Brief 4 - Drugs

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BA (Hons.

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The Brief: ISTD Books Still? Drugs

Brief #4 Books Still is an ISTD brief set this year. The brief was to create a publication exploring contemporary trends showing that books are still relevant in todays internet society. The subject of my choice is: Recreational Drugs.

Background / Considerations
Explore all publication formats and printed outcomes, as well as publication trends. The subject of recreational drugs will be completely factual and it will be relevant to the print outcome.

Mandatory Requirements
Research: . The books subject . Print processes . Book Formats . Contemporary design & publications . Colour Theory

Create a icon for each substance based on how it affects your body. A factual publication about legal and illegal highs. A range of products: notebooks, diary, and stationary.

Design: . The book / one or many printed? . Wherever the book exists (website)

Studio Deadline
May 2013

Module Deadline
May 2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

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