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1) dorsal
2) blowhole
3) blubber
4) pod
5) orca
6) swamp
7) hurricane
8) marshes
9) wetlands
10) legislature
Find the definition of the following words

dorsal -

blowhole -

blubber -

pod -

orca -
Find the definition for the following words





Fill in the blank with one of your vocabulary words.

Dorsal, blowhole, blubber, pod, orca, swamp, hurricane,

marshes, wetlands, legislature.

1)We watched water come flying out the whale's

____________ when he took a breath.

2)_____________ is the fat that helps keep whales warm.

3)Shamu is an ____________ or a killer whale.

4)The dolphins ___________ fin was sticking out the


5)We saw a ___________ of whales swimming in the


6)On our __________ tour we saw an alligator.

7)We can see the _____________ on fire from our house.

8)We must all work together to save our _____________.

9)In September we had to evacuate because of a


10)The _________________ works hard to make laws.

Vocabulary Test – circle the correct answer

1) A marsh is …...
a) a park
b) a wetland where no trees grow
c) land with lots of trees

2) The fin that is on top of a dolphin is called....

a) dorsal
b) top
c) tail

3) A swamp is.......
a) wetland where no trees grow
b) a wall to keep rivers from flooding
c) a wetland where trees grow

4) A whale uses a _____________ to breath...

a) mouth
b) blowhole
c) nose

5) The fat on a whale is called _______...

b) skin
c) blubber

6) A hurricane is ....
a) a storm with winds of at least 74 mph
b) a thunderstorm
c) a storm that brings snow

7)A group of whales that are related are a....

a) family
b) litter
c) pod
8) Shamu is a killer whale or an______.
a) orca
b) dolphin
c) fish

9) A low area of land covered with water is...

a) marsh
b) wetland
c) swamp

10) The elected body of officials who make the laws are called...
a) judges
b) president
c) legislature

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