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Disclaimer: I love Merlin, but that doesnt mean I own it. Pure fan love here.

Story: Failing to take Uther for herself after Igraines death, Nimueh casts a spell on him. By day, he is a cold King, but by night, he becomes a beast. Only true love can break the spell, and Merlin might be it. Unfortunately, it doesnt seem too likely, considering Merlin is a sorceress and Uther is a magic-hating King. Set as an AU genderbending fic. Spoilers: Hmm, I doubt it. Warnings: Age disparity, cursing and violence for nowhm, just in case since Im usually writing it, bit of crazy humor, perverted humor, morbid or sarcastic humor, and maybe some sexual situations Pairings: Uther/Merlin Beastly Chapter One: The Kings Castle Merlin glanced warily around the city, slightly confused. The place was bustling and people were happy and friendlybut something felt off. And though she wasnt sure, it looked as if the castle was given a wide berth by people. She was unsettled by what she noted, even if she thought she might just be imagining it. She was supposed to find her uncle and stay with himbut she didnt know her way around and decided to just walk and wing it. It wasnt like she could speed her way there, so she might as well familiarize herself around her new home, see the sights and people, and hopefully start fitting in. She saw someone moaning over a broken vase and she curiously walked over, seeing pieces of a pretty ceramic vase scattered all over a stall floor. Hello? Maybe I can help? she grinned slightly, hoping she looked friendly. Theres nothing you can do, the stall owner moaned piteously. Yeah, there is, her grin widened. And then she looked at the vase, her eyes flashing gold as all the pieces flew up and fixed itself into the proper place. She ignored the outraged Magic! from the owner and some onlookers, focusing on her work, and by the end of the spell (which wasnt too long anyways) there was complete silence around her. When she was done, she nodded surely and then looked up, beaming happily at the owner. Her smile faltered and she was uncertain to why the stall owner (and several others at that) were still looking at her distrustfully. Did you want something for it? Were you expecting a reward? the stall owner narrowed his eyes at her.

She hesitantly shook her head, backing away slowly. No, uhI was just passing by. So whatever. Have a good day, she practically fled there, missing the incredulous looks sent her way and the murmuring she left behind. She hummed a little tune to herself as she looked around, delighted by all the little things she saw and was either confused or charmed by them. She walked by a group of who she guessed were knights, a handsome blond heading the group with a serious look. She ducked her head and avoided looking at them, keeping a low profile. She didnt want to bring attention to herself. All in all, she had come to Camelot for a peaceful life and to find a job so she could send money home to her aging mother. And training her magic of course. That meant no messing about and getting herself into trouble. She finally ended up at her uncles residence, wherein she spied him on a ladder and reaching for a book at the top of it. She sat herself on top of a table and continued humming, lower to not disturb her uncle, and swung her legs idly as she waited. Lo, Uncle, she greeted once her Uncle Gaius feet were finally planted firmly onto the floor. He whirled around and dropped his book, gaping at her in surprise. She smiled and waved cheerfully. Dont just smile at me, girl who are you?! Merlin pouted. Its me. Merlin? Ah! I apologize, my dear. I thought you were to come Wednesday, Gaius smiled back sheepishly. But it is Wednesday. The memories of an old man, he said dramatically. She giggled and pushed herself off the table, taking a folded letter from the inside folds of her shirt and folding it once more, cupping it into her hands and blowing into them. She tossed it into the air and Gaius saw it was suddenly a paper bird, realistically flapping its wings and flying in the air towards him, with a trail of golden dust following it. In awe, he held out a hand and let it land, where it turned back into a letter and hed almost let it fall, catching it in mid fall. Beautiful, he murmured in a daze. Then he shook his head and looked at her in astonishment. Did you cast an incantation? I heard none. No, she looked at him curiously. Ive always been able to do things like that. Magic just usually responds to the things Id like to do.

His eyebrows raised high. InterestingHowever, I must warn you, dear, that though magic isnt banned in Camelot, many people fear it including the King. Oh, she deflated. I suppose that explains the earlier reaction. Earlier reaction? Gaius asked, curious. She explained it to him and he sighed. Yes, that is the majority outlook of people here. Be careful, Merlin. Some people are less tolerant than others, and I fear may attack you in prejudice. She nodded in disappointment, but knew he was right and that she should be careful and quiet about her magic. Why doesnt the King just ban it then? she asked, feeling upset about the whole thing. Now that is a whole other thing. There is a very big reason why behind it, but I cannot say, Gaius said darkly, and rather ominously in her opinion. But now it was her turn to be curious and wanting to know about what he was talking about, toying with the idea of finding out for herself. Then again, she told herself to duck her head. Not that that was usually followed, but still Now, Merlin, I am going to go out to deliver some things. You may stay and rest a bit, or if you wish to explore the area, he said as he was gathering his things. The castleit is given wide berth. Isnt it? she spoke out her suspicion. Her uncle hesitantly turned to her. The castlepeople avoid it and its inhabitants, yes. Everyone does not go willingly into it or come near it unless they live or work there. But why is that? she asked curiously. Now that I cannot say, he said cryptically. And dont you go nosing about, trying to find out yourself. Being curious will do you no good. If you do decide to go near the castle, remember that you should leave it before the last light dies. Best to leave as the sun sets, and head back here to home, Merlin. Okay, she agreed in disappointment, though curiosity was still clamped onto her. See you later then, I suppose.

Her uncle left and she sighed, twiddling around her thumbs in boredom. But then she remembered the castle and decided a little look wouldnt hurt. Eager and curious, Merlin left the place and headed over to the main part of the castle. After a moments hesitation, she snuck in and decided to explore. Gaius never said she wasnt allowed to look inside the castle She was thrilled with everything she saw, especially with how different a lot of it was from what she was used to Ealdor. She made sure to not run into others however, but enjoyed her sneaky exploration as much as she could. She didnt notice the sun setting or eventually falling into darkness, until it was too late and she had looked outside to see the night prevailing. Cursing under her breath, she rushed through the thankfully empty corridors and attempted to find a way out quickly. She hadnt noticed shed gone deep into the middle of the castle. Finally finding a room that led to the outside. The open arches let in breezes and she was nearing the door when she heard something that made her still, and the very hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. A loud, grumbling sound echoed around her and her breath picked up in fear as she heard the growl start to become closer to her. Mindlessly, she just started to sprint towards the doors when a hulking figure jumped in front of her and halted her rush, keeping her from the doors as it growled heavily and stood guard. She stifled a scream as she looked on and frightfully watched the beast gaze at her. It looked like a monstrous-sized wolf, with sleek black fur and amazingly human-like green eyes. It stood unnaturally still and shed almost think it dead except for the heavy breathing and occasional low growl it let out. Its eyes never left her face and she shook in fear as she stared it down. Nervously, she unconsciously took a step back and it growled loudly, lips moving to a snarl. She froze up again. H-hey, she weakly spoke. Look, Im just going to leave. I have to leave now. Ill just leave. Ugh, she sounded stupid. Like it mattered though. It probably didnt understand her and didnt care. She tried to take a step around it, when it just shifted to go in front of her again. She stared at it. Trying for the other side, it just moved over and stayed in front of her once more. Look, I have to go home, she snapped at it angrily. Oh, what was wrong with her? Did she have a death wish? She was arguing with a beast. It was more likely to eat her than to listen to her, much less allow her to yell at it like she was. You cant keep me here! Oh well. She was already yelling at it. No sense in stopping now. But it merely stood in front of the doors and refused to let her get passed it. She tried several different times, several different ways to try to get passed the beast, but she was unable to get passed it at all or even get near the doors. Giving out an angry huff, she glared at it and crossed her arms.

Fine! Have it your way, she screamed, before turning sharply and stomping over to a stone bench against the wall. She sat on it and directed her eyes to the beast, staring at it. It stared back as well, eerily unblinking and ever watchful. She scowled at it and tried not to nod off to sleep, as she watched it warily. She failed, however, and fell asleep not too long after. It was only when the morning rays of sunlight hit her face did she start to awaken. At first, she was groggy and unsure of where she was and what was going on. But then, as she started to remember the events of the night before, she started panicking and shot up straight in her seat, eyes wide and scared as she looked around for the beast. She started to become confuse when she saw there was no sign of it anywhere, and only then did she stand up and warily move towards the entrance. Who are you? The sudden question startled her and she whirled around in a panic to where she thought the voices direction came from. She saw a wary, strict-looking older man watching her steadily but seemingly relaxed, but if she looked closer she could see his body tense and lined up to be ready in case she bolted. UmIm Merlin. Gaius, the court physician, niece? I-I just arrived yesterday and I was looking around the castleIm sorry! I didnt know if it was allowed or not, and I was trying to leave last night but there was a beast and it wouldnt let me leave and it was just here and She started to deflate, realizing how crazy she must sound, rambling off and then starting to spout off about some beast. A beast, you say, he murmured. She winced. Yes. It was here. It was large and it looked like a wolf, you see? And it seemed really smart, like how it kept trying to block the exit and stop me from leaving. And it didnt try to eat you? he asked in amusement, though she noted it was kind ofmuted. She faltered and then started to turn bright red. Wellno. I have no explanation for that. I dont know why it didnt. No matter, he waved it off. All sorts of beasts tend to come out at night. Come, he reached over and grabbed her hand, pulling her behind him as he strode quickly out of the room and back into the castle, where he led her higher and higher until she was certain she was in the highest floor of the castle. Sir? Sir! Please, where are we going? she stumbled, losing her step a few times at the fast pace the man was moving at.

Youre Gaius niece. You should have a room in the castle. You may stay here as a guest of mine, the man said without looking at her. Merlin gaped at him, even as she was continually dragged from behind him. But-But wont the King want to have a say in this? I dont want to upset him! she let out a yelp as she stumbled yet again. He slowed to a stop and let her catch her breath, her hand slipping from his as she put both hands on her knees and doubled over, breathing heavily. He looked at her in further amusement, but it was still rather subdued. I dont think it will bother him, he told her wryly. Merlin stared at him, jaw dropping incredulously. Now, these will be your rooms from now on, he became curt, opening the doors to what she realized theyd already arrived to his desired destination. I hope they will be accommodating. But, wait a second! she protested just as he pushed her in. Gaius doesnt even know where I am, and I cant just be put into a room! Or just be told Im to live just anywhere! I will inform Gaius of where you are. As for your other concerns, any further protestations will be ignored. I insist you stay here and any other objections you have will be futile, his voice brooked no argument. She bristled and was about to get right into his face to demand he let her go, when he slammed the door in her face instead. Hey, you cant keep me in here! she bellowed, banging her small fist against the thick, heavy doors. This will be your home now. And that was the final words, his voice serious and uncompromising as he spoke that and then walked away, leaving her to listen with her ear against the door to his heavy footsteps walking away from her and leaving her alone and stuck in the extravagant rooms. She tried her hand at the door and cursed to herself as she found it locked. Unable to open it and escape, she sighed loudly and slid against the door to the floor. Who did he think he was anyways?! The King? She wouldnt bow down to him, even if he was. Merlin determinedly went to look around her new rooms, making note of all the possible escape methods, weapons, and exits she could use. If

she had it her way, she wouldnt be staying there for very long and would try to escape at the first available opportunity. But what luck she had Escaping one wolf only to captured and held captive by another. Started 10/10/12 Completed 10/14/12

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