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Disclaimer: I love Merlin, but that doesnt mean I own it. Pure fan love here.

Story: Merlins life shouldve been easier. She was just a high school student, friends with rich kids Arthur and Morgana Pendragon and Gwen Jennings, kind maid to the family. And yet, it isnt not when shes suddenly best friends with depressed Uther Pendragon, father to Arthur and Morgana, and a woman named Nimueh keeps testing her. It doesnt help to think shes the reincarnation of the famous wizened old wizard of Arthurian legends and she keeps dreaming about it. Parallel semi-sequel to The Day the Whole World Went Away. Set as an AU, genderbending fic, and future!fic/reincarnation!fic. Spoilers: Im not sure anymore, since Im going off path here. So be careful? Definite spoilers for my original fic though Warnings: Hm, I need to think about this time. Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, Morgana/???, heavily implied past-Uther/Ingraine, onesided Gwen/Merlin

Chapter One: If I Could Write Out My Own Dream Merlin sighed to herself, tapping the side of her pencil on her lap. She wished school would just be over, but time was ticking by slowly. And that, class, is why you dont fuck with chemicals, Edwin Muirden, the resident science teacher of all sciences, drawled with a sneer on his face. And even with the private school, he didnt care an inch about his use of vulgar language. Gwen elbowed her lightly in the ribs. Hey, are you ready for tonights sleepover at Morganas? The two sat together at a table, lab partners, while Morgana unfortunately had to suffer farther up with one of Arthurs lackeys flirting up a storm with her. As ready as I can, she gave a strained smile. She rubbed at her eyes tiredly. She hadnt been sleeping well, dreams of an odd time haunting her nights. It was so ridiculous, that she even pictured herself as the Merlin from the Arthurian legends. Which was crazy that Merlin was supposed to be an old man with a long white beard. In her dreams, he was neither. Merlin was her, female, cold-hearted, powerful, youthful, but most of all dedicated entirely to King Arthur. Like she said, crazy stuff. Ms. Amber, are you awake enough to answer the next question? Edwin cut in, sneer still plastered onto his face. She blushed steadily and shook her head, Im sorry, Mr. Muirden. I havent been feeling well. Be that as it may, at least try to let some information sink into that useless brain of yours, he retorted, but a flash of worry appeared in his eyes before being wiped completely clean and he returned back to his usual creepy and jerky self. It was unnoticeable and Merlin only caught it because she was becoming more observant as of late. She thought nothing more of it as she returned to her morose state and watched the rain splatter outside in pouring torrents. School ended and she stood outside, staring blankly at the droplets of water. You will listen to me, girl. You used this devilry to save Arthur. And you will continue to do so. That voice. It was so familiar. But shed never heard it before.

She shook herself out of her daze, and started the long walk home in the rain. Lance was at football practice, which left her to walk home in the cold by herself. She couldnt really be bothered to care. Her mind was preoccupied with her thoughts, and she walked with no cover from the pouring waters above her. For him, I would do anything. Even damn the rest. Merlin was an old man. All the legends said he was. He didnt serve as High Sorceress of Camelot, and he was he. Not a she. So why did she feel as if the Arthurian legends were all wrong? Her hair clung to her face and her clothing to her body, her backpack receiving the same treatment. She knew if it werent for the cases she insisted on putting her stuff in, her stuff would be ruined. But at the moment, shed didnt really care. It was as if she was numb. I have lost so muchIngraineI know I am losing Arthur, and Im not sure I ever truly had Morgana. I dont want to lose you as well. You are my only Queen and I will have no other bear my children. She smiled blankly and thought she was going insane. + + + + + + She took a hot bath when she got home, changing into her pajamas and slipping into her bed, ignoring the gray and stormy weather outside. The weather had become worse than when she had been walking home. She hoped her brother was alright in football practice, as well as Morgana and Gwen since they were in cheerleading practice right alongside the team. She ignored the part of her that wished for Arthurs wellness as well. Her home phone rang and she answered it, wondering who it could be. Her mother was still at work, Gaius was at a doctors convention for the month, so that left any of her friends or Lance. Merlin? Hey, practice is over! Im coming over with Gwen to pick you up, Morganas voice immediately chattered to her once shed picked up the phone. Okay, she softly said, hanging up abruptly.

She lay back on her side on her bed, gazing blankly at her wall and seeing lightning flash violently outside her window. The lightning triggered another flashback. I love you, Merlin. Please let me hear you say it, a handsome blond man murmured, holding her close as they lay in bed. Her long dark hair was tangled into calloused hands as he pulled her closer, roughly and desperately kissing her lips. Say it, he ordered in a rough voice. I love you, she replied with glazed eyes, and he laid her back onto the bed and began kissing a trail down her neck and ending in the valley between her breasts, before stopping and adjusting himself to position himself between her legs. There was a loud and persistent knocking on her door, and she groggily climbed out of her bed and forcibly pushed the images out of her head. She must be going crazy. She didnt know who that was, and she certainly wouldnt be doing that with just anyone. Shes never even seen the act before (no porn for her, no siree) and she may know the goings on, but her eyes were definitely virgin. Oh God, her virgin eyes Merlin! Whats wrong with you? You look completely out of it, Morgana broke into her thoughts, beating her inside by finding the extra key. Merlin shrugged, Weird dreams. And I mean weird. Its alright though, Morgana. Lets just get to your house. Ill grab my stuff, and meet you in your car. Gwens there? Yeah, she fell asleep in the back. Okay, Ill be really quick. Merlin sighed, running back up the stairs and grabbing the bag shed prepared, hopping back down the stairs so she could run out and slide into the passenger seat of her friends car. She glanced at the back and smiled at the picture of Gwen sprawled in the backseat, lightly snoring. Too bad. Theres no way we can get Gwen up now, the little heavy sleeper that she is. I had this whole thing planned out to spend the entire night and stay up, and then sleep the day tomorrow, Morgana pouted. We could sleep tonight and stay up all of tomorrow and tomorrow night, then sleep it off Sunday? Merlin suggested. Oh, if we must, the other girl reluctantly agreed.

At Morganas home, the two of them helped carry Gwen up before Merlin came back for her bag. Since she was already in pajamas, she stayed up a little to wait for Morgana to change into hers, and then the girls went to bed. But Merlin couldnt go to sleep. In fact, she only lay in bed, with her eyes wide open and staring at the wall in despair. She couldnt sleep. She didnt want to think. She hadnt been able to even relax for one second. So she got up and slipped out of Morganas room, tentatively tiptoeing her way around and trying to see in the dark, with only the flashes of lightning outside for illumination. At least it wasnt raining anymore. Merlin walked across the soft-carpeted hallway, feeling a little insomnia. Maybe she shouldnt have agreed to Morganas sleepover, not with the dreams shes been having Seeing a silhouette of someone on the balcony, she cautiously came closer. Mr. Pendragon? she called out, finally recognizing the figure sitting at the edge of the balcony and peering into the sky. Shed never seen the man before, at least not in person. She had, however, frequently seen the man in not only her friends pictures but also on TV, the newspaper, and even embarrassingly enough tabloids. She studied him again and was more aware of his perch. The balcony was dangerous because it had no railings, and with him sitting at the edge with his legs dangling over, he was in a precarious position that foreshadowed serious motives. Im not here to kill myself, Ms. Amber, he called her out on her thoughts. She blinked in surprise, but came closer and sat next to him, folding her legs closer to her and tucking her knees under her chin. SorryI just assumedUm, just call me Merlin. Everyone does, Mr. Pendragon. How long have you been Morganas friend? I may not have met you before, but the two of you have known each other since you were kids. Call me Uther. She giggled, Thats kinda funny. Morgana and I have been friends for a long time, and Ive only met you now. His lips twitched upward. Yeah. Interesting fact. I do seem to feel like I know you already, however. With how much Morgana talks about you. And occasionally, so does little Gwen. Wellso does Arthur. In fact, my son speaks very fondly of you. Merlin blushed terribly and muttered something under her breath. He laughed at her, but not cruelly, and she hesitantly smiled back and started to slowly laugh along with him.

What do you like to listen to? Uther asked casually, starting a minor conversation. Um, well I like just about anything. But the Beatles and John Lennon are my favorite, Merlin beamed. Uther grinned back, I love the Beatles. I prefer Paul over John though. Whats your favorite song? Merlin blurted out, feeling extremely happy for some reason. Eleanor Rigby. What about you? Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. He grinned and sang the first sentence. Picture yourself in a boat on a river With tangerine trees and marmalade skies, she cut in. Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly, he sang back. A girl with kaleidoscope eyes, they both sang together. For the rest of the night, she just sat there with him, talking about anything and everything. And she noticed, that as they talked, the sadness she saw in his eyes disappeared for then. + + + + + + Merlin yawned, blinking sleepily at the front of the class and barely paying attention. Really now, it was hard to keep so focused. She was just so sleepy, and she blamed those stupid dreams for making her so tired all the time. She even blamed them for making her rent that stupid Arthurian legends encyclopedia. She sighed and slumped in her chair, idly glancing outside the class. She blinked and sat up straight, leaning to get a closer look and not believing her eyes. Squinting, she tried to get a clearer view. There was a woman standing in the middle of the street staring at her.

Merlin gulped and nervously clenched and unclenched her right hand over and over. The woman just kept staring, seeming to actually be staring straight into Merlins eyes. The strange woman wore a tattered scarlet dress, had no shoes on, and electric blue eyes that seemed to scream that they knew all of the universes secrets. She could hear a car coming fast, directly in the womans direction, and she stumbled upwards in a panic, lurching over to the window. The woman smirked at her and the car drove right into her. But Merlin blinked in confusion, because the car sped passed and there was no sign of the woman. No body. No woman there at all. No sign that she had even been there. Ms. Amber, are you alright? Edwin stared at her suspiciously, but she noticed the tenseness of his posture and the worried flash in his eyes. Then she took note of herself. Without even looking at herself in a mirror, she could tell she was a mess. Her school uniform was rumpled and looked slept in, her hair was carelessly put up, there were bags under her eyes, and if it was possible she actually looked paler than usual. Her normally bright golden eyes were dim and almost seem to look like a sickly yellow in certain lighting, and her posture screamed exhaustion, at the same time that her shoulders maintained a perpetual slump. This was not accounting the fact that shed abruptly stood up in class, drawing attention to herself, and apparently unhearing of her teacher having tried to call her several times before he finally managed to reach her just now. Or that she had a wild look in her eyes and that she looked like a cornered animal. She straightened up with a wince and nervously patted down her front, licking her lips uncertainly. Um, sorry, Mr. Muirden. Im fine. I was justI thought I saw something, she muttered the last part. A look of panicked surprise and a bit of anxiety flashed briefly through his eyes, though no one but she had caught it. She didnt understand it. Then his face blanked out and he nodded curtly at her. Try not to make it a habit of disrupting the class, Ms. Amber, he drawled. Meet me after class, please. She sighed inwardly, but nodded to him in confirmation.

Class soon passed by quicker after that, and then suddenly she was in front of his desk with the usually caustic teacher slumping over his desk and leaning his forehead against his hand, his eyes closed tightly. Mr. Muirden? she tentatively called out for his attention. Justhold on, Ms. Amber, he muttered, not looking up just yet. When he finally did, hed narrowed his eyes at her and was studying her closely, making her more nervous than earlier and anxious about what was going on. He opened a drawer to his desk and brought out a piece of paper, handing it to her. She blinked in confusion and stared down at the paper, trying to make sense of it and also understand why hed handed it to her. Mr. Muirden, what is this? she questioned, more than just a little lost. That is for you to find out, he answered confusingly. You must understand that formula. Understand and decipher it, especially its importance. When you do, you will understand it and everything else. You have until the end of the school year, and you mustnt waste time. Everything depends on you, Merlin. He actually called her by her nickname, making things even stranger. And beware of those you feel a connection with, whose presence seem to cause what feels like a mild electric charge searing through your skin and almost seem to pull you in like gravity, he finished quietly. Merlin almost flinched in front of him, not knowing how hed known she sometimes felt that with some people. Like earlier with that woman, despite the distance Or even the times when she was around Edwin Muirden. Strange how he seemed to be warning her against even himself.

Chapter Two: The Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes Could you get out of my way? Depends. Can I get your number? No, Merlin rolled her eyes. Arthur pouted. But he looked around and his cocky demeanor sort of lightened and he gave a kind of embarrassed and rather shy grin that took her aback. She started turning red at it, but she remained scowling and kept her narrowed eyes. Cancan I take you out tomorrow for a date? Arthur tried something else and she gaped at him. How did he make the jump from asking for her number to asking for a date? If she said no to the first, the second would be guaranteed a negative! Well Wait, why was she considering it? She should be saying no to him straight away. But then he looked hopefully at her and she kind of crumbled and shrugged. Fine. Tomorrow at seven. Wherever you want. Arthur was beaming at her, and she couldnt help the small smile she replied with. Great! You wont regret it! Ill have Morgana text you where later, kay? Bye, Merlin! Arthur was practically skipping away, she noted in amusement. She spent the rest of the time in school in a daze, though occasionally her mind would wander back to the dreams she was still having. Instead of fighting them and worrying about them, she accepted and just watched them. She filed them away, even writing it down in some kind of dream journal, and she slept all the better for it. Was it strange that it was actually Mr. Muirden whod given her that advice? Hed idly commented, one day after school as he passed her desk, that strange dreams were best left to be accepted and moved on from, instead of fighting them and practically clinging to them so much it becomes unhealthy. It doesnt do well to dwell in dreams and forget to live in reality and the present. It had been very cryptic and worrying, especially how hed even known about her dreams at all or that she was having any. Still, shed done well from his advice and was sleeping and feeling

better now. She no longer had circles under her eyes, or felt tired all the time, or like she was going insane. She dreamt of Arthur, King Arthur, and felt herself fall in love with a fictitious man from her dreams. Sometimes, she wished the Arthur here would be more like him respectful, less of a bully, less arrogant, a gentleman But he wasnt real and her Arthur liked to mess around with women and pick on those younger than him. Sometimes, she wished Arthur was more like his father. Its been three months since she met him officially, and she had more in common and got along more with him. They both liked The Beatles, ate the same type of pies, and it was much easier to talk and relate to Uther than she could with Arthur. That didnt mean she disliked Arthur, of course. As much as she hated to admit it, she was still fond (and maybe just the slightest in love with) of the blond as she had been when she first met him in 4th grade The bell rang for the last class of the day and she quickly hurried to the library. She was surprised to see Mr. Muirden lazily sprawled on the chair at the desk. Mr. Muirden Call me Edwin when not in class and were alone, he cut her off, not even looking up at the book he was reading. E-Edwin, she didnt want to admit that she already called him that in her head, for some strange reason Um, I was going to check this in and then look for similar books. She handed him the Arthurian legends encyclopedia shed been reading and had finally finished. He only raised an eyebrow at it, before taking the book and dumping it into the pile of books that needed to be checked back into inventory. If you want to read certifiable and absolute sources looking into the Arthurian legends, you should read Le Morte DArthur and Historia Regum Brittaniae. The latter being the first and most looked at source, and the first being considered the most complete version of King Arthurs life. But I think both are a bunch shit. No one really knows anything and thats why its all legends. For all we know, Merlin couldve been a woman. Merlins head jerked back to his direction and she stared at him wide-eyed, but he seemed focused on his book and like he wasnt going to say anything more. She swallowed heavily. Thank you, Mr. Edwin, she corrected herself quietly.

She set out for the books and found them, though it took her awhile. She started paging through the The History of the Kings of Britain, the English translation of the chronicles, though there were several volumes for it. She figured she should start with that first and work her way through it, and then start Le Morte DArthur. Those are in-library copies only, meant for research. You cant take them out, Edwin suddenly said and she grimaced, inwardly disappointed. I have copies you can borrow, he said indifferently. And though he looked to be immersed in his book, she had the feeling he was completely hyperaware of her. Seeing auras, she started hesitantly, can that be taught? It is a skill that one must be born with, he began with a wince. But I do believe one you have. We just need to unlock it, much like I had. When can we start? Merlin asked eagerly. He chuckled, You may come here after my dinner with the King. It is a skill quickly unlocked. I can even teach you a few other things after. She gave him the first smile with warmth in it. Merlin flinched and brought a hand to her head, feeling her head start to throb painfully. She blinked away tears and looked up at her teacher. Yes, thats it. Move your handand there! Merlin watched in fascination as a trail of lightning moved behind her hand as she moved into a small wave. Its beautiful she whispered. Edwin observed her quietly, a small smile on his lips. Very beautiful, he murmured in agreement, still watching her. Look at me, Edwin. Merlin was confused; that had burst out of her and she didnt even know why. However, it had caught the attention of her teacher, whod stiffened up at her command. He slowly moved to straighten up, and then reluctantly look at her. She knew she looked obviously confused and even a little scared, but shed said it (even if she didnt know why) and now there wasnt any going back.

He mustve seen something in her, because after a moment of dispassionately observing her, he began to speak. But the more he spoke, the less dispassionate he actually seemed. You know, his voice cracked. I feel kind of stupid for going about the way I did. You were one of the best things that happened to me. It just happened a little too late. Im sorryI cared more about revengethan the one good thing that happened in my life. Merlin stared at him in disbelief, growing more confused and not understanding a thing he was saying. He coughed out blood and smiled at her, eyes dark. Youve been taught well. She didnt say anything, knowing she couldve said Gaius had taught her well or even Uther. But she acknowledged his part in teaching her, so said nothing. He will die within hours. Its too late for the King. I will save him, she stated firmly. We couldve been great together. We couldve ruled this kingdom as onebring magic back, as it should be, he coughed out again, and blood dribbled down his mouth. My destiny is at Arthurs side, she said softly. Serving him willingly and watching over him for as long as I can. And to that end, my loyalty extends to Uther. Shame, and he closed his eyes and died without another word. Im sorry that I couldnt feel the same way for you, she whispered, and she grew even more confused at what she was saying in reply and why shed said it. They awkwardly looked away from each other, before he went back to his book and she went back to hers, trying to avoid more conversation. She was beyond confused at what had happened. He was irritated for losing control. In the end, not much work was getting done when she was lost in the face of saying things she couldnt possibly understand or comprehend where they came from or truly meant, and he was lost in the literal past. To make up for the strange encounter and unable to put meaning behind it, she quietly put aside the books shed been working on and sat next to him at the desk, beginning to do his temp work for him, silently taking books and scanning them, and putting them back into the system. A second later, he took the scanner from her and he scanned the next book, while she started to just hand the books to him.

When the pile was gone, she thought she could get back to work. She stared blankly at the pages before she cowardly ran away, incapable of facing the aftermath of saying things she didnt understand. He sat stiffly in the silent and empty library, closing the book hed been recreating of his work for her. + + + + + + Merlin had ended up going to a nearby ice-cream parlor, ordering a sundae for herself in agitation. Once shed gotten it, she found a seat outside and began to eat to comfort herself. She put the incident out of her head, disturbed and upset about it enough without continuing to brood about it. Her phone rang and she went to look at the caller id morosely. She brightened up immediately. Uther! she answered eagerly. You called! Why are you calling? On the other side, he was grinning at his phone, hiding behind a tall potted plant and glancing at his watch. He took a sip of his coffee. Bored. Stuck in a stupid meeting and we just got on break. I decided Id call to see how youre doing. Merlins smile stretched across her face. Im eating ice-cream. I was havinga weird day, she replied vaguely, not really wanting to worry her older friend. Sundae, hot fudge splatter, cherry on top the works. Ugh, I wish I was there, Uther sighed. Id rather be eating ice-cream with you than suffer through this meeting. Id swear theyre trying to give me a heart attack. Dont say that, she snapped at him, even harsher than shed meant to say it. Sorry, he genuinely spoke. I was just joking. Im sorry for upsetting you. I didnt mean it. No, Im sorry, she said embarrassedly. I didnt mean to overreact. I justdont like you talking like that. He cleared his throat through the awkwardness. AnywaysI hear you have a date. Merlins smile turned sardonic. Yes, I suppose Arthur already told you.

Uther laughed. Its brilliant! Ive been saying it all along. I told you to start dating my son already. Uther Pendragon, have you been trying to set me up with your son? she asked him mockseriously. He snorted. Wasnt it obvious? Now, Ive convinced Arthur to take you out to that one restaurant the five-star one on Montpelier Street No, no, thats too expensive, she interrupted, becoming embarrassed. Nonsense, he said dismissively. Morgana and Arthurs treated you out before, and I know for a fact that Gaius loves spoiling you and taking you to places like that. Just because its a date shouldnt make it any different. Itll be all romantic you know, like the movies. This isnt a movie, she muttered, before sighing in resignation. Okay, whatever. Good, good, he said in satisfaction. Ill pay for everything. My tab will be on there, so just order whatever you want. And enjoy your time with Arthur. Ill have George pick you up and drop you off at the restaurant, and Arthur can drive you home, since he has practice late and will probably be panicking getting ready in time for you and worry about picking you up in time at the same time. Itll be for both our sakes that he gets enough time to primp. They both shared a laugh at that. Reservations are in his name. Have fun, he told her fondly. Thanks, Uther. I think I might. Okay. I have to go now meetings starting up in a minute unfortunately. Talk to you later. Kay, bye, her voice was subdued, but she hung up before he could have a chance to question her about it. She sighed and looked at her phone tiredly, feeling herself slip back into her earlier depressed state. The next day, she felt completely jittery and actually a little excited. She was going to have a date with Arthur. Despite his jerkiness to most people and sometimes to her, she really did like him and was looking forward to this date she was going to have with him. Onlywithout having to be sidelined by her brother and dragged down to the bleachers. Hiding underneath them, the siblings sat side by side, knees curled up as they leaned against each other. Whats up, Lancelot? she teased her brother with his nickname.

He pinched her quickly, which she temporarily squirmed away at. Nothing, he frowned. I just want to spend some time with my baby sister. We never hang out anymore and I know I havent been around. I miss you, you know? I just wanted to be with you for a sec. Merlins face softened for Lance and she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. Sorry, Lance. I havent been around either. I miss you too. We should find some way to just spend time together. Just us. Sibling time, yeah? We should set aside a time. Lance smiled a little. Yeah, sounds good to me. I miss my sisSo, I hear you have a date with Arthur tonight, huh? it was his turn to tease. Her face flushed red. Yeah. Hes going to take me out to a restaurant. Lance grinned. Aw, my baby sister is getting all grown up on me. Do you want me to have a talk with Arthur and give him the big brother obligatory threats? Lance! she hit his shoulder. He laughed and then tossed himself at her, stretching his fingers out and beginning to tickle her into submission. Youre a horrible brother! No! Say Im the best! Or else I wont stop. Ahhhh, okay, okay! Lance, youre the best brother ever! So stop tickling me! He relented and they both lay back on the ground, staring up at the underside of the bleachers in happy exhaustion. But seriously, Lance spoke up. Should I go to Arthur and warn him not to hurt you and stuff? Cause you know I will and I wont regret a thing. No, Lance, she turned her head and smiled at him fondly. Its okay. I have a feeling its going to be great. And she was so excited for it, the day passed by in a blur. School seemed like one huge haziness, and soon enough it was over and she was at home, getting ready. She worried about what outfit she was going to wear, considering the high-class place she was going to dine at, and realized she couldnt really skimp on the fanciness. She worriedly tore through her wardrobe and realized that she probably had nothing to wear that would be right.

Picking the nicest dress she had, she focused instead on her makeup and her hair, glad her mom was out and wouldnt see her daughter uncharacteristically worrying about her appearance and of the fact that Merlin had a date. Just when she finished, the doorbell rang just in time. Hurrying as fast as she could, she opened the door to see George the driver (and butler and secretary and nanny and sometimes cook and she cut herself off) smiling at her and holding up a long black bag. Mr. Pendragon sends his regards and a dress, with his exact words being shes probably freaking out over what to wear so send this right over, George quoted dryly. He wishes you fun with his son, and hopefully an evening well spent. Aw, thanks, George, she grinned, pecking the elderly mans cheek. She took the dress and asked him to wait a second so she could switch dresses, and then she was being driven off. She stared in awe at the restaurant, slowly getting out of the limo with George helping her out. She thanked him and bid him goodbye, before hesitantly going into the restaurant. Asking for Arthurs reservations, she was quickly sat down and given a menu. She thought she should maybe wait a little for Arthurs arrival. But half an hour into her wait, and there was still no sign of Arthur. She reluctantly ordered and thought that she would just have to gloat about her food when Arthur came late and had to wait for his to come Only, a full hour since her arrival and still no Arthur Pendragon. Embarrassedly, she knew that people were starting to look in her direction. Even more embarrassingly, she had tears prickling in her eyes. Though she finished her food, she didnt think she tasted it at all. And when she got dessert she hadnt even ordered, she mockingly laughed at herself in her head. She was getting a sympathy dessert The whole restaurant, staffers and diners, they were all looking sympathetically at the pathetic girl stood up by her date and eating all by her lonesome. Merlin felt like she could crawl under a rock and just die. HiI didnt think a pretty girl like yourself should be dining alone. Though Im sorry I wasnt able to come sooner, a smooth voice spoke to her and she looked up miserably, seeing a handsome man with dark hair and crystal blue eyes, who seated himself on the other side of the table from her. She didnt answer him, waiting for him to actually say what he wanted. Soyou want to finish that dessert by yourself? he gave her a dry grin. She gave a half-hearted shrug, and thought whatever, nudging a fork towards him.

You knowI was in a dinner meeting, and the entire time I couldnt help but look over here and think Who was the idiot who stood up that lovely lady? Because it had to be an idiot to have stood you up, this time, he managed a small smile from her. Now there you go a pretty smile from a pretty lady. Much more suiting. Hes more of a prat than an idiot, I think, she hesitantly said. He smirked. Prats good too. So whats a guy got to do to get a name from a pretty girl like yourself? My names MerlinMarilyn actually, but I prefer Merlin, her smile grew stronger, though it was still small. He took her hand and kissed it, never taking his pretty crystal blue gaze from her. Merlin, my name is Tristan de Bois and Id like to spend the rest of the night in your lovely presence.

Chapter Three: Just a Little Taste Merlin didnt know what to say to that. Shed nearly gaped at him, but had managed to keep it to a disbelieving stare. And then she started turning red and looking down, flattered and unsure of what was a good response. If its alright? he asked to be sure, voice hopeful. And Merlins breath hitched and she looked shyly at him. Thatthat would be nice. We couldtalk for a bitfinish this dessertum, if thats good with you, Merlin was uncertain and floundering. This had never happened to her before. Being stood up for a date (granted, shes never actually been on a date before), having some guy flirting with her (one, a very handsome man, and two, the only one whos ever attempted flirting with her had been Arthur and she did not want to think about him right now), and actually the center of a mans focus and having such flattering attention on her. Despite being pretty and popular, when it came to talking or socializing, people gravitated towards Morgana (the social butterfly) or Gwen (sweet and kind, but more social than Merlin that was for sure). Merlin admitted she could be a bit of a wallflower Fantastic, Tristans smile was slick and confident, and her eyes couldnt help darting a glance at his soft-looking, enticing lips. Well, this was strange. Why was she acting so strange? She couldnt ever recall ever having such a reaction to anyone beforeAdmittedly, her focus had always been on other things than boys Just let me order another dessert, since this looks to be about finished, he hailed over a waiter, ordering the German hazelnut slice of pie and another glass of the red wine hed brought over with him. I, she turned red again. I dont know how you could have noticed me at all, especially when youd been in a meeting earlier. I would hardly constitute any attention. He put down his wine glass elegantly and he leaned over the table, closer to her. Thats where youre mistaken, he murmured, hand briefly reaching out to caress her hand. I was utterly distracted the whole meeting, from the first moment my eyes caught sight of you. Oh, her face was going to turn permanently red. She was blushing entirely by then and couldnt help staring at him wide-eyed.

I wanted to skip the meeting and head straight over to here, and give a lonely-looking and pretty lady some company. The entire time, I kept looking over here, eager to be done with the meeting and hope that I wouldnt be too late to introduce myself to someone as enrapturing as you. I disliked seeing you here by yourself, obviously stood up by your date, and had the strongest urge to come to you and be your solace. If I hadnt had to put up with that meeting, I would have come sooner to you, milady. Such an old-fashioned and gentlemanly address had her face continuing to flame red. Still, it seems youre captured by my looks, she shot back challengingly. You hardly know me. But Tristans lips only twisted into a sly grin, not seemingly bothered by the accusation. That I never denied, have I? From afar, it was all I could gather, he smoothly hooked his hand around one of hers, and then held it up gently, cradling it with such care. But I deeply wish to have the chance to know you far moreintimately. Her breath caught in her throat and she started feeling even shier than shed started being with him. Sorry, he apologized with a wry grin. That had come out much with much more innuendo than was actually meant. Your likes and dislikes are what I aim for at the least, for the moment. She laughed lightly, feeling at ease with him, despite the odd and somewhat difficult conversation they were going through to get to know each other. Though it was more awkward and strange than difficult, mostly due to her inexperience and uncertainty with such things Even spending another hour at the restaurant with Tristan, and Merlin still saw absolutely no sign of Arthur. No call, text, or message to show he was late or not coming, and she was left there feeling foolish, and yet slowly feeling better by being near this stranger she just met. They finished the second dessert hed ordered and hed just hailed over the waiter for the check, when the waiter mentioned something she had almost forgotten about. May I have the check? Tristan politely requested. He smiled slightly at her. Ill pay for your dinner. Ah, theres no need, sir, the waiter interrupted hesitantly. Its been paid prior, on a tab. Tristans eyebrows raised and Merlin blinked, before remembering what Uther had told her. Oh, thats right. The, um, father of my date had had everything sure to be paid for, she uncomfortably revealed, though she didnt want to think about that and Uther because that meant she had to think about Arthur and the failed date.

Tristans eyebrows raised a little higher before he was back to smoothly smiling at her and nodded. Oh, well. Okay, then (she might be mistaken) his eyes darkened and he leaned closer to her. I did ask to spend the rest of the night in your presence. She was going to start floundering again. Her heart picked up and she was sure her blush was never going to go away. You know, Im quite familiar with the nightlife of New York, he murmured, licking his lips slightly. Would you like me to show you how the night really lives? Maybe he was still a stranger and maybe she shouldnt be contemplating going anywhere with someone she just met and didnt really knowbut she was still feeling humiliated, upset, and a little rebellious about everything and with everyone, and a little vengeful against Arthur. And Morgana had always said that Merlin had the tendency to be a bit boring at times and a little safe. Well, shed prove her wrong this time. Okay, she breathed out, still unsure but eager at the same time. And then she was practically hopping all over New York, visiting nightclubs and shows and places and having her eyes opened to all the different sorts of experiences one can have in the city, and feeling high off the experience as much as she was practically culture-shocked. As his warm, comfortable hands settled around her waist and her back was pulled perfectly fit against his front as they swayed to an intimate dance in the club they were currently in, music blaring, adrenaline and the miniscule amount of alcohol swimming through her veins, Merlin wondered if she should tell Tristan she wasnt really old enough to be in the club, much less drinking, or even being with him. Meanwhile, Edwin stared dumbfounded at the scrying bowl that was weakly powered, watching the incarnation of his murderess. This was not how it goes. If he lost Merlin to anyone, it was supposed to be Arthur. It had always been Arthur! What was this? How could this be happening? Most lives, from past to reincarnations, there was always parallels. Tristan de Bois had been dead in Camelot by the time Merlin had come about. How would the two of them, now in this world and time, be so strongly attracted to each other and gravitate so easily to each other like this, when theyd never had a prior connection or bond in their original lives? Parallels. It was parallels. So why was this happening now and what was going on? He grimaced and searched out one of his books, knowing he was going to have to look into this. Hed also probably have to dig through his memories and think if there could have possibly ever been some kind of connection formed before

He spent the night on his work, and Merlin had only been shown half the places Tristan had thought of. And by the time they were done, it was 3 in the morning and Merlin was too tired and just the slightest drunk to say anything about crashing at his penthouse. The morning brought about a different response however. Nine in the morning and Merlin thought she was dreaming. She was beginning to panic at her unknown surroundings, glad at least she was fully clothed, though not wearing the dress shed been wearing last night. A white dress shirt and some boxers were more comfortable than sleeping in the dress (and she wouldnt have wanted to ruin or mess it up in any way, considering Uther had bought it for her), but it still made her nervous to know shed been changed out of her own clothing and that her memory was slow to come back. It was, but too slow for her to be comfortable at the moment. Breakfast? Tristan walked through the door, holding a tray with breakfast and two mugs of coffee. Her mouth went dry, seeing him in only his boxer shorts and naked chest. She averted her eyes, feeling the return of her blush. Dont worry nothing happened, I promise, Tristan spoke dryly and she gave him a sheepish smile, accepting her mug of coffee and helping steady the tray and put it onto the bed. When hed sat down beside her, shed thought nothing of it until he leaned closer and started kissing her thoroughly. Shed been surprised and still, until she moved into the kiss and practically melted into him. With her memory becoming clearer, she embarrassedly remembered that shed made out with him several times last night. Sotoday is Saturday, he announced smugly. What do you want to do? Because you have me at your beck and call to do as you will. You have me for all of today, he promised. It was at once both teasing and sincere, that it had her smiling widely and feeling appreciative. I live here and all, but Ivenever been to the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty, she said shyly. He blinked at her before shrugging and smiling lazily. Ah, but then again I havent either. I live here also, but I tend to travel a lot so Ive never really gone there either. Kay, Tourist were sightseeing today. She laughed freely and they ate the rest of their breakfast companionably, with small talk in between. So, I have a call to make. You can take a shower through there, he pointed at a door. And Ill meet up with you after. I bought some clothes from the little shop next door, after you went to

sleep first last night, thinking it might be prudent for you to go around in regular clothing than a formal dress the next dayand I doubt a dress shirt and boxers would be any better, Tristan winked at her. She grinned widely and he left to go make his call. Immediately, she searched out her phone and scrolled through her contacts list for Uther, forgetting she had him on her favorites. Sliding her cell open, her fingers flew over the keyboard as she walked automatically to his bathroom, closing it behind her and locking it as she focused on her text, just noticing she had a bunch of missed calls. Please call Mom and tell her Im at your house? She bit her lip as she waited for the return text, knowing he always replied quickly to her. Merlin? Whats going on? Where are you? She winced. Im at a friends. Im okay. She hesitated at what to put, but she decided on friend. It wasnt untrue. No, its ugh. Fine. Ill do it. About Arthur, Im really sorry about him. She immediately text a quick reply to cut him off from his probable second part of his text, turning on the shower straight after. Its okay. Dont care. Thanks. TTYL. She sighed and gently put her phone, rubbing the palm of her hand against her forehead. Then she started to strip and get into the shower, finally noticing the bathroom. Holy crap. The place looked like one of those awesome Vegas special suite bathrooms, marble counter/floors and all. There was a separate tub to the side, large enough to fit in at least four of her, and the shower she was in had see-through glass surrounding it, surrounding showerheads, and aelectronic system. She furrowed her eyebrows at it, walking closer and curiously touching it. It was on a preset setting and she immediately sighed in bliss at the water turning into a more massaging setting and Green Day playing in the background. In the back of her mind, a miniature her was brooding in the corner, miserable at the fact that she seemed to have rich people gravitate towards her. She was pouting, she admitted it to herself. She didnt want to look like some kind of gold digger, dammit

Again, she wondered if she should tell him that shed just turned 17. She hadnt the night before because shed thought she would never see him again, and that it was supposed to be just one reckless night she was going to have, with no one the wiser. She just hadnt counted crashing at his place and deciding to even spend the day with him (she hadnt really thought he wanted to still be near her or spend time with her, or choose to spend yet again more time with her or her feeling the same way). His offer had surprised her, but more so that either one of them had even wanted to still be together after a fantastic night that she hadnt thought would go further than that. But apparently they were going to have a Saturday outing, in the daytime and surrounded by plenty of others. Like a normal time. Like a normal couple time. Like a date. It was the complete opposite of what the night had been, a night adventure that had never meant to go beyond what it was, with a guy she never expected to see again (due more to her thinking he wouldnt care to see her again, but also because she had no big expectations about running into him in a big city like that and with the two of them hardly saying enough about themselves to be able to find the other again), and having no idea what the future had in store for the two of them. Merlin hurriedly finished in the shower and then stepped out, grabbing a towel and rubbing herself down quickly. She left the bathroom to go searching for the clothes hed mentioned hed gotten her, over in his bedroom, only for her to be caught in just her towel by him. His eyes ran appreciatively down her body, smirking at her teasingly. Well, heres the clothes. I gather we could go to another shop further away and get you more nicer clothing, but these will have to do for now until we can make it to one, and you can change there. But seeing the cheesy and common I <3 NY t-shirt and the simple beige cargo shorts had her smiling and willingly grabbing onto them from him. No, these are fine, she smiled reassuringly at him. Im a tourist, right? she teased him. Tourist clothing is fitting then. He laughed and came closer to her, hands gently trailing and wiping off water droplets clinging to her shoulders. She swallowed heavily and felt rather funny. Tristan, I have something to tell you, she whispered in a rush, slender hands gripping onto his muscled arms, even as he was planting distracting kisses around her neck and jaw. Hm? he hummed against her skin. Im 17, she blurted out and felt him practically freeze up against her, lips still touching her neck and hands still firmly gripped on her hips.

She nearly went into shock when a moment later hed gone back to his administrations without further pauses. Well, thats certainly inconvenient, he murmured against her. But not too troubling. I do, after all, still very like you and enjoy your company. Your age is rather trivial in the face of that. The age is bothersome, but at least were in New York. She blinked in confusion, though still enjoying his attentions and relieved about the age thing. What does New York have to do with anything? He laughed lightly, pulling back from her and going back to smirking rather playfully at her. Age of consent is 17 in New York, he winked mischievously. She laughed, knowing he was having fun teasing and trying to provoke some kind of flustered response from her, but even more relieved that at least she wasnt going to get him arrested. And then she started to become flustered, the reaction delayed as she sputtered, turned red, and shyly averted her eyes to everywhere but him. + + + + + + Arthur groaned, feeling his head killing him. He lifted himself heavily from the couch hed collapsed in, looking around with bleary eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember the night before, and remembering that the team had finished practice and thered been a party at Percivals to celebrate the coming of Homecoming. He felt the couch he was in be shoved rather roughly, confusedly seeing Lancelot trounce pass him without another glance. Whats eating you, Lancelot? he mocked, grinning slightly. His confusion upped when his fellow teammate didnt answer him and continued on his way out of the house. Grumbling now about weird teammates and his stupid headache, he got up himself and reluctantly walked through the living room (where hed been) and through the foyer, planning on getting home as soon as possible. He was happy that the drive there had been uneventful, and could trudge into his house in relief and hope that he could rest through his hangover and not be bothered.

Instead, an eager Morgana and even his father were sitting in the kitchen, enthusiastic and impatient for him to come and them to practically attack him. So, how did it go? Morgana immediately demanded. Arthur blinked at her in confusion. Uther interrupted. I know I should be disapproving and whatnot, because staying out late and probably renting a room for it isnt something most parents should be happy about, but I hope you were a gentleman and was safe? Wait, what are you two talking about? Arthur cut in by then. Your date, Morgana rolled her eyes. You know, with Merlin. Arthurs face drained of color. Mydatewith Merlin. Morgana and Uther froze, staring at him. Tell me, Arthur, Uther started in disbelief. You went, didnt you? You ate with her in the restaurant, right? You didnt do something stupid, did you? Stupider than sleeping with her? Arthur stayed quiet. Morgana stomped over to him, reeling back from smell of alcohol still clinging to him. You-you stupid boy! she screeched. Dont tell me you were out partying last night and drinking too much to remember you had a date with the girl youve been trying to date since freshmen year! I cant believe you! Youre so stupid and immature and irresponsible, she ranted. No wonder Merlin never said yes to you before! She was bloody right not to! I hope she never says yes to you ever again! Angrily, Morgana stalked away from him and out of the kitchen, loudly being heard going all the way to her room. Arthur cringed and also looked away from his father, not wanting to see how his father looked then. Arthur his fathers tone was more than just disappointed and he flinched visibly. Right now, Im just really upset. I am angry, but Im more upset now. Ill probably be angrier later, and Ill yell at you later when you can appreciate it and not have that headache I know you havebut I cant even calm myself down at the moment. Justgo to your room. Sleep off your hangover, but youre not allowed to do anything else. Justgo. The blond fled from there, inwardly cursing himself with each step. Uther just sighed tiredly before practically lunging for his phone and tapping into his favorites for Merlins number, calling her. After repeatedly calling with no answer, and increasingly becoming worried each

time no one answered the phone, he was starting to panic and think that something might have happened to her the night before. He was genuinely and extremely relieved to receive her text after 10 minutes of straight calling with nothing in return. Please call Mom and tell her Im at your house? His eyes widened at the request, wondering why on earth would she be asking that and why would Merlin want to lie to her mother? It was especially unlike her. He wasted no time texting a reply, feeling his worry double. Merlin? Whats going on? Where are you? He waited impatiently for a reply, reading it immediately when he got it. Im at a friends. Im okay. He frowned. It sounded off to him and Merlin would have told him which friend. And as far as he knew, from what Morgana, Gwen, Arthur, and even Merlin herself said, Merlin didnt really have too big a circle of friends and was relegated to mostly that mentioned group. Morgana and Arthur were obviously out, and Morgana had informed him that Gwen was going to finally go on a tentative date with Lance that day, after seeing Merlin actually finally accept Arthurs invitation though now, all parties knowing or involved probably were regretting that. No, its ugh. Fine. Ill do it. About Arthur, Im really sorry about him. He regrettably texted. He didnt really want to lie to Hunith or do this particular cover up, especially if Merlin was in trouble or something. And he was also regretting Arthurs part in it. He was about to text more apologies on his and Arthurs behalf when he received another text from her. Its okay. Dont care. Thanks. TTYL. He winced, practically hearing the cool tone in that. He wanted to demand more answers, find out where she was or just something other than her emphasis on her okay well-being (which did the opposite of reassuring him), but didnt want to seem pushy. Instead, he resignedly texted one last message. Okay. Still sorry. Anyways, I dont want to look naggy or act like your fatherbut promise youll text every hour so I know youre okay from whatever youre doing and wherever you are? Ill be worrying otherwise and itll help. He hesitated before adding one last text. Be safe.

Chapter Four: Its Okay to Not Be Okay She hadnt called any of them since. No calls, no messages, no visits. Merlin had been avoiding the Pendragon family as if they had the plague. Even at school, as Morgana had complained to him many a time since Merlin had started to avoid them, she would avoid Morgana and Arthur and seemingly disappear whenever they were in distance. Merlin had gone from being a constant in his familys life, in his life, to being nonexistent. Uther, in return, had withdrawn back to the person he used to be. Indifferent and working more than ever. Unsocial. Easily irritable at times. Reserved and quiet. Alone and Lonely. Blank. He spent late hours at his office, like he had before she came into his life. He spent long trances in his dark bedroom, staring at his late wifes picture and then having fitful sleeps when he wasnt awake. Hed always spent time with his kids before, trying to be a good father in the absence of their mothers, and had set aside at least family time on Sundaybut when Merlin came, he found hed been more motivated to spend more time with his family and try even harder to be there for them, and not drown himself in his work. Now hed gone back to before, and maybe even a little worse. When his wife had died, every day he kept going on he felt like he was dying just a bit more. And then Merlin came along and she was like Ingraine and he saw a little bit of himself in her and it was like someone had taken both of their genes and created this girl so eerily an almost perfect combination between him and his wife. And things were better. He hadnt felt like killing himself any more (for despite what hed said to Merlin that night, hed had suicidal thoughts before, just not then). He tried harder to pull himself out of his perpetual slump, the never-ending depression he was stuck in, and this dispassionate haze he could never clear up before Merlin came along. And now she was gone and he felt like crawling down a dark hole and never resurfacing ever again. That was why he was in front of her home, on a Sunday afternoon he usually reserved for his kids, and staring miserably at her door. If he remembered clearly, Gaius had said his sister had gone out to a weekend conference in Dallas, concerning a medical discovery (on Gaius behalf). So Merlin was all alone and he wouldnt have to suffer the embarrassment and awkwardness of confronting Merlin about this in front of Hunith, particularly if he had started to embarrassingly bawl or worse break down in front of Merlin completely.

Bracing himself, he knocked on the door and it was opened to reveal a surprised Merlin. She looked like she just woke up, which wasnt too surprising considering it was Sunday and a day most people liked to sleep in on. She wore a long tank top that said Tired? Depressed? Angry? and had an image of a pill at the hem that said Fukitol -1000mg, that he couldnt help smiling at, and short cotton shorts. She was also wearing the fluffy bunny slippers Morgana had teasingly bought her last year. Uther? What are you May I come in? Still, he was happy that she was increasingly getting better at saying just his first name. She nodded and let him in and he awkwardly walked in, glancing around the modest home. Despite a long time knowing Gaius, and even Hunith, hed never been here before. It was very homey and comfortable, and he immediately felt relaxed, especially with little reminders of Merlin everywhere he glanced at. I He cut her off again, looking at her pleadingly. Dont cut off the rest of the family. Dontdont stop talking to me, please. Merlin blinked at him, caught off guard by his impassioned plea. He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. I understand your anger at Arthur, he started quietly. He is my son and I love him dearly, but I know what he did was ajerky move, he awkwardly phrased it. And Im not here to plead on his behalf. He needs to own up to his mistake and make it up to you himself. I justdont shut out Morgana or myself at least. We-we miss you. We need youI need you, he hesitantly admitted. God, that was probably creepy. He was old enough to be her father and was the father of her two best friends her age, and the way that could be interpreted asBut he couldnt help it or even understand where all these strong feelings for her were coming from or why he had them. Bitterly, he mockingly thought a past life of his must have known Merlin from somewhere and was as close to her as he wanted to be. Then again, maybe he had been her father in a past life. Mr. P Uther, she stared at him in surprise, rather shocked. But she smiled grimly and reached out to gently touch his arm. Her other hand reached up towards his face, fingertips brushing tears he hadnt noticed from his eyes.

He blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of them and mask having had them at all, and then he wiped a hand down his face to get rid of the tear tracks as well. Ingraine is gone. I dont know what to do after her. My children dont need me. Theyre fine by themselves. I just dont know what to do with myself, he told her in frustration. Live your life, she said softly. Be happy. Then come back, he asked her miserably. She nodded reassuringly. Okay. Im sorry. I didnt know youd feel like this. I hadnt meant to hurt you all. Come here, she pulled him into a hug and ignored his shaking body and the quiet sniffling that was muffled against her, or even the wetness she felt against the side of her face and on her shoulder. When he pulled back, he gave her a small smile and then started rummaging around his pocket, taking out a small bottle. Do you have some water? I missed taking these in my rush to get over here, he asked tentatively. Yeah, yeah, she went to get him a glass. Im sorry. I shouldve offered in the beginning. No, we kind of got sidetracked I kind of just blurted everything out first, he brushed off her apology. If you dont mind me asking, what are those for? she got a glass and filled it up with water. Theyretheyre my antidepressants, he muttered, trying not to look at her. She paused and glanced at him, before finishing up and heading over to him, handing him the water without another word. He took two pills out and swallowed it down, drinking water after. My, uh, psychiatrist tells me that these should be a better fit for me than Zoloft, he weakly joked. She sat down at a seat at the island counter, biting her lip as she reached over it and took the medications from him, reading the label Celexa. You dont need em, she smiled feebly at him. You got me, right? Uther laughed, making her relax. Yeah, I do. Only, I dont suppose I can tell my psychiatrist that, can I? Actually, I hope you dont mind I havent really spoken to my psychiatrist about you. It would beit would look weirdIt wouldnt look right, us. I mean, she would probably think itstrange, he ended up slightly upset.

She understood where he was getting at and nodded sadly. I know. Anyways, forget that. Tell me whats been going, she gestured for him to sit across from her at the island. He sat down slowly, thinking about everything, and then they talked for a long while about what went on in each of their lives while shed been avoiding him and his family. Merlin, whatwhat happened that night Arthur didnt show up? he asked tentatively, but he was more worried about what she had to go through and wondering about the next day and her strange request of him. She fidgeted uncomfortably before divulging in him her rather rebellious night, and that shed slept over some unknown mans (the same man shed gone gallivanting with the night before) home and spent the entire day with him. He stared at her incredulously before standing up abruptly. Merlin! How could you?! That was so irresponsible and you couldve been really hurt! What if hed been a-a-a killer? Or a rapist! You I wasnt and he isnt! she interrupted angrily. Look, you arent my dad He cringed and she backed down, seeing him deflate as he sat back down. No no, I didnt mean that, she inwardly winced. No, you did. And youre right. Im not. I dont have a right lecturing you, he mumbled. She sighed. I didnt mean it, I swear. And you were just being worried for me, I get it and I appreciate it a lot. Uther, my dads an asshole. He left me and Mom a long time ago, before I was even born. As far as Im concerned, I only know one person as a dad, and the only one qualified is standing right in front of me. That I do mean. Uther gave her a shy smile that she gazed fondly at. I justI just worry. And I dont want to see you hurt. And despite everything, I still wish youd get together with my son and really be part of my family, he told her honestly. Im sorry Arthur did what he did. I wish he hadnt. Lord knows, I want more than anything for that night to be taken back and I couldve done something to have been able to make that night magical for you. I just want that fairytale ending and we were all happy and together, he confessed his embarrassing and rather sappy desire. To his surprise, Merlin blinked back tears and put her head in her hand, glancing away from him in pain before jerkily and upsettingly facing him. Her lips trembled as she tried to find the words she wanted to say, and she gazed at him soulfully.

Uther, I love your family. I do. And no matter what, I will always count you all as part of my family and that Im part of yours. But Arthur really hurt me. I have loved your son, even if I didnt know it, from the moment I met him in 4th grade. He was my fairytale prince. Even when he became a prat, I wanted to be with him even if I didnt trust being with him. I cant I cant do it. I cant be with him, not now. It just really hurts, Uther. I feel like breaking inside sometimes, because my ideal of him has finally completely shattered and I dont want to be hurt like that again. Its not okay, Uther. Im not okay. And even though, even now I still feel a lot for him, I cant be with Arthur. I like Tristan. I really like him and he makes me feel good. He makes feel wanted and cared for and even loved. Hes sweet to me. Hes kind and hes considerate of what I feel, of what I want, of what I need. Arthur isnt want I need right, but I think Tristan is. Please let me have Tristan just for now. Let me have him, she practically started pleading with him. Uther looked pained at that, but nodded reluctantly. Okay. But if he hurts you, Ill make him pay. And Ill work on Arthur, he promised. Just tell me his last name. Why? You going to get a background check on him? she slightly joked, though she knew he was probably seriously considering it then. Maybe, he smiled halfheartedly. De Bois, I think it was, she told him then and watched as the water hed sipped at to calm himself was choked on. She worriedly went to his side and rubbed his back, while he tried to get himself back to normal. Tristan de Bois? he asked faintly. Yes, why? she became wary. Uther rubbed his neck unsurely. Merlinthatsthats my brother-in-law. Tristans Ingraines brother. Her mouth opened up in an o. Well, thats unexpected. Uther chuckled disbelievingly. Yeah, 26 year old dark haired, blue-eyed business man? At her nod, he continued. Yeah, thats him. Oh. I see, she leaned heavily against him, slightly dazed at the new information. He wrapped an arm around her waist to help support her and keep her steady. Thencould I ask how is he? I mean, what kind of man is he? Is heis he really that sweet, is there something I should know?

And despite wanting to scream that Tristan de Bois was a horrible man, he was a cheat, a liar, anything to discredit him and keep Merlin wary and away he couldnt lie to her, not when he was just wanting to protect her and didnt trust anyone else with her, and hed desperately hoped it wouldve been his son that had gotten the chance to be with her. Tristan ishes a good man. Hes honorable, cares greatly for his loved ones, and wouldnt hurt anyone or anything if he could help it. Hes honest and hes a stubborn fellow at times he was a bit of a womanizer, he revealed and watched her face become crestfallen. Having a different girl every other daybut he doesnt seem to have a string of girls to hang on his arm this past two weeks. Hadnt actually, sincesince the night Arthur stood you up and the two of you apparently met. I guess youyou make him faithful. He could see her smiling happily at the island countertop, and despite wishing someone else was making her happy, he really was glad to see her like that. I guess I do, she murmured. I hope I do. He squeezed her tightly before letting his arm fall to his side. So, uh, I have to head back. I kind of sneaked out of family time over at the mansion to come see you. We were marathoning Bond today I left with the promise to bring back more ice-cream weve been pigging out on all day, he looked at her and asked with his eyes, Do you want to come? Will Arthur be there? she steadily looked back. He got his answer without it being expressed, though he really wished she would come over that day and just hang out, like before. This Friday, do you want to sleep over? Morgana will love it and be extremely happy. She misses you. As have I, he shifted nervously. Will Arthur be there? she asked aloud this time. No, hell be staying over at Leons then, Uther hurried to reassure her. Wellhe would just have to find a way to get Arthur to decide hed sleep over Leons before then. So? Yeah, that would be nice. He was practically beaming at her when she said that. Standing up, he leaned over and tenderly kissed her forehead. He did make a note that he would have to schedule a time to have a little talk with Tristan though... You told me to be happy you too, okay?

She nodded and led him out of the door. He turned at her doorstep, giving her a happy smile, and then reluctantly walked to his car and away from her. From there, he got the ice-cream and hurried home, putting two cartons into the freezer and then tossing Arthur and Morgana their refills. He took his French Vanilla and dug in, eating in silent comfort as he watched Pierce Brosnan avoid the laser beam aimed at his head. He took a glance around the room and noticed again, the space between them all. Morgana sat in her recliner, avidly watching the movie but pointedly ignoring Arthur and keeping a distance between them. Arthur was less into the movie, but still watching as he watched with a tense body and a sulky look on his face. Even Uther himself had sat away from them. It wasnt an unusual thing, for all of them to be sitting away from each other. But now the awkwardness was now accompanied by intense hostility, made more obvious by the wide berth around Arthur. But Arthur had earned it and no one had any heart or motivation to patch things up. He had grounded Arthur. Indefinitely. Hed also taken away Arthurs cell phone and replaced it with a company phone that had nothing in it but contacts. No TV, no hanging out with friends (but strictly kept to studying diligently in his room), no parties, no driving anywhere but to and from school (unless given permission from him), no computer unless for school (and would be monitored by Uther), and just nothing at all. Hed, unable to help himself, also grown increasingly irritated and agitated with Arthur when it became clear Merlin was avoiding them. The longer she did, every day that she had, he couldnt help but become increasingly aggravated and hostile towards his son, and would easily snap at him. But even though Arthur was genuinely repentant and upset at what hed done and that hed ruined his chance with Merlin, he didnt understand Merlins avoidance or his familys decidedly hostile feelings and behavior. He didnt get that there were consequences to actions, and that he had to take responsibility for himself. Uther had not taken his son to task (part of him had hope Arthur would figure things out for himself) apart from the grounding and taking away of things, or given him the lecture hed been itching to give. Instead, Uther had been giving his son the silent treatment and the occasional glare. However, in a few moments he would be ending up getting to do his long-awaited lecture that would probably escalate into him becoming extremely angry and upset. Could you guys cut it out? Youre being childish! Arthur snarled out, standing up and angrily turning off the television in the middle of the scene where Halle Berry was having a standoff with the double agent. Were being childish? Morgana screamed, getting up as well. What did you just say? Uthers quiet voice cut through and both teens turned to stare at him. He was still sitting down and was looking at Arthur with a blank face. Morgana sat back down

and quietly kept still, not wanting to interrupt. She kept the urge to berate Arthur herself, knowing Uther would soon be doing that and much better than she ever could. But though she forced herself not to participate, she definitely wasnt going to leave and miss this. I You dont have the right to speak! Uther snapped, glaring dangerously at his son. You dont even understand what youve done and what has become of it. I know! Arthur yelled back in frustration. I get it! I hurt Merlin and I was a total jerk! But shell get over it! Shell understand I was being stupid like usual, and made a mistake. It was just a stupid, dumb mistake. Ill make it up to her and everythingll be fine! You dont get it! Uther hissed, becoming even angrier with the ignorant words his son just spouted off. When you hurt someone, it doesnt just get brushed off! She wont just get over it! Theres no understanding about it! When you make mistakes, sometimes those mistakes cant be taken back and they cant be forgiven! Mistakes happen, but that doesnt mean that there wont be a fallout! You dont get a pass for being stupid, for being a jerk! There are no excuses for such behavior! You dont get to be a jerk, for doing stupid shit and expect things to be okay and not have consequences. I didnt raise my son to be an idiot ignoramus! I didnt raise you to be some spoiled, moronic imbecile who thinks its okay to hurt someone they care about! You were taught to cherish the ones you love! Especiallyespecially since after your mother, Uthers voice broke and he had to look away from his son for a moment. Things arent okay, Arthur. Merlin hates you. Arthurs face paled, but it was Morgana who spoke up. You spoke to her? When? Earlier. Before I picked up the ice-cream, Uther revealed, voice deadened. Sheshe hates me? Arthur asked in disbelief. Dont talk to her. Dont come near her, Uther warned his son, narrowing his eyes at him. And then he turned sharply on his heel and strode away, going into his home office and slamming the door behind him. Morgana quietly got up from her seat, gathered Uthers left behind carton and spoon as well as her own, and traveled to the kitchen where she put away the cartons and then washed the spoons. Huh. Didnt know Uther could curse, was all she could manage to say. + + +

+ + + When Uther had left, Merlin had closed the door behind him in complete exhaustion. Shed rested her forehead against the door and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to steady herself and calm down. Still a little upset, she grabbed her phone and dialed Tristans number, trying to ignore the fact that in the little time shed known him she had quickly put his number at speed dial two and her favorites, just right behind Uther. Hey so I dont want to come off as clingy or some kind of needy type of girlfriend or anythingbut I really need you right now, her voice grew hoarse with unwanted tears she tried not to spill. Please? Merlin? Im on my way. Where are you? he immediately answered her. She told him her address and she hung up, sliding against the door to sit against it in a slump on the floor. Thirty minutes later, her doorbell rung and she lethargically stood up, seeing him through the peephole and opening the door to him after. That was fast, she smiled weakly at him. I rushed. Probably broke speeding laws and ran a few red lights, but it wouldnt matter to me anyway. Are you okay? Whats wrong? he asked her, more worried about how upset she looked and why shed called him so urgently. She brought him in and closed the door, burrowing herself immediately into his arms after. Instead of pushing for answers, he held her closer and murmured soft assurances into her ear, trying to comfort her, even if he wasnt sure why or what she needed comfort for. She then brought him to the couch after shed calmed down some, and blurted out everything about the night hed met her. How she was finally having a date with a boy shed really liked, and had for the longest time, only to be bitterly disappointed. And she told him how shed been avoiding him and his family, how the boys father and strangely her closest friend had come to visit her and pleaded her not to distance herself. She spoke about her feelings about everything, even about how shed felt for that boy, though she was sure Tristan wouldnt have wanted to hear about her feelings for another guy. I dont get it. Is there something wrong with me? Am I not pretty? Am I too boring? Am I she just started rambling in tears, when he put a finger to her lips and stopped her. Youre perfect the way you are, he said seriously. I cant see you as boring, having spent time with you and just feeling alive every moment of every day Im graciously allowed to spend by your side. Youre beautiful. Im so glad that he never showed up that night, because he missed out and I was able to get to know such a wonderful girl. He wasnt there, and instead I was. I know you still have feelings for him, butI make you happy, dont I?

She gave a half smile, feeling very grateful for him. Yes. Yes, you do. Then so long as I make you happy, you have me to be there instead, he promised her. And even when I dont, Ill probably be like a parasite and hang on to you, sobbing like a baby, he grinned lightly. And handcuff myself to your car or something, while Im at it. She laughed through her tears and smiled at him thankfully. I justI just want someone to tell me its okay to not be. Okay, that is, she looked at him, knowing she probably looked pathetic. And it is okay, he told her sincerely. You dont have to be. And Ill be there for you when you areand when you arent. Then he kissed her and she felt like all her worries, doubts, and fears just simply melted away. Dream Arthur wasnt real. Real Arthur wasnt a prince. But she had Tristan. And he was as close to a knight in shining armor in real life. Merlin was more than okay and happy with him.

Chapter Five: The Storms Brewing Merlin hummed happily, treading lightly on the kitchen floor on bare feet as she moved around. She grabbed a popcorn packet and set it up in the microwave before turning to face Tristan, who was watching her move around in amusement. I was wondering, she finally started to say, slightly sounding nervous. What am I? I mean, what am I to you? What are we? I know II jokedcompared myself to not wanting to be some kind of clingy girlfriend on the phone earlierbutam I? Your girlfriend? Not-not to be presumptuous or something, she hurriedly added. He raised an eyebrow at her. Presumptuous? I wouldnt think so. As for girlfriend? Well, I would liketo have presumed that. He looked hesitantly at her. Unless Ive been mistaken these past two weeks? In that case, Im the one whos been presumptuous. She blinked at him, inwardly rather relieved. No. Im just happy to have that cleared up, and not be so unsure where we stand. I know youve really been there for me since we met, despite the fact that we have just practically metbut I wasnt sure about that. He grinned slightly at her, walking to her side and leaning over her shoulder, stopping the microwave just as it pinged! and signaled the popcorn was ready. She distractedly whirled to face it and took out the bag, blowing at the bag cutely to help cool it down as she pinched the top with the tip of her fingers. He couldnt help fondly giving a full grin as he watched her. He left her to open the bag and transfer the contents into a bowl, traveling over to the radio and fiddling with it, his grin at once becoming bittersweet and yet also rather contented hearing Coldplays Fix You come on. Striding back over to her side, he plucked the bag from her and pushed the bowl away. Your moms not here, right? he asked her, surprising her with the question. Yeahshes gone til tomorrow, and my brothers with his new girlfriend. Why? she tilted her head adorably and he had the hugest urge to crush her to his chest and hold her tight. His grin became a small smile. I think it would look odd if I decide to suddenly kidnap her daughter. Kidnap? her jaw slightly dropped, brow furrowed in confusion. He tossed the bag of popcorn lightly back to the kitchen counter, but away from them.

Its dinnertime and popcorn isnt dinner. I cant cook worth a lick and theres no way Im going to make you cook when Im the one supposed to be treating. So Im taking you out, he took one of her hands and threaded his fingers through hers. What do you say? Therestheres a burger joint down the block that I like, she suggested shyly, turning a light red. It isnt costly andwell, we can just sit there and be together, she looked down, feeling rather embarrassed. He would never choose to go to such a small and cheap place, or do such a simple thing with her Great, he beamed at Merlin, surprising her. Lets go. He gripped their clasped hands tighter and led the way out, the both of them laughing and enjoying themselves as they ran out like little kids, grabbing jackets on their way out as they decided to just travel on foot and spend the time walking there together. And I will try to fix you~ The song continued playing in the kitchen, left on and forgotten by them. Of course, as much as hed have liked to have spent the night in her room, he had work the next day and she had school. There was also that who knew when her mother was coming back, and Merlin had yet to introduce him to her. Or to anyone important in Merlins life actually. Hed have to work on that. His phone vibrated, alerting him to a text and he smiled as he saw it was from Merlin. Yesterday had been wonderful, but he was looking forward to more time with her. Hey, I forgot to tell you something yesterday. Its really important. See you later? Wondering what it was that was so important and that shed forgotten to tell him about, he text back an affirmative and waited for his day to be over so he could come over and see her. Technically though, he should have known that things would go off course like usual. It always did. Otherwise, Uther Pendragons visit wouldnt have caught him off guard like it did. Uther, himself, had been both dreading and looking forward to this confrontation. Hed locked himself in his home office after his spat with Arthur and had been practically tearing his hair out about the situation. The shock of finding out that Merlin was casually dating his brother-in-law started to finally wear off and then he realized it.

Merlin was dating Tristan. Dating. And that blew his mind and he finally started to freak just a bit more about the situation than hed initially had. There was a nine year age difference between the two in the first place. Tristan was already a grown man, already successful in the business world and plenty of world experiences on his belt. Merlin was still in high school. Shed never even been on a date before until the one with Arthur, failed though it was until Tristan came swooping in to save the day, like some kind of knight from a fairytale or something. And then he remembered the smile Merlin had on her face as she talked about Tristan and he faltered in his thinking. Hed never seen such a sweet and genuinely happy smile on her face before, not even when it came to Arthur. And, though he hated to think it, Arthur wasnt really deserving of such a smile at the moment, so he knew he had to grit his teeth and accept it. Because shed never looked happier and all hed wanted was her happiness. He dazedly spent almost an hour on his computer before he realized Morgana had somehow managed to break into his office. He stared at her. This place is locked. How did you? She shrugged. I stole the key you gave to Merlin for her to use for whenever you end up locking yourself up in here. Dont worry; Ill give it back to her when I finally get to see her. Her voice was obviously bitter about him getting to be the one who saw Merlin first and was able to talk to her. He winced. Well, I promise she wont be avoiding you anymore, he gently told Morgana, who slightly relaxed. At least you finally use your evil powers of persuasion to do something useful, she smirked slightly and he rolled his eyes. I dont have evil powers of persuasion, and I did no such thing to her, he huffed. Yeah, yeah. What are you looking up? she curiously looked over at his computer and he reflexively moved the monitor out of view. Her eyebrows flew up and she stared. Oh? Are you looking at porn, Uther dearest? she teased. No, he immediately denied, becoming flustered but glaring at her all the same. Im just researching. Age differences. Age differences? Why on earth are you looking that up? Morgana remarked in astonishment, before becoming mischievous, shifting the can of soda in her hand with a touch of teasing. Unless, dont tell me youre interested in a younger lady, Uther?

Uther flinched. No. He sighed. Iit isnt really something for me to tell, and shell probably end up telling you the whole thing later on anyways, so I could probably say the basicsbut Merlin is dating anolder man. Morgana spat out the soda shed been drinking, drenching Uthers wall (thankfully bare). Uther cringed in disgust and looked at the desecrated wall with a look of revulsion, scooting his chair away from it. Anolder man, Morgana said faintly, hand blindly reaching out and searching for a chair. She sat down on it heavily, gazing off dazedly. Her head suddenly snapped over to him and she looked at him intently. Is that really okay? I mean, Merlins barely really known these kind of things, and for her to be dating an older man arent you worried? What if this guy, someone who clearly knows more and has more experience, wouldnt you worry about him taking advantage of her or-or-or pressuring her into things? Especially those kind of things? Uther miserably slumped in his chair before reminding himself of Merlins smile. No, he told her, voice surprisingly decisive. Im not worried. I even know him. You know him, he held up a hand to stop her inquiries. I cant say. Merlin will tell you anyways, you just have to be patient for her. And its a long story anyways. Justyou didnt see her. She was really happy, Morgana. Dont ruin it for her. As much as Id like differently, I dont think Arthur is the right person for her right now. Or deserve her, Morgana said bitterly. Uther sighed at her reaction and her words. Im trying to be supportive for Merlin, Uther smiled gently at her. I dont want to push her or make her unhappy, and as far as Im concerned, right now this person is doing a good job with her and I dont want to mess that up. He gestured at his computer. So Im trying to find age difference relationships that work and reassure myself this can work. And keep an open mind. Feeling a bit lost, Morgana dragged her chair next to his and readjusted the monitor back to normal. Well, lets get reading, she mumbled. Surprisingly, age differences arent all that uncommon, he commented idly, in a daze again as he thought about it. Regular people, and even more common as people get older. Its become kind of a trend nowadays tooAnd celebrities. I mean, do you know how old George Clooney is and Stacy Kiebler? Its George Clooney, Morgana deadpanned. Hes untouchable. He doesnt count. But still.

What are you reading anyways? Morgana changed the subject, looking at the screen. It looks like a comic. Did you know, he started out, sounding as if this astounded him beyond belief, there are comics, mangas or something, that have age differences as pretty common? he blinked at her and she had to stifle a laugh at how thunderstruck he seemed over the fact. And the girls 16 in here, while hes 26. Same age as Merlins boyfriend. Wellhes cute, Morgana remarked about the male protagonist in the story. At least he is. Is Merlins boyfriend cute? That counts. Morgana! They spent the rest of the night trying to read and watch what they could, with Uther reluctantly reassuring Morgana that Merlins boyfriend was cute. Which was very odd and uncomfortable for him, considering who exactly Merlins boyfriend was. But Morgana was persistent in the matter and he had to get her to stop somehow And now he was heading over to Tristans office, unsure of what exactly he was going to say. He knew for sure that he had to guarantee a warning in there somehow, and make sure that Tristan was actually serious about Merlin while he was at it. But strictly speaking? How was he going to confront Tristan about dating a girl who wasnt even his daughter, especially with the strained relationship that he had with him in the first place? Things were no longer hostile between he and Tristan, but he also knew they werent exactly the best of friends. Ingraines death had really torn things apart between them, more so when Tristan lashed out and initially blamed him for her death. This wasnt going to be an easy talk, no matter how he looked at it. + + + + + + SoI thought you werent avoiding Pendragons anymore? Tch. Im not. But just because Im not doesnt mean Im suddenly going to abandon you and stop hanging around you, you know? Hmph. Stubborn little brat.

But Merlin could tell that, by the small twitch of Edwins lips upwards, that he appreciated and liked the gesture. She, herself, had gotten quite attached and fond to her science teacher, snarky, broody, and ill-tempered (and a real smartass about everything) though he was. Those were just quirks of his and just how he was, and shed gotten quite used to it. Especially as, in the time shed been actively avoiding Morgana and Arthur at any turn, shed been hiding in the library where Edwin was stuck being a sub there in his free time outside of class, because the actual librarian was on maternity leave. Since he had let her hide in there (especially during lunch) and there was nowhere else she could think to go or anyone else to be with, she ended up being stuck there and with him. And even now, though shed promised Uther to stop avoiding the whole lot of them, she still liked and didnt mind continuing to hang out with him. Class is soon. Finish your sandwich and get out, Edwin told her in a bored tone. Ive got class to teach too. Yes, sir, she mock-saluted. She practically gobbled up and stuffed her face with the rest of her sandwich in retaliation, cheeks puffy with food and making her look like a chipmunk as she looked at him smugly. Instead of the gobsmacked and exasperated reaction shed been aiming for, he burst into guffaws and doubled over in laughter, laughing at her ridiculousness. She inwardly pouted and vowed vengeance, conceding she lost this minor battle to him. Im getting going, she rolled her eyes. See you later. Edwin waved lazily, but had gone back to focusing on his book again and therefore hadnt looked at her. He flipped a page and then made a note with his pen, before he was startled (though hed never admit or show it) by the loud thud of something against his table. What is it now, Mer he began to drawl as he looked up, but shut his mouth quickly with a loud click. Youwhat the fuck are you doing here? The beautiful woman laughed lightly, arrogantly tossing her dark hair behind her. Edwin, how cruel. Youre the one whod gone and meddled with things first. Why cant I join in the fun? her blue eyes twinkled in mocking amusement. He shut his book with one hand, standing up abruptly as his other hand clenched by his side. Bitch, he insulted directly, glaring at her. The hell you want? And youre the one who was driving her crazy in the beginning of the year, appearing out of nowhere. Technically, that makes you first. A vague smile played across her lips.

Dont mess around with my plans, and I wont mess around in yours, she taunted. Hello? a voice interrupted them. Edwin inwardly groaned as Morgana Pendragon strolled into view, holding up a book. Sorry, Mr. Muirden, but I wanted to turn in this book before class started. Morgana looked at the woman beside him curiously, but didnt say anything as she handed over the book to him. Hello there, his current companion greeted suddenly. Im Nimueh. Im going to be your new Social Studies teacher. Edwin almost reacted to that, but managed to control himself in time to look normal and as if that hadnt been news to them. But shit, Nimueh was now working at the same school as him and Merlin, and evidently going to start working more in the open. Things were getting more volatile. Meanwhile, Merlin had left him to head over to her locker. Which was exactly where Arthur had finally managed to corner her, wearing a cocky smirk and looking confident and eager to right things and get a second chance. Hey, Merlin. Its been awhile, huh? he tried to get them started on the right foot. Merlin only gave him a bland stare. His smile faltered before returning strong. So, about that nightI was an idiot. I know. Im really sorry. But you know I get like that, right? I just get dumb sometimes. Let me try again. We could go out tomorrow Is that supposed to make it better? she bit out, though had meant to not talk to him at all. Being dumb? Are you expecting to easily get a second chance? And does another date supposed to fix everything and erase what happened before? He stared at her dumbfounded. I thought so, she said quietly. I wish the roles could be reversed and I was a boy asking you out, and then leave you hanging and being watched and whispered about somewhere and feeling absolutely humiliated. But then youre just a boy and wouldnt understand, right? She slammed her locker close and shouldered her backpack more, turning on her heel and walking away from him. He stared after her, still taken aback, but then upset and frowning to see Merlin pulling out her phone and look at something at it, immediately becoming incredibly happy and smiling like hed never seen her smile before. Who the hell was making her smile like that?

He felt something hard get thrown at his back, and he yelped as he turned around and spotted his sister glaring at him, phone out and directed at him for some reason. She came closer and grabbed her purse (which was what shed thrown at him), before huffing and she started to sneer. Idiot, she slung the insult at him. And youre not supposed to be around Merlin, remember? Dad warned you off. Yeah, well, I wasnt just going to leave it alone, was I? he snarled at her. And hes not going to know, is he? Morgana sniffed in disdain at him. She held up her phone and then clicked a button. Arthur furrowed his eyebrows, before his eyes widened and it was his turn to glare angrily at her. You recorded that and sent it to him?! What the hell?! Why would you do that? Whats wrong with you? he lunged for her phone, even though it was too late and the video had already been sent to his father. Because Im pissed at you and you keep acting like a dumbass, she hissed out. I hate you so much right now. And you ruined a perfect opportunity for me to finally talk to Merlin. Arthur narrowed his eyes at her. God, youre so freaking unbelievable. I wish you would have just stayed with your mom. Morgana shrieked, never mind the stares that drew to them, and started angrily hitting his arm. Dont ever mention that bitch to me ever again, her voice turned shrill. Dont talk to me, you bastard! Morgana turned and stomped away from him, and the hallways started to finish clearing out as everyone headed to class. Arthur stood in the middle of the empty hallway, the bell ringing and signaling he was late.

Chapter Six: Incoming Darkness Tristan wasnt looking at him. In fact, the man was pointedly focusing on his work, shuffling papers around and looking dispassionately at his computer every once and awhile. Despite allowing his secretary to allow Uther into his office, he had yet to acknowledge him. Are you going to just stand there all day or are you going to tell what you came to see me about, Uther? Tristan asked, voice neutral. Uther took a deep breath and pushed away the unreasonable guilt he always felt whenever he was around his brother in law. This was about Merlin. He had to keep focus and forget about the problems between him and Tristan, and think about Merlin. I wanted to talk to you about Merlin. He could see Tristan visibly freeze up, before he turned and finally looked straight at Uther, face both furious and confused. How do you know about her? Tristan demanded. Uther steeled himself. Right now, he had to not be the hesitant and repentant brother in law, but look out for Merlins best interests and protect her. He couldnt shirk away like he usually did with Tristan, but be as demanding and exacting as he was with everyone else. Shes Morgana and Gwens friend, and overall an important and close family friend, Uther answered. But thats not important. What is is that you are dating her, and Im not exactly comfortable with that. I know youre a good man, but shes still in high school, shes 17, and shes never really been with someone before and Im not so sure shes ready for something like this or being with someone like you. Tristan stared, dealing with the bombshell hed just been dealt. Honestly, he hadnt expected his new girlfriend to know and be on close terms with part of his family. It made things slightly easier in that when introducing her to them, but made things also odd and awkward as she was already part of the family, and he hadnt really known or had met her before his separate and rather intimate meeting with her individually. And also that they seem already very close to her IIm not looking to hurt her or rush her into anything, he finally said, and he was looking straight into Uthers eyes and his tone had become less unfriendly and guarded, and a little more open. I really like her. I honestly care for Merlin, Uther. Hearing it made Uther feel so much more relaxed and relieved about this odd setup. And the fact that his brother-in-law was actually acting less passively hostile towards him seemed a miracle and a good surprise, and it was all over Merlin (who seemed to be the cause for everything that seemed to be going right in his world).

I swear Im very serious about her, Uther, Tristan said quietly, voice very firm and determined. Uther nodded hesitantly. Thats good to hear. I justI know Im not her actual father, but I really care for her as well and I just want her to be happy. Shesvery important to the family. Please take care of her, Tristan. I will, Tristan promised. Although, Im just wondering nowArthur wouldnt happen to be the one that stood Merlin up, did he? his tone darkened at the end. Because if he is, youre going to have keep my nephew away from me for a very long time. Uther winced. Trust me, hes not on anyones good list right now. Hes in very hot water and he wont be getting out of it any time soon. He knows he did something very stupid and moronic, sort of. I dont even want to ask about that sort of, Tristan scowled. And you werent there. I was. She was really hurt. God, I know. She told me. And its probably worse, seeing her like that, like you had, Uther muttered. I wasnt there, but you were. And I admit, its agood thing you were, he reluctantly said, as that truth was at the cost of Merlin getting hurt and Arthurs chances with her. The family reunion is coming up soon, Tristan said warily, watching Uther carefully. I had been hoping to bring Merlin along with me as a date, and was planning on introducing her to everyone there as my girlfriend Uther sighed and halfheartedly shrug. Go ahead. Better sooner than later, when the truthll come out either way. And youre not ashamed of her, right? At Tristans raised eyebrow that clearly said are you kidding?, he continued. I do think there should be a small family dinner beforehand, just to have Arthur and Morgana know the truth ahead of time. Better for Arthur to blow up then, than make a scene at the reunion. I cant predict Morganas reaction, but Im pretty sure shell be alright or eventually be. Morgana always did have a good head on her shoulders, Tristan commented. At Uthers look, he went on. Minus her lovely temper, of course, he added sarcastically. Well, since thats settled Uther said awkwardly, thinking it was best to retreat finally. Ive got a lunch break coming up. Do you want to go get coffee? Itd be nice if you could tell me about Merlin from how youve known her, Tristan offered and though he was surprised, he accepted happily. At least Tristan finally got to meet someone close to Merlin, and that he probably knew what exactly it was that shed wanted to tell him. He text I love you absentmindedly to Merlin, not realizing the exact words he automatically sent over.

Meanwhile, back in school, it the second to last period for the day. Merlin was eagerly for school to be over so that she could meet up with Tristan, feeling on a high after the text hed sent her. She hadnt expected that, for him to say those words. Although technically he didnt say them but it still counted to her. Hello, class. Im your new teacher, a new voice popped Merlin out of her happy daydream, and she sucked in a sharp breath at their new teacher. It was her. It was that woman. The one she thought shed imagined, who she thought had been hit by a car. But it couldnt be. Shed finally come to the conclusion she imagined the whole thing, and had just been in a lot of stress back then. And yet, here she was now, electric blue eyes, secretive smile, and a mesmerizing stare. For some reason she seemed to look at Merlin a lot. It was disturbing and she was hard pressed to say it was all coincidence. The class went by and seemed deceivingly normal, but Merlin wasnt fooled. There was something different in the air, something had changed. She felt on edge the whole time in class, and though she couldnt see it or catch it, she just knew that Miss Nimueh was somehow watching her the entire time. When she left that class, she was in an unreasonably bad mood and had gone to Edwins class completely tense and angry. She sat in her usual seat, scowling and glaring at nothing and everything, and she gave off a furious air that had people avoiding coming near and defined space around her. Edwin glanced at her with furrowed eyebrows, and yet he wasnt surprised. He could even guess what was the matter somewhat. He began the class and taught in his usual manner, before he left them to do bookwork. Merlin got started on hers, before being surprised with writing suddenly appearing on her desk. Merlin, calm the hell down. Startled and freaked out, her head shot up and she stared at Edwin (because she so recognized that tone as his). He wasnt looking at her, but was writing down on some notebook. It wasnt his usual one though, the one he was always reading and writing in. She looked back down and saw more words appearing. Dont look so freaked out. Youll draw attention. Biting her lip, she forced herself to look normal and tentatively wrote on her desk.

Is that you, Edwin? Yes. Now let me guess, Nimueh has your hair standing on end, doesnt she. It was a statement, not a question, and she was surprised that hed known without her saying anything. Doesnt matter. Dont bother with her right now. I need you to take deep breaths. Follow after me, alright? Breathe in. And out. And he really needed to get her to calm down, because the sky was darkening rapidly outside and it was all the cause of this little sorceress who didnt even know she was the cause. He coaxed her through the breathing exercise and she finally felt better and in more control of what she was feeling, than she had before. Edwin glanced outside and inwardly sighed in relief at the normal weather. Get to work and then come see me after class. She apprehensively did so, uncertain about what was going on and still alarmed about the communication. Class ended much quicker, it seemed, than it had for Nimuehs class (which had seemed to drag on). She slowly put her stuff away, stalling as much as she could, before the room emptied and then it was just her and Edwin. She approached him cautiously, not sure what she should expect. He was staring back at her intensely. How far along are you on that formula I gave you in the beginning of the year? he asked after a tense moment. She winced. I kind of forgot about it, she muttered. He sighed. Now, more than ever, you must solve it. And quickly. She wont let get away a second time again, Merlin. She wont. Why did she get the feeling he was talking about Miss Nimueh? Be careful, will you? he murmured, frowning. I will, she unsurely promised, feeling on guard and worried. I mean it, Merlin, he insisted, looking deep into her eyes. You mustnt take this lightly. Solve it quickly and be vigilant. This time around, the whole world may be at stake and not just a kingdom and your precious King. She stared at him. She had no idea what he was talking about, but what he was saying was alarming and upsetting her.

O-okay! she said before cowardly running away. Shed made it outside of the school before she finally slowed down. She couldnt help looking around her frequently, as headed home. She wasnt sure what she was keeping watch for, but she was unable to help feeling trepidation and wary of her surroundings. When she was home, she made sure all the doors and windows were locked, before she head to her room and began rapidly rummaging through it, trying to find that piece of paper Edwin had given in the beginning of school. She let out a sigh of relief when she finally found it, glad that she hadnt accidentally thrown it away and that it was still intact and in perfect shape. Now how the hell am I going to solve you? she muttered to the thing, frowning to herself. Her phone suddenly rang, making her jump as it scared the hell out of her. She answered it quickly when she saw it was Tristan, automatically relaxing and feeling relieved to be able to hear him. When he saw he was coming over, she was ecstatic and even invited him to stay for dinner and to meet her mother. He sounded really happy about that. Soon enough, he was there and smiling warmly at her. Hey, she greeted him happily, letting him into her home. Hey yourself, he kissed her lightly. You wanted to tell me something earlier? Oh! Right. Come in and sit in the kitchen, she led him there. Once seated, she began. Um, I hadnt known until recently butumyourbrotherinlawislikemypseudodadand Woah, wait a second. Slow down and dont panic. Its fine. Whatever you have to tell me, Ill be okay, he gave a reassuring smile. She took a deep breath. Youryour brother-in-law, Uther? Hes like pseudo-dad to me. And his son was the one I was supposed to be on a date with that day, and Morgana is my best friend. Tristan nodded, surprisingly not looking surprised. I know, he told her. She blinked at him. What? I found out this morning that you knew part of my family. Uther came to my office this morning to warn me and we talked, he explained to her, and she couldnt help rolling her eyes fondly. Typical Uther. And it was so like him to be so protective.

Anyways, that was all I wanted to tell you. I just wanted you to know and I didnt want to seem like I was keeping it from you or anything. I swear I just found out literally yesterday. Really, its okay, he squeezed her hand. Im glad you told me. And Im really happy youre letting me in more, particularly letting me meet people close to you, like Uther though I know him already and your mother. Im very looking forward to meeting her tonight, especially as your boyfriend. That is, if youre introducing me to her as that? She nodded and gave him a look, but he just grinned sheepishly shrugged. Just making sure, and he was very happy about it too. I do have something to add though. With her questioning look, he continued on. Uther suggested we have a family dinner, to let Arthur and Morgana know about the two of us. We have a family reunion coming up soon, and Id been planning on asking you to come with me then. However, to avoid the two finding out then and making some kind of scene, we thought it best if maybe we could have something small and private to get it out of the way? Merlin frowned, but she leaned on him and held onto his arm as she thought about it. Ill go to the reunion, butcan I let you know by the end of tonight about the dinner? I really dont want to deal with Arthur and his reaction, she reflexively tightened her arms around him. I wont let you deal with him, if you dont to, he promised. Ill make sure to be nice and polite, and if things get too bad, I swear Ill take you away. Thanks, Tristan. I still want to think it over, but I guess it doesnt sound too bad, though she still sounded a little dubious about it. Okay. Whatever you want, he murmured, hugging her comfortingly. When Hunith came home, Merlin smoothly and proudly introduced Tristan to her mother, who was only minutely surprised before openly embracing and welcoming Tristan to her home and family. That and that Merlin hadnt stuttered or hesitated about him, made Tristan reassured and pleased about their progress together, and leave out any doubts about their relationship. When dinner was over (and it was a very lovely and warm dinner), it was about time for Tristan to head home. On the footsteps of her porch, the two kissed and Tristan brought up the text he hadnt meant to sent and had only seen what he had typed only later. Merlinyou know, earlier, I sent you a text that had some really heavy words, he murmured. She felt anticipation build up in her and she looked at him questioningly, though inwardly worried about what he had to say about it.

I hadnt meant to send that text, he admitted, and she tried to keep her disappointment to herself. But I dont take them back. Merlin was surprised, but extremely happy and relieved to hear that. And when she let him kiss her deeply, she thought to herself that maybe she was falling a little in love with him herself.

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