The End of The World

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The End of the World U.

Teacher: Leonardo Snchez Name: Emiliano Olmos -Carlos Opazo -Alejandro Oyarce -.Tomas Seplveda

zombie apocalypse
if the zombies appear I will do a safe haven. if zombies attack, I will rescue my family.

If the zombies come, I'll hide in school. If the zombies come, I'll look for a weapon.

If there is a zombie apocalypse I'm going to steal a car. If there is a zombie apocalypse I will seek food and supplies.

If it affects the plague of zombies I would go where scientists to look for cures. If there is no cure for the zombie apocalypse I would kill me.

When the zombie hordes come I blocking your doors and windows of my house. When the zombies come to town I go to the most remote surroundings and be safer.

When the zombies come I'm going to an island on a boat. When the zombies come I will go to a bus station to steal a bus and bring people together.

Thanks for your attention

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