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Sailor Level 1 Soldier

Medium Natural Humanoid Exp: 100
Initiative: +6 Senses: Perception +1
HP: 32 Bloodied: 16
AC 17; Fort 13; Ref 13; Will 13
Speed: 6
Dagger (Standard; At-Will) Weapon
Melee; +8 vs. AC (1d4+2 damage)
Range 5/10; +9 vs. AC (1d4+3 damage)
(Sailors normally carry two daggers )
Cutlass (Standard; At-Will) Weapon
Melee; +8 vs. AC (1d8+2 damage)
Unarmed Attack (Move; At-Will) Melee
Melee; +8 vs. AC (1d4+2 damage) If the sailor rolls maximum
damage, the target is pushed back one square and must save or be
knocked down.
Swashbuckling Slash (Standard; Encounter) Weapon
Use of this power allows the sailor to make two melee attacks with a
standard action.
Two-Weapon Defense (Move; At-Will) Weapon
Use of this power gives a sailor a +2 to AC until the start of their next
Requirement: The sailor must be wielding a weapon in each hand.
Battened Down (Immediate Interrupt; Encounter)
If an opponent shifts/ moves away from or past a sailor, they must
make a dexterity check and beat a DC 20 when moving or a DC 18
when shifting. If they fail, they are stopped adjacent to the sailor and
the sailor can then make a basic attack vs. the opponent.
Sea Legs
Sailors gain a +2 to their Athletics and Acrobatics checks while
onboard a ship or while swimming.

Alignment-Unaligned Languages- Common

Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 10 (0) Charisma: 12

Skills: Athletics +7, Acrobatics +8, Endurance +8, Stealth +8

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