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In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, salt, and yeast.

A d d t h e w a t e r a n d , u s i n g a wooden spoon or your hand, mix the bowl with a plate, tea towel, or plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature u n t i l t h e s u r f a c e i s d o t t e d w i t h b u b b l e s a n d the dough is preferenc fermentation is the key to flavor. 2. When the first fermentation is complete, generously dust a work surface (a wooden orplastic cutting board is fine) with flour. When you begin to pull the dough away from thebowl, it will cling in long, thin strands (this is the developed gluten), and it will be quiteloose and sticky do not add more flour. Use lightly floured hands or a bowl scraper orspatula to lift the edges of the dough in toward the center. Nudge and tuck in the edgesof the dough to make it round. 3. Place a cotton or linen tea towel or a large cloth napkin on y o u r w o r k s u r f a c e a n d generously dust the cloth with wheat b r a n , c o r n m e a l , o r f l o u r . U s e y o u r h a n d s o r a b o w l scraper or wooden spatula to gently lift the do ugh onto the towel, so it is seam side down. If the dough is tacky, dust the top lightly with wheat bran, cornmeal, or flour. Fold theends of the towel loosely over the dough to cover it and place it in a warm, draft -freespot to rise for The dough is ready when it is almost doubled. If you gently inch deep, it should hold the i m p r e s s i o n . I f i t d o e s n t , l e t i t r i s e f o r 4. Half an hour before the end of the second rise, preheat the oven a rack in the lower third position, and place a covered - to -quart heavy pot int h e c e n t e r o f t h e r a c k . 5. Using pot holders, carefully remove the preheated pot from the oven and uncover it.Unfold the tea towel, lift up the dough, either on the towel or in your hand, and quicklybut gently invert it into 6. Remove the lid and continue baking until the bread is a deep ch heatproof spatula or pot holders to carefully lift thebread out of

the pot and place it on a rack to cool thoroughly. Dont slice or tear into ituntil it has cooled, which usually takes at least an hour.

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