Principles of Curriculum & Learning Materials

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EDU 505: Principles of curriculum and the development of learning materials OUTLINE OF PAPER 2 Title of the paper: BRAC

Non-formal Primary schools: Reaching the marginalized children and drop-outs 1. Introduction This paper is going to analyze the curriculum, textbooks and materials used in the BRAC non-formal primary schools along with its appropriateness to reach the marginalized children and drop-outs of Bangladesh. 2. Curriculum The curriculum used in these schools is the same as used by the government schools which are made by NCTB. 2.1 Objectives The curriculum objectives are set by NCTB. 2.2 Content The students are taught five major subjects and the contents covered are the same as the contents given in the textbooks of these subjects. 2.3 Materials The students use the textbooks, copies, pen, pencil, eraser and ruler. The teacher uses only the blackboard and textbook for teaching. 3. Teaching-learning process It is mainly rote memorizing and teacher centric. 4. Appropriateness to the context of the target group The curriculum is like one size fits all so it hardly has any modification to address the target group which makes it inappropriate. 5. Recommendations for further improvement Teacher training should be more localized and focused towards activity based learning. 6. Conclusion 7. References

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