Brief 6 Final Boards

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Brief Establish the Geek Table as a collective.

Initially the plan was to participate in short day briefs which we would then exhibit in a small gallery space, however these plans fell through due to double bookings and time constraints at our contacted gallery. The briefs were completed and instead compiled in a promotional publication. This, along with our online presence, aims at promoting the diverse skills set of our group to industry, and also leaves the platform to continue to produce self initiated works together post university.

Branding Collectively my logo design was chosen for our brand. I also developed caricatures of each of our group to be used across various promotional pieces of our brand.

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Brief 1 - What does Geek mean to you? I decided to combine 2 of my geeky loves, superheroes and software. The Brief allowed me to showcase my illustration skills in a fun way, and develop my character design skills. Brief 2 - What helps you to get in the graphic design zone? As part of our mad twitter communications we have assigned a day to some of our favourite artists and started to promote them. For this brief I decided to illustrate our hashtags with caricatures of some of the artists.

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Brief 3 - What is your guilty pleasure to help you work hard? My guilty pleasure on the table is the many unusual songs we listen to, so I developed my hand drawn type skills illustrating the lyrics. Brief 4 - What would your alter ego be? For this brief I re-imagined my existing alter ego, Math Man, defender of logic. He was originally 3D, so i have turned him into a more appropriate format for print.

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