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Text: Each Peach Pear Plum Janet & Allan Ahlberg Term: 2 Weeks: 2-8 Teaching Lesson 1 Lesson

2 Sequence Teaching focus Low Order Literate Orientation READ HighOrder Literate Orientation
-Teaching focus -What you could say

Class: Kinder Lesson 3

Rhyming ? Finding Mother Hubbard Third Character Where is Mother Hubbard? Who are we spying now?

Lesson 4
Rhyming ? Finding Cinderella Fourth Character Where is Cinderella? Who are we spying now?

Lesson 5
Rhyming ? Finding Three Bears Fifth character Where are the Bears? Who are we spying now?

-What you could say

Rhyming ? Introducing game First character Who is spying Tom Thumb? Who is the first Character we have to spy? Each Peach Pear Plum

Rhyming ? Finding Tom Second Character Where is Tom Thumb? Who are we spying now?

Read text to/with class

Tom Thumb in the cupboard I spy Mother Hubbard Mother Hubbard down the cellar I spy Cinderella Cinderella on the stairs Three bears out hunting

I spy Tom Thumb

I spy the Three Bears

I spy Baby Bunting

READ Transformations
Introduces game and character CUTS: I spy / Tom Thumb

Allow students to read passage

Finds Tom Thumb CUTS: Tom Thumb / in the cupboard Introduces new character CUTS: I spy / Mother Hubbard in the Formation of letters inthe Capital M H Finds Mother Hubbard CUTS: Mother Hubbard / down the cellar Introduces new character CUTS: I spy / Cinderella down the (repeat) Formation of letters down Capital C Finds Cinderella CUTS: Cinderella / on the stairs Introduces new character CUTS: I spy / the Three Bears on Formation of letters o n (repeat) Capital T B Finds Three Bears CUTS: Three Bears / out hunting Introduces new character CUTS: I spy / Baby Bunting the (repeat) Formation of letters o u t (repeat o) Capital B (repeat)

(how meaning was created through text structure and language choices)

Scaffolded Spelling

I spy Formation of letters I s p y Write sentence I spy friends name

(free composing)

capital T possible rhyming words to write sentence: some, crumb, come sum

C. McLennan 2013

Moree East Public School

Text: Each Peach Pear Plum Janet & Allan Ahlberg Term: 2 Weeks: 2-5 Teaching Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Sequence Teaching focus Low Order Literate Orientation READ HighOrder Literate Orientation READ Transformations
(how meaning was created through text structure and language choices)

Class: Kinder Lesson 8

Rhyming ? Finding Jack and Jill Eighth character Where is Jack and Jill? Who are we spying now?

Lesson 9
Rhyming ? Finding Bo-Peep Ninth character Where is Wicked Witch? Who are we spying now?

Lesson 10
Rhyming ? Finding Robin Hood Where is Where is Robin Hood? Who are we spying now?

Rhyming ? Finding Baby Bunting Sixth character Where is Baby Bunting? Who are we spying now?

Rhyming ? Finding Bo-Peep Seventh character Where is Bo Peep? Who are we spying now?

-What you could say

Read text to/with class

Baby Bunting fast asleep Bo-Peep up the hill Jack and Jill in the ditch I spy the Wicked Witch Wicked Witch over the hill I spy the Robin Hood Robin Hood in his den

-Teaching focus -What you could say

I spy Bo-Peep

I spy Jack and Jill

I spy the Bears again

Allow students to read passage

Finds Baby Bunting CUTS: Baby Bunting / fast asleep Introduces new character CUTS: I spy / Bo-Peep fast Finds Bo-Peep CUTS: Bo-Peep / up a hill Introduces new character CUTS: I spy / jack and Jill up a Formation of letters up Capital J Finds Jack and Jill CUTS: Jack and Jill/ in the ditch Introduces new character CUTS: I spy / the Wicked Witch in (repeat) Finds Wicked Witch CUTS: Wicked Witch / over the hill Introduces new character CUTS: I spy / Robin Hood over the Formation of letters o v e r (repeat e) Capital R H Finds Robin Hood CUTS: Robin Hood / in his den Repeats old characters CUTS: I spy / The bears again in (repeat)

Scaffolded Spelling Writing

Modelled writing (joint construction) or Guided writing (writing workshops) or Independent writing (free composing)

Formation of letters f a s t (repeat s t) Capital P (B repeat)

Formation of letters i n (repeat) Capital W

Formation of letters i n (repeat) Capital R H

C. McLennan 2013

Moree East Public School

Text: Each Peach Pear Plum Janet & Allan Ahlberg Term: 2 Weeks: 2-5 Teaching Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Sequence Teaching focus Low Order Literate Orientation
-What you could say

Class: Kinder Lesson 13

Rhyming ?

Lesson 14
Rhyming ? Conclusion of game This is where our game ends. How does it end? Who do we spy?

Lesson 15

Rhyming ? What they characters are doing Who? What are they doing? Who do they spy?

Rhyming ?

What are we spying now?

What? Where? What are we spying now? Plum Pie in the sun

READ HighOrder Literate Orientation READ Transformations

(how meaning was created through text structure and language choices)

Read text to/with class

Three Bears still hunting Baby Bunting Safe and Dry I spy Plum Pie ...EVERYONE

-Teaching focus -What you could say

THEY spy Baby Bunting

I spy...

Allow students to read passage

Who and actions CUTS: Three Bears / still hunting Who x2 and actions CUTS: THEY / spy / Baby Bunting They th Who and how CUTS: Baby Bunting / safe and dry What were looking for I spy / Plum Pie and What and where CUTS: Plum Pie / in the sun Start of I spy builds suspense CUTS: I spy (none)

Scaffolded Spelling Writing

Modelled writing (joint construction) or Guided writing (writing workshops) or Independent writing (free composing)


Formation of letters and Capital P

C. McLennan 2013

Moree East Public School

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