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Classroom Behaviour Management Plan Kindergarten 2013

Respect @ MEPS
School Rules
o o o Be Safe Be Respectful Be a Learner

Classroom Rules
o o Show Respect Do the 5 1. Sit on bottom 2. Legs crossed 3. Hands in laps 4. Eyes on person speaking 5. Mouth closed ears open o o o Hand up to talk Share Give it a GO

School Values (PBL)

o o o o o Show Respect Be Motivated Show Excellence Show Pride Be Safe

Achievements/Recognitions for positive behaviour

Good Choices Apple and Worm chart. For effort, co-operation, attitude, attention and obeying classroom and school rules and displaying positive Values. All students start on the Green (ready to learn) apple and are working towards the Blue (1), Purple (2) and Pink (3) apples. At end of Each session students earn a PomPom(s) for their bucket based on which Apple they are on. When students fill their buckets they may choose from the prize options. Assembly awards and Principals Awards

Consequences for negative behaviour

Correct the behaviour with positive language Stop and make a Better Choice Apple and Worm chart. For lack of effort, co-operation, attitude, attention and not following classroom and school rules. All students start on the Green (ready to learn) apple For negative behaviours student is moved to the Yellow, Orange and Red apples. If on red students leave last or even need to wait and owe teacher some time for discussion. If negative behaviours continue Time to think of better choices on Choices Chair Time to think of better choices in Miss McDonnells or adjoining Kindergarten Room Time to think of better choices with Assistant Principal Assistant Principal to follow up through school discipline policy Behaviours recorded in SENTRAL by either Classroom Teacher or AP.

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