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Megan Robb & Jennifer Vazquez Civil Engineering and Architecture Mrs. April moon May 22, 2013 Overview

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Table of contents:
Justification for structure ....3 Summary of client survey .4 Green aspects.5 Style description & Merit of the design concepts..6

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Justification for structure

We are building this library because this community needs one. A quiet sanctuary for knowledge, learning, and reading is what it needs to be. Our education system is presently declining. We need to fix that by adding a modern public library like ours to encourage students and other adults to read more and expand their knowledge for personal growth. Another thing is that we liked how the building was already laid out, mostly because of how the second story looked. In the way that it had half of it indoors and the other half outside. We designed the library to be open and modern. This design makes the library feel open and inviting, not dark and intimidating, which would not encourage people to come. We tried to limit the amount of inside walls and hallways to make the library open and spacious. We used many windows to allow natural lighting to decrease energy consumption and increase visibility inside. We used simple, light color palates to keep a calm, yet vibrant energy within the library. This combination of styles brings an inviting and suitable air to the surroundings.

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Summary of client survey

An elevator must be provided for accessibility. First Floor plan must include areas designated for o Entry and Circulation Desk area o Childrens Help Desk o Open area for stacks (shelves of books and media) and computer terminals o Public restroom o Head Librarians office o Staff workroom/ kitchenette o Staff restroom o Two meeting rooms o Noblesville History room o Mechanical room Second Floor plan must include: o Open floor area for stacks o Public restroom

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Green aspects

Something that was encouraged was green aspects to our library. A large amount of natural light will be added by the many windows to conserve energy use. Solar panels will be brought in for the second story roof to make the library more self-sustainable and decrease energy cost, thus saving a large amount of money and lower taxes for people of Noblesville. The many windows and solar panels will help the environment. A large amount of plants will be added in and around the library. This helps with aesthetics and water runoff. It also makes the library look better and cleaner by removing carbon dioxide and adding oxygen to the air.

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Style description
The style that we thought fit best was federal because its 2 story and it doesnt have a very large overhang. Another thing is that its mostly brick and it gives it a formal look.

Merit of the design concepts

The merit of the design concepts is that it has a very low water runoff almost .1 which is considered good.

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