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..¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ THE RED HEART ¶¶¶¶¶¶
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♥There was a blind girl who hated herself because of being blind.

♥She hated everyone except her boyfriend.

♥One day, the girl said that if she could only see the world,

♥she would marry her boyfriend.

♥One lucky day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her!

♥Then she saw everything including her boyfriend....

♥Her boyfriend then asked her,” Now that u can see, will you marry me?"

♥The girl was SHOCKED when she saw that her boyfriend was blind!

♥She said,” I am sorry but i can't marry you because u are blind."

♥♥Her boyfriend walked away with tears...>and said,> "Please just take care of my eyes...."♥♥

♥ LoVe iS ThE BaCkboNe oF LiFe ♥

♥ YoU KnoW YoU'Re iN LoVe WheN ThE HaRDesT ThinG To SaY iS GooDByE ♥

♥ We Were Given Two Hands To Hold , Two Legs To Walk , Two Eyes To See , Two Ears To Listen , But Why
Only One Heart ? Cause The Other One Was Given To Someone For Us To Find ♥

♥ The greatest gift in life is to love and to be loved in return ♥

♥ Once you love someone that person is forever apart of you ♥

♥ Love is like the wind you can't see it but you can feel it ♥

♥ The best and most beautiful theings in the world cannot be seen or even touched , they must be felt
with the heart ♥

♥ The heart feels what the eyes cannot see , and knows what the mind cannot understand ! ♥

♥ Love is blind only to the eyes. The heart sees everything clearly ♥

♥ To bring somebody into your life, take a step into theirs ♥

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