Rock Wyrm

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Rock Wyrm Level 7 Solo Soldier

Large natural magical beast (dragon, cold) XP 1,500

Initiative: +7 Senses: Perception +10
HP: 296 Bloodied: 148
Regeneration 3 (The Rock Wyrm ceases to regenerate once it reaches 0 Hit
AC 25; Fort 26; Ref 23; Will 21
Resist: 10 Cold Vulnerable: Fire damage 10
Saving Throws: +5
Speed: 6, fly (clumsy) 10, overland flight 12
Action Points: 2
Bite (standard; at-will)
+14 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage; a Rock Wyrm scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20
Tail Slap (standard; at-will)
Reach; +14 vs. AC; 1d8+7 damage and the target hit must save or be knocked
Wing Buffet (standard; at-will)
Reach; +12 vs. reflex; 1d6+2 damage and the dragon has combat advantage
against the target until the end of it’s next turn
Claws (standard; at-will)
Two attacks; +14 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage
Pounce (standard; encounter (recharges when bloodied))
+12 vs. AC; the Rock Wyrm can either use a standard action to move its land
speed or fly at its target. It can then use a combination of any two of its attack
forms (bite and tail slap, bite and claws, claws and wing buffet) at +12 vs. AC
forcing a save to remain standing if one hit is scored; The Rock Wyrm must land
once it attacks.
Bloody Rage (When first bloodied; encounter)
Upon being bloodied, the Rock Wyrm will attack everything around it within 2
squares once with localized attacks (i.e. targets near its head get clawed and
bit, those on the sides get buffeted, those near the tail get swept). After its
attacks, it springs 10 squares up into the air, readying itself for a renewed
POUNCE on its next turn.
Stunning Ray (standard; 5,6)
Range 15; +12 vs. reflex; Target is stunned (save ends)
Chameleon (minor; at-will)
Rock Wyrms can alter the color, reflectiveness and apparent texture of their
hides gaining a +4 to their stealth skill checks (+8 if in rocky terrain). It can’t
use this power while grabbing a creature, or while grabbed.
Rock Wyrms are amazing mimics and can remember and perfectly imitate
almost any conversation they have heard. This adds +5 to their Bluff check
when attempting to deceive victims with their mimicry.
Athletics: +13 Bluff: +9 Stealth: +10 Thievery: +10
Str: 20 (+8) Dex: 14 (+5) Wis: 14 (+5)
Con: 17 (+6) Int: 12 (+4) Cha: 11 (+3)

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