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Babcock & Wilcox CFB BoilersDesign and Experience

F. Belin M. Maryamchik D.J. Walker D.L. Wietzke The Babcock & Wilcox Company Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. Presented to: 16th International Conference on FBC May 13-16, 2001 Reno, Nevada, U.S.A.

The distinctive feature of Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) CFB boilers is a two-stage solids separation system consisting of the impact-type primary solids separator (U-beams) and the secondary multi-cyclone dust collector. Lessons learned from 15 years of B&Ws CFB technology application have been used to develop a reliable, low cost boiler design. Advantages of boilers with a two-stage solids separation system are described. Operation of B&W coal-fired CFB boilers over the last 10 years has demonstrated high reliability of the two-stage solids separator. Superior solids collection efficiency of the two-stage separator provides higher furnace heat-transfer rate, ability to better control furnace temperature, and increased residence time of fine carbon and sorbent particles. As a result, the required boiler performance is achieved with lower furnace height and smaller boiler footprint. The current B&W IR-CFB boiler design is described. Compactness of the IR-CFB makes it especially attractive for PC boiler retrofit applications. Considerations for IRCFB scale-up are provided.

The major distinction between circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) boilers competing in todays market is in the type of the solids separator. CFB boilers with large cyclone separators connected to the furnace outlet (hot-cyclone type) were introduced in mid-1970s and are being offered by several boiler manufacturers. CFB boilers with impact separators, offered by Babcock&Wilcox (B&W) and its licencees, entered the market more than ten years later and since then have been gaining wide acceptance.

B&W CFB boilers feature a two-stage solids separator. The primary stage is an impact solids separator located at the furnace exit collecting the bulk of the solids (95-97%) that are then returned to the furnace by gravity. The primary separator is arranged as an array (Figure 1) of U-shaped vertical elements (Ubeams). The secondary separation stage, typically a multi-cyclone dust collector (MDC), is located in the lower gas temperature region of the boiler convection pass, i.e., 480 F to 950 F (250 C to 510 C). In some cases the first fields of an electrostatic precipitator are used as the secondary separator. The fine particles collected by the secondary separator are returned to the furnace via a pneumatic (in earlier designs) or gravity transport system. The U-beam separator has evolved through three B&W CFB boiler design generations: First generation (first started-up in1986) - All U-beams (11 rows) installed external to the furnace with solids recycle through non-mechanical controllable L-valves.(1) Second generation (first started-up in 1989) - Two rows of in-furnace U-beams discharging collected particles (about 70 % of incoming solids) directly to the furnace and seven rows of external U-beams with solids recycle through L-valves. (2) Third generation (first started-up in 1996) - Two rows of in-furnace U-beams and three or four rows of external U-beams with all solids internally recycled within the furnace (currently offered IR- CFBseparator shown in Figure 2). (3) As a result, dramatic simplification and cost reduction of the U-beam separator have been achieved.

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1. Sidewall Membrane Panel 2. U-Beam 3. Seal Baffle

Fig. 1 U-beam primary separatorsplan view.

Over the same period, the design of the MDC separator has been improved for better efficiency, reliability and maintainability. The current design (Figure 3) has a top gas inlet and a side gas outlet. The cyclone elements have 9 in. (229 mm) diameter regardless of boiler capacity. The cyclone sleeves and spin vanes are made of high hardness (550 BHN) material. The MDC solids recycle system has evolved from dense-phase pneumatic transport (first generation) to dilute-phase pneumatic transport (second generation) to gravity conveying (third generation). The second-generation CFB boiler at Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, in a cogeneration plant commissioned in early 1991, exemplifies the long-term boiler performance. This boiler (Figure 4) burns high-ash (average 45% ash) Western Pennylvania waste bituminous coal. The unit was designed for 55 MWe capacity (211 tph steam flow), but was uprated in 1995 and again in 1997 and since has been operated at 10% overload. Boiler performance and availability are shown in Table 1 and Figure 5 respectively. The Ebensburg plant received the Association of Independent Power Producers of Pennsylvania (ARIPPA) award for the highest availability among plants firing coal mine waste fuels. The CFB boiler at Southern Illinois University (SIU) in Carbondale, Illinois, represents the third generation design. The boiler (Figure 6) was designed for 35 MWt output for cogeneration application, utilizing high-sulfur Illinois bituminous coal. Boiler performance and availability are shown in Table 2 and Figure 7, respectively. The third generation design was also used for the Kanoria Chemical project in India and is the design ba-

Fig. 3 Multicyclone dust collector.

sis for all new offerings including the most recent contract for a 90 MWe IR-CFB in Tychy, Poland. Operating experience of B&W coal-fired CFB boilers has clearly confirmed their efficient performance and high reliability.

Design Features
The design of a solids separator is the core of a CFB combustion technology since it has major impact on the boiler layout, cost, fuel and sorbent utilization, operational flexibility and reliability. In all these aspects B&Ws CFB boilers with the twostage solids separation provide the following design features:

a) High solids collection efficiency

The collection efficiency of the two-stage solids separator is intrinsically high due to the greater efficiency of the MDC internal collection elements. Higher solids collection efficiency helps to achieve greater inventory of fine circulating particles in the furnace that provides: a) higher furnace heat transfer rate, b) ability to better control furnace temperature, and c) better carbon and sorbent utilization due to the increased residence time of fine particles.

Furnace Roof Gas Flow In -Furnace U-Beams External U-Beams Solids Transfer Hopper

In -Furnace U-Beams External U-Beams Solids Transfer Hopper Furnace

Fig. 2 IR-CFB primary particle collection system.

Fig. 4 Ebensburg CFB boiler.

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Table 1 Ebensburg Operating Data Operating Steam Flow, t/hr (klb/hr) Steam Flow @ MCR, t/hr (klb/hr) Steam Temperature, C (F) Steam Pressure, MPa (psig) SH Steam Temperature Control Range, % Load Turndown Ratio Without Auxiliary Fuel Emissions NOx, ppm (lb/106 Btu) SO2, ppm (lb/106 Btu) CO, ppm (lb/106 Btu) Ca/S Molar Ratio 234 (516) 211 (465) 512 (953) 10.6 (1540) 30-110 5:1 <100 (<0.14) <300 (<0.60) <230 (<0.20) 2.1-2.4

b) Controlled furnace temperature

The furnace temperature is controlled in response to load changes and variations of fuel and/or sorbent properties by controlling the solids recycle rate from the MDC. The recycle rate at high boiler loads is set to achieve the upper furnace density required to maintain the target furnace temperature. At low loads, the recycle rate directly controls the dense bed temperature. The capacity of the MDC hoppers is used for solids transfer to and from the furnace. Excessive solids collected by the MDC are purged if needed. With B&W CFB boilers the load can be reduced without auxiliary fuel to 20% MCR.
Fig. 6 Southern Illinois University IR-CFB boiler.

c) Low auxiliary power

The auxiliary power requirement is lower for impact-separator type boilers since the total pressure drop across the twostage separator (U-beams + MDC) is only 4 in. wc (1 kPa). In addition, high-pressure air blowers for fluidization of returning solids are not needed. gas flow pattern. This allows placement of in-furnace surfaces as needed over the entire furnace height and width, including the region adjacent to the rear wall in the upper furnace. With proven reliability of in-furnace heating surfaces, this makes unnecessary the use of external heat exchangers and allows selection of the furnace height based on combustion/sulfur capture considerations rather than heating surface requirements. Combined with high collection efficiency of the two-stage solids separator, this allows reduced furnace height.

d) Uniform gas flow

The gases exiting from the furnace to the U-beam separator across the furnace width provide for a uniform two-dimensional

Forced Outage

Planned Outage

Boiler Availability

Boiler Availability, Percent



3.9 5.3


2.2 2.8

1.4 5.6

1.8 4.2

1.8 1.5 3.4 2.9

0.7 1.3

95 90



4.5 5.6

6.6 98.0 95.0 93.0 94.0 95.6 94.8




91.6 89.1


80 0 1991 (May-Dec.) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2000 1999 (Jan.-July) (Jan.-June)

Fig. 5 Ebensburg boiler availability.

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Table 2 SIU Operating Data Steam Flow @ MCR, t/hr (klb/hr) Steam Temperature, C (F) Steam Pressure, MPa (psig) SH Steam Temperature Control Range, % Load Turndown Ratio Without Auxiliary Fuel Emissions NOx, ppm (lb/106 Btu) SO2, % removal CO, ppm (lb/10 6 Btu) Ca/S Molar Ratio 46 (101.5) 399 (750)
Boiler Availability, %
100 95 90

Forced Outage Commissioning Outage Planned Outage Boiler Available

1.4 11.0 10.3 10.7


4.4 (640) 40-100 5:1 <100 (<0.14) 90 <200 (<0.17) 2.3

95.1 85 80 85 1997 (Jul 15-Dec 31) 1998 1999 2000 (Jan-Jun) 89.0 89.7 87.9

Fig. 7 SIU boiler availability.

e) High solids separator reliability

U-beams and MDC have high reliability and low maintenance since they do not include any maintenance-intensive components such as refractory, loop-seals, expansion joints, vortex finders, etc. The U-beam design that has evolved through 15 years of operating experience has proven to be very reliable, requiring no maintenance. U-beam design criteria includes conservative assumptions of 25 year life of U-beam materials and supports. The MDC internals require some maintenance during planned shutdowns; this expense has been minimal on the operating B&W CFBs.

f) Integral design/small footprint

The U-beam separator is integral with the boiler enclosure providing for the most compact and cost-efficient boiler layout similar to the conventional two-pass pulverized coal (PC) boiler. This feature is especially important for retrofitting outdated PC boilers with CFB technology in repowering applications where keeping the existing boiler footprint is highly desirable.

g) Minimal refractory use

The amount of refractory used in the B&W CFB boilers is 80-90% less than that used for similar capacity CFB boilers with non-cooled hot cyclones and 40-50% less than CFB boilers with cooled cyclones. For B&W CFB boilers the start-up time is not limited by rate of temperature rise of the refractory. Two key areas important for design evaluation of CFB boilers with impact separators are high reliability of the two-stage solids separator and its superior collection efficiency. The longterm operating experience and test data provide the definite affirmation of the impact separator plus MDC design as described in the following section.

Two-stage solids separator experience

U-beam experience. U-beams are conservatively designed to operate in the flue gas environment at the exit of the CFB furnace. B&W has selected U-beam materialstypically high nickel, high chromium, austenitic stainless steelsto resist erosion and corrosion while possessing adequate long-term strength at the design temperatures. Substantial design margins are pro-

vided to accommodate possible U-beam temperature deviations from the expected value based on average gas temperature leaving the furnace. These margins eliminate the possibility of the U-beams being damaged during operational upsets. Mechanical conditions of U-beams along with related boiler thermal performance data have been monitored over the 10 years of operation at the Ebensburg CFB boiler. B&W confirmed that erosion losses were negligible due to a tough, erosion-resistant film formed on the surface of the U-beams. B&W also determined that the material was resistant to corrosion and deformation when operated within the design margins. The Ebensburg CFB boiler capacity was increased by 10% over original design. For evaluated economic reasons no other changes to the boiler were made to maintain the design temperature and excess air at the furnace exit. This resulted in more than three years of operation with local U-beam temperatures approaching or exceeding the design margins. After this three year period of operation with excessively high temperatures, signs of U-beam mechanical degradation began appearing where the maximum temperatures or maximum solids loading occur. Some U-beam channels began to flare, and the mid-sections of several U-beams rotated up to 10 degrees from the original position. Also, several corrosion spots were found near the bottom of the rear-most rows of U-beams where U-beams were covered with ash deposits. The current design has been changed to avoid these degradations even during prolonged high-temperature operation. Regardless of some U-beam deformation observed as a result of the off-design operating conditions, no deterioration of boiler performance was detected and no U-beams have had to be replaced. Maintenance work on U-beams has been minimal, consisting primarily of cleaning solids accumulated on the top side of the alignment pans located near the bottom of U-beams, and an occasional repair of the pan and strap attachment welds. The resilience of U-beams to operating conditions associated with excessive temperatures and increased gas velocities contrasts to that of vortex finders (a part of hot-cyclones) which are made of similar materials and exposed to a similar gas/solids environment. Vortex finder failures have been reported with a substantial detrimental effect on boiler performance and considerable maintenance costs.

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MDC experience
At Ebensburg, due to the waste coals high ash content and ash abrasiveness, about 20% of the MDC internal elements are being replaced during each yearly outage to avoid a loss of MDC efficiency. At other B&W CFB boilers burning high-sulfur bituminous coal, circulating solids are typically less abrasive as compared to the Ebensburg unit, and the MDC internal elements have either not required replacement or have been replaced as needed during planned outages. At Southern Illinois University (SIU) firing medium-ash high-sulfur coal, practically no erosion of the internal elements has been detected since the startup four years ago. Maintenance work was needed on the Ebensburg pneumatic MDC solids recycle system which normally is done on line, or during planned boiler outages. At SIU, where air-slide ash conveyors were used, virtually no maintenance work was needed on the return system during four years of boiler operation. This system has been further simplified for new offerings. The simplicity and low maintenance features of the current MDC solids return system design are discussed below (see Design improvements).

from the forced draft fan. Material velocity in the sloping return lines is low, resulting in low erosion potential. This design simplifies the recycle system, improves its reliability, and reduces power consumption. - Variable speed, inclined screw(s) are used at the MDC hopper discharge(s), in place of previously used rotary valves, to control the flow rate of recycled solids. The solids in the inclined screw provide the required pressure seal without the maintenance associated with the close-tolerance, machined surfaces found in rotary valves.

Solids Collection Efficiency

The only meaningful measure of CFB solids separation system performance is the fractional solids collection efficiency. The overall collection efficiency depends on the size distribution of solids entering the separator and is not indicative of a separators ability to retain fine particles, most important for CFB boiler performance. The fractional collection efficiency of the two-stage solids separation system used in B&W CFB boilers is determined by the efficiency of the second stage separator. The fractional collection efficiency of the secondary separator (MDC) of B&Ws IR-CFB boiler at SIU is shown in Figure 8. The fractional collection efficiency of the secondary separator was readily measurable during the tests of B&W CFB boilers. Samples of solids passing and collected by the separator were analyzed for the particle size distribution. The flow rate of collected solids was determined by calibration of the recycle system feeder. The flow rate of passing solids (fly ash) was determined as the difference between solids entering the boiler and the bed drain flow rate. The latter was determined from the heat balance of the screw cooler. A comparison of fly ash particle size distribution based on published data for hot-cyclone CFB boilers(4,5,6,7) and measurements taken at B&Ws CFB boiler at SIU is shown in Figure 9. One can see that the upper cut size of solids separation at 98% of passing solids is about 80 micron for the SIU IR-CFB. This results in a high percentage of fine ash being recycled to the furnace, thus giving a high rate of heat transfer in the upper furnace as well as a high rate of calcium and carbon recycle.

Maintenance cost
The maintenance cost of the solids separators in the B&W CFB boilers is intrinsically low. At Ebensburg, the total maintenance cost for U-beams and L-valves over 10 years of operation was about US$20,000. The average maintenance cost for the MDC was about $25,000 per year. There was no loss of power generation due to U-beam or L-valve related problems and only a negligible loss of generation due to the load reduction during MDC recycle system problems and its on-line repairs.

Design improvements
A number of design improvements to the two-stage solids separation system have been implemented based on experience and design developments: - Laboratory testing and boiler operating experience have shown that with proper design parameters, fewer rows of Ubeams provide equal collection efficiency. The number of rows of U-beams has been reduced to eliminate inactive rows thereby reducing the space occupied by the separator as well as reducing pressure differential across the separator and the corresponding auxiliary power requirement. - The alignment pan at the bottom of each U-beam has been reconfigured to form an open funnel which reduces solids accumulation. Together with the reduced number of U-beam rows, this reduces solids accumulation at the bottom of the U-beams and the possibility of corrosion in this zone. - Variations such as fuel properties and limestone sizing and/ or type, as well as other operational upsets, may cause prolonged gas temperature increase over the design temperature in the Ubeam zone. Also, U-beams lack protection from metal temperature excursions similar to those available for the superheater metal (such as attemperators). Thus, wide design margins are provided for the U-beams by specifying high quality materials for these off-normal conditions. U-beam materials and constructions with an oxidation temperature limit as high as 2100 F (1150 C) are used. - Locating the MDC upstream of the economizer, and thereby at higher elevation in the convection downpass, allows recycling of the MDC solids to the lower furnace using a sloping gravity return line(s) with a small quantity of assist air taken

Current IR-CFB Design

The following on-going projects illustrate the use of the IRCFB boiler in two different types of applications. The first one (Tychy) represents an application where there is no space restraint for B&Ws IR-CFB boiler layout. The others (Nesvetay and Cherepet) are projects where the CFB boiler fits into the same structure as the existing PC unit. (8)

Tychy Power Plant (Poland)

This boiler (Figure 10) will produce 700,000 lb/hr (317 t/hr) steam at 1740 psi/1004F (120 bar/540C). The fuel is a high-ash bituminous coal with a possibility of co-firing biofuels (up to 5% by heat input). The following unit description for the Tychy project is also a description of a typical IR-CFB design. The furnace and horizontal convection pass enclosure are top-supported and made of gas-tight membrane walls. The furnace contains four water-cooled division walls, plus two watercooled and six steam-cooled wing walls.

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Collection Efficiency, %

90 80 70 60






Particle Size, micron

Fig. 8 Fractional collection efficiency of MDC (IR-CFB at SIU).

Fuel is fed to the lower furnace through the front wall using four air-assisted chutes. Limestone is injected pneumatically through multiple points uniformly across the width of the furnace near the bottom. Start-up fuel (light oil) is fired using five burners mounted at the rear wall. Separate fans supply primary and secondary air. Primary air is introduced through the bubble cap grid at the furnace floor with secondary air introduced uniformly across the furnace width using nozzles at the front and rear walls sized to provide air distribution across the furnace. The lower furnace is protected from erosion and corrosive conditions by a layer of low-cement, high-strength refractory. This material has proven to require little maintenance in the lower CFB furnace environment. The membrane tubes at the upper edge of the refractory in the lower furnace are protected from erosion by the patented Reduced Diameter Zone (RDZ) (Figure 11). The RDZ consists of a reduced diameter tube section mating to a specially shaped ceramic tile. The reduced diameter tube section on each tube slopes away from the solids

Fig. 10 Tychy IR-CFB boiler.

Percent Passing

falling down the wall along the surface profile of the tube panel, thereby eliminating the discontinuity adjacent to the tube. The RDZ feature is applicable for enclosure walls and internal walls, and has been proven effective in B&W CFB boiler commercial operation. The U-beam separator consists of two rows of in-furnace and three rows of external U-beams. Pendant superheater banks are located downstream of the U-beams in the horizontal convection pass. Steam from the drum flows through the side walls of the pendant superheater enclosure, then through the primary superheater bank followed by the wing walls and the secondary superheater bank to the main steam outlet. The MDC is located immediately downstream of the horizontal convection pass. Further in the gas path it is followed by



Furnace Wall (inside)


10 50 Particle Size, Micron




Hot Cyclone (Ref. 4) Hot Cyclone (Ref. 5) Hot Cyclone (Ref. 6) Hot Cyclone (Ref. 7) Two-Stage Solids Separation (B&W-SIU)

Division Wall

Fig. 9 Particle size distribution of fly ash for hot cyclones and two-stage separation system.

Fig. 11 Reduced Diameter Zone.

Babcock & Wilcox

the economizer and tubular air heater (air inside tubes). The air heater is side-split for the primary and secondary air. After the air heater, gas flows through an electrostatic precipitator and two parallel ID fans to a stack. Solids collected by the MDC are recycled back to the furnace through six recycle lines utilizing inclined screw conveyors and gravity feed.

Nesvetay Power Plant (Russia)

This project emphasizes the compactness of B&Ws IR-CFB design providing unique benefits in retrofit applications. This 50 MWe PC-boiler firing anthracite culm with up to 40% ash content at the Nesvetay power plant in Russia will be replaced with the same capacity CFB unit supplied by Belenergomash of Belgorod, Russia, a licensee of B&W CFB technology. The plant space constraints require the CFB unit to fit within the plan area of the bay occupied by the PC boiler. This determines furnace plan area and thus furnace gas velocity. Furnace height is then determined by the gas residence time required for burnout of the very low-reactive fuel (4-5% vola-

tile matter content). Based on test results for a similar fuel in the 2.5 MWt CFB pilot unit at B&Ws Alliance Research Center, the furnace height was increased about 30 ft (9 m) as compared to the PC boiler to attain the guaranteed combustion efficiency of 97%. High combustion efficiency is achieved by utilizing effective collection and recycle of fine solids from the MDC. Figure 12 shows how the new unit fits within the existing bay when the only required modification to the building is a height increase. The fore-to-aft footprint of this unit as compared to the Tychy unit is reduced by two means: a) placing part of the superheater in the vertical downpass, thus reducing the depth of the horizontal pass, and b) utilizing available space for the air heater at the side of the downpass.

Cherepet Power Plant (Russia)

The Cherepet plant (located at Tula region, 200 km south from Moscow) has a total of eight PC-fired boilers, representing four 150 MWe units (two boilers per turbine), considered for CFB repowering. Those boilers of 250 t/hr capacity feature high steam parameters (2465 psia, 1013 F) and reheat. Two major

CFB Boiler

PC Boiler (TP-230 type)







Fig. 12 Size comparison of PC boiler firing anthracite culm and its repowering CFB boiler.

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fuels to be fired are local high-ash, high-sulfur lignite and lowreactive, medium-ash bituminous coal. CFB boilers of Belenergomash design will fit into the existing PC-boiler steel (Figure 13). IR-CFB scale-up. Since scaling-up the two-stage solids separator does not present a problem, the only issue of designing larger capacity IR-CFB boilers is providing an acceptable furnace aspect ratio and acceptable gas velocity in the U-beams. With the current design approach, IR-CFB boilers with the design similar to that described above are offered for capacities up to 180 MWe (540 MWt).

Lessons learned from 15 years of B&Ws CFB technology application have led to development of the reliable, low-cost IR-CFB boiler design. Long-term operating experience of the distinct two-stage solids separator has proven its high reliability and superior collection efficiency. The main advantages of this boiler design are higher furnace heat transfer rate, ability to better control furnace temperature, and increased residence time of fine carbon and sorbent particles. The IR-CFB boiler achieves the required performance with lower furnace height and smaller boiler footprint. This design is especially attractive for replacing existing obsolete PC boilers in the same space.

CFB Boiler

PC Boiler (TP-240 type)

Fig. 13 Size comparison of PC boiler firing lignite and bituminous coal and its repowering CFB boiler.

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1. F. Belin, et al., Waste Wood Combustion in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, 1988. 2. C. E. Price and D. J. Walker, Coal and Waste Coal-Fired Boilers Accumulate Operating Experience, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Fluidized-Bed Combustion, 1993. 3. F. Belin, et al. , Update of Operating Experience of B&W IR-CFB Coal-Fired Boilers, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Fluidized-Bed Combustion, 1999. 4. D. R. Hajicek et al. , The Impact of Coal Quality on Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor Performance, EPRI Coal Quality Conference, 1992. 5. W. vom Berg and K.-H. Puch, Verwertung von Ruckstanden aus Wirbelschichtfeuerungsanlagen, Vortrage VGB Konferenz, Wirbelschihtsysteme 1992. 6. M. Gierse, Aspects of the Performance of Three Different Types of Industrial Fluidized Bed Boilers, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, 1990. 7. U. Muschelknautz and E. Muschelknautz, Improvements of Cyclones In CFB Power Plants and Quantitative Estimation on Their Effects on the Boiler Solids Inventory, Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, 1999. 8. D.A. Shaposhnik and S.V. Berdin, Issues of CFB Boilers Design for Power Plant Retrofits, VTI Science and Technology Seminar, 2001.

Copyright 2001 by The Babcock & Wilcox Company, All rights reserved. No part of this work may be published, translated or reproduced in any form or by any means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. Permission requests should be addressed to: Market Communications, The Babcock & Wilcox Company, P.O. Box 351, Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. 44203-0351. Disclaimer Although the information presented in this work is believed to be reliable, this work is published with the understanding that The Babcock & Wilcox Company and the authors are supplying general information and are not attempting to render or provide engineering or professional services. Neither The Babcock & Wilcox Company nor any of its employees make any warranty, guarantee, or representation, whether expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, product, process or apparatus discussed in this work; and neither The Babcock & Wilcox Company nor any of its employees shall be liable for any losses or damages with respect to or resulting from the use of, or the inability to use, any information, product, process or apparatus discussed in this work.

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