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Qaradawi Redefining Jihad

Ahmad Imran Qaradawi the ephemeral Khawariji modernist (jadidi) religio-Islamist has a sustained pattern of twisting mutually agreed upon principles of Classical Islam. Jihad as a concept has also been affected accordingly with Broader Middle East taking the brunt of this innovation (bi'dah). There exists the whole Qatari connection and the usual Ibn Taymiyya as the chief ideologue. Zaman in his book "Modern Islamic Thought In A Radical Age"talks about Qaradawi's departure from Classical Islamic thought by justifying a new interpretation whereby the existing notion of jihad being a defensive one is turned on its head by making it a tactical tool of aggression. Zaman tells us, "Qaradawi makes a distinction between "defensive jihad"( jihad al -dif')- for example when Muslim lands are invaded or occupied and Muslim life, property, and honor is threatened - and "jihad of choice" (jihad al-talab), when Muslims take the initiative in attacking the enemy in pursuit of various non-urgent religious and strategic goals." [1] Further the jihad is categorized as "fard kifayah" and in case if non-fulfillment the entire community is deemed responsible. Arachaic notions of communal guilt can be seen here in the arguments of Qaradawi are akin to Rabbinical Judaism. And Qaradawi, needless to say, gets this from a new treatise attributed to Ibn Taimiyya. Zaman cites the source as "Ibn Taimiyya ,Qa'ida mukhtasara fi qital al-kuffar wa muhadanatihim wa tahrim qatlihim li-mujarrad kufrihim,ed. 'Abd al-'Azizb.Abd Allah b.Ibrahim Al Hammad ( Riyadh,2004); Qaradawi, Fiqh al Jihad,1:376ff. The editor of this treatise by Ibn Taymiyya was the Chief qadi of Qatar." [2] Interestingly, the critics of this revisionism are labelled as towing Western lines, when we know this revisionism is used to justify attacks against nations that are predominantly Muslim like Libya and Syria with the dead, and displaced being Shia, Sunni and Christians alike. The irony is not lost on the Middle Easterners that this modern pseudo-jihad is promoted by the likes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia with the good offices of Liberal Secular democracies and NATO alliances towing the same lines.
[1]Zaman, Mohammad Qasim, Modern Islamic Thought in a Radical Age, Princeton University, New Jersey, October 2012, Page 71 [2] ibid Page 74

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