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Submitted By: Ann Mary Jose M.

Ed English Option

It helps learners to become competent and confident enough to use ICT. It helps the learners to know the basic application of ICT in their life. It encourages learners to become critical and reflective in the use of ICT. It helps learners to evaluate the capabilities and limitations of the learner. It helps learners to prepare themselves for tomorrow. It helps to develop necessary openness and flexibility of mind.

It encourages the learners to develop appropriate social skills and moral values. It develops a fellow feeling among the learners. It develops co-operative and collaborative skills in learning. It empowers the disadvantaged learners. It facilitates better communication. It promotes social understanding and social harmony. It provides equality among the members of the society by providing appropriate qualitative and quantitative opportunities for all. It inculcates some kind of social and moral values.

It helps the learners to appreciate the richness of our cultural heritage. It helps the learners to get accessibility to all aspects of our culture. It helps the learners to become cultural citizens of modern world. It facilitates discovery and help to appreciate the cultural heritage.

It helps to develop appropriate personal skills that are essential for independent learning. It assists the learners to develop their potential to the maximum. It helps to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge through higher order cognitive task. It positively affects the attitude of learners towards further learning. It helps the learners with special needs. It helps to integrates school and society. It helps to develop the skills of future among the learners.

Digital Age Literacy Scientific Literacy Technological Literacy Information Literacy Cultural Literacy Global Literacy Inventive Literacy Adaptability Curiosity Creativity Risk taking

Communication Skills Interactive Communication Language Competency Communication Confidence Message Conveying Message Transmitting Higher Order thinking Team Skills Collaborative and Interpersonal Skills

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