run away from. There was dazed and hurt Kakashi, who she guiltily looked away from. And there was gaping Jiraiya, taken aback Tsunade, curious and questioning Shizuneand her two Hokage companions, both faces stoic, though their eyes were intensely watchful. Umhey, she muttered, because she didnt know what else to say. She nervously searched out Nagis hand, though she didnt face him, and she was relieved that he took hers without question, squeezing in comfort. We should take this elsewhere, Nagi, thank goodness for him, calmly suggested. He quickly paid the discounted price for the guitar to the cheerful merchant, who wished them luck and went to tend to other customers. And then the mixed group was heading to the inn, where they led the others to their room. Inside it, she puttered around the room and put on the kettle for tea, trying to avoid facing the group. Instead, Nagi quietly faced them, all of them sitting down and waiting. I think perhaps Naruko should explain her side first, before you ask questions and bombard her with them, Nagi told them, and they all couldnt help frequently glancing at his blindfold. He knew, but he didnt say anything. Naruko didnt know whether to pout at him or to continue to be grateful that he was setting the pace and helping her structure the talk, as well as getting her the time to speak first and have a chance to explain. So she went ahead and spoke, speaking honestly about what she was thinking and that she just panicked and ran away, and that she wouldnt blame them if they hated or feared her. Course, she hadnt expected for Tsunade to scarily pick up the table and threaten to throw it at her. Baka gaki! her fellow blonde yelled, table held high above her head. The others freaked out and were attempting to calm and persuade Tsunade to put down the table, but she wasnt listening. How could you think such stupid things! You silly girl. You are incredibly important to all of us, and nothing like a mistake like that would ever make us hate you.

I highly doubt you can do anything that would make anyone hate you, Shizune added. You could even get away with murder, I bet, Jiraiya chortled, and had to duck to avoid the table being swung at his head. After that, Tsunade finally, though reluctantly, put down the table to its correct place, but she continued to glare at Naruko. Seriously, brat, I cant believe you ran off like that, and actually thought we would hate and be angry at you. Naruko smiled sheepishly, though hesitantly. Still, she sought out Nagis hand again, in reassurance, which caught everyones eyes. Kakashi clenched his jaw, staring at the held hands for a moment before forcing himself to look at Naruko and the Kazekages faces. Tsunade also lifted her eyes from the held hands, licking her lips anxiously. Umabout you two, she started tentatively. How about we get an explanation on how that happened? Please? It would help if maybe we start from Narukos side, Jiraiya inserted himself, unusually looking serious. And then we can start with Nagi, and from how youre still alive and ended up in this place. However the hell you two, of all people, managed to luck out and meet each other in the first place, and then up together, if your positions mean anything. Naruko scrunched up her nose, but Nagis warm and firm hand was still holding hers, so she started on how shed ran until she made it to this village and then her meeting with Nagi in this inn. She told about how they ended up sharing a room, and the things that happened since then, including Kabutos reappearance and Sasoris introduction to her, though she skimmed over some parts (not wanting them to know too much details about her and Nagi itd be embarrassing to talk about some of the stuff that happened in their first meeting, Nagis continuous teasing, and the other affections since then). After that, Nagi continued without any prompting, speaking about how hed survived his attempted assassination. And that eventually, hed been found and healed by some travelers, who brought him to a medic-nin, who further healed him as best as they could. Then eventually hed gone here, and had stayed at the inn by himself for awhile, until Narukos reentrance into his life. Then he spoke candidly about his feelings for her, and even went back to how itd started at their first actual meeting, his thoughts in the desert when he was dying, and all the times through the inn until he managed to eventually get together with her certainly. The others stared at him in shock and surprise, while Narukos face burned a bright red. She was also inwardly pleased that he wasnt afraid to talk about his feelings for her or admit he was with her in the first place.

For that, she couldnt help smiling widely as well. She missed the concerned looks and somewhat irritated gazes on the Shodai and Nidaimes faces, as well as the stoic look in Kakashis lone eye, but Nagis continued presence beside her and held hand kept her happy and grounded. Wellthats been unexpected, Jiraiya blinked, but shrugged. Ah well. Its all good, I suppose. Kakashi sent back a kage bunshin to Konoha, to inform them well be late and of our success in retrieving Tsunade, so we should be heading back pretty soon. I guess well be taking the Kazekage with us then? Id like to stay dead please, Nagi said suddenly, and he was stared at again. Im content to be assumed dead, and to be able to continue staying by Narukos side. Idlike to not have to face the pressures of the office and the village again. Tsunade snorted. I say it fuck it. You served them long enough, and did a helluva lot. Why the hell should you have to be forced back, if you dont want to? Damn, just go ahead and mix it up with Konoha, and move in with Naruko. Nagis lips twitched upwards and Naruko was just beaming in happiness and excitement. She got to keep Nagi and he could potentially move in with her. It wouldnt be so lonely around anymore, and he would be with her still. I can take a look at your eyes before we leave though, Tsunade said, making both Nagi and Naruko excited and anxious. Im confident I can do something about it, though it may take awhile for you to see completely again. And well have to stay here a bit, in order for you to have your eyes healed enough to be fit for travel. Yatta! Tsunade-baachan is the best! Naruko cheered, though she didnt duck away in time for Tsunade to grab her head and roughly dig in her knuckles into it in retribution for the name. Itai, itai, itai! Gaki, she huffed. Alright, come on, Nagi. Lets take a look at your eyes, she dragged the man away, to the other side of the room for some peace and quiet. Shizune joined them, ready to help and be in attention for when she was called on. Jiraiya looked at the others who were left, and shook his head. He didnt want any part of this confrontation. Huffing quietly to himself, he announced that he was going to check out the area, as well as scout for any news that may be interesting or could be of important note to them. He also wanted to see if he could get anything about Sasori, especially considering since the Puppet Master was supposedly part of the S-class missing-nin organization of Akatsuki and had an unhealthy interest in Naruko. I cant believe you, Kakashi immediately started, once Jiraiya was gone, with his tone short.

Naruko was taken aback, looking at him unsurely. N-nani? Whats wrong Whats wrong is that you didnt trust in us in me enough to know we would never think that way about you. Ever. Even if you went crazy or went off and decided to be a missing-nin, I wouldnt feel that way. You are very important and cared for. Dont ever underestimate that, a sliver of hurt escaped into his tone, and Naruko flinched, starting to feel bad about it all over again. Im your sensei, and Im also someone who cares a lot for you, Naruko. Dont ever forget that please, okay? And he reached over and grabbed her hands, grasping them tightly before letting go quickly. Naruko gave him a small smile and nodded, apologizing with her eyes and hoping he wouldnt be upset anymore. However, though she didnt know, he was still upset and hurt about this new development about her solid and happy relationship with the Kazekage, and intensely jealous. He kept it to himself though, even when the two formerly dead Hokage gently took Naruko and led her away to a corner, intent on having their own talks with her. He was a little confused and wondering about what those two needed to say to her personally, and especially to have her taken away for a private talk, but shrugged to himself. He wouldnt be able to know, and it didnt seem like they were going to share. It wasnt long until they were all together again, and it was dinnertime. Dinner kaiseki came, and Masahiko blinked at the sudden multiplication of people in the room. Her eyes widened as she realized that this was most probably the family, and that they mustve caught up. She hoped things went well, and that Naruko and Nagi were able to weather this and stay together She delivered the food and left in a hurry, trying to rush to spread the new development to the others quickly. Naruko sweatdropped, having a guess at what was going through the womans mind and what she mustve been thinking about the situation she witnessed. Dinner was kind of awkward, being that they werent sure how to act with the Kazekage there, and that it was odd to see Naruko and Nagi close and acting warmly to each other. And there was Kakashi and the two Hokage acting weirdly for some reason, in response. It was really, really odd. More so when they all had to fit in the room together, so they could sleep the night. They would probably have to get another room, for the next few days they might have to stay in town, in order to have time for Nagis eyes to heal properly

They all had to find a spot on the floor, and Nagi and Naruko continued to share their futon, though it was much harder to fall asleep that night, considering there was an odd tension in the air that had never been there previously. Nagi just held onto her tighter and focused on her smell, breathing in deeply and relaxing instantly as he forgot all else. She, in turn, snuggled up to his chest and fell asleep without much prompting, once they ignored whatever it was causing the tension. The next morning had Jiraiya going out and looking to acquire a new room, Kakashi stomping out, and the two Hokage were keeping silent vigil in the room. Tsunade had Nagi laying back and was focusing on healing his eyes, having told him that there had been minute traces of a type of poison having seeped in, an airborne type (and hard to detect) that mustve been expelled in the quick ambush Orochimaru had set up against his double and Anbu guards. It wasnt enough to be deadly, but still an adequate enough amount to collect around the area of his eyes and cause damage that would affect his eyesight. Good news was that it hadnt been there for long, and it was still early enough for her to reverse the effects and remove all traces of the poison completely. Shizune sat close by, and was a quick study in being ready for anything, as well as observing her teacher and learning about the process. Naruko was also there, holding onto Nagis hand as Tsunade worked, trying to give reassurance and comfort to him. The burning in his eyes increased, the longer the procedure went on, and he hissed at the pain that built up in intensity. Naruko looked worriedly at him and squeezed. She hesitated, glancing up at both women and the Hokage behind her, before biting her lip and making the decision to lift his hand and brush her lips tenderly against his knuckles. Though she hadnt been sure of showing him such obvious affection in front of the others, she soon forgot about that as she focused on him and his increasing attempts to not show his pain, even though it was obvious in his face and body. She hummed a comforting tune and caressed his hand as she held it gently, landing soft kisses on it every once in awhile. She missed the awed and astonished looks from both women, just doing her best to comfort the red head from the pain. In fact, Tsunade managed to finish quickly as she continued to watch her little gaki be so in tune and affectionate with someone, especially considering whom that someone was. She and Shizune moved back, and Naruko really hadnt noticed as she leaned over Nagi and softly cupped his face in her hands. All better? she murmured. All better, he gave her a small and wry grin, though he winced and was still breathing heavily. She shifted until she was sitting just above his head, placing her forehead against his. Im worried, he mumbled. About what? she frowned lightly.

About whats going to happen now, he admitted. Im scared. Ive been scared since the others showed up. Thatthat things will change, and youll be gone. Youll leave me behind and youll stop caring. Narukos face crumbled and her heart hurt. It sounded just like the Nagi from her dream and who had such similar worries, and she just wanted nothing more than to be able to reassure him that that would never happen. Ever. She moved her forehead from his and shifted her face lower, kissing him upside down sweetly. And then she nuzzled their noses together, before lovingly rubbing her cheek against his. She shifted his head to the side and then she lay down, with their heads facing each other and their bodies in opposite directions. Her fingertips lightly brushed against his eyelids, encouraging them to open, and he tentatively did so, blinking blearily. Everythings still a little blurrybut Im really happy that you are the first thing I got to see, he gave a wide, trembling smile that she inhaled sharply. She leaned in and kissed him. I would never leave you, she promised sincerely. I need you so much closer. They leaned in towards each other and placed their foreheads together again, eyes fluttering close as their hands drifted down and clasped together tightly. The others in the room tried to make themselves smaller and ignore the feeling of intruding on something private and intimate. Jiraiya sighed to himself, running a hand through his thick wild mane. What a mess. A foreign kage practically abdicating and playing Romeo to Narukos Juliet, which will eventually crash into the CRA plans already in place back home. Never mind Kakashis despondent and hurting fool of a self he hadnt missed the jounin sensei walking in on that scene and reeling back in pain, retreating after hed stopped being ensnared by the tenderness and the couple had gone into a peaceful, light slumber together. Dont even get him started on the trouble in that town. Hed gone around and heard the rumors Naruko and Nagi had fanned about themselves. Runaway forbidden lovehe snorted, shaking his head. It had spread all over and everyone was in a tizzy and championing mood about the two, and suddenly Jiraiya and the others were the enemy and earning glares and wary glances from the locals. It was enough to make him let loose a couple of hysterical laughs. And when hed said the truth, the crazed town was still in love with the couple, continuing to still see them as star-crossed. He had to admit, that two very different people, from different backgrounds and having no reason to ever cross paths, to meet againit seemed the type of fated thing that people would

talk about. And for them to have only one, seemingly insignificant, and so very brief a meeting before Why did it seem like the Powers That Be were all mocking them? Nevertheless, he waited until the room was all but empty, minus the Kazekage. He approached the still semi-blind man, who was recovering and couldnt leave the room just yet. His eyes were still healing, and then he would have to wait for them to adjust after that. Nagi, he called out, and then took a seat beside the man. Jiraiya, he greeted stoically. Im going to only be saying this once, so please listen carefully, Jiraiyas voice took on a very serious and warning tone. I am not altogether happy or alright with you and Naruko together. I may act differently, but I do care very much and seriously concern myself with Naruko. She is my goddaughter. I will not tolerate her getting hurt or all this foolishness of yourself or any of the others with her, especially concerning events back in Konoha. Nagi opened his mouth to inquire about it, but Jiraiya held up a hand. I will explain about that later, but for now I want to talk about this thing with you and Naruko. I suppose, after everything back home, this newfound relationship is the last straw and whats tipped the scale for me. So I am warning you right now, Nagi. Kazekage or not, even former, I will destroy you if you hurt her in anyway. Do you understand me? Nagis face was unrevealing, but he nodded surely, which relieved Jiraiya just a bit because it meant the man was certain and wasnt hesitant about how he felt about Naruko at the least. Now that I have sufficiently warned you properly as a godfather should, I would at least want to ask that, as a person who sincerely cares for Naruko as I can clearly see and you are not playing around that you would work a bit with Kakashi in that regard, as someone who also cares greatly for her. You, who feels for her honestly and deeply, could understand him, who feels the same as you but has to suffer seeing her happy with someone else. I say this, as the events I talk about back in Konoha, would require great support and comfort to Naruko in the coming times. She cares and confides in you already and so much, so it would be on you to understand and be a strong support, despite how you will feel about certain things. Whatwhat events are you talking about? Nagi asked, feeling more than wary now. Jiraiya sighed. For one, the Clan Restoration Act has been enacted in Narukos name. Both the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans are expected to be revived, and one of the problems would no doubt be the political messes that will evolve from that. Nagis jaw visibly clenched. I see.

In this respect, I hope that as the person that Naruko currently cares and needs the most, that you would not only stand by her, but also take the lead in trying to work with the other men to keep Naruko from panicking or worrying herself too much. Kakashi could help, not just as a potential candidatebut as someone who shares your feelings for heras opposed to some of the others, who may not share the same sentiments. Nagi grimaced, but was listening attentively and reluctantly understanding. As much as it pained him to have to share her, he had to accept it and knew he couldnt let Naruko go through it alone. I wont let her down, he said firmly. Jiraiya smiled grimly.

Chapter Twenty: Precious Rocks Nagi wasnt exactlythrilled with this new development. He could even say that he wouldnt mind staying blind, if it meant they had never been found and Naruko didnt have to go through the Clan Restoration Act. In truth, the CRA was more of a political maneuver when the subject was a female, like especially in Narukos case. The males of the CRA could repopulate and rebuild their clan quickly, when acquiring multiple wives. A female could not do the same. She couldnt impregnate her husbands all at once, and therefore she couldnt have her clan rebuilt as quickly. It was more so that political connections could be built. A minor clan would want to enter her CRA to gain more prestige, or a more bigger clan would want to build a connection with perhaps a more prestigious clan from the female or equally as prestigious. There is also the merging of good genes. Whether its the good looks of the female that could grant good-looking children, or her clan was just that esteemed to merge into (especially if past relatives were proven powerful or skilled and could possibly pass on some power and skill onto the kids). Oppositely, for the females clan, shed want someone with genes that could provide her well also (perhaps a bloodline, or at least equally good looks). Naruko told him about who her father was (and from there he could guess who was her mother), and he had no doubt that the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans were the top clans, with the additional history of having consistent powerful and skilled members, never mind their Fourth Hokage and the Red Hot Habenero being the exact parents (infamous and extremely powerful in their own right, just alone). Between that and the consistent good looks of her families, her parents, and her own, it was no wonder the CRA was enacted in her name. That is, beyond wanting to bring back both beloved Namikaze and Uzumaki clans. So the husbands for the female are usually taken very special care to be chosen, and in Narukoss case, this was especially true (considering she was very high-priority, the considerations in regards to her, and the esteemed clans in question). Nagi was not having much luck creating an appropriate list of candidates, especially as he wasnt even in Konoha. Currently, he had stupid Nakagos name there (being the stupid fianc), with Kakashi, and the Shodai and Nidaime following. He was suspicious and observant enough to know those two had created a bond with Naruko, and had grown feelings. Perhaps it had something to do with that Edo Tensei blood seal

transference (and something to do with Narukos blood, as Sasori had implied something special about it), though both what Sasori had said and the whole thing with the blood seal was sketchy at best for him, with him not having been there for either incident, and the Edo Tensei jutsu and what happened with the seal was explained vaguely at best. But he approved because they were obviously loyal and protective of Naruko, and they had some kind of bond to her that assured her those two. The fact that the two were former kage and powerful didnt hurt, especially in regards to making sure Naruko was safe. The last two names hed written but was pointedly ignoring, he hesitantly had added. This Kabuto of Narukos he knew, though hed hurt her, she had feelings for otherwise, she wouldnt have been as hurt when the jerk revealed his alliances. He also, though less sure, knew that Kabuto mustve felt something by what hed heard of him from Naruko and the arranging of meetings between her and Sasori. Which led to the next name he wanted to scratch off and practically stab off the paper. Sasori. He was powerful and talented, and had some kind of investment in Naruko. And keep friends close, but enemies even closer after all (and he couldnt forget Sasoris strange presence in Narukos telling dream). It would be a good idea to keep a close eye on him and his machinations, and there was also that a part of him missed and wondered about the serene kohai he used to haveand if anyone could help Sasori, he knew it would be Naruko. You sure are pensive, he heard Naruko suddenly say from beside him, startling him out of his thoughts. He turned to her with a small smile, shoving the paper with the incriminating names behind him. He shifted more from the table and gave her his full attention. He reached up and slightly tugged at a loose blonde strand Heyyou know I know you have a fianc back in Konoha, right? Nagi asked softly, his smile becoming slightly wistful. Narukos smile faltered and she tensed up, leaning towards him worriedly. Yes, I know, but Ill break it off. I said Id never leave you, right? So its okay. Ill work things out, she said earnestly, though he could see in her eyes that she unknowingly felt slight reluctance. Nagis smile became more tender and grateful and he cupped his hand against her face, and leaned his forehead against hers. Maybe he should claim this positionthat way he can say the others cant use it, and itll be his and Narukos specific position together

Its okay, Naruko. I understand, he sighed, closing his eyes. You actually really care for him, dont you? He heard her stuttering a few protests, before he brought up his other hand to cup the other side of her face and he kissed her gently, quieting her protesting. If Jiraiya wants me to go along with this, then we are doing this my way, he said, confusing her. And that means starting by telling you everything. Naruko, do you know what the Clan Restoration Act is? Have you heard of it? Naruko nodded slowly, trying to see what he was getting at, but she was definitely starting to feel dread pool in the bottom of her stomach. They enacted it on your behalf, he said quietly, and a sharp breath left her as she stared at him wide-eyed. So you will have others I will have to share you with. Nakago is just one of many and I will have to get used to it. Naruko looked so sorry and sad that he had to take her into his arms and whisper comforting words to her. It wasnt even herself that she was upset about it was him and how hed have to deal with it all. It made him love her even more. Silly girl, I told you it was okay, he murmured as he laid his chin on top of her head. I understand whats going to happen. I understand and I wont blame you at all, for any of the feelings you will have for the others. She shook her head vehemently and started to protest again, but he held her head still again as he looked straight into her eyes, still smiling wistfully. I would love to keep you all to myself, but I know it cant be. And itll be inevitable youll grow to feel something for the others its probably better that way, he reluctantly admitted. We will all be a household. Better for your husbands to get along and for you to care for us, rather than to have an awkward atmosphere and for you to be unhappy or at odds with one of us. Itll probably become a battlefield in that, he forced a chuckle out. Whether all out, or on your behalf against any of your husbands who would dare upset you. She couldnt imagine how hard it was for him to resign himself to this, or for him to say those words to her. So she did the only thing she could to show him her appreciation. Naruko tossed herself at him, smashing her lips against his and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. It was getting more heated than any other time theyd kissed, as she wrapped her legs around him in a straddle and he rocked his hips against hers slightly. They were caressing each other eagerly, and hed just laid her on the floor and lay on her, when they were interrupted as someone roughly jerked Nagi back by the scruff of his collar.

They saw Jiraiya angrily standing there, still holding onto Nagi. Tsunade and Shizune were both by the door, looking both oddly amused, while Kakashi and the two Hokage were in sync with their stoic faces. You! You two! And you, he glared at Nagi, even though he was more or less incoherent. Just! Stopstop slobbering over her, you-you-you pervert! Everyone sweatdropped, thinking that was ironic coming from a self-proclaimed super pervert. Why dont you just go and use it for inspiration for your pervert books, ero-sennin! Naruko shouted, scrunching up her nose at the Toad Sage. Jiraiya let go of Nagi abruptly, who fell on the floor on his arse with a small thud. Instead of being angry, Jiraiya turned a 180 and rubbed his chin in thought, looking pensive. Thats a good idea, he said, causing everyone to sweatdrop again. He gained a perverted grin and giggled perversely, his eyes taking on creepy, pervert crescent shapes. I could have the jealous rival be the one to interrupt, but then again having the father or some family member do it will give my books depth and new insight! He walked away, still muttering to himself as he seemingly magicked a notebook and pen into his hands and began writing furiously. When he left, Tsunade sighed in exasperation. That idiot pervert, she grumbled. She shook her head and looked to Naruko. Come on, Naruko. Lets go shopping for some new clothes. You probably need some, dont you? You two, she directed to the Shodai and Nidaime. Youre coming with us, and carrying our purchases, she ordered. The two Hokage blinked and gave each other dry looks, rolling their eyes. Tsunade, pay more respects to your elders, the Nidaime huffed, but started forward. Exactly, the Shodai echoed his brother. Especially to your grandfather and granduncle! Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Tsunade said dismissively, causing Naruko to giggle and Shizune to be exasperated at her Lady. Rude brat, the Shodai mumbled. That group left as well, leaving Nagi and Kakashi behind. Kakashi awkwardly shuffled his feet, before turning and deciding to leave as well. However, Nagi called out and made him stop in his tracks.

Stop pussyfooting around, the Kazekage demanded. Im not going anywhere, and Im definitely going to stick by her side. So you better tell her how you feelor else I wont be recommending your presence to Narukos CRA collection. Kakashi blinked, having had no idea that Naruko was even being considered for the Clan Restoration Act. But then he thought on the other mans words, and was at once both surprised and taken abackbut grateful. He opened his mouth to reply, but then felt like an anvil hit his jaw and he became disoriented. Sorting out what happened, he grimaced as he realized his clone had been dispelled prematurely and had to take a moment to go through the memories. Is something the matter? he heard the red-haired man ask, and he confusingly shook and nodded his head. I guess? Ugh, that doesnt make sense, Kakashi groaned, still feeling the effects. I just know that, apart from you telling me about Narukos CRA, that my clone found out back in Konoha and that theyve already started in on the potentials admittance and the screening process. It dispelled violently and I got all its memories now, he dryly added. Nagi blinked at him. Dispelled violently? Kakashi winced. Apparently, it got into a fight with Genma, and then somehow the whole thing ended with Asuma landing a punch into my jaw. Aa. I see, Nagi hmmed after in thought. Who is this Genma though? And Asuma? Kakashi scowled. Genma is Narukos first love. Nagi shared his scowl. And Asuma is Sandaimes son, and apparently who also has feelings for Naruko. Not that anyone had been aware of that. Nagi rubbed the back of his head in agitation. Kami-samathis girl and the men she attracts Im going to be having a jealous fit every few seconds the moment I step into Konoha, arent I? Kakashi shrugged apologetically. Welcome to the club? Nagi grunted in answer. Well, at least you seem to be handling it better. Youre the one heading the whole peace effort, and seem to be able to push down your jealousy better than any one of us right now. Even Tsuchikage-dono looks like hes going into silent and barely noticeable palpitations every once in awhile. That somewhat cheered Nagi up, but it still was disconcerting and upsetting to know what hell have to deal with in the future.

He turned back to the desk, hunching over in his seat as he resignedly grabbed a sake bottle and poured some into a cup. Like I said, Nagi murmured. Tell her how you feel or else. It was silent in the room, and couldve been mistaken for Kakashi having left. But Nagi was a damn good shinobi and knew the other was still there. Alright, Kakashi said quietly. I willBut you know, youre her favorite. You have no need to go to the bottle, despite the eventual circumstances. The jounin proceeded to leave, before pausing at the doorway. Thank you, was said in acknowledgement. He was gone and Nagi was smiling tiredly into his sake cup. He gulped it down and pushed the bottle away. Hell leave the rest to Tsunade Nagi grabbed Narukos hand, making her look at him in surprise. Nagi? They had drawn the others attention, but Nagi didnt care. Naruko, he muttered, slightly red. He swallowed nervously, before taking her right hand and slipping on a gold band around her ring finger. I suppose Nakago gets to have your ring finger on your left handBut Im claiming your right hand, okay? he said stubbornly. Naruko grew red too. My-my right hand? Thats aa ring? Nagis blush turned darker, but he nodded surely. Yes. Aside from wanting to give you my own ring and claim your right in opposite to Nakago getting your left, most likely hell represent the Namikaze clanso I would like to be the Head of the Uzumaki part of your familyThat is, if thats how things are going to be? he directed the question to Jiraiya. The older man nodded. Most probably. Theyll want the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans restored separately. Only Naruko will be named Namikaze-Uzumaki, whereas her husbands if they have a choice of which clan or not which take on either Namikaze or Uzumaki. As Namikaze is seen as one of the highest clans in Konoha, due to the Fourths reputation and having been one of the earlier founding clans, Tsuchikage-dono will most likely adopt that surname, as well as any clanaffiliated candidates. If Nagi is going anonymous and pretending to be some nameless shinobi, then hell have been relegated to the Uzumaki clan, which is only seen as inferior due to predisposed and somewhat prejudiced people, who are completely attached to the Namikaze and the Fourths name, and because its a Konoha-bred clan, as opposed to the Uzumaki clan of Uzu. Other non-clan candidates will most likely take that name as well.

Though it seemed complicated, Naruko thought she got most of it. The others seemed understanding, so she resolved to go over it with Nagi later, who she trusted wouldnt tease her and who she felt comfortable asking. Still, what a pretty ring I made it, she heard Nagi go back to the ring, which she noticed had a gem in the middle that looked like it changed colors when she moved it a certain way against the light. She looked up at him shock. I created the band using my Gold Dust. I know its simple, but But she loved it regardless. She kissed him happily, and told him so after. Okay, okay enough with the sap, Jiraiya huffed, earning irritated glares from everyone. We should be heading back to Konoha and getting Tsunade settled into office. Naruko frowned, a thought idly playing on her mind. AnouI kind of want to go to Iwa. Jiraiya and Tsunade gaped at her, while Kakashi looked at her alarmed and Nagi was wary. Why on earth would you want to go there? Jiraiya asked in panic. You know who you are. Theyll know instantly. They dont even know about your engagement to Nakago-sama! You wouldnt be safe! Naruko bit her lip, but stayed firm. Id like Tsunade-baachan to try healing Onoki-jiisan. Nakago told me how hurt he was, and I wanted to see if she could do anything for him, like she did for Nagi. You know? Before shes stuck in Konoha, and cant go anywhere anymore. Tsunade looked pensive, but Jiraiya was still shaking his head and looked completely against the idea. Why dont we put it to a vote? Tsunade asked slyly, and Jiraiya looked at her suspiciously. Fine. Lets do that, he grumbled. For Naruko? Tsunade purposely phrased. She, Nagi, Kakashi, the First and Second, Shizune, and even little Ton Ton raised a hand. Naruko cheered, though Jiraiya glared at the others. To Iwa then, Tsunade smirked in his direction.

Jiraiya shot her a warning look. They decided, as there was never a set time, that they could tell everyone back in Konoha that they had taken time to settle Tsunades debts, so that they didnt have a Hokage who was in knee-deep in debt. It was a good excuse, and those back home didnt have to know that Naruko had already settled all of Tsunades debts prior to her even agreeing to the job title. They could spare a little time for a detour. So they entered Iwagakure in wariness, where Tsunade and Jiraiya took forefront. The two stated their business, and was directed to the hospital room, surprising Iwa-nin and making them confused and guarded. Tsunade was brought to the room, and only her. The rest of them were holed up and watched in a room nearby, although Naruko managed to sneak away, while causing panic and worry for her from those she left behind. However, none of them knew how she did it, but by the end of the day, Naruko had somehow won all of Iwagakure over and become rather precious.

Interlude: Down and Gritty It was nearly fifteen minutes later, from the time of Asumas entrance into the room, when the door opened again and admitted Minamoto Nakago (in full kage regalia) and the two Advisors. The blond did not look happy to be there, or to see any of them, and the other two wore serious expressions. Inoichi frowned and glanced back at the others. Kakashi and Genma had straightened up, and while they were professionally positioned, their eyes held obvious dislike for the Tsuchikage. Asuma was fidgeting, uncomfortable being there and finally confessing about himself, but he too shot a look of dislike towards the Tsuchikage before going back to staring at the ground. Hiashi, as always, was plain faced and almost unreadable. Inoichi thanked his skills for being able to catch the unnoticeable but all slight movement of the Hyuuga Head, which revealed he too was at attention and just the slightest bit nervous. Welcome, Nakago said, though he clearly didnt mean it. You have been invited to the first stage of the CRA screening process. After filling out the required form, you should have received an Admittance Screening letter. The absolute main requirements are your status of fertility, here many of the men shifted and were slightly embarrassed, that you are not in a current relationship, and you are either not part of a clan or that you have the ability to give up your name. It was quiet until Koharu stepped forward and continued from where Nakago left off. Before entering this room, all of you were asked to give blood samples. This was so we would be able to conduct the initial testing. In regards to the first part fertility. As all of you are looking to enter the CRA collection, there is no need for any privacy amongst you, so the results will be shared and announced right now. Any other health testing was also tested and will also be shared with the results of the fertility tests, Homura added on. As each of them lined up, quite a few of them winced as Nakago (followed by the Advisors) went to each of them and clinically told them their results aloud. Afterwards, the trio went back to the front and Nakago faced them all coldly. The third part of the 1st stage is a formal clan questioning, seeing as many of you are from clans. We will also require a family history, with minute details you believe may be important. We would not want to have someone who had a history of members with an illness or mental disorder, Koharu said coolly. If you have a bloodline, or a hereditary skill, please note it.

And so it went, that each of them got grilled on their family history first, and stated their bloodline and skill, if they had one. Hiashi stoically reported, Bloodline: Byakugan, after reciting his family history as far back as theyd wanted, and adding little detail about a few members. Both Kakashi and Genma reported on their family history, but neither had a heredity skill or bloodline, so were sidelined until the next part. Asuma also stated his family history, but also had no bloodline or hereditary skill to speak of. Inoichi calmly stated his own family history, and then spoke about the Yamanaka clans mental abilities. Aside from this, we will be requiring photo ops from all of you, to coincide and be altered with a photo of Narukos, in the event to see how a child would look like between any of you and her. This is especially important regarding those with no bloodline or hereditary skill to offer the Collection; perhaps more important, as we are more of the idea that the Collection would prefer not to be creating hybrids, and would like the members to be clean slates that will help build up the Collection clans, rather than creating a fusion of clans and birthing crossbreeds, Homuras voice was so dry, that Inoichi figured that not even a glass of water would help. Even those with no bloodline and hereditary skill but are part of a clan is somewhat considerable of the like. You can damn bet that Hiashi had broken through his faade and looked clearly incensed at the slight that was towards people like him, and even Inoichi had had to narrow his eyes at the trio as he knew he too was included in that. At the end of that statement, Asuma had also joined in and was scowling heavily. Only Kakashi and Genma were left out, though they clearly looked uncomfortable. They still seemed slightly offended, considering they were still being seen as inferior due to their non-clan status, and lack of bloodline and hereditary skills to offer. However, we will also consider each individuals skill level, as well as past and current family members skill levels. Power, skill, and intelligence win points, as well as ranking in society, Nakago monotonously included. For those without clans, step aside. Those clan-affiliated, we will be conducting a brief interview on your ability to become part of the Collection clans. Inoichi, Hiashi, and Asuma stepped up and they moved towards Asuma first. Regarding clan name, will you be able to give up your clan name and become either part of the Namikaze or Uzumaki clan? Koharu questioned immediately. Yes and yes, he said certainly. How and why? Asuma cleared his throat nervously. An heir has already been provided by my late elder brother, and therefore the Sarutobi line is continued through Konohamaru. My uncle has become Head of the clan, and by the time a new successor will be needed, Konohamaru will be old enough to succeed. I have no other obligations to the clan, aside from familial ones.

Nakago gave a nod and they moved onto Hiashi next, who was back to being stone-faced. They repeated the question to him, and Inoichi stiffened up and leaned a bit towards them, wanting to know if what Ino had told him was true and if Hiashi would even say anything about it. Yes and yes, Hiashi said clearly, no other inflection in his voice. How and why? Nakago grilled. Especially, as opposed to Sarutobi-san, you are actually the Head of your clan. Hiashi didnt falter, but Inoichi was able to notice the man tensing again. I have provided an heir, two heirs, to my clan, he said softly. I have done my duty in continuing my line. I may continue to head my clan as Regent until the heiress is old enough to assume the responsibility and the role of Head, with the Hyuuga council providing support and advice, but I am not needed to stay within the clan and hold any responsibilities. With two heirs, they will hold my name and continue the main branch, while I am free to give up my name and assume any of Namikaze-Uzumaki Narukos. With children already, any future child I help create will belong to her. The atmosphere was stiff and quiet, but Nakago gave a sharp nod towards the Hyuuga Head (or soon to be former, if Inoichi was understanding right), though the man seemed less abrasive then towards Hiashi. And then it was Inoichis turn, and he inwardly took a sigh of relief, deciding to take a page out of Hiashis bookif less solemn and depressing. When they asked him, he replied in the affirmative. And when they asked how and why, his reply came out similar to Hiashis. I have a daughter, old enough and who knows enough to take over the clan, at least part time. I will serve as part Regent, part Advisor to her, while finishing educating and refining her knowledge and skill in handling the clan. She will continue my name, so I am able to give up mine. When they were done with him, the three conferred with each other before turning back to all of them. Congratulations, all of you have passed the 1st stage. If some barely, Nakago smiled icily. It made all the men there bristle quietly, pride being taken shots at. Even if those there who didnt know Naruko closely or had feelings for her, such as Hiashi and Inoichi, they were not fine with the condescension. The next stage involves more personal interrogation, the Tsuchikage continued blithely. Inoichi sweatdropped. How much more personal could you get, passed fertility testing and invasive testing of ones health? Not only will the questions be personal in the sense of being even more invasive, but personal in the sense of each one of your private thoughts will be asked.

Failure to be truthful will result in immediate dismissal. Koharu motioned to someone, and two Anbu appeared and started handing out paper. Each of them held one in confusion, though they could see some kind of seal was inked onto it. This paper contains a seal that will turn to ashes if you are lying. Hold it up clearly and keep it in position for the duration of the second stage, they were ordered. And then the next stage of questioning began. Once you are married and part of Narukos clans, where will your living arrangements be? Will you live with her, in your own place or clan compound? They started down the line again, and each of them gave their answers. Im a longstanding bachelor, with only a single small apartment. Im not adverse to giving up my space and sharing it with someone else, and therefore giving up my apartment to move in with her, Kakashi said calmly. Genma was next, and his answer was likewise similar. I also live in an apartment alone. If she doesnt mind, I also wouldnt mind moving in. Asuma shuffled his feet, but straightened at his turn. I havent lived in the Sarutobi clan compound for a long time. Im currently living in an apartment, but have no attachment to it if I have to sell it. I can move in with Naruko, if she doesnt mind. And then it left the two clan Heads, and both of them felt uncomfortable at the scrutiny from everyone there, though neither showed it. I have been given the options of continuing to live at the compound, or to completely enfold into either of Narukos clans. Whatever is the preference, I can adhere to. Quite a few flinched and Inoichi repressed the urge to sigh in aggravation. But then it was his turn, and he had no time to think on the dismal situation regarding Hiashi. I dont have to stay at the compound. Whatever Naruko prefers, I am open to. But it is at her preference, not the Councils or the Advisors, or even the Hokage, he said firmly, looking straight at the Advisors. He saw the Tsuchikage slightly smile in approval, though it was quick and nearly unnoticeable. The Advisors lips thinned into a straight line, but neither said anything. Next, we ask that each of you state your opinions about each other. As many will be in this CRA collection, it is important to remember this will be a household. Everyone must get along and at least be civil with each other, in order to provide a harmonious and balanced atmosphere

in the home. Tsuchikage-dono will be included in this round, so you will also be required to state your opinion on him. He shifted slightly, but stared them all down with cool eyes. Lets start with Shiranui-san, yes? even his smile reflected frost. Genma scowled, but went first. Yamanaka-san is highly respectable, and a great war hero. While Im not sure why hes here, or what to think of his presence here, at the least I respect and get along with him. Hyuuga-san istoo cold at times, but hes also respectable and he is honorable. Probably even more than most in here, he would have the morals and ethics to treat Naruko as a lady, and cross any boundaries or make her uncomfortable. While cold, he would be the best to respect her space. Both of them were rather pleased to hear their descriptions, though Hiashi was a little surprised on his part. As for the others Genmas jaw clenched. Iam not entirely too sure about Asumas presence here. I had no idea how long hes actually felt this way, hidden from everyone. Hes a great drinking partner, good friends, good guy overall but I think hes rather lost. Asuma glowered back. Inoichi felt his uneasiness since the beginning of this round heightened. Since this part had started, he had had a bad feeling about it, and knew that trouble was going to start. Both he and Hiashi watched the proceedings apprehensively. Im quite in place, thank you very much, Asuma spoke back acidly. No speaking out of turn, Koharu said sharply, and he quieted down. Genma started again, irritable now. As for Hatake, hes full of himself and a hypocrite. I dislike him heavily and wish him ill luck, he spat out. Tsuchikage-donoat least hes good-looking, he gave an insincere smile. Ouch, ouch, and ouch. From the straight verbal assault on Kakashi, to the backhand compliment to the Tsuchikage Before anything could clash, Homura had Asuma go next. In regards to Yamanaka-san and Hyuuga-san, I reiterate what Genma said. To himhes a good friend; we have good times hanging out with each other. Maybe Im a little sudden, but its hard to admit much less realize what one feels, right? he gave a pointed look to Genma, who looked sheepish before giving an acknowledging and slightly apologetic nod back. As to Kakashi, hes also a good friend. Those two are good guys, a bit hard headed, and certain things or people, he emphasized, easily trigger them and their tempers and attitudes. As for Tsuchikage-donoI think hes a good guy too, Asuma said honestly.

Everyone was surprised, even Nakago himself. If he can be so supportive of Naruko, and not care for the outlook of himself or be too bothered about the antagonism towards himself whether as a foreign shinobi, or of all this with Naruko if he can weather the antagonism towards her, and even make her feel betterIf he can make her smileIf he can make her happyIf he can force himself to go through all this, even though he dislikes it and probably all of usthen I think he would have to really be some kind of guy. After that rather surprising answer, it was Kakashis turn. But he looked cool and indifferent. Thats great. Really. I think Genmas a jerk and too late to apologize, Asumas way in over his head and I dont even know what youre doing here, he addressed to Asuma directly at the second part. And Yamanaka-san and Hyuuga-san, no offense to them, but they really have no business being here and dont belong. Tsuchikage-donoI think youre an asshole and too old for her. Go cement yourself, Iwa shit. Though blank-faced, Nakago wasnt the one who reacted and erupted into anger. Genma exploded first, and angrily confronted Kakashi. Youre so full of it, Kakashi! You just barely met her too! I knew her first, and she doesnt even like you that way, asswipe! Genma shouted. Furiously, Kakashi stomped over to him. Im not some heartbreaker, messing around with young girls hearts! Im sorry and Im trying to make it up to her! I swore I would, and I will! And I never went that way when she was that young! Jackass! Cant you tell when youre too late? You dont even deserve any second chances when it comes to Naruko! And its so you say! Youre not the one who decides that! Hell, at least Im not her teacher! At least Im her friend! Come on, guys, Asuma tried to come in between them, though he too was a little irritated by Kakashis comments like the others. Calm down. Shut up, Asuma. You dont even know Naruko, or have any connection to her. You have no business being here either, Kakashi sneered. Asumas face twitched and he held still for a moment, before he rounded on Kakashi and swung out. Fuck you, Kakashi! and then his fist made contact with Kakashis jaw, only after the hit, he disappeared and smoke replaced him.

Everyone was surprised, though Nakago only snorted lightly. Shadow clone, huhWell, he pointed at the spot Kakashis clone had just been. Disqualified. Then he pointed at Genma, Disqualified. And then Asuma. Disqualified. Disruptive behavior is not allowed. Goodbye. The two stared at him dumbfounded, before they were forcibly ejected by Anbu. Then the trio, though Homura and Koharu were staring at the Tsuchikage, turned towards the last two. Your turn, Nakago smiled, but it didnt look sincere at all. Hiashi and I arent closebut I agree he is a respectable and honorable man. Hes responsible and capable of keeping a cool head, and keeping his emotions under control. Sometimes a little too much. UmI am not familiar with Tsuchikage-dono, but Im grateful for your help during the Invasion and obviously you seem to be helping out in the aftermath. Hiashi started speaking straight after. I also do not know you, Tsuchikage-dono, aside from your actions during the Invasion. But your support and help during it and after shows you are at least a good man. For Inoichi, he is quite intelligent, calming, and a soothing person. He is very capable of comforting others, as well as reading them. We get along well, despite not being close acquaintances. Nakago nodded, and after some prodding from the other two, spoke up. I know neither of you, he said flatly. Therefore I cannot make an opinion. We should just move onto the next part, in which we question your motives for joining. Ill start I was approached by Hokage-dono to become Narukos fianc when she was very young, in preparation and support for when her heritage was revealed in her first Chuunin Exam and buffer her from my village and her own, he shot pointed and scouring looks at the Advisors here. I was also chosen for my skill and power, politically and physically, to protect and be someone who could be there for her, so she could actually have someone despite her circumstances. Though hesitant, I grew fond of her through the first meeting and resolved to try to help her after agreeing. Through our first official meeting and henceforth, I have grown attached and protective over my fiance, and want whats best for her. Unsure how to measure up to that, the two of them hesitantly went next. Hiashi spoke first. I was advised by the elders in my clan that it would be the best choice for me to marry Naruko. While I do not have such base ambitions, they wish for the Hyuuga clan to marry into NamikazeUzumaki clans with hopes of a closer tie to a powerful ally, and become allies with the two most important clans in Konoha through one marriage. Once again attracting attention through his answer, Inoichi decided to go next to avoid a stagnant pause in the wake of Hiashis response.

I didnt sign up myself. My daughter signed me up, he admitted. I was hoping that maybe joining would help me in regards to moving on from my ex-wife, as well as being able to become close to Naruko as substitute for my daughter, who has a crush on her. That answer probably came from the left field if their stares said anything. But then Nakago pointed at him. Disqualified. And then went to Hiashi. Disqualified. The two of them gaped at him, before being dragged off by Anbu and clutching their truth seals in disbelief. The two Advisors stared at Nakago again. He shrugged. I was much nicer before, back before I realized how many guys Id actually have to share her with and before I realized how hard this actually all was and felt. They continued staring at him. The two clan Heads angrily stomped together into the foyer of the Hokage Residence, looking for the room currently assigned to perform the initial stages of the CRA process. They stormed in, glancing at the two jounin already in there and stiffly filling out their new respective forms. Hiashi and Inoichi held out their hands and demanded, Forms. Genma raised an eyebrow, but handed them a crisp form each. Ill show him Hiashi muttered furiously. That brat I take it you two were ejected from the screening as well, Asuma stated sardonically. Inoichi snorted, making a few angry marks on the paper that continued his writing. We were kicked out at the next part, which questioned our motives, Inoichi growled, and wrote more in agitation. At their questioning looks, he elaborated and even stated his and Hiashis answers. Hiashi merely grunted and continued feverishly writing. Sir, you only need one form! But you guys keep losing my application, because I havent gotten my Admittance Screening letter, even though Ive applied a dozen times! They looked over to see Momochi Zabuza holding a stack of Narukos CRA forms, being confronted by the current room monitor. That means that you havent been accepted, the woman tried to explain. What? What do you mean?

Sir, it means you have been denied! she grew frustrated. Oh come on! Whats wrong with you people? Dont you know who I am? Im Momochi Zabuza! The Demon of the Mist! he laughed raucously and postured, still holding onto the stack of papers in one hand and holding Kubikiri Houcho in the other. Genma groaned quietly. Oh man, not him What do you mean not him? Asuma questioned, though they were all confused and interested. Hiashi even managed to pause in his writing. You dont want to know, Genma said darkly. But that just piqued their interest more, so he reluctantly told them about the ex-missing nin. He saw Zabuza pouting and turning to leave, after still stubbornly shoving at least one of the forms in the womans face and forcing her to take it, even using his sword as additive (though not too seriously). Genma winced and held up his form to cover his face, motioning for the others to copy him. Hide.

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