JOY OF THE MAHASHIBIR - महाशिबिर का आनंद

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My Salutations to all Pious Souls......
Just recently, the Shirdi Mahashibir has been successfully organized. In the year
2008, all Shibirs had come to a stop and by Shree Sai Babas Grace they have
resumed now. Organizing a Shibir is always a good opportunity for sadhaks to
perform Guru-karya and sadhaks took full advantage of this good occasion. While
organizing the Mahashibir, sadhaks always get a chance to know and interact with
each other and share their newly obtained experiences; and sadhaks took full
advantage of this occasion.
There was an atmosphere of festivity on all the eight days as if it was Diwali and
as a result of this good state of sadhaks, the duration of the discourse also got
extended and I enjoyed myself very much. I didnt even realize when the eight
days ended. I have obtained a lot of inner-happiness through your collective
I felt especially happy when after the completion of the Mahashibir, I got to know
from the local inhabitants of Shirdi that such a great programme had never taken
place so peacefully in Shirdi, nor had they ever witnessed such crowds in Shirdi for
eight days continuously. (They informed me that) the interaction of all your
sadhaks with all the people was exemplary. All the sadhaks were very polite, quiet
and cultured.
The next evening I visited the Ashram of Shree Junglee Maharaj, where the
ascetics and sages in the Ashram were all praise for the sadhaks of Gujarat who
had been accommodated there and who used to perform Garba, and help the
Ashram inmates with their Ashram work. They said that there was a festive,
Diwali-like atmosphere in their Ashram. A mother naturally feels happy when her
children are praised by outsiders, and such was my state too. I too feel very



happy when someone praises sadhaks and the sadhaks perform commendable
work. I felt on that day that you are my representatives. It is not possible for
every person who wishes to meet me to do so but people can know me through
your behavior. Thats why you should always consider yourself to be a soul while
performing any task or in your behavior. Your soul is internally connected to my
soul. It will not allow you to perform any karya that I cannot perform, as you (as
my representatives) are considered to be Swami by people in society.
Meditation was in progress when I went in the evening to Shree Junglee Maharajs
Ashram. The ascetic in the ashram took me to the meditation room with him and
made me sit close to his Guruji who was meditating there. Then he sat down
behind me, which meant that I couldnt have left from there even if I so wished. I
remained seated there in meditation although I am not used to meditating in such
a crowded place. The crowd made me uncomfortable and uneasy and then my
soul found a way out of the situation. My soul left the body, rose high up in the
sky and became steady exactly above my body; and I was watching the
meditation that was going on in the meditation room. But I was neither present in
the room nor did the crowded room trouble me and this kind of meditation
continued for quite some time. Then the meditation ended and all the people got
up and left, but I was still in a meditative trance. Then later on Guruji caught both
my feet and shook me hard and said, Wake up! and I was startled into
consciousness! But it took me a long time to return to my body from such a
height. Meaning, if the situation is appropriate the soul manages to find some path
or the other. I realized after this experience that I have meditated many times in
this manner. But I meditated like that consciously, whereas day before yesterday I
was forced into this meditation due to the circumstances.
In such a situation, there is no connection between ones body and soul; there is
only a thin silver colored wire that joins the body to the soul, like the thread on
which the kite flies. And the soul is able to return to the body only through this
wire; otherwise there is nothing that connects the soul to the body except this
wire. Later on, they showed me around the Ashram. Today I am sharing this new
experience I have obtained. One can conclude from this experience that the soul



also requires a suitable environment, or else it may leave the physical body at any
time and go away. Hence, I feel that no medium must have died at any time (as
a matter of course) but must have given up its body only due to the unsuitable
surrounding environment. Hence, the mediums life is always in the hands of his
disciples, depending on the period of time they are able to provide his soul with a
suitable environment, because the mediums death is not akin to an ordinary
persons death. The medium appears like a physical body but is never a physical
body! He is pure soul who requires a suitable environment and only then can it
stay in the body. Now the mediums lifespan is dependent on how long his
disciples are able to provide him with the suitable environment. Meaning, the
mediums death occurs only because of his disciples, since he has no attraction for
his body like ordinary humans. The soul stays in the body only till it feels the need
for it because it prefers to perform spiritual practice after going out of the body;
and it is the soul itself that decides whether to return to the body or not. If my
soul had not returned to the physical body the day before yesterday, then that
would have been the death of the physical body. However, the fact that it
returned indicates that that work is still going to be performed by the body in the
future. The body remains in this state during the 45 days of the Deep Meditation
Anushthan; meaning, that the physical body has undergone the practice of being
in this state. It is very easy to enter this state, but coming out of it is extremely
difficult. The day before yesterday, I could come out of the state only because
Guruji shook me awake; otherwise it is difficult to predict how long I would have
remained in that state. I could possibly have continued to sit like that for many
days, as problems like the physical need of passing urine or suffering from stiff
limbs etc. do not trouble the soul since the soul is not present in the body.
Secondly, I always feel that day by day the distance between the sadhaks and
myself is growing and thats why they are not able to grasp what I am telling
them. All this is also happening because sadhaks have not surrendered
completely; otherwise their state would have also been similar to my state. But is
this so? No, it is not! And pretending and making a show has no place in the
spiritual world; meaning, if we are pretending that we have surrendered
completely, then we are working against our soul because we are showing that we



have surrendered despite our soul not having any feeling of surrender. I have
surrendered 100% to you, but you have to put this question to your soul when
you are in isolation about how much you have surrendered to me. If you have
surrendered 100% then your state should be exactly like mine. Why isnt it the
same as mine? Because you have not surrendered your ego of I till now! I am
aware of it, but your ego is your personal property, so how can I snatch it away
from you? It belongs to you fully and I will have to wait till you surrender it. I
have no other option but to wait for it as I can do nothing in this matter. As long
as you have attraction for it and have no wish within yourself to surrender it, how
can I snatch your property forcibly from you? Now I have informed you about
what I am feeling the rest is up to you! Lots of blessings.......

Imploring you for your property Awaiting your property


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