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To: From: Date: Re: Mrs. Pay Jeremy Adamson November 9, 2012 Professional Speaker Analysis

I had the opportunity to listen to a professional speech given by Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for the President of the United States, at the Republican National Convention on October 30, 2012. We watched the video on YouTube in the Conference Room. Organization Mitt Romney seemed very organized throughout his whole speech; he gave many propositions and, most importantly, he gave supporting points for those propositions. If Romney is elected president he pledges to create twelve million new jobs, reduce the national debt, and improve womens rights. He also pledges to keep the taxes on the middle class the same or possibly even lower them. He furthermore assured the people that he would protect their freedom of religion with persistence. With these propositions he also gave his reasons and supporting facts. Romney rst talked about what the country needs, the United States needs jobs; this country needs a new leader. He stated that over the last four years things havent been going well. Romney stated, this country needs to turn the page. He indicated that what he has to offer is what America needs and furthermore deserves. Romney mentioned that Paul Ryan and he would, if they get voted in, complete a ve step plan to, get things right for America. Romney rst stated that America can be energy independent by 2020 if he is president. Second, Romney will ensure skills are taught to the American people so they can be sufficient in the work place. This will also ensure America will continue to be the great nation it always has been. Third, he stated that he would make new trade agreements with other countries. Other countries that try to cheat those agreements will not be tolerated. The fourth commitment he gave was to balance the United States budget. With the American debt so high, it is a concern of many Americans. Fifth, Mitt Romney stated that small businesses are an important part of the American economy and he will protect them. The organizational pattern Mitt Romney used was mostly the Problem-Solution pattern. This means he gave specic issues and problems and then he gave his solutions for those problems. An example of this in his speech is when Mitt Romney mentioned that in his opinion Obama didnt succeed; he let his country down by spending too much money and not following through on his superficial promises. Soon after Mitt Romney declared that he is the one 1

America needs, he is who can save the day. He will do this by completing his five step plan as mentioned previously. Supporting Material Ethos Ethos is dened as the speakers credibility and authority. Ethos asks the question, Why should I listen to and believe this speaker? Mitt Romney demonstrates Ethos because he was elected governor of Massachusetts in 2002; Romney also mentioned that he is a successful businessman. He became the CEO of a very successful venture capital investment business called Bain Capital. Mitt Romney is credible to me because he really has been very successful in his life. What also make Mitt Romney more credible is seeing other celebrities and successful people give their approval and support to him. I believe what Mitt Romney says because he is realistic and trustworthy. Romney is also a true American who loves his country. I believe in the things Mitt Romney said because we have the same beliefs and religious backgrounds. Paul Ryan, who he selected for his Vice President nominee is also a very credible man. Logos Logos is dened as the logic used to support a claim or conclusion; Logos is mostly stated in statistics and facts. Mitt Romney demonstrated Logos many times throughout his speech. He stated that Paul Ryan and he would bring about many more jobs. Romney also displayed a ve step plan he and Ryan would put to effect if they were elected. The steps of their plan included logical and realistic goals that the audience seemed to love. This plan doesnt seem astronomical, which is a good thing because the audience wouldnt believe and support him. The plan is definitely in the right direction and definitely got the audience excited and supportive. Romneys logos parts of his speech seemed to be when the crowd cheered mo st. Pathos Pathos is dened as the emotional or motivational appeal to the audience given by the speaker. Mitt Romney demonstrated Pathos by talking about personal things; he talks about the audiences kids and their future. This gets the audience worried and feeling like they need to do something; then Mitt Romney offers his solution and the audience in turn supports him in hope that he will offer the best for their kids. Mitt Romney also talks about what Americans deserve. We deserve the best and according to him, Obama didnt succeed. Mitt Romney also mentions his late father who was such a good example to him, this makes him seem more successful and even more of a real person that can be related to.

Delivery Mitt Romney was very prepared to give this speech. It was very well delivered and the audience reacted very well. It was well organized and fluent; he started out with a great hook and took me on a journey so to speak. I was never bored and understood everything he was saying; he made his speech so everybody could understand his message. Romneys message was very clear, vote for him and Paul Ryan and this nation can move forward and be successful. I believe him because he was sincere and he never exaggerated the things he said. Mitt Romney is a real, down to earth person who has the potential to make this nation even better. Some nonverbal he used was the color of his tie, red, which means power and courage. This was no accident, Im sure he planned out most of the nonverbal communication he gave to the audience. Another nonverbal Romney used was just simply smiling and using his hands; he was very enthusiastic and has a good feeling to him. Using a wide range of vocal variety and eye contact throughout the speech, he had a great reaction by the audience. His speech was delivered very well. Motivation Motivation is when the speaker gets the audience to feel the need to act or unite to get something done. Mitt Romney was very enthusiastic; he came off seeming like he is a very capable candidate for the United States at this time. Romney spoke with a, do it for your children type of attitude also; this definitely got the audience thinking about the future. This country isnt doing well and everybody is feeling the effects of the bad economy but Mi tt Romney offers hope to the people; he has given the people everything he has. He stated that this nation has lost its backbone and he is capable, if elected, to give it one again. Romney explained that all he wants to do is help you and your family. His goal is to make this nation a world power that nobody will dare to challenge. Mitt Romney explained to us that our nation can get back on its feet. Its not too late for us to turn the economy around and

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