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Max Gregory.

Brief 1 Form and writing


Part collaborative brief (with Joe and Yafet) beginning with the development of a typeface each and culminating in the creation of a complete set of deliverables for each face including specimen material, and web deliverables.

Max Gregory.

Brief 1 Form and writing


Bytes Typeface

Bytes typeface - based on bytes of information, each byte of data containing 8-bits. Each Character is made up of 8 elements or bits. Designed to be used without spacing to look like code.

Max Gregory.

Brief 1 Form and writing


Typeface Specimen Material

A2 digitally printed specimen posters showcasing the font, accompanied by A3 black on coloured stock word posters. A3 posters fold down to fit in pack along with A5 specimen booklets.

Max Gregory.

Brief 1 Form and writing


Stationary Set

Stationary set developed with current identity, using various Arjo Wiggins special papers. Designed with experimental typographic nature of Form~writing in mind.

Max Gregory.

Brief 1 Form and writing


Font Menu

Font Specimen Page



Web pages developed as an online bloglike platform showing our process and research, accompanied by the finished fonts to purchase with specific specimen pages.

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