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Al-Noor Centre of Education

Date: 04-07-2010
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Spot the Error / Test # 15

Roll No.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

How is it that a star seldom finds another star near? A B C D What happened when, according to Sir James Jeans, a wandering star, wandering through space, A B C come near the sun? D What happened when the wandering star came nearer and near? A B C D What are planets and how did they come to existence? A B C D Write a note on the beginning of life in the earth? A B C D Why is the universe, of which our earth is a part, so frightening? Give as many reason as you can. A B C D What, in your opinion, should be the conditions necessary, for the kind of life we know of exist on A B C D other heavenly bodies? Do such conditions generally exist? How has the scientific method helped us to our fight against disease? A B C D Write a note on the better sanitary conditions available to our cities today and compare them with A B C D what they were like a hundred years ago. What are the sanitary conditions like in our villages today and how would you improved them? A B C D How has the scientific method helped us in the production and preservation for foods? A B C D We are now generally less fearful to our ancestors. What were our ancestors afraid of? A B C D How did the scientific method has enabled us to overcome the old fears? A B C D What part do astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past? Give examples. A B C D Describe some of the superstitions still current in our country. How do they effect the lives of A B C D those who believe in them? According to the author there are some boys who fail because they do not try. Who are they? Can A B C D we help? How do mistaken ambition in part of boys and their parents lead to failure of the boys? A B C D There are some boys who have done well at school but fail to make their mark in college. Who A B C D are they? Do you have such boys in college in your country? How does financial pressure leads in failure of the students described in the lesson? Do you have A B C D similar cases in your country? In what extent does the question of health lead to failure at college? How far can the college A B C authorities with their medical officers help students in such cases? D


19. 20.



23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

What place would you accord for sportsmen in colleges? A B C D Thesre are some students whom join college for the fun of it. Should they be allowed to stay? A B C D What was Daiches attitude toward the week-end as a school boy? Why did he long for it? A B C D What were his general view of school life? A B C D He liked holidays for their freedom freedom of what? A B C D How did he spent his summer holidays? A B C D Wishes dont come true in this life, writes Daiches. What are the things he longed to but could not A B C D have? What sorts of books were presented to the British public to the soldiers? A B C D Was it interest of soldiers that prompted they action, or was it the wish to get rid of useless books? A B C D Why could not the author burnt the unwanted books? A B C D How did he decide to get rid from them? A B C D Describe the authors midnight venture to throw the books in the river and the suspicions which his A B C D action was likely to arouse. How did he muster to courage at last to fling them into the river? A B C D Did he come to have a feeling of those books once he had got rid of them? A B C D How did Jerome K. Jerome come to suspect that his liver was out of order? What was the diseases A B C D he thought he was suffering from on reading a book on treatment of diseases? What was the disease he discovered he didnt had? A B C D Was he pleased find he didnt have it? A B C D Why should he be an acquisition for the medical class? A B C D He thought he was doing the doctor good turn in going to him. Why? A B C D What was the prescription given to him to the doctor? A B C D What is the significance of the doctors advice: dont stuff your head for things you dont A B C D understand? What light does the following expressions throw on Leacocks state of mind when he entered the A B C D bank: looked timidly round, shambled in? Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful secret for reveal? A B C D What was the attitude of the manager towards Leacock in learning that he only wished to deposit A B C D 56 dollars in the bank? What other blunders did Leacock commits after leaving the managers office? A B C D

35. 36. 37.

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

45. 47.


Al-Noor Centre of Education

Date: 06-07-2010
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Spot the Error / Test # 16

Roll No.

After this misadventure in the bank where did Leacock keep its money? A B C D Give as many examples you can to show that Leacock was feeling completely lost in the bank all A B C D the time he was there. Why has the world changed his attitude towards China? A B C D How does China rely in its own resources? A B C D Describe a day to the life of a Chinese student. A B C D Write a note at the Chinese women. No error. A B C D What are the social security benefits provided for the Chinese workers? A B C D It are the people and not the things that are decisive. Discuss. A B C D The heart of the matter is the need to root of selfishness. Discuss. A B C D
What does hunger means on a large scale as viewed by the author? Describe some great famines in the past?

What is the main reason of the increase on the population today? What is meant by death-rate and birth-rate and how do they effect the population of the country?


Why is birth rate not so high in the more advanced countries? Give a brief account for the poor economic conditions prevailing in under-developed countries? Give an account of the early career of Abd-al-Rahman 1, his dramatic escape and his adventure to Africa? How did Abd-al-Rahman deal to the governor appointed by the Abbasids Caliph to contest his rule? What did the Abbasid Caliph say in receiving the head of his governor? What did Abd-al-Rahman do to make himself strong and beautify his capital? Give an account of the all-round progress made the Arabs under Abd-al-Rahman III? What did Al-Hakam do in promote learning and scholarship in his kingdom? No Error. The writer says that the examiners asks questions which students cannot answer and not those which they can answer. Is the complaint just?


Prepared by Prof: Arif Hameed M.A (English ) Post Graduate Diploma in ( ELT ) Spot the Error Page # 1

23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

What sort of questions are asked by your examiners? Why did not Churchill do well on examination? Churchill was taught English in Harrow and not Latin and Greek. Was it a gain or loss? No Error. Write an appreciation or criticism of Churchill views in regard to the study of English.



In the story Button, Button, Norma and Arthur were in the opposite sides of the fence with regard to stewards offer. What were their respective points of view?


28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

Why didnt Norma remain true with her husband? Do you agree with Normas assertion that the death of someone you have never seen was not important? What did the son remember for his childhood? Were these good memories? Why didnt the old man follow the advise of doctors?


Under which circumstances the Bittering family had to pass through? What difference can you point out to the life style of the people of two different planets? What was the affect of the behavior of the woman with the boy?


Why did she treat the boy kindly in her home after punishing him at the street? The boy have a chance to run away from Mrs. Jones but he didnt; why? Describe mentality of the people. Who did not believe in Hubert? Why did the mayor not believed the innocence of Hubert? Were it necessary for Hubert to continue pleading his innocence? How did Gorgios achieved his ambition?





Why was the brilliant dresses put on the shade at inauguration? What were the feelings of Giorgious in this occasion? How did the child look up by appearance?


Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen? How did the doctor succeed on examining her throat? Describe the feelings of the doctor at his struggle to diagnose the disease? Under what circumstances the use of force can justified?



Prepared by Prof: Arif Hameed M.A (English ) Post Graduate Diploma in ( ELT ) Spot the Error Page # 1

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