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Disclaimer: Nope, just a fanfiction writer. I would be a man, if I owned it, wouldnt I? So nope. Story: Realistic Percathena.

They didnt fit. They didn't make sense together, but they made it work. But then she messed up and now he's gone. The next time they meet, he's a stern and serious business man and she's a schoolgirl. Reincarnation and divine punishment dictates. Set after all the books. Spoilers: All books. Warnings: Cursing and violence for nowhm, just in case since Im usually writing it, bit of crazy humor, perverted humor, morbid or sarcastic humor, and maybe some sexual situations Pairings: Percy/Athena

Chapter One: From the Beginning

Hes sitting at the table at night as usual, quietly pushing around his food. She rolls her eyes and snorts.

You know, you should actually try to make yourself useful or do something other than waste your time away, she scowls at him.

He just looks up and gives her a tired smile, obvious circles under his eyes.

How was your day? Not too bad, I hope. Wanna eat dinner with me?

She scoffs, Its want to, dimwit. And no, Im not hungry. Im going to be in my study.

She brushes by him without another glance or word, and she ignores how his smile drops and he hangs his head, shoulders slumping. She feels something uncomfortable shoot through her, but she ignores the feeling and she ignores how its the twelfth night hes stayed up waiting for her.

She frequently calls him names, and Athena will admit that she goes too far with them. In fact, its uncalled for, this treatment. She couldnt help it; she just tended to insult him instinctively.

Youre such a stupid Seaweed Brain! she yells in frustration when he accidentally trips and one of her favorite vases breaks.

She calls him that a lot, but unlike her daughter its not in fondness.

He just smiles enduringly, like always, and gets on his hands and knees as he starts picking up the broken pieces. The next day, she sees the broken vase has been put back together as best as it

could be, although not completely whole but still nearly perfect. He must have spent all night, stayed up just to put it back together for her.

Athena throws it away.

She knows the other goddesses disapprove of how she treats him and how ungrateful she is. How they would have preferred to have him all to themselves. Even the other gods say the same thing, only theyre less vocal about it and it just shows more in their eyes. How they all would have loved to have the Hero of Olympus with them instead. How they all want him for themselves.

And she knows how many of them have tried and failed.

She doesnt know why shes this obnoxious to him, to the point of being nasty. She just innately treats him cruelly and horribly, and she just cant control herself. Its so disgusting, the way she is with him, that its nearly unbearable to remember and look back on each and every time. She doesnt understand why she acts like this, but he just takes it without a word of complaint. And she doesnt understand that either.

Athena is terrified when she sees Aphrodite set her eyes on him, but its not a surprise. Because the goddess of love has always set her eyes on him; Athena is just surprised and shocked that the other goddess is finally deciding to make a move.

Better me than you, hm? At least I will not treat him as horribly as you do.

Athena is absolutely terrified.

She doesnt know why she treats him this way, she really doesnt. And she will admit in her mind that she does treat him horribly and that she shouldnt be so horrible to him. And in her mind, she will admit to the terror of losing him to the other goddess, or anyone else even her own daughter.

She sees Aphrodite kissing him and runs away from the sight.

Hes in her home when she finally comes back, waiting for her as usual, playing with his food unhappily at the table. He looks exhausted and miserable, and there are remnants of tear tracks that she didnt want to comment on.

She hesitantly walks over to him and he lifts his head up in surprise at her. Her mouth opens and her eyes tear up, but she doesnt know what to say. Her lips open and close for a couple times, but nothing comes out. She settles for kneeling in between his legs and leaning against him tentatively, closing her eyes as she places her forehead against his and reluctantly sheds a couple tears.

You knowI dont tell you this enoughI forget tobut you are incredibly beautiful to me, she murmurs, lifting her hands up to grasp his head between them blindly. Im so, so sorry, Perseus. Please.

Im sorry. Please dont leave me.

Hes still quiet.

Their story had started with a question.

Athena isnt sure what the importance of it was to him, but to her it had been a defining moment and the first milestone of their relationship. He was half a year into his last year of schooling at Goode High and she had gone on with her life as usual for a goddess. It was mere coincidence that had the two of them meeting up at a library

Lady Athena, he greeted her.

She gave him a nod of acknowledgement. It became awkward between the two again, Percy not knowing how to react to seeing the goddess after all this time and she not knowing what to say to the young man who was the son of her rival and had once dated her daughter.

If youre not too busy, can you help me?

And suddenly they were locking eyes and nothing more was said as she pulled out a chair and sat next to him, quietly taking the papers he was looking at to read for herself. It was a whim, she told herself. A whim in which she decided that she would help him this once.

His sea-green eyes glitter like the seas themselves, she compared, remembering the seldom times she sees the water and actually deigns to appreciate them, if only for their beauty.

But he didnt say anything, only to lean closer to share the papers and it was how she was pulled into helping Percy Jackson with his college prep.

Weeks passed. Fridays they see each other. And then hes inviting her out to help him with his work at somewhere other than the library. Its Montauk beach and its beautiful, and she appreciated the beauty of the place as much as she appreciated him inviting her. It had been planned months ago and hed had it booked because he needed time alone and a rest after everything from the war, and just a way to find peace and calm. He thought a lot about the war, he had told her briefly during one of their short talks outside of college prep. Some things still haunted him and he thought time like this would be able to help him find harmony inside of himself.

She wondered about her invitation and allowing her to intrude on his time like this.

Its nothing, Lady Athena, Percy said, making himself a sandwich as she sat at the table. I mean, along with the time for thinking and all, I even get to get more work done with my college prep.

Yes, your college prep, she murmured, an undertone of disappointment somehow leaking in.

He quickly finished up his sandwich like the growing boy he was, before coming over to her. She looked up at him and noticed how much taller hed grown. If she was standing up, she would still be taller than him like always, but sitting down as she was, he was nearly a head taller than her.

And then his calloused hands tenderly gripped her face and he took point and kissed her.

She could taste the nutella from his sandwich, the sweet taste permeating her senses as his lips pressed onto hers.

This was like when Frederick kissed herOr DevonOr Winston

Her mind was astounded by how different the kiss was at the same time. It was like the others in the same way she could feel the sparks that lit up inside of her, the lightning effect that ran along her skin at every touch and caress. But something about it crept into her every pore, every thought, and defined itself against the others.

When he pulled back, he gave her a wry grin.

Ive been wanting to do that for awhile, he admitted. Are you going to punch me now?

Depends, she started out cautiously. Why did you do that? Or want to?

He grimaced, The same reason why youre not beating me to a pulp, Im hoping.

But could she really? Could she somehow have fallen in love with him? He was Poseidons son, her rival and irritant bane of her immortal life. Other than Ares, of course. And occasionally Apollo. And Amphitrite

She shook her head and went back on track, glancing at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

The thing was, she didnt have a problem with Percy. After the war, she had become indifferent to his relationship with her daughter (though she still slightly disapproved) and she actually got along well with Percy himself, other than singeing his clothes as she teleported away. Poseidon she still was aggrieved with, but Percy had never done anything to aggravate her. After all was said and done, the young man had become a very respectable, honorable, and brave hero that she reluctantly admitted inside that she admired.

It is your father I have tensions with, not you. You have proven yourself a worthy man and I should not judge you by your father. I must admit and realize you are not your father and that you are your own personwho I have come to respect and even like, she acknowledged.

He beamed at her and she was surprised to feel herself blush. When he leaned closer, pausing right before her lips, she hesitated a moment before closing the distance determinedly. It was just as lovely as their first kiss and she became less uncertain about him and more open to the idea of them together.

His hand ensconced itself into her hair, nicely massaging her scalp in a way that was unexpectedly enjoyable and pleasant. This assertiveness was different from what she was used to in her men. While they were in no way timid, sometimes she was a little too forceful and overassertive that she crossed the line into overbearing. And they would usually let her take the reins, have control, and take initiative in the relationship.

That Percy moved in first and that he would choose to be so bold wasnt all that surprising. It fit in his character, for she knew he was usually a take charge first kind of person, and boldness and cheekiness was ingrained in who he was.

Her men were usually blond intellectuals and yet, for once, she had become drawn to the exact opposite.

And there was that. His outgoing personality wasnt the only difference from the men she typically fell in love with. All of her children had blond hair because she had for some reason always fallen in love with blond men. They were extremely intelligent, whereas Percy was competent. And as shed mentioned, they were usually quiet or at least calm, where Percy was loud and noticeable and just not composed

Percy pulled away again, looking at her intensely. His sea-green eyes reflected her, and his lips were as swollen as hers were sure to be.

Dont think, he told her.

She blinked. She was always thinking, just like she had been then. It was like he read her mind or knew what she was doing, even at a point where she shouldnt be.

He made it okay not to think and made her feel like she didnt have to.

This time she moved first, kissing him softly and then more firmly. The first two kisses felt good.

This kiss felt freeing.

+ + + + + +

They sat on the swinging bench on the porch outside, watching the restless waters. They were sitting close, but not yet comfortable with cuddling together, though his arm was settled comfortably around her.

I am an eternal maiden, Perseus, she started suddenly. That means you will never receive the physical kind of pleasure that you might want. Are you alright with that? Are you alright with the fact that I will never be able to grant you physical gratification? I am telling you this now, because if you choose to be with me, you will also have to choose this.

Percy was quiet for a moment, and she watched him in curiosity and muted disappointment.

If I really cared about you, then thats just what I will have to deal with. If I want to be with you, I guess theres no other choice and that is what I want because I want you, he said firmly. This is what I choose, Lady Athena.

Her lips twitched upwards, but that was the only sign of her relief. They kept watching the waters churning and a storm brewing in the distance.

Not one of Zeus storms, Athena noted.

Not like I can tell. According to me, they all are. I just assume Zeus gets angry all the time, he winked at her.

She laughed genuinely and thought she could enjoy this difference.

Storms coming, alright, Percy went back to the distance. But well weather it.

A rare tint of red graced her cheeks and she smiled softly at him. She pulled his head towards her, leaning down to be able to place her forehead against his. This is what shed always said was the purest form of love, a connection through their minds.

Well weather it, he promised. Us together.

The slightest of glows connected their foreheads, unnoticed by him though she didnt miss it.

She laid a gentle kiss on his forehead. Percy was youthful and bright-eyed, but those were things she found she quite liked in him.

They were a start and this was their beginning.

Chapter Two: My Heads in the Clouds

She was an intellectualand he, admittedly, was not. So it was kind of hard trying to figure out what kind of dates he should plan for her, when he didnt even know what she would find enjoyable. But he wanted to make her happy so bad

Maybe they werent alike and didnt have so much in common, but the pounding of his heart, the breath that escaped his lungs and the shine in his eyes said that didnt matter.

Cheesy, Jackson, real cheesy.

He sighed and glanced at the tickets in his hands, and hoped they were enough. A classical music concert would be alrightright? And then an art gallery exhibition straight after. Okay, right. Hed just have to contact her.

Damn it, he shouldve done that before he bought the tickets. What if she was busy or something?

Growling to himself at his stupidity, he wrote a simple note to her.

Lady Athena,

Busy Saturday? I wanna take you out, if thats ok?


He nodded at it. There. Short and simpleand to the point. He put the note into an envelope and sealed it, rummaging around for a couple drachmas and found a slip for the Hermes Overnight

Express. He dropped the envelope and drachmas in the slip, waiting for it to disappear. Instead, he was surprised to see Hermes appear in his room.

Hey there, Percy. I see youve a got a letter to send. I got a new system with workers splitting the load, but I can deliver yours personally, Hermes informed him, holding out his hand for the drachmas and envelope.

Oh, sounds good. Less work and stress for you, right? Percy handed them over from the slip.

Hermes nodded and then grinned, And more vacation time!

Percy grinned back.

Sowhos the letter for?

Percys grin faltered, but only slightly. It was still enough to catch Hermes attention, though the god didnt mention it.

Oh, its for Lady Athena. I just had a question for her, Percy slightly lied.

Hermes nearly raised his eyebrows at that, but kept a normal face on, nodding genially at the demigod. Still, curious it was that young Percy was asking Athena a question

Sure, alright. Ill go deliver it to her right now. Say, are you busy Saturday? We could go catch a basketball game or something?

Percy tried not to turn red and fidget, trying hard not to expose him and Athena since he didnt even know if she wanted everyone to know about them.

I might be, he blurted out.

That, Hermes really did raise an eyebrow at. Might be?

Percy blushed, partly in embarrassment and partly at the thought that he might be going out with Athena.

I havent gotten around to asking, but Im hoping to go out with someone.

An indescribable look passed through Hermes face, but Percy didnt notice. It was as quickly gone as it appeared, and instead Percy was faced with a bright smile from the messenger god.

Okay, cool. Ill just go deliver this to her now. Ill see you around, Percy!

The god disappeared and reappeared nearer in front of Athenas home. He knocked once, let in by some of Athenas servants, before being led to the wisdom goddess.

Got a letter for you, Athena, Hermes tossed it to her.

She irritably caught it. Who is it from? And cant you hand things to others normally?

I could, but I dont want to. And its from Percy Jackson.

He could see the surprise in her eyes, but there was surprisingly no disdain or annoyance. Even indifference was missing. The goddess slid the envelope open and quickly scanned the thing, an uncharacteristic smile twitching at her lips. She grabbed a pen and started scribbling on the note,

before refolding it and placing it back in the envelope. She resealed it as she pinched the edge with her thumb and index finger, sliding it from side to the other, a slight glow covering it momentarily.

Can you send it back? she handed it back to Hermes, along with a few drachmas.

Sure, he replied casually, keeping his tone in check.

He stared at her for awhile, her smile faltering before she checked herself and blanked out her face.

See you, Athena. Have a good day, he saluted halfheartedly, still thinking about what hed seen.

He sent the letter back to Percy before going to his other runs, his mind still preoccupied about the matter.

Percy saw the envelope on his bed and eagerly tore into it. He blinked before a smile grew on his lips.

Lady Athena,

(Are you) Busy Saturday? I wanna (want to) take you out, if thats ok (okay)?

Percy P.s. Yes, I would like that. I will be there at 5 pm. I will dress semiformal in case for whatever your plans.

Well, that meant hed have to dress semiformal. Good thing the places they were going were along that vein, or else the two of them would look slightly odd in a casual venue all dressed up. Grinning without restraint, he let out a loud whoop and started to get ready in earnest for the big day.

When Saturday came, Percy was already ready and waiting, nervously glancing at his front door every few minutes. When the doorbell rung, he rushed to it and opened it quickly, faltering as he caught sight of his date. Athena was dressed in a lovely dark green top and a long dark grey skirt, her hair nicely twisted up. She had a soft smile on her face.

You clean up nicely, she smirked and he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, laughing good-naturedly.

Glad to meet your approval, he held out his arm and she accepted it.

Without further ado, they set out for their date, Percy desperately trying to hide how much of a nervous wreck he was.

While it wasnt horrible, Athena could clearly see that it wasnt a date that the two of them could be content with together. She really enjoyed the classical music, but shed noticed quite obviously that Percy was fighting to keep focused. And then at the very exquisite (and expensive, if she remembered from hearing about it) art exhibit, while she was very interested and delighted at the works shed observed, she knew right away from his wandering eyes and slouching figure that he wasnt as interested in the art as she was.

But she wasnt going to fault him, because she knew that this was the sort of thing he didnt care for and had planned for this date for her sake and not his. He obviously tried to do something to make her happy and was putting up with all this because it was for her and it was something she liked. While she appreciated all this and everything he was doing for her, she didnt want him to force himself to go through this date only because of Athena.

Perhaps this wasnt such a good idea, she mused aloud as they were walking back.

They had stopped next to an ice cream shop open late, the neon Open sign shining on them. Percy abruptly turned to face her, eyes widening in horror as his body stiffened up.

What? I dont understand. Is something wrong, Lady Athena? I thought you were enjoying yourself.

She gave him a small smile, idly taking his hand and holding it aloft in hers, gazing at their clasped hands in thought.

I am, she told him at last. But you are not.

Of course I am, he replied, a tone of hurt entering his voice. Im with you.

Her smile grew even more tender and she slightly leaned into him, lightly leaning on his body. She inhaled, smelling a pleasing mix of wintergreen, the ocean breeze, and the slightest hint of strawberries. Her fondness grew for him at that.

Perseus, I know youre trying hard for me. But it is unfair to you. We shouldfind things that would complement us both. Find compromises. Instead of classical music concerts, we can see Broadway, which might be more to your taste livelier, energetic, more entertaining. There are plenty of things we can do together. We just have to find them.

Im sorry I tried too hard, he apologized, nervously moving around.

But I appreciate it so. Now lets go have some ice cream.

It was a private teasing, almost a beginning of an inside joke, between the two that Athena got a strawberry ice cream cone, leaving Percy with an embarrassed flush and her with a knowing look and a slight twinkle in her eyes. He said nothing when he also got a strawberry ice cream cone.

When they returned to Percys home, he became even more nervous (after spending so much time calming down and finally relaxing with her at the ice cream parlor), making her smiling slightly in amusement.

Kissing is alright, yeah? he asked softly, warm hands softly cupping her face.

Surprised but pleased, she strangely shyly nodded yes to him and he leaned up slightly and swiftly captured her lips. The lingering taste of strawberries, the chapped lips of the young adult in front of her, and the warm calloused hands briefly caressing her skin in his hold made a slow burn travel in her, sparking an invisible heat between the two of them. Calmly, she put a restraining hand against his chest and he slowed his lips and released her face, darkened seagreen eyes staring back into stormy eyes.

Sorry, but he didnt sound sorry.

And she didnt want him to be either. It was a simple kiss; heated, but still a kiss. A part of her ached for something more, but that was something she quickly shut down and forced into the recesses of her mind.

Still, the way hed said that should make her teasingly roll her eyes and lecture him about being sincere, but since she shared similar sentiments shell let it goso long as she could keep her silence about that.

Goodnight then, milady, he murmured, brushing his lips across her cheek before repeating the action softly with his knuckles. My heart is ever at your service.

Percy quickly smiled at her before darting into his home. She shook her head, but the smile didnt leave her face.

While Shakespeare was a Son of Apollo, she admitted only to herself that she quite enjoyed his works. The last words from Percy a quote from the writer himself, Athena felt compelled to return the sentiments, even to a closed door.

And my heart is at yours

She turned and left, choosing to walk the dark streets and enjoy the peaceful quiet of the night.

She missed the curious but calculating gaze of a formidable woman and a fellow goddess, whose eyes were riveted to the sight and recalled the scene rapidly in her mind over and over.

It was not every day that Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, caught Athena, the so-called Goddess of Wisdom, seeking companionship in a male she swore was the spawn of the devil and treading dangerously steeper into Aphrodites territory than ever before.

She must thank Hermes for the off-hand mention of this odd occurrence. If only the messenger god had had a true inkling as to the actual nature of the meeting

+ + + + + +

When Athena came home, it was to receive the unwelcomed greeting from the love goddess, waiting patiently for her in her own living room.

What are you here for? Or should I say why? Athena scowled.

Aphrodite laughed lightly, I was just curious as to why you were dating dear Perseus.

Its none of your business, Athena snapped, in no mood for any of the other goddess games.

The love goddess shrugged. So you say. Im surprised you didnt deny it though.

Why would I? Just because I choose not to advertise and let all of Olympus know of my relationship with Perseus does not mean I am ashamed of it or of being with him. My relationship is a private affair and it is my decision, that doesnt need anyone to intrude upon.

Aphrodite ignored the scorn and irritation in Athenas voice, as well as the pointed look at her, and instead moved onto her second issue.

You know, Perseus is to graduate high school. I hear hes going to college soon, with your help in that. You should take advantage of the break before and invite him to live with you for the summer or even longer, she suggested smoothly.

Its too soon in our relationship for him to just move in, Athena said stiffly. Its a ridiculous idea and preposterous.

Maybe youre right. And you still have time to think about it, hes not going to graduate soon. You two could continue getting to get together and grow close enough to the point where itd be natural for him to move in, Aphrodite hmmed. Then again, summer will fly by and then hell be in college, too busy with schoolwork to spend time with you and absolutely surrounded by cute college girls...temptation wherever he looks touchable, kissable, lines that can be crossed.

With each word, Athena stiffened up and felt her nails digging into her skin as she clenched her hands.

It might be a good idea to keep him close you know, keep an eye on him, Aphrodite ended nonchalantly. Oops, where has the time gone? Ive dallied too long. I have to go now. Ta-ta!

But Athena paid no attention to her departure, too lost in her own thoughts.

She may be the Goddess of Wisdom, but that meant nothing right then. She was the wisest of all the gods, and yet that did not put her above them or make her any different. She could be just as cruel and just as selfish as the rest of them, and jealousy was not a rare acquaintance to her.

She was no stranger to jealousy, and it ran rampart in her just as it had several times before, just like it had in the Trojan War, in which jealousy started it all. A golden apple, a wish, a handsome man, a question of fairest

There was still time. Athena had plenty of time to make her decision, with Percy still in high school and graduation still far off. She didnt have to ask now and just think on it, and wait to ask when Percy was to graduate at the end of the school year (think to ask, she meant). There was no rush.

They could continue to smoothly enjoy their relationship and quietly get to know each other, getting to go on more dates and spend time together, and just have their relationship grow.

There was no rush.

Chapter Three: And Its Come to This

Graduation had seemed so far off. And it had been.

Only time seemed to have rushed and now Percy was graduating and would soon be off to college. So where did that leave her? Did she go through with her tentative plans and thoughts about asking him to move in with her? Did she hold off on that, feeling it too soon for such a thing?

At that moment, she did not feel as wise and knowledgeable as she was supposed to be.

The feel of rough, calloused hands gliding through her hair, made her eyes flutter and she tilted her head back to enjoy the sensation. Percy hummed against her throat, giving a light kiss to it.

Youre thinking.

I always am, her lips twitched up.

Percy rolled his eyes lightly, though his thumbs caressed her temples.

Can I ask what about? he murmured.

She hesitated, but then told herself that she should tell him. It was always a good thing in a relationship to talk things together, so the wisest course for her to take was to talk to him about it. It did involve him after all.

Afterwards, Percy looked thoughtful.

You knowI wouldnt mind. If Im not infringing on you, that is, he gave a rather shy smile at her at that, and she couldnt help feeling endeared.

Of course not, she returned it with a small smile. II would like it. If you moved in with me.

Percy gave her one of his brightest smiles and it made her heart feel light and happy.

PerseusPercy, here, she could see his beautiful sea-green eyes light up. She reminded herself to try to use his preferred shortened name more, and took a deep breath. Whenwould you like to move in with me?

Whenever you want me to.

And she couldnt help leaning over and kissing him lightly, because this was something that shed never done before and this thing with him was new and exciting, if she could admit it to herself.

By the end of the week, she had managed to discreetly help Percy move into her home in Olympus, and she was actually excited and thrilled at this new development in their relationship. She knew that what they had was progressing slowly, and that she was worried that Percy would get fed up or grow bored of itbut shed been wrong so far, and Percy had steadfastly kept loyal and happily to her side.

Of all the goddesses he could have had, even narcissistic but beautiful Aphrodite, it was she that he had chosen to be with. Even the eternal maiden Artemis would not mind breaking her vows for him, or so the rumors say.

Ordinarily, Athena wouldnt listen to rumors, but the strange and threateningly (to Athena, though the other didnt know it) look in Artemis eyes whenever Percy was brought up or mentioned in some way made the wise goddess wary.

That was why, when the next Olympus party was thrown, in the hopes of a break from all the rebuilding and restructuring the little they still needed to do from the aftermaths of the war, she was more than reluctant and cautious of bringing Percy with her and announcing that they were now together (much less living together at this point in time).

But go with him, she did.

And at first she was amused at the gobsmacked reactions of everyone around them, even her father. But then the murmurings began. While Percy was human and his hearing couldnt hear the mutters of immortals, Athena was not.

Why is he with her?

I thought Athena hated Poseidons spawn.

No, they probably came together by coincidence. Most likely met up outside or something.

He really is handsome, especially now that hes grown older. Has it really been around three years?

I wonder if hes single

That was some of the more tamer ones. The more insulting ones, she refused to spend another thought on.

But Percy stayed by her side, even as he enthusiastically waved to some of the others and yelled out a greeting to the more bolder individuals. And to her surprise and secret delight, Percy confidently wrapped an arm around her waist, not even a half hour being there. She was so pleased, she allowed herself to lean on him slightly.

Perseus, a voice she really didnt want to hear right then, especially given what shes been hearing, sounded from right behind them. The couple turned around, and low and behold there stood Aphrodite, with a sharp smile. The other goddess only gave a very brief look towards Athena, before focusing all of her attention on Percy.

My, my its been awhile, hasnt it? Youve grown.

Percy, dear him, smiled widely and genuinely towards the other. He was the type to be able to give others the kindness some of them didnt deserve, unless you wronged his loved ones. Athena knew that Aphrodite was pleased with the smile and reception from the other, and a churning in her gut made her uncomfortable and anxious.

Hello, Aphrodite, Percy greeted genially.

Athena inwardly frowned at the address, though she knew the two had been rather informal and cordial with each other since the startan opposite from herself and Percy.

Hello to you too, Perseus. Its really good seeing you again, Aphrodite gave him a soft smile, and it hit Athena like a punch to the stomach at seeing Aphrodite, of all people, being sincere and actually granting honest affection to Percy.

She pressed closer to Percy, but said nothing as the two chatted like good friends, talking in a way that she and Percy sometimes had trouble doing (lack of common ground being only one of the reasons her being unable to open up being another). It was fluid, the way they talked fluid in the way they easily changed topics as well, while being able to keep up with the other. They had no problems in discussion, able to say things to each other that the other would understand, even private in-jokes that Athena was not privy to.

It made her well aware and alarmed that Percy had his own relationships hed formed with the other gods and goddesses, outside of the romance he was cultivating with her. The paranoia and worry sprung up like a sprout, and there was nothing she could do to stamp it down and make herself relax and believe she was just being unreasonable.

When the party was coming to an end, Athena hesitantly believed it was time to make everyone aware of her relationship with Percy. She headed over with Percy to the group of immortals standing together, her fellow Olympians, and cleared her throat to tell them the news. Though she didnt speak up amongst the loud music governing the hall, her voice easily carried through this group just because of the content of her news.

I am in a relationship with Perseus.

The good cheer the others were in froze on their face or quickly died away, and they continued to stare at her in unresponsiveness. Athena would never divulge that this reaction from her family rather hurt and upset her, but she didnt let it show outwardly. She was relieved that Poseidon wasnt there at least. Percy chose that time to start talking to the others, and she didnt have the heart to quiet him.

I know that a lot of you have had problems with me in the past, though I really hope that Ive been mending that with a bunch of you, but I really care for Athena and hope that maybe I can at least have a pass for now? he smiled goofily.

Athena just wanted Percy to shut up because that wasnt the problem at all, and the sinking feeling shed been feeling since getting to the party was starting to make her feel nauseas.

She looked around and distantly began to note some of the more reactive responses that were beginning to show on some of them. Aphrodite looked unruffled and unsurprised, which wasnt too unexpected considering the womans domain and that shed known for awhile. A lot of the others werent bothering to show they were upset, but she saw Artemis and felt the hair on the back of her neck raise.

The intensely interested and unreadable eyes of the younger goddess made her instinctively balk in her mind.

She could see Percy falter and look unsure as to what was going on, and Athena knew that he truly didnt understand what was wrong.

The others didnt say anything, but they didnt have to.

In her home later that night, she moved through it quietly, absentmindedly straightening things and tidying a bit. By the time she was grabbing her favorite quilt off of her couch, she felt strong arms wrap around her from behind, and she closed her eyes tiredly and leaned back. Without another word, she let Percy lead her to the front of her couch and sit her down, moving to kneel between her knees. His eyes were solemn, and when he reached up to tenderly and slowly caress the side of her face, she leaned into it.

Breathe for me, he said quietly.

She blinked, startled at the request. Why?

Just breathe, he insisted firmly, and she did so.

In the midst of the action, Percy kissed her suddenly and all the breath in her left. She only had a moment for her eyes to unconsciously flicker and for her to start to move forward into the kiss, when he moved away and watched her tenderly.

Let me keep stealing your breath tonight, he murmured simply.

She watched him in wonder, and was unable to stop the impulse she had in launching forward and embracing him tightly, nuzzling her cheek against his throat in secret gratitude. He didnt know what was going on and she didnt want him to know, but she was thankful that he was there for her anyway.

When they swayed closely together in silence, slow dancing to no words, she let him kiss her all he wanted and basked in the affection that she sorely wanted to hoard all to herself.

She took the moment and kept it to anchor herself together.

+ + + + + +

Time passed by rather quickly, strangely enough. In her opinion, she was expecting a long, drawn out and stifling existence with the others, once her relationship with Percy was known (and that he was actually living with her). Both news had traveled rapidly the next morning, as she knew would happen, and the talking had already begun.

But her moment, her moment, was fresh and secured herself from all of it.

They talked, but she didnt listen. And Percy was kept out of it by all, anyway.

And so it was, she had such a surreal and sweet summer affair with Percy. Times where she was now frequently laughing lightly, gazing fondly at himwhere he would look at her with contented and affectionate eyeswhere all she could remember in a moment was that shed been thoroughly happy, even if she couldnt recall anything else about what else happened then

It was a delirium she hadnt wanted to ever break from.

But summer was over, and Percy was starting college now. He was going to be gone more frequently, and the first seedlings of unease were beginning to reappear again. She couldnt help herself, though a voice in the back of her head told her that she knew better. But Aphrodites words were not easily forgotten, and she could not forget the things she witnessed between Percy and the others either.

It wasnt Aphrodite that she thought she had to worry about it was Artemis.

The younger goddess would frequently visit with Percy, making time to chat and be friendly. And though Athena tried to pass it off and believe herself over thinking things, instinct told her that there was something else and that she should worry about the other.

And it was also Ares, surprisingly, that made her realize it wasnt only the goddesses who kept close-guarded affections close to their chests.

Percy eyed the other warily, standing slightly tense at the appearance of the war god. Athena was still busy at the stall, and though she saw them and was worried, she wasnt able to hurry up.

So youre livin around here now, eh? Hows life treating you, Sea brat?

Percy raised an eyebrow. Wellgood, I suppose, he answered neutrally.

Ares was fidgeting and suffering from infrequent nervous ticks, both uncharacteristic of the war god.

Good on you, I guess, Ares said gruffly. Itll hopefully be more lively around, at least.

The demigod was beginning to get a little curious at this meeting.

Youre not attempting some kind of new psychological attack or something, are you? Percy asked suspiciously.

Ares snorted and instantly was relaxed. Tch, as if, punk, he grinned widely. Id rather lay you out flat, with a full assault, than that pussy shit.

Percys cautious frown shifted, as he was unable to keep himself from twitching his lips up from the reply, though he was certainly surprised at himself for doing so.

Whatever, kid. Drop by sometime, if you feel like a fight or a regular spar or somethin. Ill get less bored too.

Percy was grinning freely back, by that time.

You want that rematch? You got it! Im definitely not losing out!

It wasnt hard to recall and for some reason, that particular happening was burned into her memory.

It was Ares (who was supposed to hate Percy, damn it) that shoved into her face that the other women were not her only worries.

It was a surprising and shocking thing to learn, especially considering the source. She was taken aback, but she shouldnt have been. She had already known it to be a fact before Ares, but seeing that unplanned meeting with Ares had brought it to the forefront and made her open her eyes.

Maybe it was all circumstantial and Percy certainly wasnt aware but she couldnt bring herself to believe that.

The first week of college made her all the more conscious of the beginning of her unusual behavior. Percy came back each day, bright and happy about everything and Athena would just nod and watch him, mentally cataloguing each tone and each looktrying to decipher any ulterior meanings, things she could be missing or was unable to catch.

Percy was excited about going into college, and Athena was very surprised at herself for not being so for him.

Instead, she found herself quietly trying to watch him closely, looking forexpecting a misstep that she could latch onto, and call him out on it. Anything to make her fears and suspicions have grounds, and be anything but unfounded and disgusting paranoia.

She cursed Aphrodite, her poison words, her sickening beauty, and the goddess very existence.

Life with Percy was beginning to become some reflection of a blended heaven and hell, which was already quickly falling fast into the fires.

She said nothing, and Percy continued to be unaware, even now with this new development.

Summer had passed happy. Fall and Winter was cold, icy enough that Percy knew by then that something was off.

Athena was always watching with a sharp gaze, and she was speaking less and less with him.

The chill he felt was separated from the season.

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