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DETERMINATION OF ZEIN VALUE Procedure 1. Make 100 ml solution of 1 % activity of your sample. 2.

Adjust the pH of the solution to neutral using KOH or Citric Acid. 3. Also take 100 ml of distilled water and adjust the pH of this water to neutral. This will be used as blank. 4. Take two flat bottom round flasks. (One for blank other for sample). Accurately weigh 2 gm of Zein Powder in both. Note the exact weight. 5. Add 40 ml of blank and sample solutions to respective flasks. (To prevent lump formation, it is better to add it while stirring is on.) 6. Allow the above contents in flask to stir for 150 min, i.e. 2 hours

7. Now decant the content in centrifuge tubes and centrifuge. 8. Filter the solutions after centrifuging. 9. Take a petri dish (one for blank other for samples), note their weights, and add 10 ml of filtrate from step 8 to respective petri dish. 10.Allow the petri dishes to dry at 105 C for 2 hours. 11.After drying, cool in desiccators, and then take their weight. 12.Follow the calculation to get zein value.

Calculation for Zein Value: 1. KF factor for blank = (Weight of residue (for blank) x 1000) / Weight of Zein Powder (for blank) 2. A = Weight of residue in petri dish x 10

3. B = (Weight of Zein powder for sample x KF factor for blank (From 1) ) / 1000 4. C = Weight of sample on basis of its activity (Total Weight to make 1 % solution). 5. Zein Number = [(A - B - C) x 1000] / C 6. Zein Value = Zein Number / 5.88

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