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RTI Annual Return Information System (20122013) Page 1 of 1

RTI Annual Return Information System (20122013)

Ministry/Department/Organization : Central Information Commission Year : 20122013 (MARCH, 2013) Insert Mode (New Return) Progress in 20122013 Received during the Month Year (Including cases transferred to other Public Authority) 10 12 No. of cases transferred to other Public Authorities 00 NIL Decisions where requests/appeals rejected 00 NIL Decisions where requests/ appeals accepted 24 06 MINISTRY OF STEEL, GoI MECON LIMITED

Opening Balance as on 01/04/2013 Requests First Appeal 17 03

* All the six applications were made by a single applicant being an authorized representative of a Company.
No. of Cases where disciplinary action taken against any Officer NIL

No. of CAPIOs designated

No. of CPIOs designated ONE

No. of AAs designated ONE

No. of times various provisions were invoked while rejecting requests Relevant Sections of RTI Act 2005 Section 8(1) a b c d e f g h i j Sections 9 11 24 Other

Amount of Charges collected (in Rs.) Registration Fee Amount Rs.80/ Additional Fee & Any other charges Rs.200/ Penalties Amount NIL

Last Date of Uploading the Pro active Disclosures on the website of PA

Name of the person who is entering/updating data Designation of the person who is entering/updating data

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