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Luke OBrien & Joe Warburton

Prospectus Pitch 2013

Do You Know Who We Are?

The concept is simple - We set out to ask the reader if they know who we are, then to answer it through the prospectus, working to both inform newcomers to the institution and surprise and astonish those who think they know us.

In keeping with the colleges new direction we set out to communicate a vibrant, experimental and dynamic college that recognises potential but also welcomes all to succeed in the thriving artistic community we have here.

Key Words: Radical, influential, contemporary, exciting, experimental, unique, vibrant, dynamic, informed and relevant.

Front & Back Cover Design (Gold on Purple Stock)

Presentation Board #1 of 4

Luke OBrien & Joe Warburton

Prospectus Pitch 2013

Do You Know Who We Are?

Throughout the publication we will set out to answer the question on the cover using clean and simple layouts with typographic inserts to break up the content, always reminding the reader of the vibrant and experimental tone of voice.

Our college is a thriving community of experimental and radical people creating and doing all kinds of amazing things. This needs to be shouted, it needs to be celebrated. (Hence the purple and gold)

Fig.I (Remember this one for later)

Presentation Board #2 of 4

Luke OBrien & Joe Warburton

Prospectus Pitch 2013

Do You Know Who We Are?

A clean double page spread for BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design making use of a simple but versitile grid delivering key information and retaining a consistent tone of voice. (Again with a dash of eye catching purple)

Fonts: Headlines -ITC Serif Gothic Body Copy - Aperu Colours - Purple (C77,M100,Y8,K1) Black (C0,M0,Y0,K100) & Gold Foil

Presentation Board #3 of 4

Luke OBrien & Joe Warburton

Prospectus Pitch 2013

Do You Know Who We Are?

Double page spread for the colleges entry requirements, this could be carried with a picture of the college or a typographic statement. (Please see presentation board #2 Fig.I)

The simple approach taken with the design and copy can be easily expanded into other design outcomes, using the graphic text as a brand device. It can be used in signage, promotion and print collateral.

Presentation Board #4 of 4

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