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To: From: Date: Re: Mrs. Pay Jimmy Christensen October 25, 2012 Professional Speaker Analysis

I had the opportunity to listen to Mitt Romney, the professional speaker and the republican nominee for the president of the United States, at the Republican National Convention on October 3, 2012. The speech that Mitt Romney gave at the Republic National Conference was a wonderful speech. He came in strong and left even more powerful with everyone else feeling just as powerful. The beginning of his speech started with a standing ovation before any words were said. Organization Mitt Romneys main issues of our country are our economy. He has a plan that will fix our economy. Mitt Romney is a business man himself and knows what he is talking about when it comes to balancing a budget. Step by step Mitt Romney demonstrated his five point plan. First, he pledged to make North America energy independent by 2020, using domestic sources of oil, gas, and nuclear power. Second, every parent will have a choice to where their kid goes to school, and every kid will have a chance for great education. They will have the skills for the jobs today and the careers for tomorrow. Third, he will make trade for America work and if a Country cheats there will be consequences. Forth, to ensure every entrepreneur and every job creator that their investments wont vanish and get ride of the deficits by cutting taxes for small businesses. Fifth we will champion small business. It is small businesses that create this country and without them our country will fail. The organizational pattern Mitt Romney used was inductive reasoning. He put out a plan rather than saying what we need to do. Mitt Romney put out his five point plan; witch clearly states steps to get out country to success. He brought meaning to his plan and gave specific dates when they will happen. Through his organization pattern he really got the audiences attention. He is starting with general ideas to get to more specific ideas. The President never had a set out plan like Governor Romney did. Mitt Romney has a well set out plan that is organized for success.

Supporting Material Ethos Ethos means ethical appeal, means convincing by the character of the author. Mitt Romney demonstrated ethos by keeping a good tone, wasnt mono tone or boring at all with his speech. He showed good credibility and leadership with this speech. He was worth listening to because he showed his power. He also has a past of great work creating business, fixing the Olympics, and showing great successes when he was governor of Massachusetts. I would say that Governor Romney is defiantly qualified and great for the commander in chief for our beautiful country. I believe Mitt Romney when he talks about his five point plan. I believe that he will bring success to this country. He has a great plan and shows that the steps we will take with it will work. He knows what he is talking about; he has a history of bringing success to many things, such as: 2002 Olympics, by taking different businesses out of debt, and bringing success to his state by having the number one state in education. Pathos Pathos means persuading by appealing to the readers emotions. When telling his story about his mother and father and how his dad would bring a rose to his moms bed side every morning; thats how she new something bad happened to her husband because there was no rose one morning so she went out looking for him. That story made some of the audience cry or get a little teary, including myself. Also he talked about his wife and how amazing she was when he had to travel a lot while she had to take care of their six boys, even though he tried to help out as much as he could being away doesnt get the boys ready for school and help with homework. He brought a lot of his life stories in his speech to show that he had to work hard for his successes, and they worked. Logos Logos means persuading by use of reasoning. Mitt Romney showed good logic with this speech. Some examples of this are Mitt Romney tried to down talk about President Obama in the last four years of his failure. Mitt Romney brings points like saying that President Obama wants to ship jobs overseas to china and that will destroy our economy even more. Also he blames the President that he has started the biggest recession in the economy since the great depression. Then after that Romney attacks by giving his plan to get us out of that mess and be successful for the people of America. Delivery Mitt Romney is a very prepared public speaker, he started his speech powerful and exciting. It was easy to tell that he was prepared and worked hard for this speech because, he didnt use any disfluencies such as um or a. He never looked at a paper in front of

him either. He had his speech memorized and new where he was going next after every word. His speech was powerful and prepared, thats what made it so amazing. His nonverbal actions were great; he smiled a lot showing he was happy to be in the place he is standing. He looked around at everyone, wasnt just looking in once spot or camera all the time. He used some hand gestures as well and didnt stand like a stone. He showed good visual aids too, he wasnt mono tone he through a lot of emotion into his words to his speech. He showed a lot emotion in not only his nonverbal actions but also his visual aids as well. In his delivery he showed power, success, respect, and reasoning. Motivation Enthusiasm is the key to motivation in my judgment. Its all about how passionate you are with your words. Mitt Romney was enthusiastic in his speech; he showed a lot of passion in his words, knowing that his plan is what will work for America. He showed enough enthusiasm for us to be passionate with his plan and real us in to believe every single word he was saying will work. The audience would stand up in a standing ovation with practically everything he stated he would do. We were all excited and felt so strong that he was our destiny to success. Mitt Romney explained to us that he will be a successful president. He showed us that President Obamas plan of the last four years just didnt work. His five point plan is very precise and specific. He showed us his past successes and how he got them to be successful. Mitt Romney explained that the next four years coming will be worse then the last four years if President Obama is elected again this term.

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